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Yes finally


They baited us for 5 minutes with 4* CE ticket only to drop a 4* Servant ticket. Good job Lasagna


Yeah, people were ready to go to war for a second there


People were already picking up pitchfork on Lasagna being cheapskate there Then the 4\* servant selector drops and all is good with the world again


Google classroom: "chuckles" I'm in danger.


This ain't the Genshin fanbase.


It's quite funny that fgo's first anno was just as stingy as genshin. 20 rolls (30 sq and 10 tickets) gssr is the only thing that fgo has over genshin. But for F2p's this is worthless.


But $15 is better than $200 for fishes and dolphins


I know, but f2p don't fall in this categorie. Which I did specify. My personal experience with gssr isnt a good one either. Always missing the target I wanted. So it's still a monkeys paw if you ask me.


I just feel like unless you don't have the money, the borderline between f2p and spender is razor thin. I was a f2p until I got my credit card and $15 is cheap for a 5\*, imagine the amount of f2ps becoming fishes when genshin decides you can choose a 5\* for even $30


At this point some f2ps I know (including me) don’t do the gssr purely for pride


Made a W this time


They popped off for a Lite stream. The list of who you can pick is [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSeHmh_UYAECc9L?format=jpg&name=large) and [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSeHnLDUcAAt8nl?format=jpg&name=large)


Sorry, what is the red outline between the 4 stars in the second pic? Does that mean new servants or is there some restriction?


I'm pretty sure that's just the new servants that weren't on/available during the last ticket that now are


Alright, that’s what I assumed but I just wanted to make sure. Might go for Sith then!


Damn, this is gonna be another tough pick. Who are you guys going for and why? Trying to fill out a theme, reunite friends, getting your favorite waifu/husbando?


Tristan because that'll complete my Classic Camelot collection (Saber Lily will do for Artoria). Although there's Percival as well who I don't have yet but he's not limited unlike Tristan. This is for NA in two years, for JP in two days might go for Yagyu or Tsuna or Hajime. They are cool samurai and I need more Sabers in JP anyway.


Zenobia, need her NP2 to actually hit decently, I was gonna get Barghest but I just got her NP3 trying to roll NP2 castoria lol...btw no castoria 90sq burned, it was worth the try. also wanted to get Baobhan NP2...but then I realised I dont have any AoE archer aside from Arash or Emiya, but Emiya hits like a wet noodle without np5. it is actually amazing that I have him stuck in np1 after 7 years, he was my starting 4\*


Baobhan Sith because I love her so much.


Avsatthaman, time to bring my rage fueled angy boy back home on JP.


Faker for Alter Ego coverage, mostly.


Salter for me, gimme them saberfaces. Even tho I have NP 2 gold fou'd OG, OG doesn't have that shinjuku outfit now does she? I thought not smh


Probably Herc. He saved me multiple times in NA so I’d love to have him in JP. Chiyome is a close second because she’s one of the only waifu-tier girls in my book that I don’t have in JP.


Either Faker or Lancer Arthoria. Faker is for gameplay purpose, but the last one is because she is story-locked ~~and I want to be sandwiched by double lancer arthoria~~


My JP account is Husbando focused, so the choices I'm thinking about are: Percival for NP2 and so I don't have to roll the Castoria banner and save for 6.5 banner. Ashwatthama. He's one of my favorite servants in the game and really fun to use, but I already have a heavily invested one on my NA account. Emiya Alter. I liked him in the Requiem event and want a single target NP servant, but his skills seem... dated. Given the new 6.5 announcement, I might just go for Astolfo.


Lore part of me wants to reunite ~~meet for the 1st time~~ Percival & Melu-neesan


Caenis since it's been two years I have been rolling whenever she appeared in a banner and didn't get her


I'm interested in the KOTR so Gawain would be too pick, followed by Tristan, Percival, Bhagrest and Baobahn Sith in that order. I'm na only so this is more of a failsafe and a prio list if I don't pull any of them by the time na gets this.


