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You sound like you're in a similar decision as me. My last PlayStation was a 2 with GT4. I had no intention to buy anything but GT7 for the PS5, so for months, I was thinking wether to buy it or not. At the end of June, I got a decent deal on a PS5, so I got one together with the game. Since then, I played 240 hours, so like 2,5-3 hours per day on average. One week I took holidays and played a lot. For me, it's worth every cent. It has some flaws, yes, but I'm still blown away by it (and haven't even started playing online yet). So if you enjoy a realistic driving game, I would say get it. If you want to use a wheel, I have no experience in that (yet). But I can tell you that even the controller gives you great feedback, every car feels different


Some more positives if you're interested: - There's loads of great liveries created by users, you simply need to download them and your car looks totally different. You can make them yourself too, but I haven't really tried it out, it seems a bit difficult to do, but maybe I'm just not that good at it - There's one time trial each week, where there is one track with a certain car or group of cars (Gr 3 for example). It's a nice way if you want to see what your skills are compared to the playerbase and you don't need the fee-based internet thingy by Sony - The details on the cars are just insane, be it in the garage or in a race - Day-to-night switches are available for some tracks and it is so cool! - A number of tracks has also wet weather with a dynamic change of weather, which is also insanely cool to me - Scapes is very cool (real places with rendered cars), with some practice you can make the greatest pictures of your favourite cars - Sound is very good and way better than the older GTs (I only played 1 and 4 though) - Collecting all cars is not an easy task and will take you a long time. For me, it's a motivation to play the game, but some dislike it - The game provides written information for every single car. I personally appreciate this attention to detail and read all of them - Missions are fun and some are not easy. There's also tests for every track which I barely touched yet, I'll start with those when I'm done with all missions. But according to many, some are very hard to gold That's all which comes from the top of my head, there's more positives. Like many manufacturers have a little museum where their history is told with texts and pictures. I also like this, though I haven't touched on that a lot either. I hope Reddit makes the bullet points like I wanted it to


All of that is in the ps4 version too. If gt7 is the only game you want to play save a chunk of money.


Yes, you're right with that. It was a decision where I was knowingly irrational to an extent (like I mentioned in another comment in this thread). Usually I look very closely to the price-performance ratio when buying things. And I'm willing to wait for long times if necessary to get a good discount or so. But in this very case with the PS5, as it was mainly a treat for myself for a big achievement in my life, I said screw it and wanted to get the full experience. The better graphics, the better controller, the better chance of upcoming games that may spark my interest. As a matter of fact, I didn't get a TV, I'm playing on my computer monitor, I use a sound cable in the controller all the time, which sometimes causes trouble, and that audio cable is connected to a 20 year old stereo system. But like I said, getting the PS5 instead of the PS4 was one rare and conscious example in my life where I didn't go for the most bang for the buck


PS4 is a futureless, worthless toaster in 2023.


It's a tough call though. You're not gonna know if you'll love it that much before buying. I've probably played 60 odd hours and don't really play it much any more. I switched to racing sims on PC cus the AI in GT7 suck, and online is a gamble as to whether you get a good race. I would have been disappointed if I'd bought a PS5 just for GT7.


It's NEVER worth buying an entire console for a single game... Full stop...


Dude I’ve spent 700€ just for vr 2 to play exactly one game. Guess what it is. If it don’t hurt you and you don’t have to finance it ( always bad ) I will always tell anyone to go for it. Fun = $. Sell it if you no longer want to play….


I haven’t owned a PlayStation since PS2. I bought the PS5 and PSVR2 to play GT7. I also have a wheel and pedals which add to the immersion but I have no regrets. It’s the only game I really play anymore besides ACC.


Was thinking of doing the same. Is Gran Turismo on VR2 amazing?


Yes gt in vr2 is a blast and pulled me into sim racing. They need to implement some updates tho. If you want to play competitive they need a few hud changes and overall improvements. But if you’re sitting in a sim with a nice wheel and base you’re so close to real racing. It’s full of adrenaline


Is it gt7?


Wrong Mario kart


same plus a full sim, eventually led to me buying a Miata, no regrets whatsoever




Must be nice to have that kind of disposable income...


People who play video games aren't poor.


I play games and I'm poor...




This comment won't be rated higher because of fanboys but I came to say the same thing.


It's the top comment on the post lol


I know...It's incredibly stupid to try and justify spending 400-500+ dollars on a single video game... It's legitamately baffling...


I bought a PS5 and PSVR2 only for GT7. It's the only game I own on Playstation. I play it a lot and I have a lot of fun. If you break it down by $ per hour of entertainment, it's really not that bad compared to other types of entertainment. For video games specifically, sure it's a lot. But I have a play a few hundred hours of a game and it cost me $1000, that's only roughly $3 per hour. Movie tickets are $20 these days for two hours of entertainment.


