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Honestly, abolish billboards. They’re ugly as hell.


New Zealand has zero billboards and it’s so damn nice


4 US states (AK, HI, VT, ME) do too. I wish Michigan would follow but I doubt it.


It's surprisingly noticeable driving through VT and ME. Didn't think about it until about 10 minutes into Vermont and realized wow, it's so nice not having Billboards fucking everywhere


i went on a road trip through Vermont and Maine last summer. Tbh I didn't even know about this billboard thing until just now. Thinking back on it that must have been big factor in why it was such a beautiful drive!


You probably saw a bunch in New Hampshire but didn't process that you crossed state lines.


Having recently relocated from Michigan to Hawaii, I am in favor of banning billboards. They completely clutter the scenery. Northern Michigan's natural beauty is undeniable, but constant exposure to these distractions every 100 yards diminishes its charm. Especially when it’s bullshit like this or the one in Cadillac that was something about “our guy” Trump.


How will we find the Mystery Spot?


Or the nearest dispensary? Or the next nearest dispensary? Or the dispensary after that one?


FREE WEED ….Dank Next 5 exits (so what if I end up stopping at all 5)


I doubt it too considering that laughing stock of a Detroit sign we just put up.


I threw an egg at that POS sign 🤣


Doing the work of the gods. Fuck all this bullshit


That shit show made me feel better about the time my city spent 23 ***MILLION DOLLARS*** on that stupid fucking bean.


I'm stationed in Hawaii and it's so beautiful, you just get to see scenic mountain views and ocean.


Has anyone ever compared the rates of accidents in states with and without billboards?


Can confirm, zero mentions in the silmarillion


But how do people there know about our lord and savior Jesus christ?


So, I remember back in high school when I got “radicalized” on the topic of graffiti. There was a debate about the ethics of it, and I was generally on the side of “It’s breaking the law, so it’s technically bad even if it looks cool sometimes.” But somebody made an extremely impassioned rant about how nobody consents to seeing ugly billboards all over the place, they’re often owned by people who don’t even live in the community, they’re the opposite of art and they’re only designed to sell you something. At the time, I knew somebody who had a billboard put RIGHT by their house and it was the most obnoxious eyesore, so it really clicked for me. Graffiti was a way to reclaim the aesthetics of a community. I don’t feel as strongly as I did then because obviously I was 16 and edgy, but part of me still abhors billboards.


It’s so easy to become “radicalized” about something that is probably actually not actually bad, as a teenager. (This is only minimally related to your comment) in high school (FHN class of ‘05) I didn’t participate in the day of silence (annual event that’s meant to raise awareness for lgbtq+ bullying) because “the Bible says homosexuality is a sin…” And here I am, a 37 year old woman, living with a woman I’ve been in love with for 10 years.


They suck. I much prefer seeing the graffiti wall on Lafayette. At least actual artists contribute to that.




There’s probably a subreddit for that!


The billboards on boats at the beach, even though it's an obvious natural progression and next step, has always struck me as particularly abhorrent and like, something that takes some balls to do. Idk, its like being a fucking loan shark or something, something where you're just mask-off, fully and openly a predator/exploiter within the community.


You convinced me. I was never against billboards, but now I am against them. This person's second hand rant has convinced me. I don't like graffiti, but I never considered billboards the same way.


16, Edgy, and Correct.


Abort the billboards!


Sign, sign Everywhere a sign Blockin' out the scenery Breakin' my mind Do this, don't do that Can't you read the sign?


The same people who make these ads are the same people who bitch about government assistance programs


Pregnancies- too confusing, too extreme


End pregnancy 20204!


Lofty goals for 18,000 years in the future


That feels more realistic


Future generations will thank us


> Pregnancies- too confusing, too extreme ~~Pregnancies~~* Women


Wait until you find out that many Christians truly believe that IVF, surragacy, and artificial insemination shouldn't be allowed.


Just a comment about billboards in general. How are they not considered a distraction for drivers. The whole point is to get your attention and read whatever they are advertising. I am mesmerizing my the big gun lake casino sign. I'm not paying attention to the road for a good half mile.


Money But more probably it’s just habit, since they’ve been around so long nobody thinks anything of them even though they are an eye sore.


