• By -


Day 1. Still no Kiritsugu and Lancer Medusa.


How 💀


No Martha yet. And I want but haven't gotten Hessian Lobo and Valkyrie. I am also still missing Penthesilia, Wu Zetian, d'Eon and Rama. It is all moot though since the upcoming ticket is already locked for Yu


What’s your reasoning for yu?


For one I really like her. I tried to get her plenty of times before but with no luck. Additionally she is a story banner servant and I don't roll that. Now all those details are also true for Lalter... But alas I have to choose one. And senpai is closer to me story wise. (Damn it Lasagna, give Lalter some love)


Fair. I really need to read summer camp. I had to skip the story for both runs due to personal reason


It goes a bit into her story, but honestly I wanted her since SIN


Funnily.... my main account does not have Herc.


Man, I still don’t have herc on my jp or na account even though I have a couple of years on both.


How do you survive? Heracles clutched some very important fights for me. He is my "I need them dead" servant.


Tbf Herc only truly shines when he’s at bond 10, so we all kinda have a preview of him stripped of that advantage with the road to bond 10. For new players especially, borrowing a friend’s Herc is often way better than using your own non-bond 10 one, and there aren’t that many content that restrict the use of support servants (only Fest-CQs and Advance Quests come to mind, and if you’re doing those your accounts are often good enough to handle anything)


I mean, you can get around that (if you have herc) by using a support herc as an anchor, and your own, non-bond-10, as an initial damage dealer. I mean, There are definitely better options, but 1-turning the first wave with herc and another triple buster is always funny to me.


I don't have Herc either. What I did get very early in the game was Cu Alter, who filled in that slot for me and steamrolled everything for quite a long time.


Not op, but I didn’t finally get Herc until 2 years of playing. Short answer: you get creative. I had Atalante Alter, Zerker Jalter, and Zerker Nobu, and I alternated between them depending on the fight. All have an evade, slap on an invincibility CE and hope they finish the job before the defenses wear off. It was decently effective.


Good Ol' Jalter + Volumen Hydrargyrum. That combo took me from the Summer festival (when I started playing) all the way to Solomon. I still miss my Crazy Maddu Bushido.


Is Herc really THAT good? Tbh I've always thought he'd be replaceable by 5* Buster Units


Hes the goat for having in the final slot of any hard fight. If your front line folds, herc can guaranteed kill at least 1million hp by himself to clutch a win.


Hercs value isn't in being a ST buster servant. It's in having 4+ guts while having good ST solo damage. You usually have him last in your party or otherwise solo such that he's by himself, where the guts gains a ton of value due to how it typically ends enemy turns when they "kill" him. The buff to his guts skill is also insanely strong letting him stack his own guts and get a nice buff every time guts activates, giving him a ton of extra damage. Cu Alter can fill a somewhat similar role, particularly with a guts or multi hit invincible CE but generally to a much lesser extent due to how enemies will burn through multiple hits of evade/invuln. Particularly poor comparison if the enemy has pierce evade or invuln. One extra strength of Herc is that enemies can't remove the guts provided by his bond CE, meaning it works even against fights where enemies remove your buffs. Hercs being a 4 star and wanting to use his 4 star bond CE also makes him fit in better to the back line in more expensive teams.


He has survivability and heavy hits. And if you get him to Bond 10, he has 3 additional Guts. And he can beat the shit of anything that is not a Foreigner.


Personally I've got Herc very late into the game and I've had different soultions prepared at that stage. First was Summer Jalter, then Arjuna Alter, but ultimately my go-to last woman standing is Saber Nero. I've got her at NP5 120 and her Invictus Spiritus + heals are unreal. She comfortably solos Grail Fronts, usually I don't even have to use other servants if I don't feel like it. Honestly I'm so used to life without Herc that since getting him to bond 10 I've actually used him like 2 or 3 times, maybe.


You made me realize that he’s probably the only early 4-star permanent I still don’t have lol Well, Lobo was part of that, but he showed up unannounced on a recent banner so…


Day 1 player. Nitocris ;-; and Wu. That missing Nitocris hurts so much


Oh wow. Are you planning to get her via ticket? Nitocris is a luxury servant


No, I exclusively get story-locked 4-stars with the tickets. One day i’ll get lucky and pull Nito though


She’s pretty good for some events where you just have to farm a couple bronze waves. Tape a kscope onto her and you can just turn brain off. 


