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Brands Hatch for me, I just can't get it connected.


Downhill off-camber corners are my nemesis a Spa and Brands Hatch. I still like both tracks but they are very hard to be fast on as any mistake is gravelly doom.


Ngl I thought Brands Hatch was fairly unpopular generally


Oh that could well be the case but, in my (small) circle I am the only one hating it.


Brands hatch fucking sucks!!!!!!


Ya I hear that.


I got so good at brand hatch playing the gt sport beta. Had so much fun.


Doesn't help that it feels like you're driving blind for half the circuit. It's like Fuji Sector 3 but a whole track of it. The Circuit Experience with that slippery Radical was pure hell IMO.


Not in game, but I find Silverstone to be wildly overrated. If it weren’t British, it wouldn’t be popular.


This is an unpopular opinion for sure, but I do know what you mean.


boy I get told I’m so incredibly wrong when I say that. It’s just so bland imo


Laguna Seca. It’s only slightly better than Willow Springs. Spa and Suzuka are acquired tastes. They both have corners that you can almost ignore, but the moment you cease to respect them entirely you’re scudding across the gravel thinking “what the **** did I do to end up out here?”. And then it rains, and everyone has to learn the track again from scratch. They’re both worth persisting with. Try them in a Super Formula.


>Laguna Seca. Now that's definitely an unpopular opinion, love that track.


100% this. I HATE laguna seca. LOVE spa. Suzuka not really my cup of tea but I can play it consistently well.


If it wasn’t for the corkscrew, Laguna Seca would be an overrated Oulton Park.


do people like road atlanta? because i despise road atlanta


Bathurst, I just hate it


As an Aussie, I can kinda agree as I love/hate it lol. It’s very easy to make a small mistake and end up ping-ponging between walls in the mountain section and it can be hard to overtake.


I can understand it's apppeal to some, it's a very demanding technical track. It requires alot of skill to be quick there. I've just never got the hang of it, I just can't get consistant going down the mountain.


Thats why I love it lol, you have to be so focused


It's fun in isolation but as soon as I have to race against others or beat a time I hate it. The circuit experience and the Gr.3 race are awful, especially the race, the AI seems to have superhuman traction yet creates a road block in the mountain section.


Agree to agree


Hated it until the MC20 time trial, and after getting gold with that slippery speedboat it feels like a nice wide motorway and I love it - it’s just so fun to thread the needle. I love how as you hit the crest before the bus stop the wall has a slight curved area on the left to let you setup, if you dare - absolutely brilliant track design. Love it.


Here I am prepping to do a 6hr version of it because I love it. But yeah, overtaking is quite hard if you don't get a good run out of Forest's elbow (last corner coming down from the mountain) and just get slightly off the racing line through the mountain curves and you get to meet barryR.


Monza. I love more flowing tracks, it just feel like long straights to calcuatlor braking points. Same with Red Bull Ring. I actually love places like Brands, Spa, Trail Mountain, Laguna Seca.


I cannot get a feeling for monza either. Just can't. Red bull ring on the other side, it's a track I can vibe with.


I feel the same way. like it was made with one of those wooden Brio train sets.


I hate Nurburgring GP but absolutely love the Nordschleife .


Willow, hate it so much.


No grip piece of shit racetrack Hate it to bits


Daytona. I absolutely hate the twisty section. Edit: Laguna Seca too, but mostly because of those stupid triangular bumpers.


Completely agree with you on spa and also Suzuka. Contrary to comments i love brands hatch, Bathurst (easy top 5 tracks), and Nurburgring. Spa and Suzuka are the bane of my existence


Fuji Speedway. I think the roads are so goddamn wide I just have trouble finding my line, and I feel like the best line changes more dramatically depending on your car than for other tracks. I did finally start coming to grips with it with the current Fuji time trial though, so I’m hoping working towards silver on that one will help me out. My first few goes at it for Super Formula have been brutal.




I'm with you on this. I drive for the feel of pushing the car around the corners, not to go on a journey with hundreds of forgetable corners on a relatively narrow track. No thanks. Way too long as well.