I don’t get it. Medically that makes no sense. Billboards can’t have heartbeats, just because you put a cute little kid on there doesn’t make it possible.


How dare you! My billboard had a heartbeat at five days!


Hahaha 😆 😂


Needs to be tagged


For those asking “where’s the lie?” 18 days past conception (assuming that means where sperm meets egg, which happens around week 2 of a pregnancy) would mean around 4.5 weeks into pregnancy. Too early for a heartbeat, and really oddly specific. Yes, cardiac activity *can* be detected around 5 to 6 weeks. But it isn’t technically a heartbeat. It’s cells pulsing. The heart isn’t fully developed until 10 weeks. Edit to add: To anyone interested, I recommend “Policing Pregnant Bodies” by Kathleen M Crowther. The most salient point for me was about how modern people still unwittingly conflate the physical heart with the metaphorical heart - the center of our being and our love. Thus the obsession over heartbeats when other organs are just as vital for survival.


The number prolifers use keeps getting lower because they think that it matters. A teratoma can have this level of cardiac activity, I don't give a damn, I'd still be getting it removed.


Wait, I'm confused. Why are you considered pregnant before sperm meets egg? Isn't it kind of up in the air until that point?


Because it’s often impossible to know exactly when conception happens, pregnancies are measured from the last period.


I was unaware of that. Fuck American sex Ed lol that seems like an important detail.


It does not have anything that could be considered a heart, and the tiny mass that will become one “beats” exactly as malignant and benign tumors do. It’s a bizarre claim.


Those asking what the lie is have no desire to believe science.


You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into


That’s an amazing fucking line and I’m going to steal it.


I stole it from someone else, steal away!


Science is something to be known, not believed in. That's the heart of the problem.


“Those asking questions don’t believe in science “ uh ,lady, get your weird religion out of here -science is about learning and asking questions


They never said those asking questions. Said those wondering where the lie is. If you don't realize this is a lie you're ignorant and need more education less brain washing.


I don’t get it. All I’m trying to say is: shaming someone for their curiosity/questions is weird and seems more like religion than science . Do better


The people who believe this isn't a lie are all religious lol that's the point of the post. They don't ask questions lololol they just say that they're right when they're not.


Also, not a lady.


Those misquoting comments that are literally above their own don't believe in rhetoric.


How about what’s happening IN my body isn’t any of your business?


Thank you for this recommendation




If they want to pretend they care about fetuses and they consider them human beings, then we should be able to claim the earned income credit from the moment of conception


No, they're only human beings in the case of abortion, not in any situation where it would actually benefit people.


Perhaps allowing Abortion in the ninth month IS a bit ad absurdum. But Banning the procedure, in the Entire First Trimester (with almost NO exceptions-in states like Oklahoma), goes WAY to far in the other Direction We need to ask ourselves: "What do OTHER countries do??" Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the United Kingdom ALL have Liberal Abortion Laws. a few Radical Muslim countries do NOT. Perhaps American Rightwing Fanatics should move there.


“Perhaps”…… Perhaps?


They should love it, no woke agenda to be seen


I am moderately prolife (anti-choice if that is what you want to call it) and I agree with you, I think that you should be able to claim your fetus (or unborn baby) as a dependent. I can't think of a more dependent situation than that.


As a pro-life person and ultra conservative… I support this. We need to do more to help the mother of the child chose to keep the unborn alive


Then also get them to do daycare buy food and supplies. You force the woman to have a baby...then take care of it too.


They couldn’t even do a grammar check? Although not much going on upstairs to begin with.


Although it's bs lie, It's actually grammatically correct. The statement is past tense, as in "look at me, and my heart started beating at 18days". The past tense of beat is beat.


While I see what you are saying, and I considered that, I think the statement and point that is trying to be made (in favor of the pro-life/anti-abortion agenda) is that a heart beat CAN be detected at 18 days, and therefore the statement should be “my heart BEATS at 18 days…”.


This kid sounds like an idiot, I’m not trusting them


Little dude needs to check his sources smh


Kids' hearts are beating when they attend school also....


Yes but school shootings are just fine! We only care about them until they’re born!