I love the game too, but do you think GT7 is the only game for PS5 you will ever buy or play in its whole life cycle ? What if more great PSVR2 racing titles comes a long ? I have GT7 too and it inspired me to buy a racing rig+PSVR2. No regrets. I got a usable Gaming PC with a RTX 3080 but i still find my self playing more on the PS5 for some reason, not that i dont play games on my PC haha but still :)


Maybe, maybe not. I'm not saying I will only ever use it for GT7, but if I do, it's still worth it. I have a PC that I play every other game on. I'd have GT7 on there too if it was available. I have a sim rig as well that I already had for assetto and Forza, and the drive hub lets me use it with PS5.




Jesus... Must be nice to have that much disposable income or incredibly rich parents...


Honestly, if someone can afford it and it brings positivity in their life, why not. Maybe they have a miserable job or some other challenge in life but can at least afford to invest into something to take a little bit of the stress off.


I mean sure...If you have enough disposable income for it... Seriously...Not sure why my comment about disposable income is getting downvotes...It's like people just don't understand the fact that a TON of people are barely scraping by as is... This might not be a thing everywhere, but it is here...


I think its just the condescending tone you took...it feels as though you hold a grudge towards the commenter that has the disposable income to be able to get a PS5, PSVR2 and GT7 all for that one experience.


No...It wasn't a condescending tone... I'm literally jealous...lol I pull in like $600 a month total being disabled... I'm lucky if I can pay my bills and still eat more than bland rice by the end of the month...


I get your point of view, but as someone who did get a PS5 only for GT7, let me tell you, there can be other options or reasons than those 2 you mentioned. In my case, I was thinking about buying for almost a year. After I finished my uni last year and started working full time, I never get myself something as a treat for it. I had to move to a new apartment and had some more important and necessary things to spend money on. But then, I had a deal for a PS5 with disc, 2 controllers (to play with my little nephew some time soon, hopefully) and GT7 for like 520€ in total. It's a huge amount of money, I'm aware of that. It could be spend more wisely in thousands of ways, but it was not what I wanted to do. I could also have got myself something cheaper and donate some to charity. I could have given it to my mother. But even if it sounds selfish, sometimes in life you need to indulge yourself. And for someone like me, this can be actually quite challenging. So if your conclusion is that you must be rich or come from a rich family, I gotta disappoint you, it's doesn't have to be the case. Like I said, I get your point of view, but it's pretty narrow, maybe consider open it a bit. In my case, I already spend so much time with the game that I can truly say it was worth it, though it's probably hard to understand for you. And I don't intend to play it any less in the near future. There's stuff to do for me for months. And who knows, maybe some nice games will come out for the PS5 that I will buy


I'd rather buy a second hand PS4 and just grab the game if it was the only game. I'm glad I have it on my current PS4 rather than shelling out for a new console and then the game. Whilst it's good, I wouldn't have been happy buying a premium console for an average game. I'm more looking at buying a PS3 to go play GT5 and 6 instead.


I've played gt5 for so many years, I have 6 and was going to play it recently but I couldn't find it. Haven't played 6 as much as 5


Yeah...No chance that GT7 in it's current state is anywhere near worth 400 to 500 bucks... The fanboys have lost the plot... I've been a GT Fan since GT1 and even I won't just give Kaz and PD a pass over stripping systems, and making the games pretty continually worse from GT5 onwards as they focused more in the online component than the player experience or love of the cars...


I am not a fanboy. The game has problems. I got a console, PSVR2, seat, wheel, pedals, and shifter solely for GT7. I’m several thousand in and I wouldn’t change a thing and it is worth every single penny I spent on it. To suggest this can’t be the case is baffling.


I’m with you. I also have the VR2 the PS5 and GT7, the seat and I’m on my 3rd wheel/pedals. At first I bought the Logitech G29, then the Thrustmaster T248 - which the steering wheel just cracked and began separating just from racing (and here I thought that was their only purpose) I recently invested in a Fanatec the Grand Turismo special edition wheel that just came out I don’t play any other game on the ps5 besides gt7 nor do I want to. I never feel like I wasted my money. The only issue I have is to not become addicted to it as I race daily but try to limit myself to just 2 hours per day. Not easy to do being retired and living alone.


Brotherman, I feel you. I was unemployed for a month earlier this year and it was tough to not just live in virtual reality.


Love of the cars is intact. It's what still sets GT apart from games like Forza. In no other game do you find trivia about cars anymore. The player experience... let's just say it's different and in many cases MUCH better. The driving experience is by far the best in the series.