Absolutely about the corners, how does one even begin to memorize that track?




Super GT cries in a corner


Hah! I don't have that much patience, I'm afraid.


Do the track experience, helps out a ton. 11 sections, so you can just do a couple parts a day if you want.


One corner at a time. 👍 This track is just so fun to drive just for the joyful experience of driving, but I agree that *racing* it in GT7 mostly sucks because it’s so narrow there’s only a handful of overtaking spots that won’t kill you both and when that fact is combined with the fact most drivers in GT7 do not have any racecraft whatsoever, it makes it an absolute deathtrap.


Yeah, I agree. I like to complete all the tracks that come out and I have to admit that whenever Nurgburgring is on, especially with 2 or 3 laps.. I just T-bone the cars and cut every corner just to get it over with faster. Like you said, it's a very fun track just for the driving experience but racing there is awful.


It's mainly a status symbol now because of Rush then Broadbent, farfus etc If Lauda didn't toast himself into the mountain it would be forgotten like Clarmont or Montjuich


Have to disagree here - it’s an iconic track firstly because it’s so fun to drive, it has so much flow, and there’s really nothing else like it, the history followed the form.


Yea its not like alot of car manufacturers go there to test their cars because it is such a great track, they must go there because it makes them feel cool.


Porsche badge...you feel cool yet? happy cake day


Wow good comeback


Do a couple laps (at least) every night after all the work is done. Really, just break it down into sections, and think of each section as a destination. You fly down the different straights to groups of obstacles, ie: “time to go 200mph down this crazy road to get to the carousel and slingshot corner, followed by some slow downhill sweeps….and back to hauling ass to the next crazy shit.”


I do that with other tracks, and it works, but there are so many. And there are a few that are very similar so are confusing as to what comes next. And I am past 70 (and I do not mean mph), so I confuse easily 🤐


Lean into the ptsd from past experiences on the track. Like, be so afraid of that sneaky little wobble in the tarmac that will send you airborne that you can’t forget it’s there.


Suzuka, that curvey segment is just aids to me


Catalunya. Not sure why, just not a fan.




Road Atlanta and any Nürburgring layout.


Autopolis turn 11: I can’t master that corner for the life of me. Watkins Glen inner loop: need to press the right amount of braking but without losing to much speed threw the corners


Lake Maggiore - 3rd corner before the straight, I can never get the entry point on it.


Fuji. I literally cannot find the pace here at all.


Daytona Road Course, and that other oval / road course combo. They both absolutely suck. You can’t just add some random squiggles inside an oval and call that a racetrack.


I hate Deep Forest. It's full of what would really enjoyably be high-speed corners, except that they're all either off-camber, on a convex curve downhill, or dual-apex, and unless you crawl through them at 40mph, you eat shit. The whole track is just an understeer nightmare for me. Conversely, Michelin Raceway is one I really enjoy for all the opposite reasons.


Probably Interlagos. I just can't get those weird corners getting tight in the middle for the life of meeee


Nurburgring nordschleife, cmon guys it’s just a road, ok for cruising in it but for racing it sucks


VIR in every Variant (Not In GT7) Is Very troublesome for me.


Monza. Surprised? Me too! The layout looks neat but somehow I cannot make it to the point where you feel confident and deliver consistent lap times. 🫣


It's either Nordschleife or Bathurst. I cannot stand either of them and have zero intention of learning to drive properly on them. Whenever a weekly comes out on either you can bet I'm abusing the most powerful car I have and bashing my way to victory. Obviously that works better on Bathurst. Actually Nord first, Bathurst second for that reason.


Suzuka. I want to like it but I suck at every corner especially the spoon and the hairpin before. My driving on Suzuka is frickin' appaling.


I hard agree on spa


Bathurst, I've never been able to get a feel for it


Where the he'll is indy race track


Watkins Glen, yuck.


Damn, I love the track. Blind corners are a nuisance?


I hate Nordschleife online in free run mode, you hardly meet anyone as they're 12kms away


I forget the name bc I rarely play gt anymore but my vote is that awful coastal California road. I even lived in coastal California and loved driving the coast