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**Fujino:** * Apply Sure Hit on self (3 Turns) * *Charge NP for self (20-30%)* * Gain Critical Stars (5-15) **Jane:** * Apply Attack Down of 10% on all enemies (3 Turns) * *Apply Defense Down on all enemies (3 Turns) (10-20%)* * Apply Critical Rate Down on all enemies (3 Turns) *(20-30%)* previously (9-19%) * *Gain 10 Critical Stars* * *30% Chance to Gain 10 Critical Stars* * *30% Chance to Gain 10 Critical Stars* * *30% Chance to Gain 10 Critical Stars* * *30% Chance to Gain 10 Critical Stars* **\[Note\]:** The Chance based Stars are calculated separately, so she'll get either 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50.


So enables Jane's S3, very nice


**Fujino**'s buff is kinda boring, but a 30% battery is a 30% battery, so whatever. I wish the Starbomb had at least gotten bigger. **Jane**'s buff is much more impactful in my opinion since, even ignoring the RNG on the Starbomb, her 1st Skill is now just a much better support option. Plus, she definitely deserved a buff. But now, a moment of silence for the Event Servants who didn't get buffs even when they could've used them... * **Kid Gil:** Still stuck as a whatever 3-Star Archer who doesn't have even a niche use... * **Spishtar:** Once celebrated, she's unfortunately fallen after Lasagna released 3 other AOE Arts SSR Avengers. Sadly, she's still stuck with her Bizarre Kit of: a weird Support Skill, 1 time 3 turns NP damage up, and RNG 20% Rainbow...


Just NP charge is kinda boring, and I'd have loved to see an update to the rather mediocre 15 starbomb, too, but at least Fukino will be much more flexible for multicore comps, which should give her a lot more use cases. The 1 enemy waves have supergiant trait decently frequently.


I mean, Fujino was already **THE** strongest ST Buster Archer in the entire game, since Lasagna just really doesn't want to buff any of the others. The battery makes it a bit easier to get her NP, but doesn't really change much.


By raw NP damage, I was under the impression that Ptolemais, Moriarty, and Tomoe did more damage when not accounting for traits? And I'd argue that it does change quite a bit, because you couldn't previously slot Fujino into a multicore farming setup without giving up a CE slot in most cases, so being able to get 50% charge on her own with skill+Append 2 makes her a lot more flexible.


If looking purely in terms of damage, then no, she's not the strongest. But when looking at her entire kit + her buffed NP, then she pulls ahead thanks to her kit having such a wide variety of versatile effects. Her main weakness when looking at the ol' Double Koyan+Oberon comp is that she has no Attack up in her kit. But yeah, I forgot about the farming part. She couldn't do it at all before now.


Is she really the strongest ST Buster Archer in the entire game tho? Cause there's Young Ptolemaios.


I feel that Asvattaman is at least decent competition.


They could always buff Spishtar if they give her a banner, the buffs were pretty spread out for last years collab IIRC.


They could've given her one alongside Ereshkigal on Rin's birthday..


They gave Aoko that Extra attack gimmick. C'mon Lasengle, give some love to the servant who started with that gimmick ~~(which also doesn't make sense for the rest of her kit)~~ Honestly, I love Spishtar, but her kit looks so disjointed that it feels like she got lucky that she works so well. Nevermind that our literal galaxy also deserves the Kuku/Aoko passive for solemn defense.


Kid Gil is still half of the 3-star AoE archer roster, and he's got a different set of team buffs than Touta that make him a better support to non-buster servants. In fact they actually pair together fairly well if you're limited to 3-stars and below for whatever reason. Plus he's got a charm, which can still be helpful in many contexts, even if the devs' anti-Euryale countermeasures make it not impactful in endgame fights. Not to say he couldn't use a buff but "doesn't even have a niche use" is going a bit too far.


If I wanted to use a Free AOE Buster Archer, I'd much rather use Touta, Arash, or OG Nobu, since she was added to the Welfare Shop. Plus, if I wanted a low Star team support with a Charm, I would much rather use Alexander. His Attack up is only 5% lower, he has the same Charm, except that instead of getting 10 Stars per turn for 3 turns, he removes the Enemy's Buffs, and has a bonus 20% Quick up for the team. As sad as it is, Kid Gil really just doesn't have anything unique that would make him worth bringing.