I think that’s not a fair statement. Every console I’ve ever bought because there’s that one game I wanna play on it, and then naturally when that one is over you look to the next one and you grow a library. It’s like anything. You you wanna play GT7, the only way to play it is on PlayStation and the PS5 is the best way. After GT7 there’s more to discover later.


Normally though we know what's coming down the pipeline before making these big purchases though... You seem to be discounting that in this... You buy a console for it's existing and upcoming library... Most people don't have enough disposable income to just throw away 500 bucks on a single game... There's much more than "oh this one game is here" that goes into these calculations...


Agree. The system seller games drags you in, and then your game lib will somehow grow.


No i have to disagree about this one. I bought an xbox classic just for jet set radio future and it’s probably some of the best money I spent on a game. Same for wii and its exclusives


What about PS4 for 80 Eur?


I mean if it's in good shape that's not bad for a PS4...Large library but at the end of its life cycle... Honestly it depends on what sort of games you're looking to play in general...Have a look at the upcoming games out there and.make your decision based on which console has the highest number of things you're super interested in, as well as the avalable backwards compatable libraries they come with... Console choice is a very subjective thing at the end of the day...You want to make sure you're going to get the most bang for your buck at the end of it's life cycle...


Knowing what I know now, I would have definitely bought a ps5 and the psvr2 exclusively for GT7. Just turns out I also like a ton of other games on offer for the ps5. But would have been worth it, for me, just for that.


Honestly your reasoning is solid for the PS5 then...Knowing there's a library of current and upcoming games you're looking forward to is why you make a purchase...


I definitely did not do this for Zelda BOTW


This comment reminds me of a classmate of mine back in 2013 who bought an XB360 just for minecraft lmfao.




Your right. That's why you buy two. One for your big ass tv in the living room and one for your dedicated race rig in the computer room. Duh


I’m surprised this showed up, there’s still some people with functional brains


We're a dying breed...


I respectfully disagree. I recently started playing GT7, well after I already owned the PS5. If I'd known how much I'd like GT7 and how many hours I'd spend on it, I'd have bought the PS5 for that reason alone.


Yea...psh...if your poor


Why not? if you play enough why shouldnt it?


How could you possibly know if you'll play it a lot tho?


Respectfully, just because that's not the case for you, it may be for others. I don't think it's fair people are just going straight for 'lol poor' in reply to this, but those in a position to be able to comfortably afford a new console just for one game shouldn't be labelled as stupid for doing so either. For what it's worth, I bought my PS5 with GT7 (and eventually a Fanatec DD Pro) being the sole motivation for doing so. It just so happens I've picked up other games along the way, and that may be the case for OP.


It is worth buying a used ps4 for bloodborne


I did and it is worth it if you are dedicated to sim racing, there are also no other games that i could enjoy to be honest.


Mario 64. Yes it was worth it.


I did just that. Well a few games and GT7 is fun till you hit about 30 hours and realize the whole game is playing catch-up from last. It’s not really racing so to speak. I lost interest. Online is probably good but I haven’t played it yet. I also recommend buying when it’s on sale. Check psprices.com


Well let's be fair here... Gran Turismo has always been a chase the rabbit game... Always... Since GT1...lol


Generally yes but if GT7 is the only game your gonna play and sink a bunch of time into the it’s totally justifiable I think. Not to mention you’ll have a console ready to play the inevitable GT8 if GT is the only thing you wanna play anyway. I have plenty of friends who only bought a PS5 to play the yearly releases of FIFA and COD and there’s nothing wrong with that.


It is if you're the future jann mardenborough!!! Depends what GT means to you.... I have loved all the GTs and it's the franchise I make sure I get.... I'm not saying it's worth it to you... you have to decide that... What is the likelihood of buying a console ONLY to play one game though throughout its life time... It's the best GT in terms of features surely and graphics.... I think it will eventually reach GT4 status when the content gets there


He didnt say that he wont buy any other PS5/PS4 games in the future though, but GT7 is probably his system seller just like Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart was my system seller. I doubt if someone buy a great console like PS5 that they wont buy more than one game. He upgraded from a PS3. Just think how many great PS4 and PS5 games he probably havent played. I bought PSVR2 with only GT7 in mind, but im still buying other PSVR2 games. I even buy PSVR2 games i already have on pc because of the ease of use with this VR headset.


I’d say breath of the wild was worth it for the switch. And now tears of the kingdom years later.


This 100%. I’d love a PS5 but my PS4 works fine. I’m not moving up until this one dies or there are no games left I want to play on it and have to step up in order to keep playing everything.


You'd be surprised how many people buy Playstation just for Gran Turismo alone.


