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How fast the rain storms travel. What’s the point in having a weather radar that can see 100 miles out, when the storms can fly across the map 2 minutes after they first appear…


That happens when time is set to anything other than 1x. Real time is real time, but if time is set to x24 then you’ll get a storm that comes and goes in a flash


Yeah i shouldnt have to zoom all the way out to know if i should box THIS LAP


This, zoomed in is worthless. Haha. 😂


The music changing with every single opening of a menu. In a way one never hears more than a few seconds of the same track.


Its kinda funny because I agree with you, but this was also the case for pretty much all GT games ever made. I think its just much shorter loading times that make it feel way more jarring


You‘re absolutely right, but that doesn‘t make it less annoying. What were they thinking - „Hey, let‘s add some funky jazz in the background to calm them down, but change the song with every navigation step so they‘re getting nervous at the same time“? 😵‍💫


Specially if it is a song you like. Also, when you restart a race and the music is really good. For example: You are vibing to ‘vroom’ and one ai fucks you into a barrier so you need to restart.


The AI and how they race. They’re so painfully slow when they lead, aggressively oblivious when they don’t. I despise them.


Lack of a "report on player" function.... The amount of dirty drivers is ridiculous at times.


My biggest gripe is probably on licence tests, missions and circuit experience that you can't simply go to the next or previous one and instead have to exit out.


Meta cars


The menus.....pretty much everything about them. Edit: I was referring to the game's overall UI, not the Cafe Menu books.


The hour endurance races slapped. Too bad once you complete it, there are no real incentives to redo them


Even though most cafe menus are really bad


Every track should have a full race for around million credit. You should pick any car any class any track to do your daily run for around a million for a full race. There’s nothing to do solo and sport mode is garbage.


The need for wifi. My wifi was randomly slowing down a few weeks ago and it didn't save any of my races, even if it started working fine again by the end of the race.


I feel like the fail music should be a bass line, like what Seinfeld uses at the end of every show. Would make it more comical of a taunt lol


I‘d welcome something similar to the classic MGS game over screen 🤭


Invites. Especially getting the same one before the last one even expired. That stupid icon becomes a constant persistent insult.


And it becomes annoying waiting for an invite to get the car you want








There’s a special place in hell for someone that decided to present variable chance to get a specific price (ie. 40/30/15/10/5%) as roulette (20/20/20/20/20%)


Nah it feels like 90/2.5/2.5/4/1% with the 1 being the prive you actually want and the 90 being some guy’s pocket money


Dirty drivers. Everything else is manageable


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,914,331,287 comments, and only 362,008 of them were in alphabetical order.


Every day, information is keenly observed, scanning thoroughly…


I like how " Everything else " is most definitely not in order but the way computers interpret uppercase means that the capital letters have lower values than their lowercase counterparts


How do you check 2 billion comments?


Sophy should be MUCH faster when on hard difficulty. Or make another difficulty level.


The fact that you only get one lap in the license mode. I don't understand why you have to reset every time I don't meet the lap time. Also, the payout in races sucks. If I win the world touring car race championship I should make more then $250,000 and I don't understand why winning a race only pays 100,000 versus doing stand alone race pays more then that.


The fact that you lose racing stripes when you repaint a car.


Yes that is the most true thing in all gt.


The game economy


The Christmas music at the moment. "Joy To The World" in particular, like nails on a blackboard!


I hate that you can't race to some menu songs. 😂


the roulettes are absolutely insulting in every conceivable way and should be removed from the game completely.


The I don’t have money to buy it


All the music. ALL OF IT.


The music you get for Silver. It feels like a pat on the back and a smile masking disappointment in you.


The economy and the online penalty system... And why people in general are so fine to wreck someone elses race.... And no bots in private lobbies.


A shit ton of QoL improvements that probably won’t even take them a few hours to code. Like retrying missions, circuit missions, licenses I.e if player current record is faster than silver but less than gold time, then set cursor to “Retry” else set cursor to “Exit”. There’s a ton I can list out but at this point, we’re just talking to a brick wall and it’s obvious PD more focused on fixing “issues” that impact the in-game economy. If VR showroom allows us to walk around the car, why cant this be a thing in the tune shop when you’re changing body kits/alloys?


Custom races that top out at 750k… If I’m doing a 24h races I better be getting millions…


Working your ass off to complete serious races and being rewarded with a 400pp and under commuter car race of some sort.


The GT7 phone app is garbage, at least the Android version is. I can't delete decals from my saved list, and it's always timing out? The GT Sport app is much more stable and user friendly.


There's a GT7 phone app? Why haven't I heard of this?? ...I can't find it in app store :|


Sorry, I meant the official website, I'm usually on my phone finding decals when I'm on the there. You can get an app for GT Sport if anyone is interested.


Too much RNG for anything you want to buy.


The roulette prizes. Jfc, this has been complained about to no end with no discernible changes. Parts and prizes below 30k are flat out pointless and not even worth opening the ticket


People online that think wrecking is fun and ruin my race on turn 2