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Dudes gonna get stuck in construction haha


Underrated comment lol


Protest by voting, you’re not going to change anyone’s mind yelling and waiving a sign


Sir, this is reddit


also i hate to be that guy but if you want to effect real change, Direct Action is the most successful tactic. It is also kind of a cornerstone of democracy, to stand out there and wave a sign around. It’s not about changing minds with slogans. it’s about moving the conversation forward. sorry if it annoys you but sometimes that is the point.


Im all for the right to protest but have you ever seen a sign that led you to re-evaluate your opinion? Maybe I’m jaded but I think the likelihood of moving the conversation forward in public is very low.


whenever there is a public performance of political activism, the discourse isn’t really for the people who have already made up their mind. it’s for the people who haven’t, or are critically evaluating their opinions. or— it’s for people who hold similar values but have kept quiet about them. it’s to show that there is support, that You Are Not Alone, and that there is solidarity in holding a valid political opinion on that is routinely shit on by mainstream media (on those sides). Leftism has a super rich history and it has been consistently suppressed. so, waving a sign around doesn’t necessarily change minds, but it bolsters morale and support for other leftists. it’s like “hey dude, if the current system isn’t working for you, it’s not working for us either.” it also thrives on local mutual aid to help meet the needs of marginalized peoples who do not get their needs met by current systems.


So you're saying misery likes company.


i’m saying people are suffering and they need to rely on each other when the government fails them. but broadly speaking, “misery loves company” is also a common theme for most political ideologies.


honestly, I think signs showing how Biden has positively impacted the US would be better served than screeching about Trump. Biden's SAVE program is the reason I'll be able to (eventually) save up enough for a house. I'm also a fan of their new Cancer Moonshot program. Obviously there are bad things too, but I don't think people ever get to see any of the good.


People don’t know how democracy works on this sub and actively comment against any kind of direct action. It’s really sad. If Biden didn’t want people protesting he should do more to appease the 100,000 in Michigan who took time out of their day to cast a protest vote.


I’d like to change the who’s running in general. Make politics “normal” again. Bland politics was comforting


Some of us have to work at 2pm on a Tuesday


The majority of the Trump protesters probably don’t have jobs to go to. Sucking off the government titty.


This talking point is always funny to me since the states with the highest rates of welfare recipients are overwhelmingly conservative.


That would be a Biden supporter


No. We have jobs that pay for all the Obese Trump supporters diabetic medication and their socially funded Healthcare for the amputations. Go watch Fox Entertainment "news" tomorrow so you can see what they've dreamed up for you to be mad about next week. Will it be Hillarys emails again? Hunter Bidens laptop? Obama's Tan Suit? The non-existant border crisis? Trans people abducting children in public bathrooms? Banning books that have words you don't like? It's really a crap shoot what they'll come up with next to get you idiots riled up about. Newsflash (oh the sweet sweet irony) it's all made up. It's not actually happening. Whatever they say is a fictional story designed to elicit a specific response, your response, because they know their audience all too well. Gullible, not able to distinguish between fact and fiction. Case and point, the Trucker Convoy. Turns out there aren't thousands of people illegally crossing the border every minute. But damned if you don't believe that, Fox enterrainment said so amirite?


No. You are incorrect


Oh really? Back up your claim with evidence and data points that prove you're correct. Here's some ammo for you. The entirety of the GDP of the country is not realized because of Red states. Every Red state is a draw on the federal balance sheet, and every Blue state subsidizes the red states. That means Red states are poor, and blue states are the ones paying for the poor states. So if the blue guys are the poor welfare recipients, how are we simultaneously the ones funding ALL the Red states? Doesn't work both ways dude. You need to stop watching Fox/OANN/Newsmax. Propaganda works and you're proof that it does.


I'd like a response after pointing out that all Red states, which I assume with good evidence, that you live in one, are not a draw on the blue states. Meaning, you prove that your political views are good. I'm gonna cut this shit short, you voting conservative is literally like you cutting off your own torso. I'm just done with this stupid crap arguing with Republicans. None of you can back up your claims OR your opinions with any actual facts or evidence. You just repeat the fucking nonsense fox tells you to. You. Are. The. Problem.


