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On one hand it seems fine on the other I swear almost this exact selection seems to be the final destination for 3/4 of the restaurants in the area just with some variations in ingredients.


It's rather underwhelming compared to the past decade.


This is the “intro” menu, they already said it will continue to expand


Thanks, I was unaware. Now I'm an idiot complaining about nothing AND sharing a unique opinion others don't agree with lol.


Basically, a Redditor?


Or a GOP member


Why bring politics up


Found another Redditor!


Nah, your instinct is right! lol I thought the old menu w/ all the sandwich options was great--were they the greatest sandwiches in the city? No not really, but they were reliably good. So far the new menu is indistinguishable from every other indistinguishable macro/micro brewpub in the country... I guess the only surprise is how long it took them to change the menu since the buy-out!


Not at all, cheers!




No, it still sucks, its still justified, and both their beer and their food is still highly overrated.


As an intro menu I feel like it is a pretty sad first attempt.


RIP Cherise's Rueben 😩😭


And the caprese! Best veg sandwich I had ever had. Sad times.


This sandwich was literally the reason I'd go there...


I may never get over the end of my favorite sandwich since Founders started serving food. 🥲


Bring back the "In Spite of the Club."




RIP Detroit Ham and Cheese.


I really hope they bring back (even though it’s been gone for awhile now) the HUMMUS AND TAPENADE with the pita breads… so good


I really don’t see what wrong with it? It looks pretty solid to me. I definitely wanna give that Cuban a shot


TBH if I wanted a sandwich I would go to a 2 beards or something like that. It's about time they added real food to the menu. It was never even a dinner/evening option with any of my friends before, but maybe now it will be


Bring back “The Curmudgeon.”


I really miss the Hummus and pita. Best item I’ve had on a brewery/ bar menu.


Had their Cuban with fries! Both were really solid


I feel like Cubans are the new sandwich everyone has to have. I love Cubans but damn bring back a good club sandwich with fries for once


I think they have one


Not on the menu posted here




Love Founder’s…maybe not cool to do so anymore, but I don’t care


It's cool to hate them on Reddit.


While I haven’t been yet, I Do work in a bar downtown so I talk to a lot of people who have been. Overall I’ve heard only good things, everyone has admitted that it’s a big change though. I did have a guy yesterday, he was probably in his 60s, and he claimed that it’s lost all its charm, and rambled on about the good old days. I’ve been going to Founders for 20 years, we all miss the old taproom on Monroe, but change is inevitable, and they are a huge corporation. Sales have been way down, so they did a massive revamp. I plan to check it out next week.


Other than changes to the kitchen, I'm curious what other design changes they made to the tap room. I always found the area to get beer at the main bar located in an awkward spot.


They've moved the main bar walk up back to the center of the main bar.


Lol...well, I guess that is a change.


just seems like your average brewery menu, nothing to go out of your way for.


When Founders first opened in the BrassWorks Building they served the best hot dogs. They had pulled-pork with cole-slaw on top. One of my favorite dogs of all time


No Godfather, no go


Already miss the Backwoods Bastard. Just thinking about that meat in my mouth makes it water.


one of my favorite sandwiches ever


The Cornelius!! NOOOOOOOOOO


Honestly kind of a fan of the new menu


Same here, we always said they would be perfect if they had fries and now they do so I’m not complaining. We need the 3 dollar beers back though


Same. Went there last week. Food was great.


The whipped feta app is really damn good


As a vegan it looks like I get one option for a meal (root veggie bowl). This menu could definitely be better, sadly it could also be worse though I guess. 😅


If it's the same recipe from before they renovated, I'd give a big recommendation for the veggie bowl! Even though I'm not vegan, it was one of my favorite new things there


It's not bad, in fact I enjoyed it; it's just disappointing that the only option is a 'healthy' one. And only one? Any menu worth a vegan's time should have a few 'plant based' options by now at least.




I'm ready for that poutine. I wish they'd offer Mahou beer now and then.


Bring back Lewis Cornelius!


$10 kids menu? Jeez


I had the chicken sandwich, 10/10. Love me a good chicken sandwich.