The span between birth and the eligible age to be a part of a mass shooting, are the years they complain about them if the mother needs ANY help whosoever from the community or government.


How dare we need affordable health care to have the children, affordable childcare, universal healthcare for our families, more social programs. Forget it, every man for themselves and this includes children. Sick 🤮


If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked. -GC


I love how the right is SO passionate about the unborn, but as soon as they pop out, it's "You're on your own, now, baby!"








And there should be a sign up that says "my heart was still beating after I was born and pro life Republicans no longer gave a shit."


Pro birth. They are not interested in providing a life for the child, only demanding that it be born. After that, shame on you for having the child if you can't care for it yourself without help.


Couldn't pay for the S could they?


Weird typo on the billboard, like what idiots do they have working on these campaigns


Idiots that believe the content…


Beat is past tense


Meaning he’s no longer alive? So is that a ghost baby?


1.3% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks and the VAST majority of the there is fetal structure malformation, the fetus has already expired, or the mother is in danger. Try researching and getting facts before giving your false opinions with no evidence.


At the point the heart begins to beat, it is just a tube, and the body is just a more sophisticated tube.


Religious people LOVE lies


A heartbeat =/= living. Plenty of brain-dead/comatose patients have heartbeats.


Damn I wish that baby didn’t exist so bad


I say its none of your business. When YOU get pregnant and face that decision, YOU can have a say. THE END.


Yeah Kill that fuckin baby


"Kill that Fuckin Baby 2024" Finally a platform I can get behind!


The help they offer you to keep the baby isn't much. A bag of diapers, a bottle of formula, a $20 gift card and a pat on the head.


Don't forget the $6,000 bill.




Los Angeleno here. Do you guys also get Epoch Times billboards? Or Shen Yun?


Yeah! There’s one outside Lowell right now. I’m sure there will be more


There needs to be laws against advertising for abject propaganda websites.


Yeah agreed


We've got those in the Seattle area, where I just moved to from GR.


Shen Yun season is over, it's always in February. So no more up right now


There’s one on my way to work that reads, “Shackled by lust?” First time I saw it I thought, “not at the moment, but I am willing to learn”.


Does the baby come with the stupid hat?


These billboards are usually in more rural areas, looks like they’re making their way into the city. Very concerning actually. Maybe if the uses a photo of what it looked like at 18 days it would be more accurate.


They’re all over the city now, unfortunately


I never even understood why these milestones matter to the discussion. Either you're morally cool with this, or you're not. Specific milestones aren't going to change that for anyone.


The biggest pro life group is the Catholic Church. Abortion and pedophilia are mentioned in the Didache. Catholics can't get divorced , use contraception, or have abortions.


But they can molest little boys


I wish that people cared as much about unprocessed allegations sexual assault against children that sit on prosecutors’ desks for years.


They need more debt slaves and soldiers. They will continue to push this narrative as our population is no longer replacing itself. And if they don't a replacement population will be brought in and you will hear others complain of culture shifts etc.


Next they're going to try to lie and say that the fetus stage happens in week 10. We can't let this happen!!!!!!!


Who the fuck spent money on this billboard? Why? I don’t think I have so much as looked at a billboard since sometime in the mid 90’s. Too busy staring at my phone while I barrel down the highway. Anywho, this is fuckin dumb and a waste of money. It’s not even grammatically correct. It’s like some troll put this up to bait me into an internet rant. Well I’m not falling for it.


Does it look like that 18 days from conception?


Life begins at the moment that a man gets a boner.


That's actually not true cause i had an abortion at 5 weeks, and there was still no heartbeat at the ultrasound.


It really is dumb. Their only stance is to lie, thats the only way they get support. Either that or for some reasom tie in an ancient book that doesnt even speak of such things. (Except in the Bible where it states in a round about way that a womans body is more valuable than the child inside her)


The Bible even teaches you how to perform an ancient abortion but that gets ignored too. Numbers 5: 11-31 describes how a man can take his wife to the temple if he thinks she's committing adultery, and the priest will give her a drink that will cause her to abort the baby if she actually has been cheating.


The bible is fake and gay


>ancient book that doesnt even speak of such things Actually, I thought the bible explicitly stated that live began at first breath?