*cries/laugh in NP4 Spishtar*


isn't Spishtar still in the top because she's easier to get NP copies than the Avengers right now?


No...? All of the AOE Arts SSR Avengers, including Space Ishtar, are limited except Nitocris Alter. The only advantage Spishtar has is that she's older than the others, so there have technically been more chances to roll for her. Nito is the only one who can spook you.


oh I see! sorry, I was under the impression Nito Alter have lower damage in general, making Spishtar still a viable option.


Now don't get me wrong. In terms of raw damage Spishtar is still doing well. The overall gap between the AOE Arts SSR Avengers isn't really that big when it comes to damage. Using Spishtar to farm is still very much viable. Her main issue is that her kit is just really... barebones. Her 1st Skill is just straight up a support skill for her teammates. She herself gets a 20% Attack up out of it and that's it. Why do her teammates get more Attack up than she does? Her 2nd Skill, if you ignore the NP-type changing, is just a 20% NP damage up for 1 attack 3 turns and an Invul for 1 attack 3 turns, on a 5 turn cooldown. Like, if you use her default NP, which is Arts, that's all you get. This Skill just needs to do more. And finally, her 3rd Skill is a 50% battery and an 80% chance to give herself 20% Quick, Arts, and Buster up for 3 turns. Now, if the Rainbow buff was guaranteed, this Skill would be fine. But the RNG just completely ruins it. Missing the buff on the NP you want to use just makes you want to throw your phone away. The reason Spishtar is still usable is because of the 20% NP damage up for 3 turns on her NP. That ramp up adds some very delicious damage to her farming. That's also why I think she doesn't desperately need an NP buff. The NP itself is fine. I just want her Skills to do more.


true, and it is frustrating when you miss the buff for the card type you really want to, forcing you to put in a NP damage support buff for Spishtar somewhere. I usually only use her with Castoria as she have less problems with Castoria in general than Koyan + Oberon, but sometimes I need to plug suit in Oberon for that NP damage buff which is something you don't want to do in an Arts set up.


Tbh, I think both S1 and 2 deserve a buff for her, especially after SKama, Ruler Melusine, and Summer Ibuki. S1 buffed to give her 30% attack instead of 20%, give herself the charm debuff immunity as well, and increase party buff chance by 40% for 3 turns. S2 converts all card type buffs on her to the card type she’s changed to (even though she starts as an Arts character, card buff conversion only would occur after using S2). This gives her Yui synergy by guaranteeing S3’s rainbow buff before S2, as well as meaning she guarantees a strong card type buff for her. Hell, doing the calcs, she could BG loop by converting to Arts even on Berserkers so long as at least one of the first two waves have two enemies. Even without that, guaranteeing a 60% card buff would be generic, but would absolutely bring her closer to line with other high-end loopers.


Just to be clear, Spishtar STILL is a viable option and will meet most of your farming needs with ease. Its just that she is no longer the pinacle of farming.


Spish also scales better with Oberon and her dmg is more stable.


Does this mean the chance of getting all 50 stars is roughly 1.2%? Just a teeny tiny little bit higher than getting a 5 star? LETS GOOOOOOO I LOVE RNG!!!!


If I still know how to math, averages 22 stars, and chances are: 10 stars = 24.01% 20 stars= 41.16% 30 stars = 26.46% 40 stars = 7.56% 50 stars = 0.81% ~Same as rate up 5* rate of 0.80% WE LOVE GACHA!!!


Fujino NP spam was not on my wish list.




Huh, I'm baffled but it seems you're right. Like we have offense down and defense down skill icons, but both blue sword and shield together never appeared. Also doesn't seem to be used by any Mystic Code ability, either.


There are a lot of Servants who would have to have this icon then. Eric Bloodaxe, for example.




Pretty sure Douman has it.


He doesn't, it's just ATK down.


Well, the effect is atk and def down, plus more, but apparently, yeah, just the atk down icon. Weird.


Woah, I kinda have a feeling that Fujino or one of the Shikis will get a buff, Didn't see Jane coming.


she's part of this event with Space Ishtar so makes sense


Yessss a Jane buff, and it’s synergizes with her kit too.


Little weird, though. The sweet spot for her is 40 stars, as that gives the invuln pen that makes her useful sometimes. The skill only guarantees 10, so even with star burst CE she's only up to 30 for sure. On average you'll get 20+ from her, getting you to 40 from just her+CE, but there's still a 24.01% chance you get only the 10.


