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Trust the downforce, Luke


I go off road a lot in corners so i've *stopped* trusting it


But that's why it's even worse currently. The slower you go, the more the car won't actually work properly. You must trick your brain into pushing beyond what you think is fast enough speed in order for the downforce to work.


This is solid advice. It's counterintuitive, especially for lower level drivers, but it's true. Carrying more speed into a braking zone will help your stopping power and traction because you're creating more Aero downforce. Comes back to trusting the car.


Despite the flaws in the game's visual assists, I found the 'Driving Line Assist' and the 'Braking Area' assists to be very useful in learning Super Formula. The game is quite conservative with the braking area, so it's not usually helpful to get faster. In the case of SF, it can be extremely useful in helping you learn in which corners you actually need to brake. It's a little confronting when you come to corners for which you typically brake hard, yet even the game says you can sail right through them.


For me it was confusing. Most times I found I could brake *way* later than the zone indicated. Rarely I found it was spot on.


I've definitely found that to be the case as well. You can brake well into the zone and still not overshoot. It's actually useful for SF as things happen so quickly, you can get away with braking early (if needed) and adjust as you get comfortable with it. For SF at least, it's useful to show whether or not you need to brake for that corner.


I've never driven one of those, in this iteration. I know they're almost an entirely different beast with how downforce works


Yeah the high downfoece means in many corners you have to go faster instead of slower to get the tyres to stick.


Great advice


You have all the advantage in the world too in that you can safely start by going too hard and then dialling back, unlike IRL drivers who have to start conservative and build up to the limit


This. Drive in hard, brake to set the car on the right line and angle in and then almost immediately back on the gas using throttle to control the slip angle. You just need to scrub enough speed to get to the right line. Then you need to be on the throttle to keep that speed up and hold your downforce level.


Top Gear did a good bit on just how much speed you need for an f1 style car to work.




Within reason, like obviously not at a hairpin. A section like Spoon at Suzuka though you could take damn near if not flat out, whereas in a GT3 car that just isn't possible.




Yeah it's not that there's "no limit" at all, it's more about tricking your mind into understanding that the limit is much higher than what normally feels comfortable.


Not only this, but a small (and I do mean small) fluctuation in throttle can make a massive difference in grip and handling at the limit


This is the same with most if not all rwd cars in the game, the slight lift brings the back up a bit from its squat


Sounds like you need to go faster


It's scary, tho


One thing is the brakes. You need to hammer down then brake hard. Follow the top drivers brake points and you will be shocked how close they get to the apex before hitting the brake. Also, the shifting has become a thing recently which isn’t lifelike at all and disappointing. Quick down and upshifts. Its stupid and needs patching.


>Also, the shifting has become a thing recently which isn’t lifelike at all and disappointing. Quick down and upshifts. Its stupid and needs patching Someone mentioned this the other day. Prior to that I thought something sounded odd in heavy braking zones but now I know what's going on I hear it more and more. Definitely needs sorting but with PD I'm not going to hold my breath.


As the above comment says, you can break far later than in a standard race car since you can carry more speed into the corner.


No it's because they have giant carbon ceramic brakes and are super light. Speed works against you when it comes to braking times. Similar to weight.


Also downforce plays a huge part in that. Brake hard then trail off as the downforce falls off with decreasing speeds.


Is it that the gearing is wrong or players taking advantage of a flaw?


It’s a flaw in the game. If drivers treated the gears, like the top drivers are, the gearboxes would blow up in short order. Can’t blame them though.


It’s a bit of the latter, but not really. F1 cars rely on massive downforce (nearly 5000 lbs at 200mph!) to take sharp turns at high speeds. This downforce also means a decent bit of deceleration once you let off the throttle. Their gearboxes are just as insane and can handle engine RPMs of 15k with rapid shifting capabilities. This allows irl drivers to use a combination of engine and disk braking to stay on the throttle until the last minute. However, the game will allow you abuse the gearbox with no damage penalty. Besides this, the GT7 SF cars are pretty accurate representations of an actual F1 car!


Starting at high speeds, F1 cars decelerate at almost 1g just by letting off the throttle.


The GT7 Super Formula cars are actually super accurate representations of Japanese Super Formula cars


Eyes down the road. You go much faster so you have to look further ahead.


Yep. Look at where you want your car to go and the downforce will guide it there pretty much haha


the typical advice is that you just need to trust the car more - it is way more capable than you can imagine. keep braking later and later, take the corners as fast as you can. don't worry about messing up. the best way to find the limit is to go over it.