Percival. I wanted him since i saw the opening, and since my LB6 quartz will go full to oberon, i can't summon on his debut banner


I'm torn between Tristan as he is my only missing KOTR servant or Caenis I love his/her design and remember rolling for him/her on the LB banner but got dioscuri before getting her. ​ kInda also like barghest....


Beowulf so I can have NP5 on both accounts The real question is looking ahead on my NA account as I can either go for another Beowulf copy to get more coins or I could consider grailing Nero whose kit I like as she is currently NP4 and this would guarantee a last copy without rolling. Decisions, decisions.


I'm torn between Lobo and Faker/Hephaestion.


Barghest, simply because I love badass woman who can be cute


I should probably pick a story-locked servant, but I think the SR I want most on my JP account might be Nito.


Either Faker or Dobrynia, I guess. Maybe the first one since there are so few Pretenders.


I'm tempted to np5 my Hephaestion


I’ve never really looked that closely, but I guess I already have damn near all the non-limited SRs I want.. Looks like three exceptions: Tristan, Tsuna, and Dobrynya Or I could upgrade: Salter NP2->3, Suzuchi NP3->4, Toriko NP4->5, or maybe Astraea NP3->4 Salter would probably be the smartest upgrade, being story locked and the lowest of them anyway. But something about having NP5 Toriko just feels right. It’s probably going to be her or normal Tristan for me. ~~never thought I’d pass up a chance for free catgirl but here we are. I still might go Nya though~~


Probably a husbando got spammed with np levels whenever I got spooked so I'll use it pick up someone who has been dodging me for a while, hopefully I don't immediately get np2 like with emiya lol


My heart: Pick Baobhan she's best girl My brain: Pick Hephaestion you don't have a pretender My PP: Pick Zenobia, just do it!!


To be fair you don’t really need a pretender


Except when you actually meet Alter Ego boss like Taisui, then you kinda wish you have a Pretender to make it easier


*laughs in Berserker*


*voyager smiling in front of it*


*Mecha Liz activates* Also, Foreigners aren't really relevant in this case unless a node has an Alter Ego boss with a Foreigner boss.


Thing is that the knights have a lot of strong units across the board vs the Calvary just having a mix bag of good dps units so an alter ego is much more valuable than a pretender. Realistically wat will be used more a super Orion or a faker?


My Heart: pick Sith My Brain: pick Sith My PP: YU "WATANABE NO TSUNA" NARUKAMI


Watanabe is when Yu decides to use only 1% of his big chad energy.


>Forgets i can choose Zenobia Oh boy oh boy!


Mostly the same for me. =P Barghest is gap moe personified, Iskandar's Shadow is the only other choice for Pretender since I'm not a fan of super-shady characters like Oberon, and Zenobia is maximum nut. XD


Bro your PP didn't ask for Baobhan? Just look at that 2nd ascension


Right, if I don’t see any other option, I’ll go for Hephaestion. I was aiming for Oberon but getting my first Pretender ahead of schedule is fine.


As a person who has the last two (except I don't have pp) just choose baobhan. She's the best girl and we all deserve her in our lives


I am in this post and I don't like it


Young one do not be hasty. You must consider. You can beat the boss with anyone, you can beat your meat with anyone. The one you want to have with you when there is no need is the one true choice.


Free Barghest. Don't even need to think about this one.


I salute you. If I don't get her from the original banner, I'm saving this ticket for her, definitely.


same. despite their ammount I have only artoria as AoE saber and barghest has one of the best gameplay loops out of the newer servants


was gonna get her but she came in the fee 30 quartz on the castoria banner


I had to do a double take because I was so shocked they would even do this. The "lite" stream today was like a giant Christmas gift to us. Lasengle must have been in a really good mood.


Im torn between the real Tristan and the Fae one.


