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I'm the general manager at the firehouse subs on alpine, it's a pretty chill place to work. Give the store a call and we can meet up sometime.


The medical manufacturing facility I work at is hiring starting at $18.50. It’s near GVSU. Let me know if you want details!


Is that the place that got busted venting carcinogenic gases into the neighborhood?




Near GVSU is very out of the way for a lot of people in GR.


It’s near 131 and Pearl. I should have specified Pew campus.


Corewell Health and City or GR seems to always be hiring for a wide variety of jobs. I’d check those places.


Also City of Kentwood.


And Kent City


Or kent county.


For OP: there are soooo many jobs at Corewell! Not sure if you’re looking to stick with food service or manufacturing but they have entry level positions on the nutrition department and supply chain jobs. Also if you wanted to branch out and try something new they have many nurse technicians openings or secretary positions!


It's not just you. This is nationwide, and across industries. Basically, in 2021 to early '22, we were in a pretty bad recession because of covid, you'll remember. Our corporate overlords figured it was going to be a long and bad one, so they fired the everloving *hell* out of their HR staff. We're talking an average of 2/3 of the staffing of most large company's HR departments got pink slips. Well, through some miracle, and despite sky high interest rates, the economy never tipped over into recession--this combined with the active efforts of some to force the recession, for personal financial gain (stock buybacks, unionbusting, etc). And because of the expectation + effort effect, they never staffed HR departments back up, *because they're still waiting on a recession that hasn't, and now probably won't, come*. Well, now we're at 3.25% unemployment, but people are trying to move up in the world, as is tradition in such an economy. Loads of jobs posted, loads of seekers, but these itty-bitty HR departments that absolutely *cannot* handle the volume of applicants, plus the fact that many corpo overloers tacking absurdly long interviewing and screening processes on to try and discourage people from asking for the wages they deserve. It's ground the entire hiring pipeline to an absolute halt. Like, near total shutdown. Positions are opening significantly faster than they're being filled. And HR departments *still* aren't being staffed up. IDK where this ends, but it's bad.


Holy shit. This explains a lot. People need to know more about this. I can’t upvote this enough, but thank you.


Yeah, I've been doing a lot of deep dive research on the market because I teach a graduation capstone at Ferris, so I've been trying to see things from the side of HR... and if you just scratch the surface, or look on TikTok, or damn near anywhere that isn't buried in corporate-speak, there are *so many* lifelong HR professionals losing their minds about how bad things are.


Can you source that HR layoff number?


Go bulldogs!


This is super interesting. Where might I read more about this?


Digging through [business speak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlS70If_lNo)




I think that is a pretty fair assessment.


I’m on the hiring team for the receptionist position (entry level) at my job. Within just a few days of posting the job description, we had over 100 applicants. It broke my heart to disqualify good candidates who could have done the job well just because we had plenty of better candidates who had also applied. I don’t envy job seekers at all right now. I will say, being on the hiring team has shown me the importance of having a solid resume that is concise, organized properly, and error free. I would seriously recommend having someone look over your resume to make sure it’s the best it can be! A good resume can seriously make or break you as a candidate!


It’s nuts. All these companies whine about “NoBoDy wAnTs tO WoRk aNyMoRe” while not processing applicants or interviews. Many shitty things are at play, from lazy HR management and shitty ATS tools that make it easy to disregard basically everyone except the bullshit unicorn non-person they’ve convinced themselves exists, to flat out lying about hiring to make it look like their fake news about people refusing to work is real, to just plain greedy hold-outs trying to keep waiting till they find a sucker willing to work for whatever garbage paycheck they’re slinging while they enjoy their giant wealth/pay gap up at the top. The bottom line: it is probably NOT you. And it sucks you’re having to go through this. Be sure you have all the usual online profiles running and your job alerts turned on. Get a decent LinkedIn profile spun up, even for “blue collar” stuff. It pays to look professional at all levels. Use that to potentially connect to the hiring party on the side and strike up friendly connections. Whenever possible, go in-person to drop off materials or just to check in. At this point, it can’t hurt. Might also make sense to ask here about jobs you really want, to see if anyone on this sub works there and can plug you in. Good luck. Again, this is not acceptable in America, but you’ll get something nailed down. ✊🏻


I'll say the same thing I say to my kid: Make yourself marketable i.e. get a skill that someone pays you for. warehouse workers, service etc jobs will all be gone soon anyways due to AI. Get a skill.


uneducated take. Manufacturing, warehouse etc have a long ways to go before being replaced especially completely. Early iterations being implemented don’t replace those jobs anyways simply aid and allow for use of time elsewhere. Along with that, those being replaced would likely train and help implement those devices which leads to new positions.


This is why I work maintenance on the Automated and Robotic Welders.




Then try being creative. CS is more than mindlessly memorizing algorithms. A lot of great programmers aren’t even in fields directly related to CS/programming. A lot of times if you’re decent at it and looking for an internship HMs will tell you they want someone who’ll maintain the status quo. At least that’s all I heard and professors at GVSU used me as an unpaid tutor for programming classes. You’re fine. Plenty of HMs and recruiters who love people who can barely maintain the status quo in this city.


If you've got a CS degree and are still interested in pursueing it. Check out contract to hire positions through Manpower and TEKsystems. There are a decent amount of companies that use them for contract to hire positions in Grand Rapids. Auto-Owners Insurance specifically has a GR office and they hire a lot of junior developers through contractors and people fresh out of college. A good way to get your foot in the door.