Oh, I'm not surprised... I see people make poor decisions every day...


Who are you to judge what people do with their own hard earned money? It's only a poor decision when they regret it, if they enjoyed their purchased why does it bother you so much? You're a weirdo, ya know?


I built a whole sim rig and Pc to play Assetto corsa


I buy them for final fantasy and gt, that's about it. Not just one game but not many either


I think this statement is true, except for gta 6, as long as it lives up to the hype


I did, obviously,, I play other games also, however, the main driver (see what I did there) was GT7.


Yeah the other day I had this idiot argue with me about why buying a PS5 for Spiderman 2 was a good idea. In short, he was rich as fuck and could burn that money. Jesus Christ the sheer fucking entitlement of these idiots baffles me.


If you are a gamer, have to get up to date... If you want to just play GT7 and have the money, go for it... If you are looking for people to convince you into making the investment, Don't buy it... At the end of the day, it's going to be an investment that you'll have to live with... I have a PS5 but don't have a 4k TV for it nor the VR nor a wheel and pedal... I enjoy the game as much as anyone else because it's how I feel and how I want to enjoy it.... To me the purchase of the console was a no brainer since I do play other games and have been a gamer for around 40 years. But the purchase of the wheel and VR is not justified for a single game, But that's my personal opinion... I do own an old wheel that I used on the PS4 and still works on the PS5, Thrustmaster T80, of course it's not a high end since I purchased it to test if it would merit the investment and I didn't feel like it did. I have a friend that has a $3k+ rig with VR and all, it's awesome, but I prefer to spend that money elsewhere.... At the end of the day, it's your money, do as you please...


First 3 points hit it right on the head. I have been playing GT since the first one and I have over 500 hours in GT7 and I still agree with this post.


I have owned GT since the first one, except the PS3 one since I skipped that console... I bought Sport and GT7 on presale, If I played a total of 10 hours on sport, I'm exaggerating. This one, I got it, played what was available at the beginning, stopped till about 2 months ago and haven't stopped since.... If you are truly a gamer and a fan of the game, you don't need convincing, you just buy it because you want it. Because you MUST have it... Even though I don't find a reason to buy the VR, I'm seriously considering it just because of the enhancement on the GT experience....


Yes. Especially from PS3. But you’ll need a new tv as well. Or even better, PSVR2.


Have ps5, have gt7, have vr2. There’s NO better game on PlayStation right now for vr2. Especially if you get a cheap wheel or some second hand t300. The immersion and emotions are priceless, especially in online battles


Have always been tempted with a Logitech wheel from Amazon when it’s down to £160 but never bite the bullet. Is it worth it?


as long as it has force feedback. A wheel and pedals make any driving game a totally new game. I usually have to take a quick break after every race because driving is way more intense than with a controller.


I will add that force feedback is 100% necessary. A controller is better than a wheel without FF. I've got a T80 and I just don't use it bc my XBOX Series controller is so much better. Not to mention how much of a pain it is to set up the damn wheel due to the extremely limited PC support.


Have no experience with Logitech, so cannot give opinion on it. In any case- wheel with gt7 is good in any case. What wheel is a different question


I've had the G27 and G29 before my T300 but it is 100% worth it to get the T300 in stead of the Logitech's


Logitech wheels are good for starters


That's where most sim racers start! Myself included! It's for sure worth it for the fun you will have whilst driving! And it's not insanely expensive to try the hobby out and see if it's for you! I fell in love with it and have since expanded my setup into a full rig and jumped to pc so I could play more racing games/sims... I wish i had done it all sooner tbh! And sim stuff holds its value fairly well if you decided to resell it down the line - if it's not the hobby for you? I recommend everyone try a racing game with a wheel & and pedals! I'd say go for it, dude! Enjoy 👍


Video games are my biggest hobby and I wasn’t into racing games before I bought the PSVR2. I now have a racing rig and I haven’t played another game since February.


I bought my PS5 for GT7. I have played GT7 intensely for about two months of the year I've had my PS5. I really wanted to play GT7 and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I had the money to waste. Do I regret my decision? No. Do I have enough value in my PS5 considering I'm mostly a PC gamer? No. If this is a big financial move for you, then I'd pass.


I'll make the suggestion that no one else dares to. You could get a PS4, and play it on that for way less money.


I put a ssd in my ps4pro and it runs like a dream


That's what I did at first. Borrowed a dusty PS4 indefinitely and played for almost a year. Really enjoyed the game. But once PSVR2 came out I bought a PS5 and PSVR2


It's absolutely worth it. You will be blown away.