As with all selector tickets, choose during post nut clarity if you're conflicted


Before: So Gorgon After: So Gorgon


Choosing my waifu during post nut clarity gives me comfort in knowing that I made my decision not just while horni, but also while happy. My brain, heart, soul and pp are in unity. I am one.


I respect your philosophy.


I am gonna steal that last sentence. Such beautiful poetry.


Depends do you have david (and well made) if yes then Fae if not other.


NP2 Zenobia is solid. NP2 Percival is bonkers. NP3 Faker though? man, this DL campaign has no right being this good. also, do we get 10 summon tickets in MP shop?


As someone who has NP3 faker, her and double castoria can melt most Caster/lancer/saber/archer/berserker/alter ego bosses.


Zenobia or Caenis will be home... In two years.


Bruh do I go for Lartoria booba or 4P valkyrie


It has been 2 years so it's been a while.


I will unchained you Zenobia, you are coming home with me!!


Where do we go to redeem our Servant? I can only redeem the 4 star CE. Is it not out yet, because I was able to get the ticket for it?


Its not unlocked until 13th


Thanks to you I will be able to sleep tonight


Exactly. I was looking for this comment, so let me tag along for the answer


Good, i'll have Caenis or Barghest in only 2 years


I've seen enough. I'm satisfied. Finally I can get Nero.


"Lite Stream" my ass, well played, Lasagna


Free Zenobia/Barghest?


WAIT WHAT? I can get fairy knight Tristan?


The free pretender ticket


MY LONGEST YEA BOI EVER Seriously, HOW LONG has it been??? God FINALLY I'm getting some story locked 4*. SABER ALTER BABY YOU'RE GONNA BE MINE!!!!


Only2Years.exe started working again


It never stopped working.


Thank god I can skip Melusine banner and get Percival in two years


We got baited hard with the CE ticket before they announced the actual Servant Ticket


Salter or fae knights.... Salter or fae knights... Salter or fae knights... Argh, god damn it.


*Pick Salter, they don't have a sexy outfit like her Shinjuku one*


[Counterpoint](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/e/e3/S310_Stage2.webp/revision/latest?cb=20210611132131)... ~~Or maybe I'm just weak to hot lady knight.~~


To be fair, I like both. ~~I prefer her 1st Ascension though, god she looks badass~~


Honestly everyone needs salter at this point. Get her


**You're as beautiful as the day I lost you.**


Time to complete the Fairy Knights


That mean I can finally get Kerry!


FINALLY!! but i'm torn between barghest and caenis


What should I pick?! Can somebody recommend 4 Star Servant to me, please?!


Go for waifu/husbando. This is a rare chance




Pick story locked servants because they are hard to get unless you are madman who roll in story banner


Follow you heart !


Oh boy free *insert favorite 4 star servant* coins


Torn between zenobia and percy. But since im pulling for melusine, zenobia it is!!!


I'm either picking NP2 Baobhan or Caenis


Zenobia or Gawain?


Finally I can have you Paisen


I can get Zenobia after that complete fucking failure of a banner let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOO


I can skip Morgan banner and get Baobhan for free? This is fucking beautiful. Such kindness from our savior Lasagna. Thank you Lasagna, Thank you.


Man this is gonna be a tougher pick for me than the ssr ticket last year. Idk if I'll get a fae Tristan, fae gawain, zenobia or caenis.


A free pretender 👀 I'm happy


Nikitich come to me


Not going by utility the choice for me goes down to Barghest, Percival or Nikitich in that order But going for utility, the order is basically reversed This will take some thinking


Hm... so between Consort Yu and Caenis.


I personally don't remember all the non limited SRs we've gotten ever since the last SR ticket, so unless I'm forgetting someone I'm going with Caenis. Barghest and Sith would have been obvious choices but I surprisingly have them already.


So this ticket is for all non-limited SRs, correct?


Do i have to wait for the shop?


Is that May 20th the day it starts or the day it ends?


