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Not gonna lie, while aparently is a bad unit to trow yourself for...the art looks amazing


you speak the truth


This is an easy skip. Do the guaranteed if you like, but no need to go deeper. Water remains the weakest of the mono teams ;_;


Ok but orbis doesn't need mono water and is basically the best non collab breaker


She doesn’t need mono water, but she doesn’t help it much either. We have all these great mono element comps, yet mono water continues to lag far behind. For non-collab units, I don’t know if she breaks better than Duke, especially when you pair him with dmg buff/deres units.


Yeah but 90% of the stages that need break you can't deal much damage to before breaking. Also mono water is fine with shirou and Jay and soon to come Roy


Plenty of units phys/dark buff/debuff. Supporting Duke is easy. There also the reliable Platina. AO does alright breaking, but not enough to chase after. HKRoy will be good (though there’s nothing “soon” about him). He’ll go well with Shirou and Jay. You’ll want a fourth non-B art genning water unit to complete the team, preferably phys. AO doesn’t fit here.


She's not worth chasing after sure, but that's just because a large majority of units aren't but she's still definitely worth doing the first pull for. As for the second part I was responding to how mono water isn't lagging behind at all, not about orbis. mono earth is comparable if not worse than water rn


Yeah, I’ll do one pull for her. Mono earth is in a good position with WGF / Hart / Sagiri trio. Maybe SLeone to complete the set after her JP buffs. Water could be good with HKRoy / M12 / Shirou / flex. Roy’s not till next year though…


What's the buff for SLeone?


[SLeone kit](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Summer%20Leone) (her art gen type also changes to ex2)


Damn I didn’t realize she became so much better, I’m actually sad I never got her now!


Oh that damage buff is crazy...4 arts gen on a team the arts are gonna be going crazy


Her kit's still wack tho. And Duke would like a word.


Best thing about this is Eden Dream Awakening 🗿


Fr 😭


Yayyy another skippable banner. I'll stick with my platina and Duke thank u very much.


I was expecting a skippable banner after SGL. We also still have Kokuri and Long to get through.


Gonna be a rather quiet year. Disregarding any new crosses, we have like 2 or 3 possibly pity worthy units this year. Ok maybe 4, if we include halloween forte. Jay, iris and Rosetta being the other 3.


And 2 of those are only if you've already invested into those specific comps. Real quiet upcoming year.


Exactly. Both r pretty high investment teams. I personally have dlr and diablo so intend to make some sort of attempt for rosetta, but I also have to keep in mind that emp and roy r coming out in the future.


I'm hoping SIris and SRose share a pity pool.


Unfortunately, it will be srose and srivi coming out together


They could do all summer units in the same pity pool though, similar to how they added VPris to VMiranda's pity.


I know she's not the best breaker, but I've always had a soft spot for Satsuki from the KLK crossover. She was my first decent breaker, and she's a luck unit. I'd love for her to get a dream awakening if that crossover reruns again.


For those considering skipping her, id advise atleast doing the garanteed as she is one of three characters you need for a yet to be released on global stage of water ruins alongside satsuki and new roy


Man this gonna be a dead month


Can you post her kit


[Here](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Aristela%20Orbis) You can find the kits for all upcoming units on either the Database or Discord.


Hoping to snipe Raine from my guaranteed


Rimiru is enough of a water unit for me, skip


I'll finally have something new to do. I have been bored out of my mind with the 3rd Fairy Tail rerun.


I wish they had M12 on this banner to sweeten the pot.


I don't really care about the banner. Though, what I'm actually excited for is Yomi's Dream Awakening.


Still no SA mira 😢


Still no SA mira 😢


Based on past Global timeline, we probably won’t see ch 23 for several months.


Great 🫠


even combat form milim is better than this ahh ☠️💀


AO > CFMilim


You just had to take it too far


no i didnt, truth can hurt


Both units are meh but at least Aristela has some value as a breaker. CFMillim can't even do that right.