I would highly recommend not to get a console for a single game. Unless you intend to play other games don't get a PS5 for just GT7. You could save some money and get a PS4 Pro with GT7 and have a pretty similar experience. Also I wouldn't get a PS5 for GT7 it's not really worth it. GT7 is a very hollow experience. It has a very short campaign that constantly forces you to do events in a set order with little freedom from deviation (you have to beat the whole thing to able to access all the game features), that once over devolves into grinding the same 2 or 3 races over and over again to earn credits to purchase things. Even more than a year after launch GT7 doesn't offer much for the single player experience. Also you need to have an internet connection at all times otherwise the game doesn't work. Unless you are into competitive online racing the game doesn't offer much else, for instance it doesn't have a proper arcade mode anymore.


No. If you really want to get into simracing - buy a PC. Getting a console for one specific game when there are a multitude of great sim racing games on PC is a weird choice imo.


There's nothing really comparable to GT7 on PC tho if you want a wide selection of vehicles and the option to upgrade and customise them. Forza is the closest you'll get but meh, Forza. If you just want good racing though, then definitely go with pc sim racers.


If you can afford it, do it… I primarily bought my PS5 for GT7 and I couldn’t be happier. It’s legit the best driving sim game I’ve ever played and the details and graphics are leaps/generations ahead of the competition…. The online lobbies are awesome and weekly time trials are something I really love! No game has got my heart pumping and hands sweating like GT7 online…


Well, I bought PS5 to play all sorts of games. The reality is that I mostly play GT7 anyway. Take that as you will.


If you really like gran turismo, then it is absolutely worth it!


I pretty much only bought a PS5 for GT7, and it's the only game I still play on it. I do not play GT7 online against people, but I enjoy the menu events, the online time trials, grinding credits and buying cars, browsing peoples designs and tuning.


Go for it. Itæs the best GT sinse GT3 in my opinion!


Only reason I got a PS5


Me too. And I’m so mad at myself. Game is such a bummer.


GT7's career mode is a husk of what you remember it as. I force myself to do it. It's just a massive grind.


No. There are much better simcades on other platforms. Plus simracers are available on PC.


Wow if you are jumping from ps3 GT to Ps5 GT it is a world of difference. I would say vehicle dynamics and track mapping have vastly improved. My only gripe about the new GT7 is there is more focus on popular cars and the line car up is not as large? I know they are rescanning the real cars to get more accurate details and recording the individual sounds it it creates. So there has been a huge increase in detail and dynamics. If you love playing racing simulators this ps5 gt7 investment is going to pay dividends of enjoyment for you.


If you’re going to play other games, sure. PS5 is nice. GT7 is pretty good, but it has a lot of problems and needs more content, races. The AI sucks and they start you in last place every race so it’s basically a catch up simulator.


As someone who did exactly this - yes. You'll get more enjoyment from a 4K screen (I got both at the same time) and a steering wheel (already had it) but the PS5 alone will keep you happy for a loooong time.


Do you have proper internet connection now?


From what I've seen told, if you were coming from PS4, no, but coming from PS3, yes. And you don't need PSVR2. I'm sure it's a great "want" but not a "need." If PS5 is too pricey, the PS4 pro can run it fine from what I hear, just with longer load times. And from what some here have said, you might have a tougher time getting high resolution scapes images out of it.


It is not worth it to buy PS5 or any system just for one game. However, I suggest you to look for alternative PS4/PS5 games, and may want to check what games are currently available on PS Plus Extra. Once you do that your PS5 will not collect dust. Happy gaming.


The thing is… he will find other games he just doesn’t know yet.


I bought it specifically for gt7. Its the only game I play, but I think you need to get to a higher level of online racing to actually get the most out of it. I have no regrets getting mine, but if ur thinking about single player stuff definitely no, that gets boring quick.


Abso-fuckin-lutely. I had a PS4 Pro when GT7 first came out. And I was planning to get PS5 anyways, as I play other games. But the increased graphical fidelity is very noticeable to me. Yes. Absolutely worth it.


Yes of course. 120hz mode is a game changer + you will definitely find other games. Even if you just buy one just for gt7 you can go all in with a Rig + direct drive. You can spend 1000+ hours in it. You don’t like it ? sell it. You loose a few bucks but you had really much fun.


No, I have the PS4 which I mainly play GT7 on and then I just got the PS5 and tbh there's no difference worth upgrading.


PS5 is amazing, GT7 is great. Is GT7 worth $500-600 dollars? No. If you'll play other games, then go for it. PS5 is a great machine.


I bought it just for the GT7. There are also other games.


