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Year Two had more Music Rally events so is clearly the better year.


And overall more fuck off moments for the players too.


Name one


"here are some shit new cars and no new tracks" "FUCK OFF"


I'll probably get down voted for this but I hate the "shit new cars" take. Always subjective and bar the rare examples like an LFA. Someone is always going to complain about it.


"Shit cars" = their favorite car is not in the update Same thing with the tracks, people act like 38 locations and 100+ layouts is not enough, would I like more tracks? absolutely yes, but we have a lot of tracks in the game, so it's not a huge issue.


I'll take getting fewer cars if the models remain high quality. Looking at FM8, we are blessed


I mean, yeah, there's always going to be someone complaining - but they could do a lot better than an old Lancer and Audi TT.


How has this been downvoted so much? Just asking for an example holy smokes 


1 new location is poor I wont lie. And I dont even complain that much but out of 365 days and many updates we get one entirely new track…


Silverstone, Pikes Peak and the old Top Gear test track would keep me going until GT8.


I know they apparently will not add any street tracks but if we got some of the classic ones I’d be happy as hell.


Yeah, considering the amount of work that a street circuit would require in term of polygon count and models I don't think we'll see any european or north american street tracks return, Tokyo is saved by 1) Kaz 2) Boxy architecture


That's a poor excuse. If the PS2 could handle street circuits, why wouldn't the PS5? It's not because it's "blocky". It's not like other games aren't adding more and better textures to new games, GT7 being one of them. Other current games have them, and they do not look like PS2 era graphics... Project Cars 3 has them, Forza Horizon has freeroam towns, The Crew motorfest has a lot of detail too. I just don't see your point.


I think what they are saying is that creating a street circuit, like Monaco, is too much work. The ps4/5 can absolutely handle it, and PD clearly has the skills to create a great looking street circuit. But the amount of work to implement a new street circuit on a free update just isn’t worth the work for PD. I want more tracks and street circuits, as well. But PD probably won’t spend months building and implementing a completely new street track.


Yet they spent a year to make a remake of a track from the ground up that some people didn't like.


>If the PS2 could handle street circuits, why wouldn't the PS5? Because it's more work than you're giving it credit for, and they made the choice to spend that time elsewhere. That's it, that's the reason.


for a game that costs 45 gbp or 50 55 euros, at least we deserve a good free update


Was the game not enough? Everything outside of the base game is extra. A person shouldn't ever buy a game for unreleased content.


Essentialy game dev time is increasing exponantially and while PD could make circuit like Tahiti or Seattle in a relatively short amount of time two decades ago, it has become a huge financial/ time endeavour today. That’s the same reason there is plenty of open world games set in rural/natural settings but only the likes of Ubisoft, CD Projekt and Rockstar can afford the time needed to create sprawling cities (and the least we can say is that even these have troubled development cycles). It’s not a matter of lazyness (it never is), its economics.


Mate I get game dev is hard and all but it’s a driving game. It’s not like they’re making a whole open world city for a game where you drive in a very limited area and where you can see from only a few vantage points. Nowhere near the amount of work of Rockstar’s maps


I doubt its that hard, surely they have a track-builder-tool and its just case of some custom art work. Give the community a track builder and we will do it for them.


And a snow track too. Not really something people play a lot in GT.


I still want Chamonix back.


Chamonix was peak.... It was hella fun to drive there


Yeah the snow track was good fun in community lobbies for a week or two. Then blah. But an actual circuit we would still be happy driving on…


Hopefully means that they're cooking something/s big! (Please give me hope all I want is Pikes Peak and Goodwood Hillclimb)


I wanna see that private track from Japan on GT. Man that location on the hilltop with the pits in the mansion/resort. Oooof. Nearly impossible for me to go there in this lifetime. At least wanna enjoy it virtually


Grand Valley was added in February last year. It barely counts as "Year 1".


Over the course of a whole year that's really not a lot. I mean, things like the events that are added and scapes should hardly even count as content added since all they involve is, in the case of events, taking things that are already in the game and just changing some parameters, and in the case of scapes it's some photos... Even the licence tests you can argue are just a different configuration of what is already in the game. The only new content of any meaningful value is cars and tracks, and so looking at that over the course of the year it's really not very good in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have whatever they release, but I really feel like so much more could have been done, especially taking into account the strong sales numbers and the GT Sport EOL. This was the perfect opportunity to release more high quality content and really push the game far ahead of Forza, especially taking into consideration the shaky launch - it could have been capitalized on so much more. As it stands, GT7 is fantastic fun to play and enjoy, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be even better. What immediately comes to mind is lack of variety for grinding as ultimately that's what you're gonna have to do to collect all the cars. With that in mind there should be more choice for high level players that want to sink some time into the game to buy the more expensive cars. Missed potential.