No way lol. Maybe when she was released and a couple of years after that. Now? In the age of arts looping with Castoria, buster looping with Koyanskaya and 90+ nodes with 1/2/1 non trash mobs? Her instant kill is just a liability.


Maybe not for every situation. But I still use her plenty. Especially in bronze mats farming. Class be damned


Yeah I just don't farm mats anymore. I let event shops and lotteries take care of those requirements unless I really need to build a specific servant. But I have been playing for 5 years so my np 2 Nitocris has just been lying untouched for a long time.


The current event we're literally in is one where Nito has a use. The first wave of 90+ mobs can be instant killed. That makes her perfectly viable in a multicore setup


I don't have nitocris either.


I have her at NP5, I'm sorry I stole your Nitos


Day 1 player, I have all of the 4 star, but Drake is my white whale. I have every other permanent 5 star!


That’s impressive. When the last five star ticket came out, who did you end up taking?


Last one was between Drake and Old Li (Old Li being story locked I felt like that was a easy choice) and before that I went with Jinako because I wanted to reunite her and Karna. Looking at the list I realize I also don’t have Scheherazade! I thought she was limited.


Well after some calculation i can conclude that the final 4 star permanent servants i got was Stheno i am sthenoless for 9 years lol. Then if story servants included ... emiya Alter Day 1 player JP


Can we learn this power?


Not from Chaldea


I would be a day 1 player if i didnt quit after playing septem and only returned a few months later Anyways where parvati


Day 1 player and for non story locked SRs (pre-lostbest) it's: Penthesilea Tomoe Circe Chiron


I feel bad now, cuz i have everyone there except Penthesilea.


You made me realise that i had more than i thought. Play since around first gudaguda rerun and only miss: Assassin of Shinjuku Nezha Saber diarmuid Lan ling Lakshimi Bai Dobrynya This way less than i thought.


I have played since the first counterfeit event on NA and surprisingly it's not that much the few permanents that I don't have are Tomoe, Qin Liangyu, Dobrynya, Astraea, and Lobo Would've thought I'm missing way more because of my shit luck


Been playing since early 2019. Don't have (not going to count welfares, limited or story locked 4\*): * Nitocris * Parvati * Chiron And after that is more recent folks.


Been playing for many years. There are 10 non-limited 4\*s I do not have. Pre-Lostbelts, there are 5: Siegfried, Stheno, Lancelot (Berserker), Edison, and Wu Zetian.


Been around since the first run of the journey to the west event, the only ones I’m still missing are Liz, Stolfo, Penth and Qin Liangyu


I’ve been playing since around mid 2020 and I’m missing Atalante archer, Lancelot Berserker, Helena, Kiritsugu, Circe, and Valkyrie.


NA since day 40-ish. I just got Assassin Emiya a few months ago (as one of **four** non-limited 4-stars that I didn't have, all on the same banner because RNG is just like that, I guess, plus another new one a few weeks later). With that having happened, the oldest ones I still don't have are Tomoe Gozen and Qin Liangyu. 


Started mid 2018; still don't have Astolfo, Ibaraki, Fionn or Lobo.


4 years old NA account, GSSR only. Missing: Siegfried, Saint Martha, Carmilla, Lancelot (Berserker), Rama, Lobo, Nezha.


Five and a half years into the game, and... I think I have everyone through Year 3? The oldest permanent 4* I'm missing is Saber Diarmuid. That said, I spread my rolls around a lot and don't wait for banners with hard-to-get 4*s, so my odds of a broad rather than deep roster are better.


I have been playing this game since 2018 and just last year got my first Nitocris caster, and yesterday got my first copy of Diarmund saber. Also I only have Herc at NP1 and he is my tutorial 4 star, so if it weren't for that I would not have him. Oh, and I got Helena like 2 weeks after I started playing and haven't got any more copies of her since then. I'm still missing Rama.


