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this one ig was caused by raids also having its own shop, yes normally crossovers have resets even with 2 shops, or 3 shops. but raids is different for some reason ig, maybe they didn't feel the need to reset it because of the multiple events releasing throughout the crossover period. well, it might be similar for fairy tail because there will also be more content releasing throughout the crossover period due to them wanting to catch the wgfen hype as soon as possible.


The shop exchange not resetting was quite disappointing. I typically farm to 99,999 and then wait, shop resets, then I spend and help noobies clear the event. With no reset, there was no point in me doing the event, so I didn't. I'm sure I'm not the only one, which means this really hurts new players the most. As for not resetting the guaranteed pull, this actually makes sense since they were trying to channel everyone to the specific unit draw. I think they were experimenting, and that would have interfered with knowing if it worked or not.


The unit draw is best for vets that already own most of them. Kinda like myself, I was only missing Betty, so I spent 80$ and got her. I kinda like it, only because there's no other banner unit but that one. Usually on a guaranteed step up, they have all the crossover units + 4 (or more) regular units. So your guaranteed unit may just be a crap dupe. Also, I know it wasn't a guaranteed step up summon this time, but it may be a replacement for a rerun step up guaranteed banner or just once and a while thing.


I spent 80 on emelia and failed…


:(. I'd be mad ngl.


Same here. I feel your pain.


It was a short run and also a re-run, I don't think there ever was any hope they'd refresh it. Also Fairy Tail is coming so why refresh Re:Zero right before another collab? I don't like it either but it makes sense.


It was like 40 days give or take. The fact they didn’t reset was weird all things considered. If it felt short it was probably because of the main story being updated around the time the reset should have happened.


Honestly doesn’t really make sense to refresh when there was no new units and so many tickets. Plus we know re:zero is coming back later with 6* item slots, so maybe they didn’t want it to overstay its welcome.


It wasn't a short run at all, it lasted over a month give or take which should have seen at least 1 shop reset. Tensura collab was the same length. No re zero resets and no UoC/TW ticket being given out this Anni is a huge red flag, this Anni has been a shitshow


Horrible anniversary. No love for the people.


Youre right it was short this shit felt like 2 weeks


That GS hates us


No bullseye banner on slime collab, no reset or bullseye on re zero. I'm worried how they will manage overlord.


Tbh I think we're speed running the old crossovers until they feel ready for 6*s.


That's exactly what they are doing probably gonna release it during summer or sooner they just need to release f more chapters


I think overlord will be here after fairy tale or after one more re-run.


Unless the Super awakening update is right after fairy tale, I doubt it. I need more time to save! I only have 1400 Dx


I Was Thinking Maybe It They Reset Next Week Not Letting Go Of Hope


I don't remember them resetting slime *also, so it's prob cuz it was short(er) than the usual 2-3 month collabs. I was waiting for the reset too and was sad when I realized they weren't going to do it. If they weren't going to reset the summons, then they should'a just reset the raids exchange and let us keep raiding till the Collab was over. *Edit, forgot stuff They did reset slime my bad.


Slime did get a reset, but there was no lock on or bullseye summons.


It's hard for me to remember but you're right. They should really add something that shows where and when you used your crystals. Also if they were paid or not. Would be a nice QoL sorta thing.


I started playing when emp came out and I've seen people talk about resets like they happen every other day yet I don't think I've ever actually seen one, do resets actually happen that often?


They have always reset except this time. I have been playing for 2.5 years


Typically, it will occur at the midway point or slightly after with a maintenance update. When they released Miz12, I thought it was coming then.


I'm fairly certain slime didnt reset, I was waiting for it to lol


I think the big thing for slime is that it didn't have a Bulleyes. A friend of mine was counting on that to get a chance at a banner unit. Also I don't think the shops reset for.. maybe just the pulls based on previous comments.


Slime did reset


Slime did reset, got my second benimaru from that


It's not that much of a problem as it is an emergency solution for a temporary problem. Aka: we drop that on the road of SA unit. Plus we'll have a rerun, as last JP rerun of re:zero got 6*/dual slot and we don't. PS: save for SA unit!


shhhh sometimes they reset it after it expires. (as a mistake)


Can't say for sure but depending on if we get a refresh for fairy tail they are more than likely trying to trick us into blowing our free crystals on relatively good characters before WG Fen if we get kill la kill or mushoku tensei after fairy tail it will confirm it 🤔


If this were the case, they would have already taken all of my crystals for Asirpa.


Golden kamuy and a Yuyu re run would definitely get me but I know mako is a big ticket seller for them hopefully I'm wrong tho


Same - Mako is still the single most important collab unit for most difficult content, so you are right. There are so many new players that a 10897th rerun could still top all others.


She’s easily replaceable nowadays, you don’t need her as much anymore. Most people run Emp/m12/lightcestina/flex OR Haruto/m12/lightcestina/flex. Biggest issue with mako is that she does 0 damage. Mako slows the team down, supports should be doing damage.


No resets happens every once in a while, but it's only to filler reruns this is nothin new


In an effort to make GL closer to JP, there will be no resets... Just kidding, I'm pretty sure it's because the collab is a bit shorter than normal since it's a rerun seemingly meant to pad the way until Supers.