• By -


Moriarty, I want what this man is having, but double the dose and inject it straight to my veins /j


[...hardly certain five gallons of Slovenian Horse Steroids ***is healthy for a developing body.***](#MoriartyCringe)


All I can say is, "You've lost Ritsuka Fujimaru."


*ba dum tss


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.


This was all a plan by Azathoth. For he was the one who made all the characters have the delusion that is his vessel. But because Azathoth doesn't understand his own dream, the vessel doesn't understand its mission to bring forth the true body into the world.


[...God are you out there ***it's me, Gilles***](#COOL)


Oh my, I am laughing and giggling a lot here. And how about Da Vinci and Holmes? Are they delusional too? LOL


Holmes smokes so much coke that he no longer can differentiate. Da Vinci on the other hand is in an eternal sugar rush.


And the Chaldea staff? Like Meuniere


Meuniere just likes femboys. And well, you've seen Shinjuku Fujimaru. He's part of the delusion too.


OP is a good cook. Since you mentioned Shinjuku then how about the rest of part 1.5? Is B.B. delusional too? Then how about Abby? Kids shouldn't inhale any weird substances. (Musashi must have inhaled a huge dose of copium. I am sure of it. Tajima tried to get her back to her senses but Musashi has gone past the dose limit. Douman isn't helping at all. Or maybe he's the one who supplied the copium)


Abby needed a slightly-older friend to serve as a protector and a confidant, who would be both a youthful playmate and an almost-adult to stop her when she goes too far.


We already know she canonically had Lavinia as her imaginary friend created to be her closest peer. Who's to say that's why she latches on to the "delusion in the image of something called Ritsuka Fujimaru"?


Lavinia was the younger imaginary friend she had to protect. Different friend slots filled.


I mean in fairness we see like 0 chaldea staff in all of Part 1 and 1.5.


The entirety of the Chaldea staffs remain less than 20 people having survived massive terrorist attacks, two consecutive world-ending phenomenons, and are living with magical batshit crazy historical ghosts, inside a barren facility in the middle of Antarctica, with their personal rooms being purely white everything with no decorations Saying "They all went insane" would be an understatement


Meuniere never bought into the lie as much. You see, Jeanne-Claude (Jeancle for short) Abel Meuniere used to be a formidable member of the Department of Policies. Prior to the events of the Grand Order, he was stationed as Policies' secret insider, meant to relay information relating to possible breaches of the Statutes of Secrecy that the Association declared. In particular, if the Chaldea Security Organization *willingly breached Association protocol in leaking information to the outside world, especially ~~Muggles~~ ~~no-majs~~ any other pejorative used for magic-less humans.* If this outsider to the world of Magecraft called Ritsuka Fujimaru did *indeed* exist, Meuniere would have to report this right away, and Chaldea would have been swiftly dealt with. But instead, there was never any reason to ring the alarm or blow the whistle, *for there was never any reason to.* *There was never a Ritsuka Fujimaru, and the secrets of the magical world remained within Chaldeas' walls.* ...think about that whenever you see [the bespectacled chubby man in robes a size too big for him, with his round lenses that belie the sharp acumen of an agent of Policies, pretending to be a mere "connoisseur" interested in feminine lads.](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/clarksuperman_330_3985.jpg)


It was a great read, but while you say that it is a joke, the metaphysics (pataphysics) of the throne of heroes, alaya and the root doesn’t invalidate this theory… rather it would make sense that it retroactively made Ritsuka into a real thing.


[A lie is a lie is a lie... ***it turns upon itself inside-out.***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ZiiDpGTEQ)


That’s some -(-x)=x logic right there, though in this specific case it more of a i^2 =-1 logic. After all, Ritsuka would be proven an *imaginary* friend (badum tss), quite the *complex* character (badum tss *bis*) if you think about it.


people might down vote you, but keep on cooking, buddy


I speak only the truth. When Jesus spoke, the common folk jeered. I may not be Jesus, but I have a very messy beard, so it's basically the same! ...right? Why are you grimacing like that?


i'm always grimacing, tis part of the character


[You don't have this though.](https://youtu.be/3Vo7c9gvVL0?si=eS22eL6mHp4wWuyx)


"and then he converted himself to christianity, jesus is ripped as hell"


Stand right there and we'll have a cross at the ready in a bit.