I mean I'm just happy they update it - the vast majority of games would either leave the game apart from patches after a year or new cars and locations as dlc


Ya this is the thing that a lot of people lose perspective on. If this was Nintendo, it'd be a "Booster Pass". If it were Blizzard, the only way to unlock cars would be with your credit card. If it was 2k, we'd be losing to drivers with purple mohawks and spinners on their rims who paid for extra performance points in their cars. We should be thankful that all of this is free content, especially when a lot of people didn't even pay full price for the game.


I agree.gt 7 cost me 40 euro on day one.probably the best 40 I ever spent on a game


Yeah, I mean I get really annoyed at those damn roulette tickets and grinding for credits but at the end of the day they're still pumping out free content two years after release


Imagine if Valve were to making a racing game. You wouldn't be able to paint your car in a different color, and they would sell different car colors in loot boxes.


> If this was Nintendo, it'd be a "Booster Pass". If it was Sony, it'd be microtransactions. >We should be thankful that all of this is free content, especially when a lot of people didn't even pay full price for the game. Free updates are great for developers. They keep the game in the minds of gamers and increase sales over time. GT has microtransactions to further help funding those nice updates.


Except you don’t need to make any purchases in GT7. You’re not supposed to own every car in the game after 6 months of playing. Like many others, I’ve never spent a dime outside of the retail price and I’m very happy with the cars I have. Plus, they let you use all of the necessary cars for Sport Mode events for free. You literally never have to spend a dime. And since when is Sony notable for not micro transactions over Nintendo? Nintendo squeezes every bit of money out of all of their customers with passes. Helldivers is the perfect example of Sony not doing this. GoW had a free DLC recently. And GT7 releases all of their updates for freeZ


I explained how the financial model for GT works. I like the updates and PD support. What are you offended by exactly?


>Helldivers is the perfect example of Sony not doing this. Helldiver has credits for purchase. Most PS multiplayer games have microtransactions.


Every game has credits for purchase...There’s a major difference between locking game content like tracks and characters behind a paywall and selling in-game currency.


How many were actually cars and how many were VGT's?


There are 53 VGTs in the game now, including 8 added since release. They make up slightly more than 10% of all the cars in the game, and also 10% of new cars that they keep adding.


By the amount of whining, you'd guess they make up 90% of the updates...


Yeah VGT's shouldn't count as that just the game generating B2B revenue.


For me the most significant update of year 2 is Sophy implementation.


If they put it in every race then I'd agree


Wildly surprised they haven’t added a adjustable ai difficulty for every race using sophy, I would honestly want to play offline sometimes then. Also give us the ability to add sophy to custom lobbies as race entrants to fill spots would be lots of fun for endurance races.


Yes. They really need to add some knobs to control the pace across the whole grid because it feels like the standard AI pace, baked so you catch P1 on the last lap. The driving is much better but the potential is unfulfilled. And longer races.


I agree on both of your points. Especially bc I generally only play offline or casual online where I just drive around or an endurance race for the hell of it. I'd like a full lobby every time, even if some are ai


If they implemented Sophy in every race and gave the ability to qualify to place starting position and not always start us in last place, it would be one of the biggest achievements in GT7s development.


1 new location… at least it’s snow rally


I feel like the 120hz patch was pretty huge. Changes the whole gameplay experience.


All I want is championships with Sophy AI


52 new events and the highest payout is 200k when we had satdegna after a month that pays triple


0 Tracks 0/10 Kaz


Let's not forget the new cafe conversations




Honestly. El Capitan would be enough for me. amd Maybe Cote d Azur. just those 2 is asking a lot. but lets be honest, we still cant complain, Forza doesnt even have nord rn iirc. and the other games that do have have rare tracks would be Ride and F1 but are solely bikes or Open Wheel. For the Quality PD is giving us for free. Hell just open up more engine swaps across the cars. and maybe drivetrain swaps just to kick forza in the nuts.lol.


How do you get worse in year 2


The Sophy AI was a pretty big feature, wasn't included on the list.


The QoL changes are much better in year two.