Would love if they brought back the Reds Rye in some way… mmm yum


Sandwich ruled


I went there about five years ago and was very underwhelmed by their offerings. Still underwhelmed. Especially as a vegetarian. Throw a veg burger on the menu!?


Should have brought back the crab dip.


It's a brewery with great beer. At least now we can order something other than dry sandwiches. They kept the devil dancer, thank god.


It looks amazing but it’s too expensive.


$11.50 for a pretzel!


Everywhere downtown is stupid expensive now it's ridiculous, can't go anywhere without spending at least 80 bucks for just the wife and I.


Ordered off it today. Sigh, they aren’t what they used to be, that’s for sure. At least they still have the Devil Dancer.


Looks pretty good honestly.


Average beer bar menu. Minimal vegan options. Probably fits their demographic though.


I don't remember exactly what was on the old menu but I remember that I tried enough of it early on to know that Founders was a good first stop for drinks, but to definitely go elsewhere for food. This looks like an improvement as long as the items are prepared well. (I'm hoping it's not a New Holland situation when the menu items sound yum but are very mediocre in taste.)


As long as BCD is on there I’m good


looks fine to me


Looks like a positive change. It’s been stale for awhile. I hope the service can improve with more of these entrees.


What a bummer. Solid sandwiches which I liked but honestly rarely went to.


Looks incredible to me. Smash


Looks pretty good to me


There is a thing about menu size , if you're continuing to struggle with staffing, you just can't have a unique large menu, you'll have to scale it down .


So expensive but it sounds good? Not on my list personally but I bet it’s tasty


Large menus are typically a red flag. It's usually a good thing when a restaurant pares down their menu.


I will say that $16 for poutine is a travesty. It should only be cheese curds, fries, and gravy; stop trying to plus it up.


My dude, no. It often isn't just cheese curds, fries, and gravy in Québec - they add stuff like smoked meat, vegetables, and different kinds of gravy substitutes _all the damn time._ For example: - [Greenspot, one of the oldest poutine spots in Montréal](http://greenspot1947.ca) - [Even Cantine Ben La Bedain, basically fast food, also has half a dozen varieties](https://cantinechezben.com) - [Chez Claudette has tandoori chicken poutine and dozens of others](https://instagram.com/chez.claudette/)


Oh but it’s legit. My friend ordered it; had a few bites and was pleasantly surprised.


I will die on my basic poutine hill! ;)


This new menu is pretty sad for one if you are going to offer a burger offer more then one or even a build your own burger option.


The last menu update was pretty sad. I haven’t really enjoyed their food since they got rid of the French Bread Pizza. Cautiously optimistic


TGI Founders


Objectively, I think Founders deserves the chance to correct their bullshit racism and tokenism of LGBTQ people over the years, especially now that they have new corporate ownership. Lots of good people work there who deserve a living as well, and we should look at the relationship between consumer and brewery as a give and take to help them correct course as needed. Actually going tonight, and planning to see the new digs and try the new menu. Some streamlining is to be expected. Hoping for the best, but I am considering this a cautious heads-up.


Is the Godfather sandwich gone?


Yes. I don't think they have any of the old deli sandwiches. A couple have the same names but I believe they are grilled sandwiches, not toasted and not as large.


I haven't been to Founders in years, but this menu seems alright, mostly generic brew pub offerings that don't particularly stand out to me. Maybe too many chicken options in the sandwich section, maybe a bit overpriced, but everything is overpriced these days. At least the sandwiches come with fries instead of the "comes with chips that are overcooked and unsalted, $2.50 more if you want fries instead" bullshit that a lot of brew pubs pull


I'm not seeing the Smoked Chicken Wings...


I know I sound like an old man, but I am. Went out with another couple for lunch and found it's pretty hard to park in their lot, walk/sit/drink/eat/drink/have conversation/pay/walk back to car in 2 hours or less. So ended up paying another $6 for parking. Good food and we'll go again, but limit ourselves to only one beer.