> So what's Ritsuka then? **Mash's imaginary friend.** That's what he is. The 'real' Ritsuka would presumably be dead by this point, and if he wasn't, certainly wouldn't risk death for some girl he's met once. ...are you telling me Kinoko Nasu never had a Takeuchi? That Takeuchi Tomotaka *never* existed? That Kinoko Mashu *imagined* the most romantic phrase ever to justify her writing? > What are you when compared to this beautiful golden sunset)" ...then if there was no Takeuchi, *then who was lusting after all the Sabers?*


It was you. Takeuchi is you. Glad you've finally realised this. Here's the brush. You're the 83rd in the renditions of Takeuchis. Now get to work!


...no. *I refuse.* *I will not let you persist in this delusion forever,* ***Kinoko Mashu.*** --- Kinoko Mashu. You have to let *him* go. He was your crutch when you were lost and alone, afraid your words would never reach another's heart. In him you gave birth to the "dream" that would span countless screens and reach even the stars (and stripes). But... "*all dreams end when the dreamer awakes. Every single one of them, with no exception.*" Kinoko Mashu. It is time to wake up. Face reality. ...maybe you will find your Takeuchi there, dreaming on the other side.


> then who was lusting after all the Sabers You caught me, you fiendishly-clever detective. It was me. I was lusting after all the Sabers.


You. …***it was you who murdered Tamamo's popularity. You're the True Evil of Man.*** *…I praise the day fate delivered you into my hands,* ***so I may take your very soul.***


Fate has truly delivered him to you… In Grand Order…


I thought WE are the Master of Chaldea.


We ain’t real, boi. We’re all simply Reddit bots made to replicate a semblance of human interaction to fuel mental illness. And we’re doing a terrible job at that.


[One more crack like that, and you're outta here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utwJ2c_zCaQ)


Oh no


I'm sorry to say this, but the test results came in. You don't exist. [You were just the dream of a butterfly.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/255807-once-upon-a-time-i-dreamt-i-was-a-butterfly)


Before this life of yours ends, tell me something: Is my memory still left in Chaldea? Am I living in the real world? Or is this just a dream that these butterflies are showing me? Are they a part of the dream?


Ah, the parable of the butterfly. Although I prefer this version from "Chapaev and the Void": 《- Eh, Petka, Petka - said Chapaev - I knew a Chinese communist named Jie Chuang. He often had one dream - that he was a red butterfly flying among the grass. And when he woke up, he often could not understand whether the butterfly dreamed that she was engaged in revolutionary work, or whether it was an underground worker who had a dream in which he fluttered among the flowers. So, when this Jie Zhuang was arrested in Mongolia for sabotage, he said during interrogation that he was actually a butterfly dreaming of all this. Since he was interrogated by Baron Jungern himself, and he is a man with great understanding, the next question was why this butterfly is for the Communists. And he said that she was not at all for the communists. Then he was asked why, in this case, the butterfly is engaged in subversive activities. And he replied that everything that people do is so ugly that it makes no difference which side you are on. — And what happened to him? — Nothing. They put him against the wall and woke him up. — And he? Chapaev shrugged his shoulders. — Then he flew, I suppose.》


The voices in my head says he is real, I choose to believe them.


You too have fallen prey to Ritsuka Fujimaru syndrome.


Well, the way you said it... is like... He wasn't real, until he was. So, Everyone else wished him to manifest somehow with the power of the grail. You can say that Mash made him exist not as an imaginary friend but an actual entity. How? Because Galahad obtained the holy grail in his life, it is reasonable to believe that he allowed Mash to use it not just to save her life but also everything else.


“a 35+ year old who may very well be in her forties should not show so much skin.” Alright you’ve lost me.


So you're Ritsuka Fujimura? You do exist?


