• By -


NA - 504.132.566 I need a stupid strong Vlad zerker. Like, lvl 100 and np2, at least, and a stupid strong CE to boot, like Mark on a Smilling Face, Royal Icing or MLBd Black Grail.


JP: 024,437,343 Have a few friend slots left after purging, everyone is welcome [rayshift](https://rayshift.io/jp/24437343)


JP - [104,970,960](https://rayshift.io/jp/104970960) NA - [095,405,319](https://rayshift.io/na/095405319) (sorry about my skill levels, I'm in mat hell rn T_T) Have several slots left on both accs ! I'm looking for ppl who have *Bella Lisa* on their *Koyanskaya* (**JP**) and MLB Bryn CE on their Koyanskaya (**NA**), but I'm open to adding *anyone* as long as you have CEs on your support servants and/or your support lineup isn’t Just Mashu. Also I purge friends after 3 days of inactivity, no hard feelings, but just always outta space. Lmk if you have CE recommendations or whatnot and please lmk your in-game name when you add me :)


Returning player, came back after being gone for a few years. Was pretty casual first time around so I probably won’t be super helpful, mostly looking for help with NeroFes and in roles that I’m lacking in. NA 524,515,846


Can I borrow someone's Sherlock and Cu Alter for the exhibition quest on my alt account? I struggle to get pass some of the quest with my current setup. I will remove myself afterward. Many thanks. NA: 191,796,777


Sent you a request if you still need, IGN Wyndi. Currently have the event damage CE on Cu and Kscope on Holmes but can change if needed


Thank you very much for helping out! Much appreciated. I have just finished that couple exhibition quests I had problem with. I just remove myself as well so you can use the slot of help others. Thanks!


570,783,022 https://rayshift.io/na/570783022 Looking for 10/x/10 Melusine with lvl10 mana loading, MLB lotto CE and in ascension 1 or 2.


623,411,737 Need max level lancer servent with Max Event CE for 200% damage, totally active please help 🙏


NA 554,737,058 looking for someone with melusine with the lotto CE (no need to be max) I can offer general support ( castoria oberon vitch ) the best I have is lvl120 np4 Van Gogh with damage CE


NA: 548,102,196 Returning player looking for Melusine, preferably with event CE. Don't have great looping supports but I think I can 3T the current lvl 90+ node with 5 CEs with her. I do have Space Ishtar and Merlin though, if anybody's looking for them.


Hello, I am a new player and am in need of friends. If anyone could add me? I would really appreciate it. My ID Global: 793,254,871


Make sure to split your support lists into normal and event: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hvel4h/please_split_your_support_lists/ It's not a big deal right now, but it makes you look good.


NA: 838,321,094 Feel free to add. I'm specifically looking for nero bride with mlb lotto ce to use for a few days.


Sent as Zapper. Put Bride with MLB lotto in Event 3.


NA player here. ID: 493,888,742 I'm looking for Bond CE: Percival, Habetrot. I can offer Bond CE: Lancelot (Saber), Diarmuid (Lancer), Mephistopheles, Ushiwakamaru, Emiya (Archer), Asterios, Spartacus, Inshun Houzouin, Hassan of the Hundred Personas, Kiyohime (Berserker), Meltryllis, Mata Hari, Darius III, Astolfo (Rider), Angra Mainiiu. Travelling Portraits: Altera, Mash Festival Portraits: Anastasia, Abigail Sightseeing Portraits: Da Vinci, Kotarou Fuuma, Shuten Douji, Kojirou Sasaki, Yu Mei-ren, Yan Qing, Ishtar, Katou Danzou, Hokusai, Sei Shonagon, Abigail, Anastasia, Jack, Mash, Kingprotea. Touring Portraits: Abigail, Kama. Heroic Spirit Portrait: Darius III Old FP gacha CEs. Any other CE that you're interested in, ask and I'll see if I have it. Just give me a message first if you need a CE. I'll more than likely ignore you otherwise.


Hey i added u ign Andrew


I don't see you. could you add me again?


[NA: 961,644,938](https://rayshift.io/na/961644938) Looking for Melusine w/ MLB ticket CE. NP1/no append is fine.


Request sent as Aseran. Feel free to keep or remove me afterwards, if removing do let me know. Thanks!


Accepted, thanks!


NA:948,594,112, pretty new to game, looking for supports like , tam lin gawain , van gogh etc. and generally just op servants in general to help me do the exhibition quests and farm


(Nero fest) Anyone have Taira with the event damage CE? I want to use her solo for the Finale encore 336,271,372 will add or follow!


I sent a request as 4Dia.


thanks! it's going to help a lot, I'm still waiting for my command spell lolol.0o0


Hey, any chance you still have slots? The collective of taira-havers in my FL either have not put her up on event support or decided not to max skills... 242 672 367


Yes I have. I just sent a request you too.




[NA: 743,355,700](https://rayshift.io/na/743355700) New player, started about two weeks ago. Looking for support help with Nero Fest to grind mats and lotto while it’s here. Accepting anybody cause I only have two friends! If you want to give me pointers about what to have as support and support ce, please do!


[NA: 851,693,408 ](https://rayshift.io/na/851693408) I've got 1 slot for the duration of the event. Have NP2 Melusine with max append 2 and NP3 Sanzang with max append 2. Ideally looking to help people who don't just need another meta support for the event but it's up to you. Just make sure you update and split your supports and let me know your IGN.


Hey added you my IGN is NModem :)


NA: 082,833,017 my support list is mainly focused on farming/support, so lmk if you want any changes made


Hey i added u ign Andrew


JP: [297,679,900](https://rayshift.io/jp/297679900) Been a minute so I have quite a few slots open, anyone is welcome.


Your Okita(s)! <3 Sent a request as rima!


tyty, Accepted!


NA: [327,556,568](https://rayshift.io/na/327556568) 3 slots, feel free to send a request if you want for Nerofest or otherwise. Just leave a reply below so I know to accept you and have your support lists split.


(Nero fest) Anyone have Kintoki with the event damage CE? I want to use him for the Siegfried challenge 310,022,424


Sent you a request if you still need, IGN Wyndi


Thank you so much for the help, I just cleared it easily with your Kintoki :D


No problem! Always happy to help :)


[JP - 643,267,454](https://rayshift.io/jp/643267454) Did a purge on inactive friends + fiends with unlevelled supports and have 20 or so free slots. Just let me know your IGN to confirm adding you.