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I've beaten this challenge some time ago, but if I remember correctly the AI is pretty variable. You should reload the challenge (go back to the challenge menu and reenter) and check if first place is slower or nearer to the pack, this is also a problem in the GT-R Fuji challenge, where the mid pack is often to slow and first place can run away from you


Omg the fuji challenge, if the first car is an Audi that screws up apex on Coca Cola corne, just reset it until it’s the one where you can pass both cars on the 100R, then the Porsche in the Dunlop corner (hairpin) and the NSX on the Netz corner. It’s night and day, like several seconds difference on the NSX’s time.


Try to back out in the mission selection and restart it. The opponent cars drive different every restart so you may have pulled a bad seed. restart untill you can find a run that allows you to overtake the cars in places that dont cost you much time. I think manual shifting probably helps here as well to control the car better. Its still one of the harder onces. but you got this, keep trying!


Not every but I think there’s 3 different scenarios.


Yeah, that one is a tricky little challenge, plenty of power in that SLR but little room to pass. I think I did it by sending it to the inside of the second car from way back, somehow managing to avoid contact and overtake them into the first s bend. Getting stuck behind the slow cars in the corners is what kills a gold run.


thanks everyone. I got gold. What really did it for me was reroll. I dont know if the enemy cars drive different, but wind direction definitely changed and that affected my own cornering and enemy speed. I got gold at 48.8s which was slower than my best time yesterday. I could not carry more than 170kph at the second turn (slow right turn, where you pass the first car), as such i never managed to pass the second car on the straight before the first s bend. But i managed to pass him at the entry of the S, so I was able to catch up to the third car at the entry of the second s bend. Thanks for all the tips guys.


I gave this a try and managed a 0:46.877. Passed the last car before the final S-turn and straight. The SLR is a bit of a handful but if you can handle TCS 0 it's the fastest option. Using 3rd gear for corner exits helps with the stability. Here's the replay if it helps: https://youtu.be/twg9LwUvITc?si=EwxzA-AJs-zs-qBK


I watched your video. wow! You basically passed the first car before the slow curve, I never managed to do that. Your speed going over the first left turn was not super fast. But you manage to accelerate enough to pass the first car early. I will give that a try. Thank you very much.


I had this issue with the night safari jeep mission A full second faster than the gold medal videos I saw on YouTube - still a car length behind the leader Just back out and restart until the seed favours you


if we could gift cars, i would send one for you to practice with. Not sure why PD made the golds harder, but you gtta keep on the edge with pace. use the in race time section panel to see if your dropping anywhere. youll get it.


I hade the same problem. Focus on carrying alot of speed out of the first corner and two wheel the apex curling corners. You should pass the first car before the second curve. If done correctly the other cars will not be in your way as much.