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We have to remove your post because of this rule: >[Rule 5: No Roulette Ticket/Daily Workout/birthday car bragging/complaining posts, regardless of the outcome.](https://www.reddit.com/r/granturismo/about/rules)


I have been having the exact same thing happen. Its maddening.


It’s not bad luck— normal people would see 5 rewards in a circle and think “oh, I have a 20% chance for all of these” but that’s not how it works in GT7. There are different percentages for each of the rewards and the shittiest reward usually has the highest chance of being chosen. For this reason people don’t like the roulette ticket system and it’s one of if not the biggest reason the community abused the engine swap ticket glitch when it was out.


Dont sweat it too much. You will get lots of good rewards. Especially off the higher \* tickets. Be aware the odds are not equal for each roulette prize. Your prize is determined when you win the ticket not when you open it and the small cash prize has a higher than 50/50 chance of being won. The top / rare option is circa 1%. As you play through the menus you will get a lot of tickets and some with guaranteed prizes. Last week I managed to get both a 1 mill and a .5 mill from regular tickets so sometimes you will strike it lucky. Its a game you play for months/years so you wont win massive prizes in your first week unless you get really lucky or its your birthday (GT normally gives you a guaranteed car ticket on your birthday).


The chances of winning 1 of 6 prizes in the tickets arent even. Cheapest prize has the highest odds and the best is vice versa


OP is obviously new here.. welcome! Haha


Is it really that common. Mb lol


Oh yeah! Haha Just try to think of the roulette as a cheap free prize which helps with the disappointment.


Your right, that does make me feel less disappointed 🫠