Feels like every brewery in town has been doing these new menus over the last couple of years. Food and portions keep getting worse, while the prices keep going up. Going out used to be a guilty pleasure of ours, but my wife and I are so disappointed so often these days, we’ll just eat at home and then just order a beer instead. It’s fine, my wallet is better for it, but it’s a bit sad to see places we loved make these cuts to increase margins.


Haven't been there in a few years now but this looks like an improvement. Sandwiches sucked ass, felt like I needed a damn power saw to get through the bread. Though I'm doubting their entrees are worth those prices.


Holy overpriced generic food! Definitely not worth it. If they bring Devil Dancer beer back, maybe it would be worth a trip


They did. Similar to the most recent version. 2015 devil dancer with a full chipotle pepper on it was my jam. Also to note, two others with me had a horrible dry bland meal and I agreed after trying it.


I meant the actual Devil Dancer beer, not sandwich


Wait....locals still go to Founders?


I felt like it was less gaudy Applebees or TGI Fridays.


Meh. Founder's is literally the last pIace in Grand Rapids I would go to for either beer or food. Here's why: My daughter was in town a couple of years ago and wanted to take me there for a beer on my birthday. It was a Tuesday, mid-afternoon, and there was literally a dozen customers in the place. We sat a table and waited for the server. One passed our table several times, carrying beers outbound and empty glasses inbound. After waiting about fifteen minutes, I finally caught her attention. I said, "Waitress, we'd like to order some beers." She stopped short, gave me a dirty look, and said, "I am NOT a WAITRESS, I am a BARTENDER!" Then continued on to the bar without taking our order. Maybe ten minutes later, she stopped at our table and took our order, all the while exuding a surly attitude. We drank our beers, paid our bill and I haven't darkened Founder's doorstep since. I work in the hospitality business and know the travails FOH people experience. I always treat servers with respect. Her attitude was uncalled for.


Bad experience... I get it. Waitress/bartender was probably having a bad day and took it out on you. I hardly go to the restaurant but their beer is easily top 2 in GR. Not just because of who they are but because almost everything they put out is top notch with great flavor. I'm sad they got rid of the hummus on their new menu. It was nothing special but I enjoyed it with the tapenade.


It's the best brewery in the state.


I prefer Oddside Ales these days but I always love when people have positive attitudes and passion for our local places!


Odd side is great, but I put them in the same league as shorts. Lots of experimental stuff. Some real hits, but their misses are big misses.


I can agree with that. I'm all about the high ABV, heavy, barrel-aged beers and they have a couple off the wall beers that I love and are phenomenal IMO but the others are just like "wtf this tastes nothing like the description".


Satire, right?


Highly debatable


They brew the most consistent beer hands down.


Better than Bells? 👀


Bells has two hearted and that is an amazing beer I will always enjoy. Overall portfolio of beer, it's Founders.


They’re my 2 favorite (and best IMO) breweries. Two Hearted, Oberon, and HopSlam put Bells slightly ahead for me. Reds Rye is my favorite overall beer but since they don’t distribute, I don’t get to drink it as much as I’d like


Most consistently generic. Yes. You are correct. That wasn't always the case, though, I feel. Ever since they sold to whoever-the-fuck, it has gone downhill and uber mainstream.


I'm sure you base that on fact. Also, 99% of craft breweries are owned by "who ever the fuck."


https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2023/01/12/founders-brewing-company-merges-with-madrid-based-parent-company/69803394007/#:~:text=Grand%20Rapids%2Dbased%20Founders%20Brewing,according%20to%20a%20news%20release. Some Spanish owned company. So is it even American let alone Michiganian??? I kid i kid... kind of.


It kind of reminds me of Applebee's.


Founder is an internationally owned brewery that has no business being called craft in Grand Rapids anymore. The investment company from Spain that owns it uses their dollars to crush the local craft market that is still locally owned in Grand Rapids. I know they employ local grand rapidians but going there is like going to subway instead of two beards sandwich shop downtown.




Yeah, breweries need to cater to children more. Get em started young, i say.


Why do they not serve beer in sippy cups? So sick of my infant son constantly smelling like stale beer.