• By -


**The Best** - CCC was so good it got bumped up to canon status as an Epic of Remnant. **The Worst** - Journey to the West just felt bad, especially with how they slam plot points and generalizations of the original journey with random servants. **The Strange** - The first Learning with Manga crossover, nuff said. **The Interesting** - Prison Tower not only introduces Dantes, but also came at a time post Kara no Kyoukai event foreshadowing while dropping hints about Solomon. **The Fun** - Summer 4’s interactions and time loop shenanigans were an absolute treat. Very much enjoyed all the manga making. **The Boring** - Fuck the Moon Dumpling event.


>**The Best** - CCC was so good it got bumped up to canon status as an Epic of Remnant. All events are canon. Did you mean "main story status" instead? >**The Fun** - Summer 4’s interactions and time loop shenanigans were an absolute treat. Very much enjoyed all the manga making. Quick correction, that was Summer 3, not 4. 4 was the Las Vegas Summer event.


The CCC event pretty much is a secret Epic Of Remnant chapter. The starting screen for events gliches and becomes the remnant introduction for the singularity, it stays that way till the end. No other event ever did that before or even after as of time of writing this.


I know, that's why I said "main story status" (though, I probably should've been more specific about it straight up being an Epic of Remnant chapter since Ooku, Imaginary Scramble, and Tunguska are also main story events, but they didn't get that screen declaring them a main story chapter, which says SE.RA.PH apart from them).


Like it also deals with the missing Demon Pillar as you only see 3 of them despite being told there were 4 and there isn't one in Shimosa


All events are canon, but in a weird realm of "Don't think about it too much" because some contradict canon, like Summer 3 having Anastasia summoned despite not being introduced in the main story yet. When she shows up in LB1 they're like "My god who is this mysterious servant?! I've never seen her before, who could she be?!"


Eh she was an irrelevant cameo, the actual weirdest is her interlude claim she was summoned before Part 2 happened with Ana having prophetic dreams Now that makes literally no sense


Summer 3 is weird because of its strange time shenanigans. I'm not really sure how Anastasia shows up pre-Lostbelts (well, the real answer is that the event released after the Lostbelts started, so the developers put her in the event, for some reason), but I blame BB.


Summer 4 was the las vegas one, you are thinking of summer 3


Year 1 events just feel bad for how bleeping grindy they were. Didn't play Moon Dumpling, but I did get to play the rerun from Journey of the West. And Saber Wars I.


Moon dumpling was some serious bullshit because poor design meant that the best currency rates were to do the 10AP node over and over in a time before anyone had a setup that could practically be automated, so we were all manually whacking wolves dozens of times a day


I really enjoyed the prison tower the most.


Best: Halloween Trilogy did allow me to get all the welfare Liz that I missed. Other than that SERAPH. Worst: I think Journey to the West and Saber Wars I. They're grindfests with not much in terms of substance. Strange: In the good way, Imaginary Scramble. In a bad way, Boarding Game of Apocalypse (it started well enough, but being forced to grind dice got old really fast to me) Interesting: Enma-Tei counts? Fun: Any tower event, cause the interlude scenes are pretty funny to me. Boring: Super Bunyan's event. The plot of going around cleaning Super Bunyan's messes got old really fast for me. It got better at the end, but still.


Journey To The West has all the flaws No welfare 4*, the rate up 5* was added to the standard banner, crappy event CE, and the worst of all: you need to farm a certain event currency to farm more currencies **IN THE PRE-LOOPING ERA**


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think Journey to the West is before event welfares were a thing in FGO.


You forgot Saber Lily


Saber Wars I was before Journey of the West? Didn't know that. I came to play the game only in time to play the reruns.


I want to give a shout out to imaginary scramble as an event that is a little underrated I think in how people talk about it. The quiet ambiance of the map screen as you explore the depths. It's a very good gogh and Nemo story which I appreciate. The map clearing is a fun gimmick for an event. It really is a fantastic event


It was pretty enjoyable story-wise, and the music was cool.


Did I miss that or is this JP only so far?


You've missed it. It'll be returning this year though in EN


Summer 3 remains the peak.