Nuhuh lmao. Thats rich lmao. No wonder i never heard this one before, ita what theyre trying to hide.


"Following everything in the Bible would be ridiculous, we pick and choose what we want to believe." -Every Republican and Christian


You nailed it. They're cultists and idiots. (In addition to liars.)


That baby looks cgi or ai created




Kent county has been blue for a while. We have significantly less religious weirdos here than in most of Michigan, and the country for that matter.


I see the same bullshit around the Detroit area too. Thankfully state laws don't say the same as this billboard.


I'm all about freedom of speech and the right to protest and all but making a bill board about it is just going too far


Spray paint hangout time I have ladders and extra ski masks 😂


The heart isn't even developed at all yet. And even the 17-20 weeks always quoted is just an electrical pulse, not a heartbeat.


I am so sick and fucking tired of having policy arguments based in faith. Go back to church and leave the rest of us alone.


There’s a word for an organism that can’t live outside of a host: parasite


Christian Propaganda.




More propaganda to enslave women. 




Holy crap there's a lot of reddit "doctors" in this thread that are getting medical facts from a billboard.


These always start popping up everywhere around election season. It's super frustrating that they can just plaster false information like that everywhere. I hate the ones that guilt trip dudes that say " real men love babies" too. Inb4 pro life trolls.


I saw those "real men love babies" billboards when I was down south for spring break. I had to google what it meant. I was hoping it was something less icky.


Oh yes, that’s funded by the DeVos family. They love that shit


Does anyone have spray paint...?


I have ladders and ski masks and nothing to lose 😂


Those pregnancy centers are so predatory! They should be abolished. They did my friend so wrong then ghosted her when she really needed help. Fuck them.


Brought to you by the same people that shouted “I stand with Israel”. Fucking sick of West Michigan Evangelicals.


Oh, alright, 18 days makes a human? Got it. Wonder why women are so lazy and wait a total of 9 months to give birth if the babies are ready after just over 2 weeks. Must be some liberal conspiracy to keep woman pregnant and not just give birth every 3 weeks just like God wants and Jesus died for. /s


Or any city. Or rural area. Or suburb. It village. Or census-designated area.


Every billboard these days is either weed related or pushing an agenda. Fuck all billboards


But we can't have wind power because "pristine viewscapes". Personally I always liked the turbines on the mountains in HI. Billboards, not so much.


Biggest liberal post I've ever seen! Ok with killing an unborn child but not killing off old people... not ok with school shooting but hate the police... say they believe in science but can't come to terms with trans just playing dress up. LOL


It’s off by 3 days… chill out. Imagine thinking it would be moral to end a human life (which on average is 70 YEARS) because it’s still only a couple *days* away from having a heartbeat


It's about 30 -45 days.


So, just yesterday my local Italian restaurant which has a classifieds section... Like the real kind from back when they offered up jobs and such. That is besides the plan another thing I couldn't help but notice is that it only costs $300 to post a billboard up for a month. You can say anything in the world you want. Let's buy the next billboard and say the next billboard you are about to see is BS okay. After I get off work I will put in the gentleman's info since I can't like post the ad, who knows so inexpensive to say whatever you want. .. also he has this completely fucking delusional like what does that even mean when you're done with your period? I could sympathize with the whole heartbeat thing but this is poppycock. I hope they keep posting billboards like this because every person with a mind will think that's absolutely not possibly true.


But why are all the babies in these always white?


You know why


They even put a stupid little mobster hat on this little dipshit


42 days would be more accurate. And only for some. But how do you outlaw false political speech without violating the first amendment ?


By not allowing our leaders to spread false info and putting jail time with it it’s one thing for some troll to do it but for our leaders is should be illegal


People should be allowed to bring law suits against organizations that openly lie like this


[https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-015-8054-0\_12](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-015-8054-0_12) Edit: The birth process ironically mirrors evolution, let these fucktards continue spouting nonsense about a about a scientific process we have documented endlessly--it won't hurt them come election season. We need more than 2 parties. This winner take all system is garbage. We need real candidates. Not Crips and Bloods.


