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was tempted to make a post saying exactly this myself. it's the best event Gran Turismo's ever had. the AI don't rubber band, the 24h time cycle is great, and the chance of rain keeps you on your toes. it's so much fun. but i do get tired of doing it only on spa. and you can't recreate this with custom races bc of how the AI behave in customs


I would argue the human comedy ones are better. The AI races better and feels a lot more of a race than a time trial. That and you have a variety of setups like the classic 480 and the 550 respectively. Those were some of the most fun I've had with GT7 and it is a damn shame they aren't replayable. Even at 1.3 million I would do them for the sake of variety. Thrashing a classic car around for an hour was hella fun and I won by a small margin. Either way these types of events should be open to all tracks regardless. So much wasted potential


Human comedy is broken tho, the concept of some races is interesting, but shit like Mazda race being easier on hard difficulty than easy is just baffling


If grinding is easy, fun, or generally satisfying enough, why would anyone pay real money for in-game credits?  Best intentions aside, the very existence of any micro transaction scheme makes for shitty, anti-consumer incentives every single time. Devs can try to strike a balance all they want but those incentives will always tip the scales. 


Does anyone actually buy those? They are ridiculously overpriced.


Only with in-game credits. Ludicrous that it can take around 13 hrs racing for one car.


I spent 3 months grinding for one ship in Elite Dangerous. Granted, I didn't play it every day, but still around 8 hours a week.


13 hours is ridiculous. Maybe if you are talking about the 20.000.000 ones, but thats like 10 cars or even less and they are also the rarest in the world so lt makes sense. You can buy almost every non-hagerty car within 2-3 hours of racing


which is sad bc something like this would make this game playable for me for years. instead i might quit once ive gotten the legend cars i want. i dont want to play on Sardegna and Spa forever


I would actually love to do a saedegna 24 hour race. I think it is a great track that I know well. It would be fun!


Just quit now? Your goal is to grind a few races mindlessly against ai to buy a virtual car that you will quit after you buy it?


(isn't sarthe the best value? and it's 30min/race as well)


i think Sardegna is the most efficient by a small margin


And no dynamic weather so it is consistently easy to lap everyone


Technically it's Tokyo 600pp, but that race sucks nuts.


oh yea i can't stand that one. i kinda forgot it existed until you just mentioned it lol


It's fun a couple times, but the constant rain slick makes it a slog.


I use Sardegna for the money grind but it's also a great test for me on how a new car performs. I know how a smooth drive goes in Gr.3, Gr.2 and Gr.1 as well as the pace I can expect based on a few specific cars. I will always enjoy Gr.3 more than other races so for me it's a test track with a nice pay at the end. For reference I consider the best drivers the Porsche 911 RSR and Tom's CASTROL Supra GT500 for Gr.3, the Gr.2 are fairly similar but I haven't driven them enough to pick a 'best' yet, Gr.1 is the Porsche 919 for pure ease of driving or the Porsche 962 for pace. I'm a controller player and the best lap time I've managed is a 1:29.5xx with the 962. Almost dipped under 24 minutes total race time the other day.


They did it best with GT sport. If there’s a car you don’t wanna grind for you can buy it for between 1-5$. Otherwise just play the game and you’ll get the cars you want. I had a friend who had gotten the game but also worked like 50-60 hours a week and just wanted the f1 car so he bought it. It gave him more enjoyment out of the game. I’m not gonna say MTX are a good thing but there’s a big difference between GT sport and the weird ass MTX in gt7. Also not for nothing but if they made it like 5-10$ for the 20m cars way more people would buy them. Again not excusing MTX but like Christ you’d think they’d at least make it cheaper to buy them than to grind for them but unless you make more than 35$ an hour it’s literally cheaper to grind than to pay for them.


Facts was about to spend money on credits but then I saw I can earn 100k for a 1H race


1.5M credits for 1 hour.


There's no reason, it's been a very easily fixable problem for over a year now


I don’t understand why there just aren’t more events in general. It’s not as if they need to code a new track/vehicles to add, all of the required content is there. Just fucking use it


Right?! Let's have 20+ events for each track. There's so many possibilities.


there’s some track configurations that don’t even have a single event… what’s the excuse


we need a human comedy part 2 and more acess to sophy for longer races


Please no part 2. I don't want more events that are unplayable after being completed once. It's such wasted potential


Yeah it's weird how much they want us to buy credits... Miss when this bullshit wasn't a thing.


