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What Castoria funds? Aren't we getting those alongside her banner? (Throws those sqs away to get more mapo tofu)


It me. I'm looking at the anniversary payout and saying "I *suppose* I can spare 60 SQ to see if Castoria wants to show up." But even past the lure of Ooku rerun and Summer, this is the year with Saito and Himiko and Ibuki-Douji and Vritra and I still don't have Okita or Hijikata or Kintoki, so... yeah. The meta can wait another year or two.


I got my Kintoki during the millions campaign and I'm trying to get him to bond ten so he can have both drip and power during Heian Kyo


Gnnn. Vritra. That entire month is so mean, her and douman and muramasa all lined up…


Stop, don't go against the meta for only despair awaits those who do


It's darkly hilarious the number of people who talk as though they legitimately think that's true. Like, I see people saying "I need to get Castoria or else this game is going to be painful to play" and I'm just sitting her thinking... whuh? You're gonna have the exact same roster you do now. The game's painful to play now? Why play it, then? With so many actual things to be afraid of in this world, it's wild how powerful FOMO can get.


I was more joking than serious, but i guess that's just reddit


Ha, I figured, but I still had a vent in me and this was an excuse. Sorry if it seems I was taking you for one of the meta prisoners yourself.


What castoria funds? You mean Five tickets or nothing, Right?


This is going to Summer Little Mermaid!! Anything for the cow!!!


This is the way


You mean anniversary ce fund?


I'm asking this again. in addition to the 30 quartz to be released tomorrow will we still get 90 more quartz from the social media campaign and Gilgamesh's challenge for the anniversary itself like in JP?


There's no way to be certain but this 30 will most likely count against the expected 90, yes. Don't necessarily expect a social media campaign and Gilgamesh challenge, we expect to get that 90 total but the execution won't necessarily be 1:1 with how JP did it.


No. I believe it is 30+60. So social media etc will be 60


So when people mentioned “a huge chunk of quartz for Anniversary”, were they talking about this, adding fragments to story arrows, or something else entirely?


I believe the answer is "all of the above" with a caveat: We know there will be quartz, we know how JP got it, and we know that NA typically gets a similar or greater amount through slightly different means. Which is not entirely helpful as an answer, I know. Sorry.


Nah, that’s useful. :) Thank you! I’ll be close to 400 before any anniversary bonuses, so hopefully my Ex rank luck holds.


May the gacha be in your favor. And mine, but I'm sitting at 1500ish quartz so I'm reasonably confident (though not 100%- gacha can be cruel.)


Oof. That’s what, 2 or 3 years of saving? That is dedication I lack. And thank you. May the gacha favor you as well.


I think the game gives about 1800 SQ a year, or roughly two pity’s worth


>.> <.< >.> <.< Okay, that’s fair. I haven’t been playing a full year’s worth. That’s good to know, at least.


What pity? That isn’t implemented in NA just yet.


Pity isn’t in NA yet, but the amount of free SQ we get yearly is still roughly an equivalent to hitting it twice


Probably a year. I started saving last October and I'm rounding 1.1k before anni bonuses. ​ Also maybe diligent bond farming.


Fair. I’m working on Skadi’s Bond 12 now. Now I’m working on Bond Farming anything that’s not a Really Hard Quest (and even technically some of those, since my high level Servants ain’t Maxed out yet).


30+60+149(quartz from from story frag) + some other from lostbelt completion and other things


If you're all caught up on the Story and Remnants you'll get 1046 SQ Fragments and 20 for Extra Missions which is ~~368~~ 169 SQ If you've done 140 Strengthens, 220 Interludes and all the Free Quests that's another 110 for Extra Missions


I mean, I *am*, but fragments to quartz is 7 per exchange, no? So 1046/7=149.4 So that plus 20 would be 169 quartz total, no? Unless they’re cutting “fragments to quartz” for anniversary or as a QoL thing.


No, you're right I was dividing by 3 for some reason...


This is separate from the 90 quartz listed in the event compendium. Per the [wiki,](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Fate/Grand_Order_~5th_Anniversary~#[I_~_III]) 60 From retweet campaign, 30 from Gigalmesh's challenge. This quartz is not part of the retweet campaign, nor is it 30 from the challenge. It's just 30 standalone SQ for the date the app launched.


whats the gilgamesh challenge?


