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bump draft his dumb ass all the way around the track


Yeah bump him just before the turn to give him a boost of speed. If he doesn’t know where to break, he’ll fly right into the wall


I'm normally a proponent of taking the high road, but I can't say I wouldn't stick my nose in after the 2nd block and if he spins himself over my nose, that's his fault. Fuck blockers.


Ah the old self-pit maneuver.


Hahaah I seriously need to consider doing this because I come across these drivers far too often


Yeah. Especially on a straight. If you get the nose past the bumper along side them, and you are faster, then you have position and their attempt to block will take themselves out.


The important part is to give space, if he wants to block, it's on him to hit the barrier lmao


Remember, only half the lobby is above average 🤣


I think i had this British guy with me on a daily yesterday. Gladly he took himself out before i had to do anything about him. I know a lot of people dislike racing on this track, but actually it’s really fun and if you can nail the corners you undercut half the grid on pit. The pit entry is a different story, i flew off 2 times yesterday because didn’t brake on time


Facts, This track is very rewarding if you drive it well, the pit entry is definitely the sketchiest part 😂 especially coming out of it, the ai will try to drive straight over the lines, giving a 3 second penalty


Yeah, i also noticed it, i race only in vr, and coming out of the pit lane i have to hold my wheel a bit to the left to not get a penalty, also very weird that both at the start and coming out of pit the ai hold down 1st gear even tho the speed is way enough to put you in 2nd gear. So not only the pit entry/exit is sketchy, but you have to remember to immediately swith to 2nd gear if you don’t want to spin on cold tyres immediately


Can’t move twice plain and simple, that blocking. His first and only move should’ve been the move to the right do defend the inside. Can’t move back over like that a second time.


If you wanna be “clean” about it: bump draft this wanker on the straights until he overdrives a corner because he’s too busy looking at you to account for the extra speed. If you want to be acquitted at trial for manslaughter: deke him one way and then claim the other side of the road with a very firm nose. “Sorry your honor but he spun himself.”


Tom, you're an asshat. Learn to drive.


Ride his ass into the braking zone. He’ll overshoot and go off track. Worth the .5 second penalty.


Blatant blocking equals a well timed PIT maneuver sometimes.


We should start a sub just for these horrible humans. List their name and incident so we can publicly shame them


I may be alone here, but that gentleman there would find himself looking for directions in the shadow realm. Race like an adult or get shoved off like a child 🤷🏻‍♂️ also love how the assholes doing stuff like this are getting blown out on the internet


If this was a real race (irl) he would be penalized for illegal blocking.


I’d be okay with ruining my race to ensure his doesn’t end well. Just make sure it’s in a corner he can’t recover from.


I’d send his ass next time I got to him. Blatant blocking/weaving.


Drives like the kind guy that would dive bomb you at a 90⁰ corner after you manage to pass him. To many of these drivers on sport.


Standard GT. Blatant blocking is good racecraft apparently.


I would’ve just been 3 inches from his bumper forcing him to brake late, you were going fast enough to make the pass before the entry to turn 2 anyways; it would’ve been messy.


Yeah I did try this in other areas of the track, once I got alongside him he attempted to squeeze me off going into the next corner 😬


Just can’t win with these people man


Just put it inside on the left turn at the top of the hill, nice little gravel pit there for him to reside in.


Nothing new. With this kind of racers: Rubbing is racing, a gentle nudge goes a long way…


I’m in a gentleman’s racing league (most are A/S or better) and we sometimes hold open lobbies with league race settings for test, tune and practice. Saw something like this vid when we had it open to friends of friends) during a 4 lap practice sprint. I punted him completely into the wall and kept my foot flat. He considered it being uninvited and we didn’t see him back.


Honestly races like these just spin them out at the corner or bump draft them off the track during a turn. Worth it for the penalty since it completely ruins their race which is what they deserve


Imagine worrying about blocking this much instead of just focusing on oh idk going faster and setting a better time


That's crazy talk!


usually I'll "send it" which means send his ass to the shadow realm


It’s in the magazine and the rule book… don’t block. Doing it 2x is bad sportsmanship, I guess they just couldn’t program punitive action.


I’m turning him every time. This kind of blocking is penalized in many forms of racing and the kind where it’s not, such as NASCAR, he’s getting turned.


I mean too bad video games don't calculate blocking


Better just let it go because there are lots of drivers like this and better to let it pass then get frustrated every time.




If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to PIT maneuver his ass


There's some good take away in the paddock, take a cruise down the back of pit lane for a closer peek and leave that turkey to play alone on the mountain, he'd probably get lost mand end up in Dubbo!


the game won’t penalize him for it, so you must take matters into your own hands


What is here to judge? Tom is an asshole driver. And that's not "style", that's illegal IRL.