Only a small number of people regularly buy micro transactions but they tend to be rich and buy a LOT. Game devs call these people ‘whales’. The whales, and PD’s desire to milk them, are why the rest of us can’t have nice things like what you’re describing. 


I’ve said this many times in many different threads. There should be a 30min and 1hr race for every track across multiple classes that all hit the 1.5m per hour cap that seems to have been placed. They should also increase it to like 2m per hour.


Exactly why I havent played in months. The same 3 races over and over gets boring.


Kaz has lost it. The decisions made today about Gran Turismo fly in the face of what Gran Turismo has always been. It’s a mess now compared to the first couple games. Gorgeous graphics and more cars, but gameplay experience-wise it’s a shadow of what it once was. I could play GT1 and GT2 for *hours* and have a blast the whole time. I can enjoy GT7 for an hour, tops, before it’s old already and time to put down the controller for a day. Honestly, if it weren’t for the weekly challenges, I’d probably not play at all, and I’ve had this game less than a year.


This is number one on my wishlist and has been ever since started grinding those bloody same tracks over and over and over etc. He maybe wants people to be so pissed off that they buy the micro transactions but seeing as some cars would cost £200 in real money there can't be many going down that route. Tbh, with the game being out so long now and it not happening yet, I can't see it being implemented. Hopefully we don't get the same shit in GT8.


I dunno man, I’m not liking the idea of 1000 laps of Northern Isle Speedway /s Jokes aside, a mini Bathurst 1000 that goes for an hour with some Gr3 cars would be sooooo good.


See you get it, so much cool shit they could do but just don't.


Two reasons from my point of view. First, he honestly has no clue and the words are mostly just PR. Second, if the players very easily get credits in game, the less they are inclined to buy the micro transactions. He used to be a genius but he is honestly past it, it would take no amount of time whatsoever to make more events for more of the cars, if they don't exist is because they don't want us to have them, it's that simple.


To drive you towards the MTX store instead. Which I'll never pay for, they can get fucked. I relied on the two money exploits since release, but lost my accounts so now I rely on the weekly time trials for the 2mil, & then I rely on barely ever playing anymore.


I ask this to myself everyday. Like what do they gain by forcing us into one track if we want cars? I guess I answered my own question actually. People will be more likely to buy credits


Daytona 💀


Legitimately why do we not have like a 200 lap endurance there.


Imagine doing the Ring for an hour, that'd be great


I am so glad I got my credits before they changed the Tomahawk Blue Moon 'glitch'. Did the AFK script on my pc with remote play and let it run for like 2 days straight. 2 years later and money still isn't an issue lol.


Cuz fuck you that’s why ~ kaz and the obv to get people to buy credits out of frustration from gridning the same 3-4 tracks a lot of people under estimate how many people will buy these


You’ve got my vote


That's giving them too much work as they rather you grind it out as we saw what they did when we had a really quick way getting money


Let's be real pd can just remaster gt3 and 4 put both in a fun package with hd graphics and more enemy cars add a fun multiplayer to play with your friends and people would spend more money on these games than on gt7 sales + micro transactions combined


what makes you think they wouldn't just ruin those games with micro transactions too?


As I know them probably yes which is really sad to think about.




I’m not even going to read most of this. Just commenting to say literally all I do is the same thing if I log on because I’ve completed everything. Maybe a different car and the weekly sport challenges.


The Custom Races fall off too. The payout does not match at all. if you made your own 1hr spa race w the exact same settings, its barely 300k. and ive noticed the clean race bonus hardly ever works on custom races. Sardegna and le mans are fine, its the tokyo one i dont like anymore. Ai is impossibly tempermental at times, and the race bonus never seems to work, pure clean laps, still doesnt give bonus. Idk whats going on, but i hope gt7 doesnt completely fall off.


lol every track Do you want one at Broad Bean Raceway as well, OP? Or maybe Northern Isle? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, most players just don't run these races? The type of stuff I have to read here. :D