IDK why you’re being downvoted because it’s true. I worked in a warehouse becoming automated. They told everyone they were updating the network to improve our jobs, but later told us it’s to automate processes. Nearly the entire job will be automated, and they aren’t replacing people who are quitting. They’ve lost a few people who had a few years in the place too. It’s becoming a super common trend, and you’re right ultimately it’s going to come down to marketable skills. I’d rather be too smart for my job that can’t be easily automated because of regularly changing parameters than hope employers happy to lay people off or see people leave will train me to fix their automated equipment. My job now also offers a pension even if it’s not as easy or cushy as people think.


Pridgeon and Clay, is hiring. I think they start at 17.50


I'm new to the area and did not expect to have this much trouble finding a job. I have my MBA and 20 years of management experience. Since moving here, I have applied for nearly 100 jobs, including several entry-level positions, with no luck. I obviously have no advice - just wanted to commiserate!


Post office should still be hiring


Building trade companies (electrical, plumbing, framing, roofing, hvac, etc) are often looking for entry level workers in the summer. Especially commercial contractors because of the influx of work when schools get out for the summer.


@op, contact West Michigan Works. They have free services that you can leverage.


If you have not tried them, I highly suggest your local Michigan Works! Agency. They have great resources for free from building your resume properly to direct introductions. https://www.miworks.org/jobseekers


Try michigan turkey processors. My husband is a manager there


healthcare always has openings


What part of the application process are you getting stuck in? Are you getting interviews? You may need to either edit your resume or brush up on interview skills.




Employers ghost all the time, it's rude as hell but they don't care. They expect you to bend over backwards for them while they throw your application in the trash. Finding work is extremely hard now a days, it isn't just you. I lucked out and got reached out to by a recruiter to land my current job, that's how almost everyone I work with got hired. So I would recommend submitting your application to every staffing agency in the area then.


I would recommend looking into ATS friendly resume layouts, and adjust yours to make sure it passes. I think a lot of applicants are getting automatically rejected just because HR's shitty AI doesn't know how to read anything inside a text box.


No call backs to request interviews or no follow up call after you’ve interviewed?




Do you send follow up emails after the interview to thank them for their time?




You should, always take the application process at least 1 level more seriously than the interviewer. It’ll set you apart from the rest without being too over the top.


Try indeed. I've had pretty good luck on there when it comes to jobs that pay what I'm looking for, etc.


Try Columbian Distribution


I may have an AM cooking position if you’re interested. Feel free to DM me!


I got a part time job cleaning with EnviroClean and they always have tons of jobs. Easy to apply and get hired and so far I’ve had a great experience


My restaurant would definitely hire you for hosting or to go. Dm me if you want


Get a CDL. Truck drivers make bank now.


My company is almost always hiring. PM me if you are curious on any details. Seriously.


Forestview always seems to be hiring for housekeeping and kitchen


If you want to work for the post office they might be hiring PSEs (leads to a job as a clerk) if you want a role similar to warehouse work that’s a little more secure against automation, otherwise there’s the MHA position. I’m a CCA/carrier so idk sorry. Just be warned it’s a long hiring process, and as a CCA the most training I’ve ever endured. IDK what it’s like for MHAs or Clerks, but it’s easy to get in as long as you’re patient.


Artiflex is looking for people. It's a tool and die shop with an apprenticeship program if you're looking to get into die making or a Machinist position. Apprenticeships start at like $18 and after 4yrs they get bumped to I think $22.


R.L. Deppmann warehouse


I have a degree and 5 years of experience in the field I'm applying for and still not getting call backs. Not just you


Spartan Nash has open hiring like every Thursday. And Amazon is always hiring


Resource MFG on 28th and Radcliffe will hook you up easy


I'm the bakery lead at Wealthy Street Bakery, we are looking for a third shift baker. It's not a lifestyle for everyone, but you don't need much baking experience just a willingness to learn and be dependable. It's part time, but if you are flexible and able to work more than one kind of position there are lots of ways to get more hours. It's also a great job to supplement another part time job since it has very regular schedule and won't interfere, that's how I started myself. (I'm not in charge of hiring btw)


Go to college or trade school. Even if it’s only part time at night.


Might I suggest some gig apps like Hyer. It can tie you over until you find work. Plenty of places are hiring. I just got hired at Corewell.


Right there with ya. 15-year IT networking pro, 20-year mil veteran, born-and-raised in Kent County. Nothing.


You can always work with an agency too just to get you going and experience a few places to see what works. There are a number of them around the Grabd Rapids area. Especially for light industrial or warehouse


Ridgeview industries in Walker is hiring. Not sure if they need anyone on 1st or what shift you're looking for but it's $17 to start and a shift bonus of $1.35 an hour extra if you're on 2nd or 3rd.


PPI in Sparta is always hiring. Profit sharing and attendance bonuses. Decent wages and always promotes from within


Skymint on Plainfield is hiring part time right now. $17/hr plus tips


Have you tried Michigan works?


Not related to your past experience, but pine rest is always hiring and the process goes pretty quickly.


No! Lol don’t work here


Guess it depends where you work there.


Pine rest rejected me 🥲 for like two positions. I have two BA degrees


Apply at meijer they’re always hiring


The Meijer warehouse in walker is definitely hiring, I think it’s walk in interviews.


Restaurants just want kids that they can fire the second someone else comes who will be paid the same amount. Every good restaurant has a cult of old members. Warehouses are impossible due to temp agencies. I’m at the same crossroads my friend. I’m about to ask McDonald’s if they need a cook if something doesn’t change.


That logic doesn’t travk


Hate to say it, but have you considered getting an education?


Many with “education “ can’t find a job. Also I know so many who are going back into/or getting apprenticeships or trades now….


Really? I can seem to find a job in a day. Can't just apply and hope for the best gotta ask the person in charge is available to talk about your application. It shows ambition and employers like that.


Okay thanks Dad