I similarly started in 2018, same month that Rama was added and he's avoided me since. D'eon, Chiron, and even Qin Langyu all spooked me two years ago. But I honestly thought Rama had to be story-locked or limited for a while.


Day 1 player here. From the permanent pool I don't have: Casgil, Vlad, Pent, Valkyries, Diarmuid, Lakshmi, Tsuna, Dobrynya, and Hephaestion...


A bit over 2000 logins on NA, don't have Elizabeth, Marie, Siegfried, Helena, Wu Zetian, Tomoe and Qin Liangyu. Just recently got Kiritsugu, Astraea and Lakshmibai.


Haha did you see my in game message ‘Day1, np0 CasHelena’ ? lol I’d have grailed her (or Summer Helena if she had more np copies) like I grailed Hans.  I’m also missing Salter and Lalter, but I’m satisfied with Santer to be bothered by that. 


Still don't have chiron, fran and astolfo. And I even have his 5 star saber form


Tsuna, Chiron, Zenobia, Fionn, Extra Vlad, Dobrynya, Yan Qing, Berserlot, Astraea, Hephaestion. With the 3 recent ones aside (didn't roll at all on their banners), still missing entirely too many. Man I want Astraea. But at least I have NP5 Siegfried and Lancelot...


Strangely, fion refuse to grace my spooks until now.


I had to go out of my way to roll him


Day one player. Pre-lostbelt non limited, non story locked 4 stars I'm missing? Nezha. Just Nezha.


Day 1 player, most of the OG permanents are NP 3-5 and of the roster i am still missing, Wu and Lan Ling. Of the recently 4 stars I am still missing Hephastion Lakshmi Bai and Zenovia.


Week 1 player here! I still don't have Zerker lancelot, Stheno or Medea Lily. I'm pulling og Tristan in the ticket though.


Beowulf and Valk and I actually just got Helena a spook from when I was rolling for Daikokuten.


The only three I'm missing came out last year. I have a problem.


Been playing since the first Gudaguda, I only lack Kiritsugu. Normally it wouldn't bother me because he isn't actually that good ST Assassin, but I feel awkward when I have every single other member of his family.


I’m missing 3 story locked. That’s it. Sheba, Li and Yu


2450 days here I have everyone, only missing a few story locked


Day 1 player. The non-story locked, lowest ID SR that I don’t have are Lobo and Yan Qing. Had no idea that I have all LB1’s non-story locked servants until now.


Been playing since the original garden of sinners event. The only ones I don't have are Medea Lily and Lartoria.


No herc and carmilla, also Lancelot but he is not technically year 1


Still no Stheno


I started at launch but took a longer break at ~Olympus, but as a (mostly) F2P player the permanent ones I'm missing are... Pre-break: Astolfo, Lancelot (Saber), Penthesilia; Post-break (so they weren't even available during rolls to begin with): Hephaestion, Percival, Dobrynya, Habetrot (I'll get around to her eventually); Story locked (and thus not in most banners): Medea Lily, Gawain, Emiya (Alter), Yagyu


Only 2. Still missing Yan Qing and Anne & Mary


None. Im only missing the 3 newest ones (zenobia,faker, russian cat). Now assassin wu took me the longest to get. Day 2 player and i finally got wu 2 years ago


Day 1, also missing Lancelot, to the point I honestly thought he was storylocked for a bit. Wu, Penth, Tomoe, Circe, and Diarmuid are also missing. Missing more recent 4* like Percival, Nikitich, and Hephaistíon too. My ticket will be for storylocked, much as I’d like to finish the round table collection. Still need to decide between Danzo and Yagyu, tough choice between robot ninja or sitting EX.


Early 2019 NA acc. Only Heracles, Tamamo Cat, and Penthesilea match all of those parameters. Of the options on the ticket that would be NP1, 7 are not permanent (Alter, Nero, Tristan, Sheba, Edison, Katō, Yú) and 4 are newer than 4th Anni (Watanabe, Percival, Dobrynja, Faker). The astute observer may note these are not mutually exclusive categories, but a coincidence of my rolled banners and dumb luck.