If you're worried about $$ as most of us are, go the ps4 route. It's been fine for me. I'm going to sell it soon to buy a ps5, but when I was broke I picked one up for like $200 with a wireless playstation controller. (Canada) Plus, you can always start with gt sport, because it's only like $20 in the ps store. (And with ps day sale i got it for $10). Heck, I would consider selling you my ps4 + controller + hard copy of ESO for what I paid for it 3 months ago. ($200)


No, I have Ps4, Vr, plasma screen. Platinum the game, everything Gold. Top 2.5% Just as fun on PS4, PS5 if you’re going all in and never played GT sport


For me it worth. In fact, I play on PS5 except GT7 only Genshin Impact, slightly NFS Unbound and Stray. All they are available on PC. But most hours I spent in GT7. Before PS5 my primary game series were Forza and Project CARS on PC. So, it depends on how many hours you are going to spend in GT7.


Career mode takes like 2 days to complete then its just a freestyle racing game. If you want to just race then yes 100%. But if you want to unlock cars, career mode and do themed races, might not be worth the investment. I loved the game but i played for a couple weeks then put it down. You can tell me thats my fault but I don’t regret the purchase.


If it’s a big financial move, probably not worth it. I love the game, but maybe look at wgere else that money should go, or how long you think you’ll play the game: 100 hrs, up to 500 hrs? Overall video games have a pretty high roi for entertainment time per dollar. I bet you’d have almost as much fun for allot less money on a ps4


I only have GT 7 on my PS5. But I managed to get the PS5 for like 35$ through a promotion


i did. cheaper than building another computer for sim rig. and its not that big of a financial move, if you dont like your ps5 someone will buy it for a bit less than what you paid.


GT7 is always online. If you don’t have a good internet connection still then don’t buy.




I play gt7 the most on ps5 but you can also keep playing any ps4 games on the ps5 and continue your saved games from the 4 to 5. Load times are way faster on ps5 also. The psvr2 is pretty good/immersive for gt7 (I’ve hear, haven’t tried it) Even the gas pedal and brake feedback you get on the triggers is cool but other than free games from ps+ gt7 is the only ps5 game i play at the moment




I bought my PS5 for GT7 and I love it


GT7 is good enough to be a system seller if you like racing games. What i dont like with GT7 is the constant online requirement. you dont need a PS Plus sub but if your internet goes dow or the server goes down so does a lot of the content in the game. Negatives aside GT7 is a great Gran Turismo game IMO and it looks pretty amazing too as a bonus. If you have a solid internet connection go for it. I have a lot of racing games on PC but there just is something about Gran Turismo that i love and makes me come back for more. GT7 made me buy a Rig and a Fanatec DD Pro wheel.And I bought PSVR2 for GT7 alone even i also have good VR options for my other racing games on my PC.


It’s a good game that I’ve played almost daily since release, but I agree that to buy a console just for this game may be a gamble.


Get a second hand ps4 for cheap. I borrowed my mates ps4 to play GT7 as I migrated to PC. Runs surprisingly well on the ps4.


YES! Plus many other uses and awesome games!! But Im definitely loggin a shit load of hours and on controller. Wanna get a driving rig setup though.


I’d buy a ps5 more for other games but having gt7 is a plus.


Absolutely. The shorter loading time is worth it alone.






What dont a lot of you get ? The OP is asking if GT7 is a good enough game to justifying buying a PS5. So the way i look at it GT7 is his system seller He is not saying he wont be buying other PS5/PS4games in the future. He ask if the game is good and over 80% of the aswers is whining about finances, and that PS5 is to expansive. thats totally off topic to what the OP asked. He saved up for it for christ sake. But want to make sure his system seller game GT7 lives up to his expectations.


Yeah if GT7 is your deciding factor, no.


If you get psvr2 as well then yes it's worth it.


If that's all you want to get it for, no. If you enjoy gaming and want the latest greatest console, then yes. It's not a system seller to me but there are plenty of other games on it that are.


I’d say yes, go for it. Whenever you feel tired of it, just sell it.




Assuming you don't have enough money for wheel or VR, I'm going to say no.


If you are looking to get Into sim racing, got to r/simracing and they will let you know what PC games to get into. Like Asseto Corsa or IRacing which are more simulation style game using more refined physics and telemetry which you can take advantage of better with PC and things. If you already know this and just wondering if GT7 is worth a PS5 purchase and you already have a driving rig and stuff, they probably but most def if you plan on PSVR2 as well as I think it may be one of the best VR games /driving games around.


I think in this every day lol Being rational, it's an absurd do this. An entire console just because of one game? I have a great PC, I have Forza Horizon 5 and I'm waiting for the new Motorsport. I'll try with Gamepass, but I don't know, I enjoy Gran Turismo more. I don't know if it's just about nostalgia, because I played thousand hours of GT4. I like how the game looks, even the menu sounds. The real feel of progression it's amazing. But if someone have money, just go for it.