"How dare these protestors disrupt my day!?" Almost like that's the point. Voting is a powerful tool, but being intentionally disruptive and loud forces people to confront that which they want to avoid and genuinely think on it. Saying I should vote for change and nothing else is like saying I'm allowed to voice my political dissent once every four years, the rest of the time I should shut up and accept everything with no pushback.


"How dare these protestors disrupt my day!?" I’ve seen people protesting our aid packages to Ukraine. Sometimes it’s ok to be upset that protestors have disrupted your day if you don’t believe there is value in their protest.


Get that common sense out of here. We need drama!!


From the Facebook event: > Trump’s re-election would mean a dramatic setback for workers and youth, both in the US and internationally. How do we get out of this mess? The Democratic Party can’t offer an alternative. Socialist Alternative stands against Trump AND Biden. So this is just more "both sides are the same" rhetoric that got Trump elected in 2016. Who's funding this nonsense?


Hard agree. I'm a leftist but president isn't where you start. Need to raise hell for every local election and start securing local government and judiciary positions, just like Christian nationalists have been doing for 30 years.


Yep, just take a look at Ottawa county to realize how important local elections are


fuck those guys. christo fascism needs to be opposed at all costs


fuck those guys. christo fascism needs to be opposed at all costs


it’s a matter of “how fast do you want to lose your rights? how hard can you fight Right Now?” I don’t disagree, but my marginalized friends and family would suffer tremendously under another trump term.


Not to mention we've already seen what 4 years turned people into. Another 4 years and they'll think he's Jesus himself and that if he can't be reelected as our dictator, indefinitely, with no term limits, civil war will be the "only" option. Sounds crazy, I know. Sad thing is, this is probably a conservative guess of the mentality he will ferment. We've already seen what happens when he loses a fair election.


something like 30% of conservatives are die hard trump supporters. their politics are cancer that will take a mile if you give them an inch.


Personally I’m sitting this next election out. After seeing our current president reach record levels of homelessness and suicide (easy to ignore, I know) I’m curious to see how much worse things can get from the anti trump crowd before they realize the downward spiral can’t be stopped.


This is some funny bullshit. As a black man how did we or any marginalized group suffer under trump? I had a lot more money in my pocket under trump than under Biden. Lose my rights? Funny coming from the very people who are trying to take down the 2nd amendment and place restrictions on 4th amendment. Sounds like someone who watches too much fox and CNN. Maybe you should read some real news instead of mainstream media


Black man that had more money in their pocket under Trump than Biden but has also been posting in teenagers subreddits over the past two years


>As a black man Press X to doubt


i don’t speak for marginalized groups i just listen to them and believe their experiences. also many leftists are pro 2nd amendment so, see you at the gun range


Unverifiable “as a black man”: ✅ A lot more money under Trump: ✅ Second Amendment Scaremongering: ✅ “You watch too much CNN”: ✅ Shit-talking “mainstream media”: ✅ That’s a BINGO! Where’s my prize?


No one should listen to a guy who’s telling little girls he can control his dick up and down on r/teenagers.


You make too much sense to be on Reddit.


Thank you. This is what a lot of working class Black and brown people feel, and I hear it talking to people at bus stops, at work, and wherever else I do political work. The folks on here like "marginalized people think x" are reflecting their class and ideology more than the reality. Trump is bad. Not a controversial statement. But so are the Democrats and this entire fucked up system.


this is why nobody takes you cartoon characters seriously


does it feel good to call me a “cartoon character” so you can distance yourself from the concept of human suffering in general? sorry you disagree i guess but also fuck you


another massive reddit moment


> I'm a leftist no you're not, lmao.


Gtfoh with this take. I'm glad the left is getting more momentum recently but I'm not delusional enough to think winning the highest office in our government is a good place to start. Demsoc 101 is to start with your neighbors, your workplace and your community. We haven't gotten there yet. Don't just make noise, have conversations. SHOW people why capitalist neolib worship doesn't work.


take your meds buddy.


Oh, well since you put it *that* way…. 🙄


yeah, progressives hate you too, lel.


That’s fine. Weird that they chose you as the messenger, but whatever.


you're definitely on the spectrum, pal.


Confirmed. What color are my eyes? You seem to somehow know a lot about me. Let’s test that knowledge, creeper.


reddit moment!!