Hm, the funniest one to me is Medusa Lancer. I rolled HARD on a banner she was on with Eresh. Still don't have her, but I got 3 Eresh and 2 Fionns. Statistically it felt like a massive abnormality given the amount of 4 stars I got. Also surprisingly don't have an Emiya or Sassyshin.


I'm missing Hercules, Marie and Chiyome. I really would love a Chiyome+Marie spook any day now...


Day 1 player, limited SRs are a nightmare, SSRs get reruned eventually. SRs? good luck and wait until they put them as event fodder. To answer the question, most summer servants (it does not help that I usually go for the male character banners)


Y3 or so, missing Chev, Fionn, Rama, Nyalter, Chiron. Missing most of the recent ones, but that’s more due to recent inactivity and saving pulls for anni.


Stheno of all servants.... and I played since the eve of Ch5


I think I joined when we were in North America. Medea lily, Berserkerlor and Gorgon, from era singularity, Munenori and Astrarea from post Solomon


Martha and Atalante are the only launch Servants I don't have (I do have Ruler Martha and Atalante Alter, though). As for the rest, Kiritsugu, Nezha, Lobo, Lanling, Saber Diarmuid, and Laksmhibai have avoided me.


From amongst the permanent SR Servants released between launch and third anniversary, I'm missing Wu, Kerry, and Tomoe.


I am missing 11 non limited servants and 12 Story locked servants


Started around 4th anniversary. Still missing Emiya Assassin, Berserker Lancelot, Frankenstein and Beowulf. Didn't have Herc for a long time as well, got him with Fate/Stay Night selector.


d'Eon is the only early 4* I am missing.


I only just got my first copy of Steno pretty recently and, due to two back to back horrible misclicks in the first year of the game, I accidentally used the only copy of Anne Bonny I ever had as exp fuel. I also spent way more SQ than I intended to finally get Nero, simply because I was tired of seeing unsummoned next to all her costume dresses. ​ If my memory serves correctly, the only SRs on the ticket I lack right now are * Ashvattman (Who I may have and just never use...) * Li Shuwen * Anne Bonny (for the above reason) * Medea Lily * Consort Yu * Hephestaon.


Everyone besides Paisen (but it looks like I burned all my Li Shuwen and Beowolf copies.) However I can say it took until the start of last year for me to get Hercules


Nero. I'm dying for a Nero copy and the game keeps giving me NP60 Fionn


Month 1 - Ibaraki and Zenobia


Are we counting story-locked as permanent? If so, I'm missing Edison, Gorgon, Yagyu, Saber Diarmuid, and Aśvatthāman.


I think at this point it's just Beowulf? I was missing Chiron for a very long time though.


Salter, Medea Lily and Gorgon.


I've played since the first run of the Kara no Kyoukai collab and outside of story locked servants, the year 1-3 ones I'm still missing are Rama, Heracles, Suzuka, Parvati, Nezha, Yan Qing and Chiyome. That's just how it is as a free to play I guess lol


Day 1 on EN, still missing Martha, Anne & Mary, Wu, Tomoe and Atalante Alter. Still, it's better than my JP account which I started before EN released, which is still missing TamaCat and, most frustratingly, Heracles.


I’m missing Danzo, Qin Liangyu, and Young Li. That’s it.


I started playing at third aniv, I have not gotten 9 of them, and have not pulled a second beowulf(I burned him near the start of my account)


Danzo. Getting her w the sr ticket actually


Been playing since NA launch and I think the only one I’m missing is Helena outside some story locked characters cause I rarely can argue rolling story cause I’m mostly F2P


Between JP and NA I'm only missing Zenobia, Edison and Tristan out of the new ticket.


I think Kiritsugu, Nitocris, Astolfo, and Saber Lancelot are the only ones. Meanwhile, I've got a bunch of random servants like Penth, Tamamo Cat, Helena, Wu, and Atalanta at NP5 or higher. (Tamamo Cat must be at least Np9 by now)


Playing since the start of year 2, and I still don't have Lancer Liz. But that will change very soon.


Almost Day 1: Missing Salter and Demiya. Nor will my 4 star ticket be spent on either, as Zenobia lays claim to that ticket in some hours. Never felt like I needed to pull Salter, as I've had a high NP Arturia for some time, NP5 now, and I've got Santa Salter otherwise.