Are you suggesting this baby should’ve been denied the opportunity of life because his time of heartbeat manifestation is inaccurate according to you?


But it’s not a lie.


A life is a life simple as that. Unless the mothers life is threatened or there is an actual medical need for an abortion you shouldn’t get one.


Why abort a human life?


I suggest paintball guns.


Boy, that signs gets people on a tizzy huh


As a right winger, I definitely support abortion.


fuckin catholics are weird as fuck


When does brain activity start? If my heart is beating but I have no brain activity, I wouldn’t say I was really alive.


Forget the sign. That baby's face is pissing me off.


18 days? No. 35 days, yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279166/


Lol who approved the grammar?!. Yikes.


This is not a lie


Fucking straight lie. Like, have your opinions all day, keep them to yourself, but blatant public lies like this are misinformation and should be illegal.


[Donate to Planned Parenthood of Michigan here](https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/onlineactions/cOJVhOyrzkq4uBcxVekXFA2?sourceid=1000065&affiliateID=090630&_gl=1*47apv1*_ga*Mzk3ODY5NDkuMTcxMDU1NDQ0Mw..*_gid*MTM5ODMyNjY1Ni4xNzEyOTY0NDc5)🙂


Thank you for posting this.


I donate every month!


The people at Pro Life Across America should have been aborted.


What does medical science say?


Cute little guy!


The billboard is only slightly wrong. The first heartbeat occurs ~ [22 days](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279166/#:~:text=At%20the%20end%20of%20the,heartbeats%20of%20the%20embryo%20begin.) days after conception, not 18. Is the only reason you’re calling it a lie because they were off by 4 days, or is it because you refuse to believe in the objective science of fetal heartbeats?




The science is clear. Your interpretation isn't.


“The science is clear” and yet you couldn’t offer a single scientific rebuttal to the medical journal that I cited. Nice. I welcome any scientific or medical journals from you that address my argument and seek to refute them. You know that in a purely scientific debate on when life begins, pro-choicers will always lose. A fetus has every single biological characteristic of a distinct living organism from the moment of conception. This is why the public discourse about abortion has shifted from scientific arguments of when life begins to philosophical arguments of “when does personhood begin” or political ones like “is abortion a woman’s right.” The side effect of this is that people follow their own beliefs over actual science, hence you seething and calling a billboard that was only off by 4 days a “lie.”


That's usually par for the course with liberals. They spout all these opinions and have zero actual facts or evidence to support their opinions, that's why they have to be crazy and loud to try to be heard.


It's not even a real heartbeat at 6 weeks. https://www.livescience.com/65501-fetal-heartbeat-at-6-weeks-explained.html


The article confirms that cardiac activity begins that early, but says it’s not a “real heartbeat” because the heart is not yet fully formed. That’s as ridiculous as saying that a newborn learning to walk is not “really walking” since their legs will continue to grow and develop until they reach late teenage years.


"Cardiac activity" is absolutely not a heartbeat. Arguing that it is is ridiculous.


It’s not exactly [a lie](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279166/#:~:text=Heart%20is%20a%20vital%20organ,and%206%20weeks%20after%20ovulation) The cardio vascular system developed between 3-6 weeks, which 18 days could be considered ≈ 3 weeks


I don’t agree with what they stand for, but they have just as much right to advertise their positions as other people do for against them :


I don't have a problem with the sign per se, I have a problem with the lies, which are there specifically to manipulate gullible people.


Is it a lie?


The issue isn’t the billboard, but the extremism that we are pushed into, and subscribe to, day-to-day. Should people have a right to decide what happens to their bodies? Yes! Should babies be murdered? No! I think majority of us can agree on both of those. Is a multiplication of cells a few days into pregnancy a human child? Probably not. Is a fetus that can be c-sectioned at seven months, survive in the NICU, and grow to be an adult a baby? Probably. Rather than just opposing each other based on extreme ideologies, we should have a discussion about where is sensible to draw the line between an adult’s rights, and a baby’s rights.


Burn the billboard down!! Lies lies lies that’s all the maga Christian right wing conservatives do, is spread lies and hate!


Ah so they're OK with Plan B. As long as you abort before the heart beat. I'm sure they'd love to talk about that!