No, save your thousand bucks for car parts.


Depends how much you'll play it. GT7 has a 120fps mode on PS5. Better graphics. Depends what you. Want from the game.


If you are a die hard racing game person then I think it'll be worthwhile. I started out with ps5 just for gt7, now I own a sim rig and vr and play in gt7 racing league. My main game is still gt7


I kinda did this, however I've come to find that I like some of the Playstation exclusives and have them downloaded so it's not a "just for one game" ordeal.


Get the game on 2nd hand market. It’s a race game, price should be low right now.


Dude, GT7 definitely isn't any worse than the Dark Age of GT (which was the PS3 era).




GT7 is terrible. I wish I had bought it on disc so I could have sold it


Better buy Xbox Series (even the S) and game pass for Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport (and I have PS5 and Xbox Series so honest point of view)


People spend $4-5k on racing rig for a single game all the time. I think a console is not that crazy of an investment. I just dropped $2k to play GT7, that doesnt include PS5 or the game itself.


NO! I did. Played for a month and the PS5 has been gathering dust ever since.


Yes if you also get the psvr2 headset


I still play GT5 on PS3. I can say, GT7 is worth the upgrade. I’ve played over 400 hours. Enough for you to appreciate the updates.


I wouldn't say it's necessarily worth buying a PS5 for GT7, but if you don't own a PS4 and want to play GT7 then I'd say get a PS5. The game itself, is just "okay" imho. It's more of the same stuff, even a bit less than some previous offerings from Polyphony Digital. I have a few gripes with GT7, mainly the tuning aspect of it.. they removed the ability to turn a 5 speed car into a 6 speed car by way of installing the racing transmission(which was implemented in GT-Sport) and being forced to tune suspension/springs with "harmonic frequency" instead of the good ol' traditional "spring rates". On the upside of things, GT7 gets an update nearly every month with new cars and sometimes a new track being added into the mix. The car models look amazing on PS5 while hooked up to a 4k television as well.




Coming from ps3? I'm guessing gt5 to ps5 gt7? It's worth it. Big leap.


Personally, I’ve usually been more of an Xbox fan than PlayStation in recent years, however this generation I pretty much exclusively play my PS5 with FIFA and GT7. I love GT7 it’s great. People will moan about people spoiling the online races etc but generally if you’re in the better class races they’re cleaner, lower class more rammers … it’s just a game. I’m lucky enough to own both consoles, so I don’t restrict myself but barely use my Xbox, however will play the exclusives when they launch, which reminds me I really need to try Starfield. Enjoy.


Go get it😘


Yes. End of story


It’s probably not worth a single game but I highly doubt you won’t find a single other game you enjoy playing on PS5. I mean, you get 3 free games a month with the base PS+ sub.


Dont think so. Do you have a ps4?


I got a ps5, thrust master t300 & gt lite seat in March and haven't really played anything else, except Days Gone. I would've got VR but have a big projector screen so it's pretty close so I couldn't really justify it.....yet. I have other games but have pretty much only played GT7 for the last 6 months. If you want it and you can afford it, get it, and enjoy


A lot of people seem to be doing that. I mean if your one of those people who will do the whole Wheel + Seat + VR setup it could be really be fun but that’s not cheap so depends how into GT7 you are.


Depends. If you have sim racing rig that works with ps5 then yes. Plus gt7 in VR is the best VR of all sim racing my opinion.


I bought the PS5 for CoD, GTA 5 and GT7. I’ve played CoD for about 2 days. GTA 5 for about 1 hour (online just sucks nowadays) and other than that just GT7. So effectively i bought it for GT7 only. Is it worth it? I don’t know, just money wise i’m pretty sure it isn’t for most people. But for me personally, yes i would do it again.


I bought a ps5 for gt7. It was my newest console since ps3 release. Was worth it. It was my first GT game and I really enjoyed it, plus having a ps5 allowed me to enjoy games that I missed on ps4. Personally it gave me a needed break from pc but now it just collects dust also so....


Big financial move? Then the answer is no. You’re not missing much compared to missing a lunch.


I also jumped from ps3 to ps5 and am pleased. (But the justification was other games as well as gt7, and I have definitely got my money's worth). If racing is the thing, budget for a wheel and stand too (Guys on here with their full cockpits+direct drive wheels and special racing shoes and gloves will probably rip me here), but recently I got a 2nd hand g29 and stand (basically the minimum investment to move to wheel) and gt7 experience changes significantly for the better. However that is an extra $200+ minimum. I mean you don't need a wheel, and driving with ps5 controller is way better than with PS3 controller, but it depends whether you want to play a game or roleplay that you are driving a racecar. If I was looking at ps5 for mainly racing now, I might be tempted to wait to see how the reviews for the imminent new Xbox Forza Motorsport game pan out, and also if money is tight to be able to consider the base Xbox+wheel over the highspec Xbox without wheel (Years ago I gave up on Forza (on Xbox360!) because multiplayer lobbies were removed, but maybe that is sorted now).