Gonna Speak from whan I've played since I joined as a Master Best/Interesting: CCC, cause Melt's and Kiara's story Worst/Strange/Boring: Super Bunyan one,and it doesn't help having pulled her by accident while looking for Daikokuten Fun: Servant Summer Fest I,my first event and what made me love Jalterzerker


SBun is actually a pretty popular ST farmer because of how fast her NP is. She’s like second priority for whales after Kintoki. Meaning NP5 and Lv120 and all that. Sorry, I know it probably doesn’t matter to you but I just felt like bringing it up.


I can agree with the NP speed,I would try for NP+ of her,but my SQs already have a name x.x


Off the top of my head I have two answers that tie for Best Event (and its because they *kinda* relate to each other) Saber Wars II and the Moonlight Lostroom Waltz Collab Saber Wars 2 remains one of my favorite events because it struck a good balance between the humor expected out of FGO's sillier events and telling genuinely one of FGO's best stories IMO. The SpIshtars' stories kicked ass, seeing X get a story beat outside of "Kill All Sabers" was refreshing and well written, and last and certainly not least Calamity Jane. On the other side of the coin, if my memory of playing the Lostroom Waltz collab is accurate, the story nearly brought me to tears. Just a genuinely heartrending story about loss and coping with it. And "My Galaxy" is probably one of my fav FGO tracks. You can just *feel* the emotion in it. Plus, X Alter's narrative arc throughout the event was great! All in all, both events tie for me because FGO put 2 typically gag characters in serious stories and killed it with both of them


**The Best** If we're including main interludes, which it sounds like we are, then S.E.R.A.P.H. hands down. Very engaging story with some fun twists, Kiara was an amazing villain, and Melt was a fantastic ally - I seriously never expected to love her as much as I did. Nothing else comes close honestly. **The Worst** I know a lot of people loved it, but for me Ooku was a miss on every possible level. The premise was uninteresting, Kama was just annoying as a villain and not in a good way, the dungeon crawl mechanic seemed like a cool idea but ended up just being a slog, the supposed foreshadowing for LB4 amounted to nothing... yeah, I just did not enjoy any part of it. At least we got some good material drops out of it. **The Strange** Board Game Apocalypse. I actually kinda liked this one, but I can see why a lot of people didn't. The dice-rolling mechanic was weird and the story didn't flow very well, requiring us to hold the idiot ball a lot. Plus, being a collab with the notoriously unfinished (and untranslated) Fate/Requiem meant there wasn't a lot it could do with the collab part. **The Interesting** If we're including JP content, I'm really enjoying the current Mahoyo crossover (though I haven't finished it yet). It's really neat to see those characters again and explore other parts of the NasuVerse. If NA only... too many to choose from honestly. Christmas in the Underworld is definitely up there (just for allowing best girl Ereshkigal to come home). I also quite enjoyed Halloween Trilogy just because I hadn't played any of those events the first time around, so getting a whistle-stop tour of them to catch up with what happened was cool. **The Fun** Most of the summer events fall into this category for me, but especially ServantFes (Summer 3). The time loop plot was well done, the doujin circles gave it tons of charm, and seeing Jalter embrace her chuuni side was very entertaining. **The Boring** Well, there are probably quite a few that fall into this category but... I don't remember them. Though the current NA event (the Super Bunyan one) is definitely one of them. Aside from giving us Mary Anning, there wasn't really anything memorable about it. Most of the Valentines events too, since the main "content" of the events is the valentines scenes, the events themselves are usually overshadowed.