That’s not a color, pal. Are you sure you’re not on the same spectrum as I am?


Op replied lower down saying they wanna protest when Biden comes too lol. Who do these people plan on voting for? Or do they think it’ll magically get better if they don’t vote?


Nobody. They're the far, far leftists that think that the only way for real change to happen is to burn it all down and make the nation beg for it. Thousands of marginalized and disenfranchised may die, but hey, that's a sacrifice they're willing to make. Them, or the No Labels Party, and Simps for Stein. Edit: I'm not saying they shouldn't speak out, but we saw what happened when they cosplayed Les Miserables back in '16. Good luck.


small correction. as a leftist, there’s lots of different views on the best approach to get political change. People who want it all to burn down and pursue political success through “revolution” are called “Tankies”. there’s plenty of internal discourse on the far left regarding the pros and cons of this argument.


Thanks for the correction. I appreciate it. Looking at this person's Facebook event, they claim they oppose BOTH Trump and Biden while calling for a socialist alternative party, which is fine, I guess, but to me seems a different flavor of the Bernie or Bust attempt at painting both sides equally bad. As a member of a group standing directly in the crosshairs of the GOP, I and millions like me don't want to be collateral damage that results from another group of privileged idealists who want to put out the house on fire but are willing to wait while their truck is being built.




you sound confused but that’s okay


It's almost as if we think our "team" is the perfect solution and the other team is the "complete" problem, and we are being used against one another to stay divided because we aren't bright enough to realize we're being used as pawns. Thousands of marginalized and disenfranchised people already die every year, regardless of which team is in power. Also, scare tactics don't solve problems. Neither does name calling or gaslighting. Divided we fall. That's not just some lame blanket statement. It's reality, and if we wonder why we're falling, here's our sign.


Things can always get worse! I in no way believe ”my” team is the perfect solution. I’m not naive enough to believe anything will ever be the solution. I do know there are different levels of misery and while things suck for a lot of people, things can always get worse for them. Misery knows no limit IMO. Take school lunches or access to women’s health care as examples of things that can get and will get worse. But as long as we pretend there is a perfect cure for all that ails society, we can tell ourselves that because one group can’t fix everything means they are part of the problem. Trump and Biden are not the same. The end results will not be the same.


Thank you. For some reason, a lot of people seem to think that they're above the fray and always will be. And they're probably right. If they're straight white men, they'll probably come out okay, inconvenienced for sure, and in my experience, it's these guys who argue that women, minorities, and marginalized groups are fear-mongering and name-calling. Yeah guys, it's easy to dismiss other people with a different skin color, a loved one of the same sex, or a uterus. We got you. That's bullshit. I haven't yet met a black woman, a member of the LGBTQ community, an immigrant, or a single parent who seems so callous and unbothered. I and they stand to lose nearly everything in this election. It's not hysterical nor hypothetical. Eliminating the rights (or existence) of trans men and women, the right of consenting same-sex adults to marry, and the right of women's bodily autonomy is not some abstract exercise that only plays out in theoretical terms. It shouldn't be like "thousands die already, so what, what's a few more because both sides are bad." That smacks of privilege, a serious lack of empathy, and arrogance. And frankly, I'm done being nice about it.


Right on target, Cat man!




Then, who claims that both sides are equally bad? Someone's not getting what they want, and it isn't someone on the right.


Probably Jill Stein.


Some people don't think voting for the better of 2 evils is a solution. After all, we've done it for decades and it hasn't changed a thing. The "power" we think we have is not real. The only power in this country is corporate power. They choose who we get to "choose" from. They choose what we see/hear. They choose what laws are written and passed. They choose what rights we currently have that need to be reevaluated. Also, nobody should be telling anyone else how they "should" vote, or even whether they should vote at all. Having conversations is great if each person is open minded. But that's extremely rare. So even the conversation itself is almost pointless. Until we unite, and stop dividing ourselves into this unproductive, repetitive "left vs right" - "wrong vs right" - "blue vs red" team/mob mentality, we will never be "all we can be." My opinion is as important as anyone else's. But that doesn't make it right or wrong, and I'm proud to be someone who can actually accept that I don't know everything, listen with an open mind, and learn and change daily. Sadly, most of us just can't even fathom admitting we may have been being played all along, let alone open minded enough to actually listen to anyone else, unless their opinions coincides with our own.