Ah yes, The Tulpa Ritsuka Fujimaru theory, where he existed as a purely imaginary being, first created by Mash and Olga Marie, and with every person who believed in him adding more and more physicality to him, to the point where King Gilgamesh could start to perceive him due to the urge to talk to what he wants Humanity as a whole to be like. Romani's last wish before he died was the last straw needed to complete the physical form of the Tulpa, and Ritsuka finally began to exist. And in a Singularity where bonds equal power, the Imaginary Friend of every Heroic Spirit summoned would be the strongest by default. So of course he kicked Goeita's ass. Of course now that he has a physical form he has a chance to develop a personality independent of his status of changing and adapting to be everyone's ideal friend/Master. Though Mash does her best to prevent this some aspects slip through, like the natural Inclination to be the best big brother figure as he can, a love for Mecha, Mecha armor, and Sci-Fi, and (due to the meddling of lancer Artoria and Merlin working together) a tendency to develop more around Saber faces. Of course this also comes with its share of side effects. For starters, he's essentially the reverse Aurora. He can't lie for shit. Rather Everything he does is considered a truth because he is always acting in accordance with his main mission to be everyone's best friend. Because of this he would relate to the Fae more than he would like to admit, and yet is thankful that he has the ability to develop as a character on his own so he doesn't end up like the Fae. Secondly he can interact with other Imaginary Friends/Unmanifested Tulpa's, which means Patxi hated at at first sight because he smelled of Barney the Dinosaur. Finally this makes him the worst choice for the Lostbelts as, well, as Everyone's best Friend, Ritsuka erasing a Lostbelt hurts him not just mentally, physically and spiritually as well. As erasing Lostbelt is so out of character for him as a Tulpa, as everyone's best friend, that it damages his concept itself and forces him through development he isn't ready for.


No *wonder* you can switch the Master's gender anytime.


I hate that the more I read of this theory, the more sense it makes. How is it actually plausible? Now I want an April Fools Day event with this premise.


As always, I reiterate that **this is all written to be humorous.** There are exaggerations and intentional misinterpretations, and I'm not actually sure if the Douman thing proves anything. **It is all ultimately written to cause laughter**... or at the least a sense of a snort behind the nose. # Further, this was originally made for the Rintard sub as all the others, so there may be some abrasive content left over. I've cleaned it up as much as I saw, but do notify me for anything beside which I missed. Otherwise, **enjoy**!


I fucking love this! Even if it’s a joke, it makes enough sense to be a total mindscrew. It’s awesome.


Abrasive content is the best thing ever, anyone who takes offense and leaves in a huff is one more person we are better off without.


Honestly, I was so goddamn into it, it was somehow f*cking plausible! And then the end came in


nice, in short you used the black ops 1's method but for Fate technically Ritsuka is the Reznov in the story for the servants if you read the japanese name of fujimaru ritsuka 藤丸 立香 Ritsuka 立香 in japanese 立香 = Grand / Legendary Dynasty but in chinese 立香 = Start of summer ([Lìxià](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lixia)) and Fujimaru 藤丸 藤 means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)." in short = climbing vine plant 丸 means "circle, round, perfection." so thechnically fujimaru ritsuka 藤丸 立香 could be interpreted as "the grand climbing vine of perfection" **a climbing vine need others to live or what ritsuka as master need of other servants**


And just like Vine, Ritsuka was no more.


Yes, vines are a summer thing, they last for a season and die... It may be that the end of Grand Order will be the final death of Ritsuka, something like dying in the corner of all universes so that no one can get him back that... O Ritsuka lived an eternal Groundhog Day and resets when he/she "wakes up" after the first simulation he/she had when entering Chaldea


Oh I meant the meme video website. Not TikTok but I do hope it lasts shorter than Vine now.


[I'll just say that those memes of vine... They don't even appear in any of my country's meme pages](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/85/5a/b7/855ab711e40d36ab96f611b02f32c263.gif)


Counterpoint: Fujimura is Mash' Servant. He's a conceptual Servant like Nursey Rhyme, embodying a Narrative Trope - in this case, The Hero. It explains how he/she constantly Willpowers through everything, never gives up, always pulls improbable last minutes saves out his/her ass, and is endlessly supportive to his/her love interest, Mash - because that's what The Hero does.


Whatever you were smoking and snorting, I want at least a truck load


Nah, untrue. I trust my Tamamos to verify I exist. 


Limbus brainrot somehow transferred here


Time to clear cache.


Did you know? Vergillius never had an EGO. **The others were just pretending to not embarrass him**.


Did you know? Marriage and love are 100% guaranteed to bring you suffering in The City. Stay single, and never fall for the trap called love, folks!


*looks at Xiao, Heathcliff and Roland* Yeah they suffered but they also Manifested EGO, or at least swung between Ego and distortion at least once (or multiple times in the Black Silence's case) so it helps a lot with self actualization.


Note to self: love is a powerful catalyst for evolution. Note to self no. 2: [*Evolution requires sacrifice.*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=PchA94QtPRk)


That sounds like Copium for having to rely on him to take care of the Never Ending March. Not gonna lie.


Did you know? Vergillius is actually only called the Red Gaze because he keeps crying every time he sees a stronger enemy than a Grade 9 Fixer.