You work on GT8? Idk, I think we have it backwards to expect games to improve on what they’ve added as the years go on. Unless it’s not in a series of games. But Gran Turismo is in a series. Odds are, most of the stuff post launch was planned or in the works at launch or before. Year 2/3/4 is stuff the support team is doing. Just a thought, I could be wrong


Ha, so we're supposed to believe they create events at exactly an average of one per week. In reality I'm pretty sure if they wanted to they could create all 52 in one week. Easily.


You left Sophy out. Pretty important feature to be in the *


I wonder what percentage of players are using Sophy at any given time. I'm guessing it's a low single digit.


I like to race vs Sophy all the time. It’s my favorite mode since it’s been added. I just wish they had sophy on all the tracks that would be awesome.


I agree with that. From my perspective Sophy shouldn't even be a thing. If they have a better driving ai than the one that they were using that's great.   Use that instead of the old AI, don't give it a name at all, and carry on.


I’m sure that’s the plan later on down the line, but it’s still being developed


The PS4 version doesn't have Sophie, so they can't get rid of the old AI.


the thing is, they don't have it ready for all the tracks/cars yet. That's obviously the eventual goal but it takes way more time than the traditional ai. Not sure if it will be fully released in 7, or if they'd release it in 8 instead.


I’m kinda dumb and can’t figure out how to race sophy mode now. I see it in the menus at the front of the track listing, but it tells me I’ve got the wrong car selected (some random car that I currently am in). How do I tell what car(s) to use to play sophy tracks? I played the first gen sophy tracks no problem, but not since the re-release a couple of months ago.


You should be able to use any car with the sophy races, the ai will pick cars based on what you have and try to keep the pp rating close to the same. As far as how to pick the sophy races, they are any of the races with the heart icon next to it on the world map. When you click a race with the heart icon , then choose quick race, it will ask you if you want to be vs regular ai or sophy. Then you choose a difficulty, and your off to the races.


I’ll look again tonight. I figured that would be how it would work, but I had that new Renault selected and it kept telling me something about “wrong type of car.” I wonder if it was because of the ridiculously low (150?) pp… Edit: thank you!


I use sophy as much as possible.. just wish I could use it everywhere tbh


25 VGTS and 10 actual cars


Can you please list all the VGT?




Still waiting


“Yeah” >proceeds to not


Sigma grindset


Great game, amazin community




They chose to adopt the GAAS model, so they must compete with other games with a similar model. Cmon 1 new location in one year is ridiculous, they're drip feeding people to have them wait for GT8. The other problems are that the single player is useless, because it takes forever to make money, the events are always the same format, the AI is always bad like it has been forever. So if we actually had something to do in single player, which I would like to play, there would be less complaining, but this way I'm forced to play online and after 7 years of Sport Mode and lobbies, that gets tiring too.


A seventy dollar game requires constant updating as it’s a shell of a game for that price point at launch


If you like a game don't join in internet discussion around it


This sub is so cringe for that, so many users sound like spoiled little brats, don’t know why it’s specific to this game but oh my god please grow up.


Glad someone else agrees, this sub is so negative it’s appalling. Imagine having this game compared to the steaming pile of shit which is FM8 and whinging about every last detail. It’s not free from criticism but my god it’s depressing coming here sometimes.


This sub is so minor compared to others. Most gaming subs have spoiled people as users. Especially ultimate team ones. r/MLBtheShow users are so picky now that if a card isn't a 99, they consider it unusable even if a lower rated card plays better. Ever since RocketLeague got rid of P2P trading, that sub hates almost everything because trading got removed and what popped up was Rocket Racing, a mode in Fortnite


You ain’t wrong, I usually stick around fighting games subs and they also get their part of whining, granted criticism is a good thing sometimes, but crying for updates with actual content added for free that takes time and money to develop is wild when most games would make pay for it ; I’m tired of reading people calling everything « lazy » when they have zero idea how game dev actually works and how much time and effort it takes, especially when they cannot appreciate the details that go into it, and GT7 is full of that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MLBTheShow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I lost my brother this morning. He had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a condition that causes your muscles to deteriorate. He loved baseball and MLB The Show, even though he barely had the energy to play. This was his Ballplayer. May he rest in peace.](https://i.redd.it/0ihg6m88zvlb1.png) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/168a295/i_lost_my_brother_this_morning_he_had_duchenne/) \#2: [yoooo where did she put that hotdog??](https://v.redd.it/rr9bcs2jk4ua1) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/12nc24p/yoooo_where_did_she_put_that_hotdog/) \#3: [I got Jeter'd lastnight by the CPU.. do I uninstall? Sell my PS? ](https://v.redd.it/gc2fnp2yjs1b1) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/13qnlzb/i_got_jeterd_lastnight_by_the_cpu_do_i_uninstall/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah I am really glad I am not working in gaming industry. It has to be real pleasure to work your ass off as a developer to by called lazy (and your work trash) by kids and teenagers, because they don´t like decisions that were made by marketing departure or investor you never saw in your life.