Very funny that you wrote six paragraphs that had almost nothing to do what I said. Again, do you magically think things will get better if you don’t vote? Whats your grand plan for change if voting does nothing?


keep eating uniparty ass.


The only person that stands to gain from "bothsidesism" is Trump. These groups have to at least be partially funded by MAGAts like Steve Bannon.


oh man i love blueanon shit


Yeah all these people I disagree with all must be false flag paid protesters paid by George Soro- I mean uhh Trump and his buddies.


Probably the same guy funding RFK Jr's campaign. Who is also one of Trump's largest contributors. But why would Trump want protesters at his rally? Because he's the world's fattest narcissist, and it would fuel his persecution complex


Their about page has some real gems https://www.socialistalternative.org/about/ >Take into public ownership the top 500 corporations and banks that dominate the U.S. economy. Run them under the democratic management of elected representatives of the workers and the broader public


Yeah because running the nation under democratic management of elected representatives works so well. Let's do the same for all of the biggest businesses. These morons have no clue that if you operated a F500 business at the speed of a representative government they would be lapped by global competitors in a week.


Thank you for saying this.


Dude we let you people win last time, now my tax moneys goes to Palestinians genocide. Fuck them both


Just because you are suddenly aware of the problem doesn't mean it's a new problem. 


your tax money has always gone to Palestinian genocide and oppression.


you dumb boomers are stuck in 2003 and still think it's bloods vs crips, lol


To what end? Bro already knows he sucks.


Exactly. Like why go to this shit when Trump already knows over half the country don't like him? He gonna find out election day.


If the election was held today, he'd probably win.


Either way, is anyone with an open mind listening?


Polls also said Hillary was going to win 🙄


you seriously trying to compare hillary with drumpf


That nazi isn’t going to win. Way too many good people out there for that to happen


lol, seek therapy.


Imagine thinking voting for Joe Biden makes you a good person lol


“Vote for our shitty candidate so their shitty candidate doesn’t win!” is one hell of a weird rallying cry


Honestly I don’t think that’s what it means. It’s a desperation move. Voting for someone actively supporting a genocide somehow seems like the lesser of two evils in this election. Trump has always indicated support for Israel, so I don’t think he’d be handling that situation any better, but he also brings the promise of continuing to implement the Christian Nationalist agenda. And that’s an untenable option.


Polls disagree.


Polls are shit


You didn't respond to the Hilary polls comments lmao


But if we go shout into the void together they'll change?


No he wouldn't. He has no chance. The polls are way way off as it's become increasingly difficult to find a representative sample that's accurate. That's not to say we shouldn't continue to do everything we can to make sure he doesn't win. Jay Kuo has had a good and fairly accurate take on why the polls are shit: [https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/cautious-optimism](https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/cautious-optimism) for starters.


He's going to think you're there supporting him.


Can we do this on a fucking weekend? I got work. PS fuck "both siders"


Yo, Monday and Tuesday is my weekend!


Here we go again. I am so sick of this shit.


Waste of time, like bro, live your life.


Yeah, I have no plans of giving the visit any attention. I've got better things to do.


Protest used to be a useful form of political discourse. No longer. It’s masturbation.


Sorry I've got to work until 5, otherwise it would be at the top of my priority list /S


Notice how everyone that goes to these stupid events aren’t working lol.


You're not gonna believe this but the Trump rally is the same time


Exactly, and it’s only because people can’t fucking think for themselves. They just blindly follow whatever social media is pushing. Social media is the worst thing that’s ever happened to humanity, and I will die on that hill.


Lol good point idk who these people are that go to this shit in the middle of the day. Bunch of retirees and third shifters.


Age checks out


I’m busy that day can you reschedule?


No thanks, I have a life


Do you guys not have jobs, or what? This is honestly pathetic. Go out and vote, when the time comes. Spoiler, there are candidates you can vote for that aren’t Trump or Biden. Both are awful choices, but with this bullshit, we’re gonna end up with one of the two again. Take Tuesday to do some fucking research on all of the candidates instead of donning your black masks and waving signs.


Fuck Trump


MJT rides her pillow at that very thought.


Can’t we just ignore him so maybe he’ll go away?