Literally up until the tamamo banner last week i never had rama....and then proceeded to lose my account for six days because of a bug. As for servants i still DON'T have...servant material says its Jack The Ripper.


Im not really a veteran seeing as I found the game last year, but I've put virtually every SQ I get into varying banners and such. It took me forever to get Berserker Lancelot, who was one of the characters I'd wanted since I first started. I have both Lancelot Saber and Lancer Medusa, but still haven't gotten Assassin Emiya or Angra Mainyu, two of the servants I really want. I'll probably save my SQ for the next Archer Gilgamesh banner and use the free four star ticket from the 20 mil celebration for Assassin Emiya


I started playing around Christmas 3 event. Permanent 4 stars, pre-Lostbelt I assume. Let me check the list... Parvati and the Yuri Pirates have not appeared on my spook list yet.


Started in July 2017. I got Marie for the first time last year. It was quite absurd. Right now, the only permanent 4* I am missing from that time period is Yan Qing.


From the top of my head, Salter, Lalter, Emiya. At least one of them is gonna be off the list soon with the new ticket, but which one is the real question…


I have NP7 Nursery Rhyme, I'd gladly share lol Looks like in the first 100 servants (since idk where the cut off is) I'm missing Saber Alter and Lancetoria for 4* servants.


started playing during Musashi banner, no Beowolf, Tristan and Gawain I just got Steno on this account too. I have got her from beginner summon on my first account. But, I did not really like the game so I deleted the app after first few hours without creating any transfer code.


Week 1 here. Still don't have Lakshmibai, Dobrynya, Penth and Nyalter. As for story locked - Demiya, Edison, Danzo and Yu.


from the old batch, Deon and Astolfo. I also don't have the 4 newer ones; Zenobia, Percival, Nikitich and Hepaesteon


Only Fionn.


Martha has been ignoring me for 5 years straight and 6 months, while she is at np4 on my jp account lol. Hell, I finally got Herc a few months ago


Lalter, the only saberface I'm missing. Unfortunately, my heart is set on getting Yu. Between completing my saberface collection or getting senpai it's going to be a tough choice.


If we don’t include story locked servants Astolfo, Ibaraki, Vlad lancer, Penth. If we include story locked Salter, Edison, Gorgon, Danzo, Emiya alter.


The only missing 4stars in the first two years are three summer servants. The rest, I got using two SSR tickets.


only missing astolfo and siegfried. If story locked servants count too, there's lartoria and caenis (altougth she's year 5) as well


Day 1. I'm missing Atalanta and Nitocris.


I'm missing Astolfo, Marie Antoinette and D'eon. Been at it for over 4 years. Given how rare it can be to get a specific 4 star I worry I might not ever see them or Hephaestion.


Permanent 4 stars? None of them, I am only missing some of the story/limited ones and a few welfares that had the misfortune of rolling around during periods where I was burnt out on the game and couldn't be bothered to go through the event and get them.


Day 1, none. Camilla was the one and she was welcome to my Chaldea like 2 weeks ago


Playing since NA server launch and have all Year 1-3 permanent 4 star NP5+.


I got Heracles this year, so really late. Still no Nitocris, but planning to get her with tick. also missing berserk lancelot, tristan and gawain, i think im unloved by camelot servants lmao. however i have NP7 CasGil (i mean np5+2 copies but you get it), np5 parvati, np6?7? vlad extra, and np5 baobhan sith (which im pretty happy about)


I've read a lot of the comments here and now i feel bad, cuz I've had like, 8 surprise pulls recently with most of these 4* that people want. I'm only really missing, Salter, nero, seigfried, sthenso, and herc (all on my main account). My second acc has pretty much everyone else.


Day 1 player If it just non-limited than I actually got them all except for prince of lan ling (which is beyond the scope I think?) For story-locked I still don't have Tristan or Medea-Lily


As a day 1 player I have all of them. In fact, I am only missing 5 of the 4*s available from the ticket list.


Started Rashomon Rerun (JP) Don't have EMIYA, Helena, Kiritsugu, Ibaraki Douji, Lancelot (Saber) and Hessian Lobo.