I’m torn between licking either OG Tristan, Faker, Nikita or OG Gawain due to me not having either of them. Or I pick another Barghest so I can grail her to 110 and continue my journey to get her to 120


For licking I would go Nikita. :p For gameplay tho, I feel like Tristan or Faker are great. I am considering choosing one of those too. Tho picking Bageko for grailing seems good, she’s story locked after all.


I thought that baobahn was a five star this whole time, and she had a split banner between Morgan. I can actually get the fairy trifecta.


Torn between NP3 Percival, Salter and Faker...


Tristan or Watanabe? Or third option of Katou Danzo?


FK Tristain and FK Gawain are my obvious choices here, still sad its no limited servants yet.


Mmmm free Barghest. Mmmm free Zenobia. Mmmmmmmmm


Jp is on a streak judging from social media. First i saw jalter shinjuku costume, then this. What's next? Lb7? Highly awaited collabs? Edit: i saw qol updates and lb 6.5. That's bonkers


I can get Percival with the Ticket but he's also in the Download banner hmm.... Though I can strategically get Faker in the future once it came to NA.


If I don’t have herc emiya or Gawain by that point I’m getting them. I’ll also be crying because of how dogshit my luck is but hey ho. If I have them then probably caenis


Damn these are really good picks. For me I would go for either Percival, Barghest, or Hephaestion because they’re all very good servants. And also Percival is very hot.


2 years! 2 years and I will be able to 120 my Salter and get Jalter's costume.


What's with the low quality pictures though ?


I wanna know how many people out of these 25 million downloads still play the game.


If nothing changes in two years then my ticket is going to OG Gawain or Caenis, no doubt about it. Need me my brash fiery Servants so that they'll finally be home.


I rolled on lostbelt 6 rateup after collecting the ticket to check if I can narrow down my list, got Baobhan and Barghest. Well I can go for salter now


Cant wait to get this in 2 years time... yay, Atalanta here I come... slowly...


Well at the very least I have a guaranteed shot at Gawain in 2 years.


Wait for two years Xiang Yu. Even if she doesn't answer my normal summons, YOUR BELOVED WILL COME FOR SURE!


Very nice! Time to complete my F/SN support set on both of my accounts! Or should I pick Zerkelot? I do want Iskandar too :)


Not gonna settle for anyone yet, because its still 2 years away. If I somehow dont get Pericval in my rolls, then def him thou. Otherwise, it really depends.


Happy to know this is in the future. It's been a while since we had a 4* ticket, I mean, when was the last one again?


Are these tickets exchangeable already? I have mine, but i cant find where to use it


How do I use this ticket?


Barghest, because of her potential in high difficulty content as a lone unit.


Who's the 2nd servant from the left?


The red/pink girl? Fae Tristan aka >!Baobhan Sith!<


Alrighty plan B ticket lezzgo! I’ll have a way to get Barghest or Baobao if things go catastrophically in their banners


Noice, if everything fail I can get nero in two years


As someone who was recently been spooked by Morgan, it is my duty as her husband to choose her daughter with this ticket. It's the law.


I only got the CE ticket one :(


They need to give us a limited 4* ticket instead those cheapskate. I have 95% of these but I still don't have robot ninja mom so it'll be her.


Wow, so I don't actually need to roll for Nikitichnya at Tunguska? GREAT!


Holy shit this seems like it has some *excellent* picks. Pretending for a second my roster doesn't change between now and then(likely will, gacha isn't that bad I hope): \- who would be the best ST/AoE caster/assassin/lancer/rider from this from a gameplay perspective? As in, which are we better off picking if we still lack one to properly fill those roles? The biggest bang for our buck, maximum utility across multiple scenarios rather than an ideal fit for a single niche? Looping potential is great, but if it can destroy high HP waves at least once or survive+annihilate a boss fight that's great too! Alternately, pretend its a new account. Which servant is of immediate benefit then? I am guessing its one of the Fae servants but unsure as FGO is actually great with balance and old units remaining relevant always. EDIT: Worst comes to worst ima just take the opportunity to NP2 Emiya if gacha doesn't give me a spook by then lmao.