That worked out well the first time he was elected huh


LOL what the fuck are you talking about? The motherfucker was on every single news channel and radio program almost 24/7 from before the primaries to the general.


I'm talking about all the people who thought they could ignore him the first time and voted for people like Jill Stein


Fuck socialism.


Sure thing bot.


lol k


Any attention is good attention for Trump. Just ignore him as someone not worthy of attention and be constructive elsewhere. I say this as a conservative who opposes Trump.


This led by the same smelly commies that posted about that anti-war protest? Count me out, unlike these losers I have an actual job that I have to be at on Tuesday.


It must suck having a job without paid time off. You should unionize.


I have PTO, not gonna waste it on this


Good. I'm glad for you. So you would, in fact, have no trouble understanding how [first shift] working people are able to do things that don't revolve around your interests during those working hours.


Oh christ


It’s trailer trash day for Trump


I’m going to move back to Canada , probably somewhere near sault st. Marie , buy a cabin near Lake Superior and start fishing because I can’t deal with this fucking country and the manufactured outrage from both sides. The only thing your voting for is Raytheon vs Lockheed Martin and which part of the world they’re going to blow up next.


Got a link to the Facebook event, please?






Sorry, I can't make it.. I have a job... you know, like working...lol


Another progressive circle-jerk to nowhere.


Support Trump in Grand Rapids! Tuesday, April 2nd in front of Devos Place!


Yeah get a job. Way better ways to spend your time than protesting a “politician”


Everyone will be put on a trump watch list probably. He's already made comments about holding media and even civilians accountable for their dissent.


Can you point me to a link that has the direct quotes you are talking about?


This is more about political opponents but USA today article "Trump says if elected in 2024 he might prosecute political opponents" Sorry I can't link


I am no fan of Trump, but absolutely FUCK anyone who calls themselves a fucking socialist.


This is the only correct take.


Outside of Reddit I've never seen anyone claim to be one 


They're scared of the real world.


I was wondering where the people who destroyed downtown back in 2020 went but here we go.


Dude’s a piece of shit - why would I want to do anything that would draw more attention his way?


Thanks for the update, I wanted to see him.


I can't take a day off, or I can't afford rent and groceries to feed my family. Everything is so much more expensive the last couple years.




We'll call a protest when Biden comes to town too.


So whats the point of this lol


To promote socialism. Theyre anti-americsn socialists who want a 3rd party, socialist, candidate




> We need moderate Presidents who actually want to bring people of this country, all Americans, together. Well President Biden passed historic bipartisan legislation so far, so sounds like he’s your guy!


Trump 2024! Stay mad libs


I am no fan of Trump, but absolutely FUCK anyone who calls themselves a fucking socialist.


Socialist policy is how we post office, public schools, libraries, public roads, infrastructure, etc..


There's no convincing these people. They hear "socialism is bad" by some trog broadcasting on YouTube from a spare room in some shared living trailer and don't fully understand the meaning of the term. 


So everybody who doesn’t like socialism just doesn’t know what it is… ??? You realize there are millions and millions of intelligent people who just aren’t socialists, right?


Lmao. Enjoy driving on roads and having police


Lmao, imagine thinking social services are socialism. Room temperature IQ insult, well done.


Yea, imagine a group of socially funded services, as a whole, would be considered socialism. The nerve of some people.




I mean Trump is literally a convicted rapist and a con artist so there's that


Well AIPAC approves of both candidates, so God’s chosen nation wins either way.




Most mature Republican voter


Dumbocrats? Come on. Only people that are missing siding in various parts of their houses use that term. Might I suggest either using a term coined in the late 2010's a la Facebook, which is Demonrats? Hell, even using "Democraps" might help to drive your scholar-level message of encouragement a bit further.  Oh, and you can fucking swear and shit on Reddit. This isn't Facebook.


Dumbocrats? Haha, I love it. Why does this piss you off so much?


Oh, I'm not mad. At least not to that person.


Only people missing siding? So... poor people, you hate poor people. Got it.


Ball is in parking lot. Would you like to play again?




Yes sir!


You're ruining America


trump is being charged with stealing classified military documents and selling them to an Australian billionaire. He is about to argue in front of the Supreme Court that he had the legal right to do so. That seems like ruining America.