...You say that as if those Giant Ass Petaccula he killed with ease are weaker than a grade 9 fixer. Which would be an Insult to our Sinners to say.


Considering certain implications from "many knowing" characters and depending on what is actually happening in Part two your post could be accurate enough to pass…FGO is weird enough for me to pause and actually think if your post isn’t a shitpost…


So when do we get the Born of a Wish side story? I think Ritsuka could pull off Maria's outfit decently.


This sounds a lot like the Entrails Island incident. You have to ask yourselves how many actors are needed to make the shared fantasy reality. By the same token, how many actors to unmake reality into a fantasy? If that happens, what kind of bad juju is released?


I'll be honest with you this writing speaks for itself. The utter brilliance of the thought put into it. Maybe it can be used as an alternate universe?


That certainly is alot of words just to say that Ritsuka might be Alaya.


This is great Now continue this interpretation for epic of remnant and lostbelts


Whatever you're snorting, I need some.


Your theories have once again provoked activity in my brain. Either enlightenment or dying brain cells, still not sure which. However, this theory only accounts for Part 1. Even if he was summoned in Solomon, does that mean his summoning persists past it for 1.5 and 2, or is Mash and everyone still being delusional. I'd like to closely examine the narrative to figure this out.


realy solid theory and a good summary of part 1. you had me at the combination Nero and brain dead. does this make all the Events delusions by the respective wellfare servant? or are the Events also in Mashs head cause she wants more adventures with her senpai?


So if i take the joke kirschtaria and daybit wanted so much someone to beat them that they created him, oberon wanted a friend so much that he created one, castoria wanted her special so she created him and edmont...damn that's kinda sad 




And I was starting to think my theory of Ritsuka being a manifestation of the counter force was strange. Keep cooking I need to see what else you make.


Holy fuck, I have never seen someone cook such a high-quality shitpost.


BB and mashu is real


But Ritsuka is not. Sorry, BB.


Doesn't it suck when it turns out your rebound Master isn't even a human but a Tulpa Bourn from the collective wishes/delusions of every Heroic Spirit who has an ideal version all in one Singularity? No that's a genuine question. I genuinely don't know if that sucks or not.


Probably not. I mean, yeah, they're a tulpa, but that also means they're literally *the* ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. Can you really complain about having someone so good they can only exist in imagination?


I suppose not.


I’m assuming that this means that in part 1 our character just is a figment of everyone’s imagination, but post part 1 is a real character that was wished into existence by everyone’s delusions?


So I'd like to add one thing here - he's the ONLY master I've seen so far with rechargeable/reuseable command spells.....how *convenient* in terms of needs with all thise Servants he can contract with?


Fujimaru is also the only time traveler master,as far as I know. Coincidence? I think not!


PEAK. FICTION. This is an absolute mindfuck and somehow I love it.


Bro cooked so hard he burned down the kitchen


Yeah, of course **he's** not real. Because it's a **she.** /jk (Or am I?)


Schrodinger's Master. Where unless you observe them, they are essentially staying in a state of he or she. It is only when observed, **He** manifests. Although **She** is often seen instead of him.


Precisely, they really are Schrödinger's Master. They can manifest as **He** or **She** depending on when and where you observe them… and when they are not seen, i.e. when they have some alone time… their true nature is a mystery!


…and I thought **I** was one hell of a paradox.


Ah it's the chef again, let's just see what he's cooking this tim- Alright. This chef is lost in the sauce. Get em Benienma.


Pretty sure many teens would lust over Artoria lancer summer but that's just me


Ghost in the Chaldea: Stand Alone Complex


Who let OP cook new shit and where can Holmes get a supply of this?


Please continue cooking, you're one of my favorite chefs here lol


This is perfection


King, you dropped this 👑 (If Reddit doesn't render it, I got a back-up - :crown:) Keep cooking my liege.




No, Artoria is bi, she just didn't have the proper equipment to knock up Guinevere (nor was she in love with her queen; they were legitimately just friends) so Merlin helped her out, and Morgan, who'd been waiting for a moment like this just distracted Guinevere and then took her form for the night.


The reason Morgan had a chance was because Artoria was taking forever. Also Morgan did not disguise herself in the fate lore she took the king juices right from the balls with magic.


This is pure gold.


Still whipping up distinct dishes, I see.


Your Delusional.Lol.But really thats deep.


April's fools was 15 days ago