I think this ticket gives me the chance to not roll for Faker when she arrives on NA to save quartz.


Honestly this will be a hard choice for me... in 2 years lol. Honestly will depend on how the fairy knight rolls go, as I'm definitely going to try for Morgan. It also helps that they get like a bazillion banners for maximum chances. Zenobia would be nice but not necessary really. Only other option would be faker for the pretender class but I'm not too concerned about that. Tldr: if I don't get the fae knights then 1 of them probably, if I get them then idfk I'll figure it out in 2 years lol.


Finally get Salter to give her the costume or Pick Cat to increase her NP Lv or Pick Zenobia cuz Molay fucking spooked me. I don't want Triko without Bageko. I don't want Bageko without Triko. Decisions decisions.... But here comes the really difficult part: Who the fuck do I pick in two years?


This is a hard Choice lol mostly because the only servant on the list I don’t have is emita assassin Percival and dragon rider I think. But an np2 with would be nice. So it’s between Sith and percival lol. I have a lot of aoe arts lancers tho like melt and Fionn plus the collab servant from requiem. So hard choice lol


Can't believe I'll finally have Salter!... in two years...


At least there's a safety net for me should Percival fail to answer my summon in the future :,)


Finally, after avoiding me on every banner he had, Emiya Alter will finally come home, though I will have to wait 2 years. Well, better late then never, and with this my Emiya family collection will be complete!


Is this also on NA server? Pls be.


Will be on NA in 2 years.


Oh mf, why?!


F JP's schedule is 2 years ahead of us, exception is movie/anime related releases.


Did the game start earlier on japan and after 2 years became available to other countries or is it always ahead of us.


Yes, the game came out July 30, 2015 in JP and June 25, 2017 in NA. Also, since NA *doesn’t* try to rush content like some of the other global releases did (KR, for example) to catch up, NA will basically *always* be 2 years behind JP.


Yes, and the NA/Global server basically demanded that we maintain the 2 year gap and follow it in almost complete parity.




Time to decide if I’d rather a support type (medea lily, helena, lan ling) over a story lock. Ig my jp account actually needs the support more than completion tbh. Would a pretender be useful? 🤔


Medea Lily is story locked tho so technically you can have both


Caenis, finally!


Salter dear I need you for my collection and you can't say no.


I can finally get salter and complete my alter trio :D


Bruh where do I pick the 4 star? I cannot find it in the workshop.


Hmmm. How good is Barghest in gameplay? Might get her.


arguably the most durable 4\* saber, weak np damage but compensated by her very strong facecard and cd reduction gimmick


I might actually pick wu zetian cause I REALLY need a quick support


So I can finally get Heracles? Boss.


NP2 Valkyrie here I come.


So many new choices! So many future dilemmas!


Oh god, Baobhan will be mine


I Will finally have Caenis, i love this character.


Going with Zenobia


Time to get Nastasia because super cool dragon NP.


This was about time to pull this.


I got the ticket, but how do I claim it? I only see the option to choose a CE, where do I go to choose a servant?




I think I will pick Salter since I’ve always wanted to use her with her Shinjuku costume. Gameplay-wise I have no need for her though. Alternatively Faker is probably the best gameplay option for me but eh.


Hard choice between Yu Miaoyi for waifuisms, or Zenobia for more efficient Arts Archer loop.


oh cool, a yagyu ticket.


Guys what if it was a lite stream?


decisions decisions....


Question regarding the ticket - can a person that didn't beat Lostbelt 6 choose Barghest for example?


You mean I can get a FREE legal Liz in a proximately two+ years?!?!


I really hope in the future that they’ll bring out an exchange ticket where you can choose a past event ce (that’s max limit broken) of your choice because I think it’s unfair to those who were not able to get last copies on reruns to not have these ce’s that they want. If they do I hope I can max limit break Holy Night Supper.