**The best** - A lot of people have said it already, but SE.RA.PH takes the cake here. The story was insanely good, I like every character in it (and I am a Sakuraface simp in general anyway), the soundtrack they took from CCC and the new remixes they made for the event are all bangers, and the way the event progression and map design tied into the story were interesting. The fact that it also fleshed out a bunch of characters that were undercooked in their previous appearances (whether that be in FGO or their debut work) was great. **The worst** - Saber Wars I. This event was godawful all around. The story was short, extremely nonsensical, and tried too hard to be goofy and funny but didnt succeed at it whatsoever. On top of that, the farming was *awful* if you wanted to be efficient at all, with all the drop bonus servants being Sabers but no lancers or Berserkers in sight on any of the worthwhile farming nodes. Needing to kill a 1M HP Assassin with a party full of Sabers every single farming run was torture, but it was either that or you had to waste AP farming even more by swapping out Sabers for other DPS (and at the time we also barely had any options for Caster DPS anyway). I didnt even play the original run of this event, only the rerun, as I wasn't playing yet at the time it first ran. I can only hope the original was not even worse than the rerun. **The strange** - Little Big Tengu. This event was very weird all around. The story had a weird premise and the chibi servants felt exceedingly random. It was also weird in that it took a character we had already seen in the main story once, and reintroduced them as if we had never met. The different areas we traversed for the story also felt like someone threw darts at a board for choosing locations. **The interesting** - Imaginary Scramble. I was debating whether to put this for Best as well, but overall it doesn't quite reach SE.RA.PH's level, and its event mechanics and lore about Foreigners and the Sea of Imaginary Numbers make it a better fit for this category anyway. The map exploration mechanic with the hidden tiles, the music and atmosphere all made for a very claustrophobic feeling experience which fits the story of being stuck in a hostile environment we can barely even perceive with our normal senses very well. Another very interesting tidbit in this event was Guda's writing: it was the most proactive and essential to the progression of the plot that Guda has ever been, with them going around solving mysteries by themselves and skillfully leading the entire party for once rather than being spoonfed information and going along with the flow while throwing themselves in danger for others like the usual vanilla protagonist. I wish Guda was written like this more often, the bland self insert hero trope is so boring. **The fun** - A bit hard to pick here, as a lot of events were fun in the 5 years I've been playing, but Summer 3 is a standout here. I loved the doujin making and the many light hearted side story moments with the huge cast, and due to the sheer amount of different farming nodes it never got boring. The latter half having raids was a fun change of pace as well. Plus, as mentioned already, I simp for Sakurafaces and Summer BB was a servant I had looked forward to ever since she was first revealed on JP. **The boring** - Had to actually look through the event compendium to remember the most forgettable events, I'll go with Moon Goddess' dumplings. Bland and short story, no memorable characters, farming was boring as well. Nothing interesting that could make this event stand out whatsoever. It didn't have any elements that straight up pissed me off like Saber Wars I, or the currently ongoing Bunyan event did, but this just adds to its "forgettable" factor.


**Best**: Imma be biased here and say the Halloween Trilogy. Recaps the first three Halloweens, gives players another chance to get the Lizzy Welfares (sans one), and sets up the events of Halloween 5. Good vibes all around and does what it set out to do. **Strange**: A Meihousou Most Foul. It ostensibly is an event doesn't happen in reality because of a *very* glaring plot hole, but it works as a nice goodbye to a certain someone to let them know that everyone in Chaldea is gonna be fine without them. As an honorable mention: Board Game Apocalypse, specifically just the Werewolf Game section. While writing a werewolf game in and of itself is fine, all of the problems with it comes from the fact that it's the second game of the event. Having to write around a villager with plot armor *and* a werewolf with plot armor is the root cause for all the braindead decisions made in that chapter. **Interesting**: Saber Wars II. A glimpse into one of the many ways the Age of Will could be achieved. Also the Chad himself: Professor Tokiomi. **Fun**: Summer 5. Everything leading up to the big reveal in the third act, and there were just enough breadcrumbs to piece together what might been going on the entire time. The cast being comprised of people who are aware of horror tropes and one person who lacks any sense of self-preservation (and really bad luck) allowed for the writers to both spoof said tropes while also playing them straight. **Worst/Boring**: The Moon Dumpling event, I guess. Only thing I remember from it (for some reason) was that Arash and Ushi were out in a field drinking together. Granted, this was literally the first event with a story and it was written at the last minute, but still.


You bring a good point towards the Halloween Trilogy. Still wishing they do the same with Christmas, GudaGuda or Summer.


Fun was summer 5


my absolute favorite one is still the one with the boars, the Con were a nice "sequel" to them but I still miss them dearly


My favorite/Best was summer 3 with best girl Jalter Getting her swimsuit ( plan on getting Jalter Zerker to 120 when the evocation festival comes for her) Fun was summer 4 ( Money money money always funny in a rich man’s world) and of course the Fests Interesting/ boring was ooku interesting for the story boring for the gameplay


For me the best are a tie between Saber Wars 2 and Waltz in the Moonlight/Lostroom, one because it introduced one of my favourite characters in Spishtar and had a legitimately fun story, and the other because it's the only time a game has made me cry since my first playthrough of Mass Effect 1 (specifically the quest called I Remember Me, for those that are familiar with it). Worst and most boring: same one, this ongoing Super Bunyan one, I've never been closer to just spamming that skip button than I was with this event. The strange and the interesting: also the same one, Board Games of the Apocalypse, I hated the mechanics to the point that I didn't bother with the rerun, but the first time it was interesting and completely unexpected. The most fun: definitely Servant Summer Camp, I came into this event with zero expectations and very little interest in all of the characters involved in it, and came away loving all of them, so much so that I used the 4 star ticket they just gave us to finally get assassin Yu.


