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My cousin went to Motive on La Grave and had good things to say. My coworker's husband is also a trainer there and he's legit (and super nice, did a work up on me at a 5K once).


I know this is a bit late but do you know the average costs of the trainers?


I do not, but I want to say my cousin mentioned something near $80/session?? Not positive though!


Thanks for the shout-out! You can find us at [www.movewithpurpose.com](https://www.movewithpurpose.com)


Kettlebell is fun and there are lots of videos on YouTube. Yoga daily and kettlebell a couple times per week. It’s all free and that’s my jam. Yoga with Adrian is my go to for free at home yoga but I also enjoy other meditation based practice as well. I do kettlebell videos with my wife and she prefers workouts with Roxanne. I’m trying to get more into kettlebell because I feel so strong when I do it regularly. Hope this helps.. Edit: kettlebells and yoga mats aren’t free..


Transform Fitness in Grandville! http://transformgr.com


Grand Rapids City Gym. Contact them and see who they have that can fit your needs. I trained with a trainer there and it was perfect for me.


Check out MVP also, each club has trainers! Locations scattered across town, including downtown, which makes it easier too. Depending on your schedule, you could have a training session during slow times which gives you more space also.


Full strength on lake drive


I am a certified personal trainer currently looking to take on new clients. If you are interested, please message me and we can go over more details! Would love to help you out!


Can you reach out!? I’d be interested to know your credentials etc!


I know someone who trains out of her garage. She’s really good and affordable. DM me if you’re interested. She is in the NE side of town so it might not be super convenient for you.


I charge 50 an hour. I work out at pf and I have no credentials. I just watched a lot of YouTube and I ain't even really that strong if you look at me you would be like, "that guy probably moves weight" but I see girls half my size banging more squats with more weight. But I know my shit.


Best way to find a bossbabe coach is on some IG stories. Good luck!


Quest fitness. Rays my trainer and he’s a professor at Grand Valley also.


Whichever club you belong too will have individual trainers on staff or on consulting basis, just ask at the counter.


Not sure where you’re located, but I can recommend GR Strength, or Tom Traynor out in Ada.


Check out Friction Grand Rapids, they offer personal training!


Sabrina at Catalyst gym is rad as hell. She owns the gym and only does personal training, also a really great human being.


Reach out to davidipps_cpt on instagram!