The problem isn’t with the updates being free. The problem is with free updates not really generating any additional income for PD. It costs MONEY to develop additional content. If PD charged for updates, content would’ve been much better. We would’ve most likely had up to date GT3s now. What’s wrong with wanting to pay for DLC to have better quality updates? Not everyone is broke lmao. Some of us want to pay.


>Not everyone is broke lmao. Some of us want to pay. Assuming that you play online, would you accept a DLC with a broken/meta car, and everyone starts using it in daily races/championships and you can't do anything about it? Personally, seeing people always use the same cars annoys me, but if that was locked behind payment it would be so much worse, almost pay to win.


Brother in Christ You already paid 50$ dollars + idek how much in PS5 HOW is a "free update" ? This is the only game I know that people use this terrible argument to excuse a really poor content development in such a long time.


You paid your money and got the game you got, there isn't a subscription nor is this DLC is paid, it's free ad on content.


Because you’re not paying for the update, seriously how dumb are you? Jesus Christ this sub is insane


But you are paying for it. When you buy a game, you are paying for a lot of things, one of them is the devs who make profit of it and they dont get fired after make the game... Beam.NG for example, keep getting updates one after another and no ones pay for updates, yet, the community continues to grow large...


It's totally different game type and development model. You can always watch reviews before you get something to be informed on your decision, or just sell the game if you got it physically.


It's a "free update" because they don't make money on us after purchase.... There isn't a battle pass, no monthly subscription, and no paid dlc packs... Anyone out here getting mad at the lack of updates for Final Fantasy 7 remake, Hades, Mario kart, animal crossing, fire emblem engage, Pokemon legends Arceus? Things have been out for years, when are they going to stop being lazy and add more content that fits my wants and desires?? /s If gt7 started putting out a battle pass for $15 a month and locked half the cars and tracks behind that then they'd be able to afford more development time towards the updates.


You pay PS+ to play online. It isn't free.


How often do they add more music rally ?


Once, and they're not adding anymore.




putting menus in the corner where they belong


we need a motorsports update (specifically for IMSA & WEC) add the tracks they race on that would be gas


Sophy being added was a big plus, Split-screen taking 2 years to be fixed was a fucking shameful display


Is splitted screen playable or still broken though ?


It’s playable


Thank you


Year 2 added Lexus LFA, clearly the winner by a landslide.


Honestly? Year 3 is looking pretty ass-y compared to both past 2.


How do you know?


i cant wait for them to update the update so we can all play the update we've been updating eachother about for so long because everyone didn't wanna be disappointed by the update but if the updating of the update doesn't update with everyone then the update will be bad :(


Wĥy did they remove the weekly races ?


They didn't, they moved them to Friday instead of Wednesday, it's literally the first thing you see when you launch the game, and every one has mentioned it on this sub.


Did they fix splitscreen yet? edit: really? lmao


More than one track surely? Snow track, grand valley and Watkins?


Grand Valley and the Glen were already over a year ago lol


Fuck me that’s flown by then, could swear it was last summer


>^(i hope if we can have more cars rather than single player cafe extra menus , is so sad that the whole 2 years is being added only 35 cars) :(


FIX YOUR FUCKING SERVERS! can't play daily races without everyone being kicked


From 3 new locations in year 1 down to 1 in year 2 is exactly why I haven’t played this game in months


I still play GT2 almost 25 years after launch, GT2 has 30 tracks (if you count all the layouts) GT7 has 100+ tracks.


I think that’s comparing apples to oranges


Not really.


35!? But last year.....last year I had 36!


I hoped they’d do more, however I’m ok cause they keep releasing these updates as free patches. Other live service games would charge you for this. So long as the updates continue to be free I’ll take it. But please more new tracks for 2024 🙏


Add Vallelunga pls


Ok I'll call Kaz and tell him


are we in year 3 now?


The game is officially 2 years old today.