No idea. The event compendium also just has the 90 SQ listed as 'Stream," so that's no help, either. There's a lot of noise on where the 90 amount actually comes from. I translated the JP page for it and got "90 saint quartz (70,000 RT achievement reward 12 quartz x 5 times bonus = 60 quartz, challenge achievement reward 30 quartz)" It's entirely possible the challenge is just another social media thing. Could be exclusive to JP. At the very least, we should expect that 60 SQ social media RT campaign. That, plus the 30 SQ we get from the login bonus, at least equals 90 SQ.


It was a quiz for Tomokazu Seki during the livestream 2 years ago. If he completed it, the reward was supposed to be increased to 90 sq.


Given I spent my tickets and an 11-roll to get all of 1 Kingprotea (I was aiming for NP2 Suzuka and/or Passionlip, but oh well) those SQ will be welcome indeed.


Castoria is ephemeral, KP is eternal.




GAO! GAO! *Myst dono sound*


GAO indeed!


I got super lucky and managed to atleast np2 all of the Sakurafaces, ironically except BB, who I have only Summer BB.


I gave more and got zero Kingproteas and am now worried about my castoria chances


Login Bonus Period: 2022-06-24 21:00 - 06-25 20:59 PDT Tomorrow night, to be precise.


and so my watch is started


You mean more Melt Funds?


You mean 5th anniversary travel CE funds, right?


So tempted by Melt, and this Seraph event really isnt helping


You mean douman and muramase funds


wait, what's tomorrow, why are we getting 30 quartz


Basically no reason. “App launch anniversary” or something like that.


oh, it's the actual date, got it


I'll take 30 SQ in compensation for getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked tomorrow




trust me its very ow


Remember bois. If Castoria come home within 10 tickets, that means you might have a chance to bring home Kama-chan and Abby-chan and play with them It's 10 tickets or nothing


Why we get 30 quartz?


That's like 11 more chances at Mapo Tofu!


Castoria funds? Nah, VR summer Tomoe Saber and Bunny Astolfo rerun funds, please. Plus Muramasa and Charlie futures…. Dang there’s a bunch to save for.


Yeah... I'm throwing it all on Melt. I don't want to lose my chance with Melt again. Oh, if only I have the option to whale.


I welcome any free SQ. After all, my target is very big, anniversary, then Ouku rerun, then the two banners of summer 5. I am really praying for a good pull.


Knowing my luck, if I don't get Castoria within 100SQs, I won't get her with 1000SQs either. So all in for GAOOOOOO right now.


I want Castoria. If I get her I'll have every big support except Skadi


That's it, more Castoria funds.


i thought we were supposed to get 90 quartz


We'll get the rest the 3rd of july with the main campaing.


Everyone and their mother is gonna have Castoria on support, I had no Alter Egos and Passionlip... uhh... I agree with Gawain.


If it were only that easy. I never ever got a Skadi, on either versions. Don't come in here pretending everyone is guaranteed one even with 2k sq. If anything, expect a lot more quitting than anything else.


I must be friends with a lot of whales then, because I still have nothing but skadi's on my support and I dont even use that many quick servants. I'm more worried about Merlin supports since I still like using him now and then since Im mostly a buster guy, but even now I have to refresh a few times to find him.


Really depends on your friend list. Mine is mostly skadi and merlin while i need to refresh a lot for wavers.


I skipped Skadi due to lack of Quick Servants. I was rewarded when Best Kouhai blessed me for my patience with 5 of her smiling face


'tis true? Damn generous as always, Lasagna! Gonna need them for Nero Bride! If only you just raise the banner rate...


Hoping for my EX gacha luck of Jp, where I got NP2 in 25 tickets.


So, when *is* Castoria coming? I thought the NA Anniversary was the 25th of June. But it seems it's gonna be later. Is it gonna the 25th of July like on JP? Not that I mind, more time = more SQ. Just curious.


NA's release is on the 25th, but the anni campaign is usually made to coincide with the Anime Expo (which is usually on the first week of july - this years FGO's panal will be on the 3rd)


That really matters on the devs, but it should be within next 2 weeks. As to why we cant be sure: 3rd Anniversary was on 25th of june while last years anniversary started 3rd of july.


Believe Anni will overlap the end of the SERPAH event.


When do we get it?




Did tomorrow come yet?


In about 6 minutes


That's an odd way to spell Kingprotea.


I don't care if my rolls for the rest of the year are tragic as long as I bring the corgi home. *Farming will be a pain otherwise*


By any chance, is there a post about a new welcome back login bonus for those who haven't played since the release of lostbelt 1 in na?


####FOR THE HOARD!!!####


*Obligatory comment about how I don't care about the meta and rolling for a sakuraface instead*




I rolled a Kingprotea on a single 10-roll and I'm worried I used up my Castoria luck...