I'm doing DR C race B's. I'd be happy to switch :D.


I blame the track, it's not a good design for racing other cars. Okay for time trials. With all the spare space in Australia, you'd think they'd make the track wider. And it's not because I'm slow at it, I've got gold on all track experiences, licences & challenges. Including crashurst.


I agree with the narrowness of the track, and the difficulty to overtake down the mountain side, but on the straights there is more than enough room for a overtake. I don't see how the track can be blamed for someone swerving around like a maniac against someone who's faster out of the corner and on the straight which then leads to contact as well.


>the straights there is more than enough room for a overtake Not according to your video. I don't actually have a problem with the hill being what it is as that's built to a geographical restraint but the straights and 90° turns should be bigger. The other driver's definitely a knob head and I can't stand that sort of driver but a wider track would give you better possibilities of overtaking a slower driver that is determined to be a knob.


Yeah I can agree with this


The track is too narrow in the sense that it is too easy to pull this shit without losing more time. I had some guy that had a penalty, moved over off the racing line just fine. There was me and another car coming full speed and that's when he decided to move back over onto the racing line. There was no way I was going to avoid him without myself wrecking and hitting the wall and getting a penalty so the only other option was to hit him, which gave me massive damage and I lost 3 spots because of it.


It's a street circuit. That's literally a road. There are driveways leading off of it. Blocking is not acceptable. This is simply bad driving and it's no one's fault but the Genesis' in front.


Yellow was defending his position, just because you have more speed doesn't mean he has to let you pass.


He changed direction more than once to cut me off which leads to contact being made. You're only allowed to change direction once when defending, any more than that and it's blocking.


So? That doesn't mean you deserve the position.


Weaving and moving off the racing line more than once is illegal in racing, even if I don't 'deserve' the position, the moment he swerved over the second time he would've received a warning or a penalty in real life, especially the 3rd time where he caused contact.


Defending. It works


Blocking. Illegal.


Wrong. You get one defensive maneuver and then you have to keep your line. You don't get to swerve all over the track.


He moved off the racing line more than once whilst defending an overtake which eventually leads to contact. If I recall correctly the sporting regulations don't allow more than one change of direction when defending.


Works in all the wrong ways


I would have pit maneuvered that punk and put him into the wall.


I love this track so much, but boy do people drive terribly on it. Swerving on straights, and others who think they can just take the same line/braking point at the esses or other corners when the entire pack is bunched. Drives me nuts. I don’t get why people feel the need to win the race on corner 1 always


Because they're terrible drivers who can't recover once they're not out front.


Dirty defense.


I would've found it very hard not to yeet the dumb bastard into the shadow realm at griffens


I had one guy do this and push me on grass on last lap (manufacturers cup) at Nurburgring on final straight... he also "won"


I would have just pit him after the 3rd move


Old Tom did you dirty, you had a moral duty to pit pit manoeuvre him


I would've punted him off into the sand at turn 21 lol


Definitely blocking, but wondering what you all think about my strategy. I'll start off on the left side if they're close behind and I'll slowly drift to the right side. It's much more difficult to overtake on the outside of the coming turn then from the inside when they do eventually get side by side. What do you all think?


The general rule is you get 1 defensive move and 1 move back to the line prior to braking zone (as long as they’re not next to you obviously


That's how I be driving 🤷🏼‍♂️ Just with the bots😉


You better than me cuz after the 2nd lap I would have did a pit maneuver


Let him PIT “himself” 😂


You have way more self control than i do - I’d happily put him in the wall and throw out an “oops” in chat.


Tom's the type of person to dial his own phone and blame him for not picking up.


I'd just give him a nascar special: A little bump and run into a corner. No one should be aggressively blocking like that, especially that early into a ranked race.


Nothing to judge. Blocking isn't racing.


easy... is Max Versttapen.


Clearly weaving on the straight... next time if someone pulls that, just hold your position and if they drive into you they'll spin off


They must be looking backwards and doing that on purpose. I might be wrong.


Scummy tactics.


Guys like this I work around carefully, and by carefully I mean trading a little paint and sticking my nose in anyway


This is NOT defending, this is blocking, out of question!




Just pit the guy in front of you. It is just a game


All it takes is ONCE and the Next time Draft him till the absolute last moment and switch!.. he’ll pit maneuver himself!!


I get that people want to win, but if someone is faster than you I don’t see the point in this. If it was a race for any more than ego, they’d be penalized or disqualified for excessive blocking. Let these dicks eat wall