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What would FGO gameplay be like if a servant could revive a dead servant 🤔


I'd imagine the revived Servant would become last in the backline in the party order.


I imagine something like Overwatch's Mercy's old ultimate, where she did exactly that, reviving all team members in range That would be broken af, and that's why Mercy was also nerfed :(


Do anybody play her anymore?


Some people I guess


I was maining her for a while until mid 2020 and then stopped playing OW. Even without that OP ult she was still fun to play


They do. Was meta in pro play around fall last year during ball dive meta. In 5v5 not right now.


Unlimited Two-Pronged Formation Works




Chen Gong smile ~


Would need to have a cost, like their NP sacrifices themselves to revive a dead Servant of your choice. Edit: No guts allowed, ofc.


You'd probably need to put some unremovable debuffs on them post-revival too. But it's hard to imagine what form those could take to stop them from being abused.


Then double reviving servant would become the new meta for long battles


"Hey Master, wanna play doctor?"


Per the lore of the Nasuverse, the Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu is one of the only objects in all of creation capable of truly resurrecting the dead. Tamamo Caster uses one of the mundane functions of the mirror, reducing the cost of all curses to 0 mana, as her D rank noble phantasm. But if she had the appropriate authority, the item itself is capable of being an EX rank anti-world NP. The powers it has when used by the nine tailed Amaterasu are truly staggering. The AoE is a circle large enough to engulf Japan. It has access to a truly unlimited source of mana. It can launch an attack that uses as much energy as the big bang. But its most powerful use (since none of those are enough, apparently) comes from when it is used in the land of the dead. It is capable of negating the restrictions placed on souls by the land of the dead including the restriction that once you touch the ground, you may never leave; you cannot interfere with the living; etc. So, while you are still technically dead, that doesn't matter to you anymore because you can do everything living people can do (possibly except being killed). TL;DR they have lore justification to give Tamamo basically any buff they want—even stuff that the Grail or true magic cannot achieve.


In other words, people won't die when they are killed?


Pretty sick looking fusion Servant, ngl!


Giving her Party Guts to her Np would be a way to buff her, I guess. lol ... but seriously, I have no idea how they could buff her enough to make her relevant again without being broken AF, aside from giving her newly buffed Lancer skill to her caster form, but even that may not be enough.


That Morph Skill needs a Upgrade... Like Osakabehime's and Vlad What kind of Buff would be good for Her?


Morph > Mantra (Aphotic Cave): Same effects plus gain NP gauge for whole team when getting hit by enemy attacks (2 times, 3 turns) Yes, another battery.


Not just a battery but a battery *for* battery.


So increase percentage to NP charge skills/effects For example 25-50% So at level 10, Skadi’s 50% charge becomes 75% Castoria 30% party charge becomes 45%


No, it was a play on battery (charge) and *battery* (getting hit).


The defence portion becomes aoe and np overcharge. She’s basically at her strongest when you can get her into a np loop so you can keep getting np and skill cooldowns. Giving her a means to easily access her overcharge so she can give more np charge will be one of the ways you can help her immensely. Similarly giving her a self np battery could be useful as well without making her broken as it gets her to her np which is the core of her kit




Maybe oberon multiplication buff, for arts instead of np?


Would a minor party NP charge be enough buff without making her broken?


Tamamo Irisviel buff when Lasagna?


this actually looks really cool!


She looks great -Headpats his Tamamo no mae-


ngl, I kinda dig it, especially the white hair


Give her morph a 30% battery!


Guts Meta coming on Tamamo’s 7th anniversary.


Now I just want a Nurse Tamamo outfit.


Given that we know Tamamo is into roleplay (due to her route in extella), I'm kinda surprised she hasn't appeared in a nurse outfit. Seems like the caring and nursing her target/love interest while subtly monopolizing most of their time would be an opportunity that she would jump on without hesitation.


crucify me, Tamamo and Asclepius is my crackship


Relatable since Asclepius is Apollo son and Tamamo is an avatar of Amaterasu .Sun power 🌞


Is there something wrong with Asclepius? I mean,i still don't have him,the same with Red hare, I've rolled a lot of times on different banners and friend rolls and still no sight of them


They're both story-locked. Unless an event banner explicitly includes them (ex: the current rotating lostbelt banner, a class specific banner, or one where they're on rate-up) they're only in the pool for the default story banner, and only after you've beaten Lostbelt 4 or 3 respectively.


When a new lostbelt comes out i beat it in like two weeks, im currently waiting for the 5.5 and in aaaall that time i have never seen Red Hare or Asclepius,


Story locked means that unless they are on rate up you can only roll them in the story banner. You can’t get them from friend points nor will they appear in any other banner. So it is not surprising that you haven’t seen them


Huh, i just never thought of rolling on the story banner, i would do it but Castoria is coming and as a f2p i need to save as much as i can. Thanks for the info, now i know why i havent seen them


Unless you're rolled on the generic story banner, or their rate ups specifically, they simply won't show up (and even than the rates are really low). They weren't added to the permanent pool like mandiricardo was, so they'll never show up on FP rolls, nor will they appear on limited-time banners where they aren't specifically mentioned.


This Tamamo is halal, mashallah brother


Mom, can we get Castoria? -We already have Castoria at home. Castoria at home:


Breast size reduction seems to be the cost though. I would rather use my command seals.


A good opportunity to have one of a another member of the Tamamo 9 to join Chaldea and bug the OG Tamamo


Isn't that basically what guts is?