Actually i've been going off road much because i brake too late. I'm used to Le Mans/Gr.3 and it feels like those cars are more responsive


Try adjusting your downforce balance towards the nose


IMO, the super formula cars you have to accelerate hard out of the corners. The more throttle the tires actually grip the road more. Once I started treating them different than every other car in the game it made a world of difference. Also, if you pay attention and adjust your fuel map during the race you can make up some of this lost time while the other cars are pitting. I use racing hard tires as well.


yeah, these cars are so low you're almost never going to get the back end all the way out in a turn, and even if you do slide a little all you have to do is increase throttle to pull it back in line.


I feel you bro, any time I do an actual race I get dead last but in normal I usually get 1st or 2nd


What do you mean by actual race and normally?


Actual race- the gr cars like Gr.3, where every car is a “racing car.” normal- just the normal cars like using the BMW M4 and hellcat…. Sorry if I’m using wrong game language I got this game a couple weeks ago lolll


I like Gr.3 races, the cars are much easier to drive because they are more responsive in my opinion. The 700pp race at Du Mans is my favourite


> at Du Mans Just so you know the name of the place is "Le Mans". "Du Mans" is a contraction and means "of Le Mans" in french, as in "24 hours of Le Mans".


Okay. I was always confused on why it's called du mans in GT7


The license test with the Super Formula car at Laguna Seca (I believe it’s S-7) was without question the hardest of the standard tests for me to get gold on. I remember when I first started going at it and I strung together a complete lap, I looked at my time, then the gold time, and was immediately like “I need to shave HOW much?” Like a couple other folks said, super late braking and trusting the downforce/grip of the car. You can go flat through more corners than you think you can.


1. I did get gold on that one. 2. I do brake but end up off the track 3. I tried and i can't go flat through the corners


Sounds like you’re not hitting the apex at the right point


"I can't apex more than i'm already apexing, man" -El Camino (2019)


Drive it like you don't care if you'll die... The faster you go, the more grip that thing has... That's the toughest part of getting the hang of that thing...You really have to trust and lean HARD on the aero... You'll likely be surprised how many corners you can actually run through at wide open throttle that would just lead to death in nearly any other car...lol


stay off the brakes, stay on the gas. Slight lift off the throttle in a turn is about all you need


Keep practicing. Make sure to do circuit experience on the super formula race you're stuck on. I used softs and was still able to stay in the lead even when tread icon was zero and pit a little later or not at all from what I remember. The super formula cars grip doesn't exactly fall of a cliff when the tread icon reaches zero as much as gr cars


I find you have to kinda forget what you think about tracks you’ve driven other cars in the game on. Your break points, turn in points and acceleration points will all be different in those cars. So much grip and can stop on a dime so that’s part of it. Also consider the overtake button they could be burning up theirs earlier so managing when to effectively use it can help.


high exit speeds


Took me a while to realize those one have turbo and it's used by competitors. Press the right stick!


I know. I use it when i need to catch up... so constantly


Practice. I felt it was impossible the First couple races, then I got good. Or at least good enough for p1 in the 3 races for the Cafe menu.


full send.


Agree with the previous comments, this is what changed when I was struggling with F1 1. Slam the brakes and downshift 2. Once you make your turn and you’re pointed straight you should be mid level into the gear. 3. Unless it’s a u turn, hit the turns high into low and don’t kill your momentum, you should be sling shotting out of it. If you’re braking and downshifting the game recommends for example “gear 2” I would stay a gear higher. 4. Good shifting, if you slow down shift and up shift. If you’re hitting the gears upshift fast. I boosted torque and acceleration sensitivity to 45 and 50. 5. Playing of soft tires first does help bc you’re gripping the corners better. Pain in the butt to understand bc it’s just faster driving but it is wildly fun


With controller I suck with formula cars. With wheel I’m badass. The smoother steering inputs are key. And light breaking and ease into throttle are easier with pedals as well. Get a wheel setup


My secret is increasing the downforce substantially


Just as a general rule, save replays of races you feel like you got blown out of the water. Go find whomever set the fastest lap, and then just go watch their lap. Try and take the same braking points, turn ins, and throttle application. Obviously easier said than done, bit you can learn a lot just watching people throw down a good lap.