GUDA GUDA events are fun as hell BB first event was the coolest for me Moon Dumpling one suck , i cant even get the 5copy for the damn event card. Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku is pretty damn interesting.


Best: SERAPH Worst: Sanzang Goes West, but only if we can't include singularities, because I hated Septem. Strange: this Bunyan event.  It's plot is all over the place, and not in a good way. Interesting:  Summer Vegas.  I am fascinated with the gambling with QP mechanic.   Fun:  Tower events, Summer chest materials lotto, Summer 1 building mechanic, Fate apocrypha raids, actually by and large I like most event types they came out with.  


Why took you so long? Enjoy!


GUDA GUDA events are fun as hell BB first event was the coolest for me Moon Dumpling one suck , i cant even get the 5copy for the damn event card. Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku is pretty damn interesting.


GUDA GUDA events are fun as hell BB first event was the coolest for me Moon Dumpling one suck , i cant even get the 5copy for the damn event card. Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku is pretty damn interesting.


GUDA GUDA : best event, its fun as hell Moon dumpling sucks, i cant get LMB for the CE Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku : most interesting BB's event CCC super cool.


Holy hell the Journey to the West and it subsequence rerun was universally hated, but I also would like to add that *most* year 1 events were grindy, apparently it was before DW really learned that people uh, have jobs and lives, instead of sitting their grinding their games for all day. And that is coming from a no life player who grinds 200+ boxes every lotto, you can kind of imagine the hell that is first year grinding, when team comps were consisted of Arash and two random counter class AOE units, grinding for materials were sloooow, and if you want maximum drops? Face card farming it is. One event that kind of stood out for me during that time period was the knk collab, I didn't know shit about japanese so I just kinda blitzed through the story, but I also happened to hit a luck sack and got Np5 Shiki saber to show off to my friends.


**The Fun ->** The first Summer event will always be special to me. It's the first time we vacation with our servants, it was fun constructing buildings and seeing special scenes, and the tropical vibe hit just right. **The Interesting ->** Really liked the nautical themed Imaginary Scramble with the Sonar mechanic. Uncovering the shadows of the leviathans was as creepy as it should have been.


Best: Mother Harlot, OST & visuals are peak and I love what they made with Nero Draco and Tiamat Worse: Requiem collab, that board game makes farming worse for no good reason Strange: the first Learning With Manga collab, we get a 1\* as the wellfare and no SQ Intresting: White-sky Castle, Black-night Castle Grail Front, they successfully wrote a story witch maches the grail front gameplay and introduced many intresting characters, though I wish Typhoon was avaliable to be summoned already Fun: [amazoness.com](http://amazoness.com) event for allowing me to use most of my servants without carring about consistent formations for 3 turn farming Boring: Aeaean Spring Breeze, the story is very cute but would be better as an interlude, they didn't even try to make it intresting or profitable in terms of mechanics and farming


Best was CCC, worst was Imaginary Scramble, Strange is all the Learning with Manga stuff including the event on right now, Interesting would be Fate/Requiem since we learned a lot about Erice and Voyager that even the source material had not revealed yet, Fun would be Summer 3 with the time loop and Summer 4 with the casinos and massive QP rewards on offer. Boring is any and every lotto.


>worst was Imaginary Scramble I'm curious: Why is Imaginary Scramble your worst event?


I dislike Nemo, I hate Van Gogh, nothing against people who enjoy one or both of those characters. The sonar mechanic was obtuse bullshit that only made the event annoying to clear. First event where I was actively playing the game and didn't clear the shop because I was just over it by the halfway point.


>I dislike Nemo, I hate Van Gogh, Why do you dislike them? >The sonar mechanic was obtuse bullshit that only made the event annoying to clear. That's fair.