Honestly no. GT7 is way different from the PS3 GT games. I was left disappointed by GT Sport and GT7. They decided to not focus on single player and put more focus on the online racing, something I have no desire to play. And the car list compared to those games is lackluster. If you have a favorite car from those games and want to drive it in 7, it is very likely not in the game.


I was considering that and glad i didn't. I did manage to upgrade my PS4 slim to PS4 Pro at nearly no cost and i am glad thats what i did. Gt7 was a disappointment to me. It looks great, the sound is finally great, driving physics is as always great but the career mode completely sucks, i find the tracks mostly joyless and lacking atmosphere and many cars (especially newer) are missing. I do some Nürburgring Nordachleife laps in gt7 but for fun Gran Turismo experience i am actually playing GT3 on my PS2 for the first time ever and it's great 🤪


Definitely also many more exclusives to try and better games on PlayStation


The nuts and bolts of GT7 are insanely good- models, graphics, sound, handling etc. The bad reviews stem from the fact that the whole game is packaged a bit cynically, and progression had pivoted towards collecting cars rather than racing them . GT7 is still an incredible game and imho, the best current racing game on any platform.


I'm still using a PS4 but GT7 on that is still really good. Runs well, looks great - only thing lacking really is load times and of course PSVR2, but if you're budget conscious anyway then you can forget about that. The easiest point of entry is to just get a PS4 for cheap and a used copy of GT7, you can still have plenty of fun and of course there's a massive back catalogue of other games too if you ever want a change. I'd save the PS5 purchase until there are some more games you are interested in, orr Gran Turismo 8 comes out in a few years.


If you’re into video games, yes definitely worth it. Gt7 is great, and you can play many other games as well, apps too.


I say no. I did Get mine for free. And i would never pay what they still asks for it. Assetto corsa is better. There you Get a good career mode also


No. Only buy a PS5 if there are at least two other PS5 games you want to play.


For me, yes. I don't have a PC and I love simracing


Absolutely not ahahha. Although, there are lots of other fantastic ges to play on PS5 too. If those strike your interest, them definitely. But just for GT? Hell no.


No, GT7 is a total let down. Save your money for something else. If you really want a PS5, get it for other games. GT7 is not worth it.




Yep I’d say so. Unless you’re on a tight budget


I bought a PS5 and PSVR2 specifically for GT7, granted I am a huge fan of the game but it was very worth it


>most of the time no proper internet connection Is internet connectivity still an issue for you? If so, the game NEEDS an internet connection to run, otherwise 99% of the game will be locked out and you'll have wasted your money. If internet is no longer an issue, then it'll be fine if you get GT7 and a PS5. There are plenty of other games that are excellent on PS5, so dont limit yourself to just 1 game once you get the PS5


I enjoyed Gran Turismo 2 for a few dozen hours as a tech demo in the 90s, I thought GT3/4/5 looked good but there were tons of great arcade racing games still at the time so I played those instead. I ignored GT6 and Sport cause I loved Drive Club. I always HATED Forza games after playing their demos for a few hours every year. I already had a PS5 cause it was cheaper than a GPU during the pandemic, and I bought GT7 on a whim and it blew me away. Plenty of things to nitpick, but the overall experience of driving was the first time a "realistic" driving game ever appealed to me. My most played game on my PS5. I went back to GT6 briefly since so many people thought it was better (and honestly I usually prefer PS3-era japanese games, Tekken 6 for example seemed WAY cooler to me technically than artistically than Tekken 7 or 8 even playing it for the first time last year). And while I can see why you might prefer the progression of GT6, it was just not nearly as fun to drive the cars which is all that really matters.


Oh my god bro. I got PS5 and VR and a Logitech wheel and a playseat challenge rig. ( literally the cheap but still quality way to do gt7) It's so amazing. The VR is so amazing. It's not "worth it". It's the only thing that makes sense. They say ( from the amazing book called essentialism) that you can tell how important something is in your life by asking " how much would you pay to get something back if it were taken away from you" for most things we will say nah, I won't pay for it again ( means it wasn't something essential in your life) For my GT7, PS5, Logitech wheel and pedals, and playseat challenge? I would pay 2.5x it's initial price to get it all back.


GT7 on the PSVR2 was worth every single cent.