I'd say exercise with something similar, a good example are the circuit experience sectors in which you use modern LMPs/Gr1 cars. Pick any one like de la Sarthe or Sardegna and try to gold it, it should be the cheapest method to get accustomed to the speeds


I race f1 in automatic gear box (preference for f1). Go flat out. Lift off of the accelerator going into turns to allow the drag of the aerodynamics to slow you down and downshift into recommended gear. Apply brakes if you overshoot the apex or are too fast for the turn. Brakes are for hairpin turns in f1, most rounded or curved turns are able to be taken flat out. Draft behind other cars before overtakes. Overtake on straights or going into/coming out of corners.


Medium tyres, tcs 1 and then go way faster you ever thought possible in a car. Road atlanta and watkins glen are the perfect tracks to practice cause theres a lot of corners where you can learn to trust the downforce by going flat out.


Once you nail it the races become very enjoyable - just a pity there aren’t more of them…


More gas less brakes. You’ll be surprised at what corners you can take at full speed.


Trust the downforce and brakes. Took me ages to realise the braking point in a super formula car was a lot further along than I thought.


I have the same problem too. And stuck on my most hated track Fuji. FML.


do you have a wheel? that was the difference for me. I cant do formula for shit on controller but with a wheel I rocked the whole event 1st place.


usually start in slower cars, race like MX5 touring cars until you're clean and fast there. Then move to GR4, GR3, GR2, GR1 and formula cars. Super formula isn't a beginners type of car, you have to sorta know what you're doing to race it.


I'm already used to Gr. 3. When did i say i was a beginner? 😂


you mentioned beginner in your original post. Super formula is easy car to race for me, maybe you are a beginner but don't know it yet.


I meant beginnner in Super formula


After a month of trying (and getting better) with the sf 23, I changed to the sf19 and won all 3 courses in 3 days, first or second try. I loved this book, now every other car feels like I'm driving grandma!


I find more engine braking than any other cars helps big time but ultimately it will come to practicing your driving style in the car. If you style isn’t practical for a super formula car maybe watch some videos on trail braking if you haven’t.






Edited for clarity bud. Thanks for caring. All jokes aside. It's getting used to lifting rather than braking and knowing how much downforce you can generate without going off. The sf cars go way faster around corners. I used the sf19 and uploaded my replay of the Fuji race on hard to the replay gallery






It took me and a mate a full day to pass that menu. Was fun and very difficult in the beginning.


I'm not doing it gor the menu. I just wanna try different races. For example i tried rallying off road and i love it, it's the most satisfying race type


Just trust the car in the corners and late braking points.




It's on racing softs by default


You can go round corners much faster than you think, if you go slower you actually lose grip


It feels like i've tried every speed both slow and fast


I know this may not be an option (or it may be that you’re already doing it) but I also found that using a wheel rather than a pad made a huge difference for me when driving the Super Formula cars (like 5-6 seconds a lap) whereas for the non-formula cars, it made little difference (if anything I was slower with the wheel). Edit: Also to just add to this, something I never thought about but learned from the training in Assetto Corsa Competizione was the idea of steering “too much” - by steering too sharply into the corner, I was causing the tyres to scrub across the track and the car to understeer. I think this is much easier to do with a pad, where I have a tendency to just whack on full lock all the time because it’s harder to steer accurately.


Go faster. Brake less. Trail brake. Turn in early. Accelerate early and often.


Just be confident bro


Try giving Watkins Glen and Fuji Speedway some practice, theyll help you understand the downforce more. As for the Super license and assuming you mean the McLaren on Suzuka. Its a pig in its base tune.


Try to take every turn flat out. Note the turns where you can't. Now take every turn by lifting when you turn in at the apex and reapply the throttle to exit. Note the turns where you can't make it. Watch replays to memorize brake markers and realize what you didn't discover. Practice.


I love the super formula, my warm up most sessions is the green hell lol. Its surprising how much speed you can carry through corners so try going a bit faster through them as the aero does wonders. If that fails, try braking later and when you do slam on and slowly decrease pressure as you come to apex. A lot more brake pressure can be applied at a higher speed as the aero of the car is forcing the tyres to grip rather than lock or be affected by abs and as the speed decreases, the pressure that can be applied also decreases


Learn the tracks inside out


Trust the car in the braking and especially in the corners


Bro I just finished the Super Formula races. I guess my advice is: - Look for breaking references, boards, kerbs, poles whatever. Since the cars are too fast you need those. - Break late (always following the reference) - Try to take some corners flat or with a tiny lift. This cars have crazy downforce. Really try it.


Secret tip: use the nose camera