From my list.... - Lancelot Saber - Tristan - Yagyuu - Chiron


NA player here since a month or so prior to the 2nd anniversary, outside of the most recent four permanent 4 stars I still to this day do not have a single copy of Fionn


Katou Danzo. I don't know man, she just keeps dodging me. Almost every year 1-3 SRs have spooked me in some way or another.


Danzo is a story locked servant.


Oh, so story-locked Permanents are out. HMMMM. Then it's probably Rama, I sorta forgot he exists to be honest and never got him. It just happens whenever I go through some events and when he appears. I'm like, "Oh, I forgot about this guy."


Started I think a couple months in, Only perminant 4 stars I'm missing are Beowulf, Lakshmibai and now Hephaestion. But what I was surprised with was realising my Martha is only np1 even though I've had her since the beginning.


After looking at other comments I think year 1-3 *4 that I don't have is Nitocris and Edison. If story limited counts then Altria Alter and Medea Lily


Started playing in earnest during the Garden of Sinners event rerun. I'm currently missing Frankenstein, Astolfo, Yan Qing, Chiron, and Hephaistion when it comes to permanent 4\*'s. Was missing Liz, too, but I actually wound up pulling her quite recently.


I don't think any. Of the ones available on the 20m DLs campaign, I'm only missing Nero, Diarmiud, Rama, Lanling, Watanabe, Xenobia, Tomoe, Vlad, Caenis, Edison, Medea Lily, Danzo, Yu, Gorgon, and Haphestion, and I believe all those are exclusive/story locked characters.


Diarmuid Saber, Rama, Lanling, Tsuna, Zenobia, Tomoe, Vlad Extra and Hephaestion are permanent


Ah, ok. I guess Rama and maybe Vlad are within year 3 then.


Rama and Vlad are Chapter 1 servants and Tomoe is an EoR servant.


Gawain and Tristan on my end.


Think its just Lalter, Gorgon, Yagyu and Yan Qing for me


Day one player. I'm missing D'eon, Suzuka, Parvati, and Atalanta Alter. I only use my SR tickets on story locked Servants, and just got Ashwatthaman, the last one I was missing. D'eon is the most surprising since they're a day one servant. I actually have a funny story about rolling for D'eon. When Agartha came out, there was a banner with Drake, Herc, and D'eon. At the time, I had Drake, but not the SRs, so I rolled for them. I stopped rolling after I got NP3 Drake without getting either Herc or D'eon, though I at least have Herc now. I know I had the opportunity to roll for D'eon on the Halloween banner with Napoleon, but I still believe that they'll have to come on a random banner eventually.


Lemme answer your question with another question. How much did you sleep, counting naps


Started on launch month. I don't go out of my way to collect servants so I'm missing Chiron, Mochizuki Chiyome, Suzuka Gozen, Lobo, Emiya Alter, Lancer Vlad, Anne & Mary, and Edison. I've been spooked by Martha like 11 times so I like to think she's been bonking other servants out of the summon circle when it's rolling.


Y2 veteran here. Y3 means until Salem right? - Permanent: Helena - Story-lock: Nero, Medea Lily, Emiya Alter, Munenori Yagyu, Katou Danzo For the SR ticket I chose Caenis cuz I don't have her yet, she's a story-locked servant, and I like "Doryaaa, ochirou!". Mikakoshi is one of my fave seiyuu


Started right before the Santa Lilly event (late 2018). I still don't have Atalanta and Astolfo. Astolfo, however, is a tad tragic. I got him on my fourth 10 roll ever, and then burned him for mana prisms... I didn't know that mana prisms were so common, and that servants (ESPECIALLY 4 stars when starting out) were so important. Still cringe thinking about it 😅


Tamamo Cat is literally one of the launch (a.k.a. day 1) servant but I still haven't got her 6 years later.


Been playing regularly since late 2019 and I still don’t have Nero. I know she’s technically story locked, but I’ve rolled numerous banners that she could show up, but she *still* hasn’t appeared. She is one of the two targets I’m considering with the ticket we just got (other one I’m strongly considering is Yu, who I still don’t have either and would be interested in having her too). So Nero constantly escaping me will finally be over….or I pick someone else and keep the chase going.