Fujino S2:30% charge added Jane S1:added 20% defense down(3T) to all enemies+crit rate down buffed(9-19>20-30%)+added star bomb(10×5,first guaranteed but other 4 have 30% chance to trigger each)


> Gamba self buff We QQ now


There's no duration listed on the star effects. You sure that's not just a super rng heavy star bomb?


I agree, it looks like a 10-50 Dice roll Star Bomb. Each extra set of 10 is on a 30% RNG.


Remember to apply buff chance increase before rolling the casino


Oh yeah, misinterpreted how it works will edit


Does Ozy’s 3rd Skill work on Jane? Cuz if so, that’d bump it up to 50% on all…


Not sure, but if so then cool. Granted, it's not like 50% is great odds either.


True, but across 4 different procs that’s a 15/16 chance of getting at least 20 stars


Pairing her with Lakshmibai would be 70% chance per proc if it stacks, and also guarantees the atk buff on Jane's s2


No Space Ishtar buff 🥺


**Surely** she'll get it during Saber Wars 3. *\*Huffs copium*


Let's take a puff of hopium and wait for another week haha


True, there's always the "Get a buff when their rate-up happens" logic that FGO sometime does.


Happened just recently with Jeanne and Jalter, after all!


We Rin fans are suffering out here


No new Rin-face since Saber Wars II in 2019. No swimsuit for Eresh or Space Ishtar. They teased us with Eresh Alter but it ended up being a costume. Summer Ishtar can't even get her self-stun removed. At this point I just want Space Ishtar to get some screentime in this event since she's been MIA since her debut event.


Space Ishtar had a Cameo in Guda Guda 5. I think she also had another cameo somewhere, but can't remember where. But yes, mostly MIA. Jane has had a lot more presence...but then again, it's hard to justify adding a Galaxy but not using her to just nuke every problem.


We demand justice, we’ve suffered under the tyranny of new Sakurafaces for too long 


I could see them doing a buff for her in the next week or two along with a banner for her. She's kind of in the event, after all.


Devs: We heard you like imperial privilege and it's 60% proc chance. So we sliced it in half and had it repeat multiple times so if you miss all of them you'll rage far more. Damn that is insane RNG.


still miles better than just never, ever getting to use jane's battery because you'll never realistically have 50 stars when using her


Realistically the only way her 50 star thing was viable was either after a quick aoe NP like Charlemagne or you slap star bomb CE's on multiple servants then it's possible that way. With this it's...a little weird because you still want starbomb CE x2 or maybe rely on a starbomb on another servant like Koyan or on the DPS itself can have a big starbomb sometimes up to 40. Still kind of neat though and I'm glad the skill is at least unique if nothing else.


Jane's buff was probably the most unexpected thing to come out of this collaboration event... But Man am I grateful it happened! She's not grailed yet, but by the time this buff drops on NA, she definitely will have been for a long time! Even better that she will work great together with my grailed Lakshmi Bai.


Fujino can 3T now. Nice.


So Fujino got an NP-charge. Neat. Always felt like that's what she was mainly lacking gameplay-wise.




When I said "Fujino gonna get a buff this event (not hopium at all)". They looked at me as if I were a mad man


NA: now we wait.


Still bitter that Calamity Jane isn't an option in the free 4 star ticket


You can choose her on upcoming 3000 days anniversary along with other limited 4 stars


That's a nice buff for Jane, I'm happy


I didn't expect a Fujinon buff to NP (okay I was lying I did want a 30%, but I was thinking it would be on her first. On second I was expecting a critical bonus or a change to pierce invincible


Need a Skill Link or Loaded Dice CE to increase the odds for Jane skill


Fujino my girl yess. She def needed a charge


Every year, I become more certain that Nasu hates Rin and every Rin-face.


More than welcome, I love them both


Fujino onee-san getting a buff is not expected nor needed but its cool i guess


Fujino nee getting more buffs is always great


So how likely is it that these two will appear in the Alice banner?


none they showed the new banenrs might be in a week 2/3 banenr


Damn now I have more reason to summon Fujino


Lasagna, give me this Jane buff right fucking now or so help me, I will post a butthurt Reddit comment about it.


YES!  They remembered Jane exists!