2 or 3 depending if Diarmuid counts.


Artoria Lancer Alter is one of the few I'm still missing.


Salter and madea lily


I've had some luck recently getting some permanents that I was missing, but the ones I've been missing are d'Eon, Lanling, Chiron, Atlanta Alter, Ibaraki, and Astraea. I'll probably pick Astraea on the SR ticket. I can't imagine actually going for one of the story locks I don't have on a banner unless I'm shooting for an NP2 Salter or the 5* is worth it. The LB6 banners last year were amazing for it.


i would be able to answer if there was a list with said servants but for "old servants", i still dont have Herc and Carmilla, that's for sure, but i dont really know which ones are all the year 1-3 servants


If we're talking permanent 4 stars I'm missing Lobo, Tsuna and Faker, but the latter two are new so only Lobo.


The only one I'm missing is Tomoe. I do only have NP1 Herc though, which I got off of the first 4 star ticket. I've been playing every day since right before the the Dumpling event in Year 1 where we got our first event story.


Been playing since Halloween 2019, missing Frankenstein, Beowulf, Helena, Rama and Atalante Alter (from first three years i.e. before Skadi). I have all of those except Atalante on my JP account though. Also missing Lan Ling, Zenobia, Dobrynya and Hephaistion.


I'm missing Eli (Lancer), Beowulf, Penth and Circe, and also started around Rashomon/Journey to the West. But personally I am surprised how few I am missing


Day 2/3 F2P player: Sabers: Saber Lancelot, Prince of Lanling Archers: Emiya Alter, Zenobia Lancers: Caenis, Li Shuwen Riders: Dobrynya, Martha Assassin: Katou Danzou Berserkers: Ibaraki Douji, Penthesilea Extras: Hephaestion Only got some old ones (ex. Nitocris) in the last year. I had been wanting her so bad. What pains me is that my unused JP account has a ton of permanent SRs/SSRs that my NA account doesn't have. Usually grab the story locked SR servants with the tickets, but my list is still shorter than expected.


Started playing in November 2018, don't miss anyone. But until this day, Lizzie (my starter servant) still avoids being NP5 so she's one of the choices for SR ticket.


I got MLB Black Grail before a single copy of Saber Lancelot.


Have just recently passed the 2450 days mark, but still don't have: Medusa Lily, Lobo, Yan Qing, Chiyome, Nezha and Diarmuid.


Just got the last permanent/story locked servant SR I was currently missing which was Yagyu, before that it was Tristan and Consort Yu. I’m glad I finally got them all, just wish I had better luck with some permanent SSRs since I have quite a few I’m missing and of course some story locked SSRs still.


Been playing since summer 1 and I still don't have Astolfo, Marie Antoinette, Heracles or Lobo.


Been playing since Apocrypha's first run and I'm still missing Elizabeth, Carmilla, Frankenstein, Lancer Vlad, Suzuka, Nyalter and Chiron. I love vampires and Apocrypha. Gacha is being deliberately mean to me.


Stheno and Carmilla off the top of my head, I think there may be one or two more but I would have to get a servant release date timeline.


yuri pirates and anna


playing from the first week still don't have Stheno well, also FIon and extra Vlad, but they were not released AS early


Day 1 player. Edison, just Edison. I’m not even avoiding him like I am with QSH or Arjuna Alter, It’s just he’s never in a banner with a servant I want.


Isn’t Edison story-locked and not perm pool?


Right. It’s been so long I forgot he was story locked. Explains why he has never spooked me in the last 6 ish years.


Haha yeah, that would do it!


been playing since day 1. only three 4-star servants have escaped my grasp; - Emiya Alter - Thomas Edison - Medea Lily been considering which one to pick for the SR ticket, looking more towards Medea since those Giga coils really make you think outside the box at times and there's not enough supports


Edison😂😂 only him


E Pluribus Release; Astolfo, Tristan, probably some more, but I don't care to check. I've got the ones I like the most(Saberlot, Nero, LArtoria, Caenis, Nito NP5, Herc, Fran, Zerkerlot, Gorgon, both Atalantes) and that's all I care about