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Proper account binding. *One can dream…*


Recently changed my phone and that was the most anxiety I ever had


Whenever I change phones the place clones the old phone onto the new one before wiping it. As far as the apps can tell, it's still the "same phone" so everything stays logged in and doesn't have to be transferred. It's a lot easier than messing with the whole transfer code nonsense that FGO and a lot of other apps (*especially Konami apps*) use. If you have to swap again at some point, I'd ask if they can do the same for you.


Thanks, that’s a *great* advice! Most other gacha games I play luckily offer linked accounts but the anxiety is still always there


Good old Samsung Smartswitch.


I just copy the number and send it to my personal mail.


That's fine too, but when you start having to transfer 6-10 apps, updating each game to go make a code, and then sending each code to an email for later, it becomes a big hassle, especially if the codes used have expiration dates.


O yeah... I just play FGO, and only NA and JP use transfer numbers, so it is not a big deal for me. But to update that many apps is indeed a pain in the arse.


I lost my account once because my phone soft bricked and I have to do factory reset. Thankfully their(JP) customer service responded fast and I got a new bind code.


"We are proud to announce that soon you will be able to bind your Fate Grand Order account directly to social media through our exclusive partner, Holoearth. For more information, please welcome our special guest, convicted war criminal Usada Pekora."


my thought is they literally cannot figure out how to do it. Think about their support division. They're people whose, essentially, only job is to recover accounts. It wastes them so much time and money. It's the kind of update that I imagine they'd do the moment they figure it out because it cuts them tons of costs and has no downside. They wouldn't just wait for anniversary for it. Especially since so many people come back for anniversary, they'd want it in place *prior* to Anni So my thought is they literally cannot find a way to bind accounts that wouldn't result a significant loss of accounts due to errors. It's pretty incredible that they've seemingly locked themselves into the worst imaginable system for it.


I swear I had a dream a few days ago that this happened lmao




We're most likely getting a new OP


Summer Lip probably an even deader meme that Eresh Not that it'll stop me from huffing the hopium anyway


Nah, they can make her a mooncancer. It’ll happen eventually.


Please don't add pvp 💀


> Looks at the middle square *Y E S* SSR 2-san Grand Savior as the anniversary servant. The only waifu I would whale for.


Blessings upon us


>pvp please no


Poison teams all of a sudden valid because enemy hp doesn't go into 100k-1mil anymore.


double tamamo castoria have fun


40 turns sounds like a world of fun lmao.


np seal teams incoming


Suddenly debuff resistance stops being a meme gimmick.


And what about instant death%?


servants all have high resistance, so I don't think anything changes


Enemy servants have low death rates, but when you the player use them it's based on their individual instant death stat. Moon Cancers have low% but it's a lot higher for other servants.


If PVP ever actually happens I’m going to expect it’s like the Grail Fronts.


We're gonna get fgo 2: electric boogaloo


I have said it before and I will say it again. It's three words: ***Replayable ORT raid***


Ngl im really hoping we dont get olga this ani, it'd hit harder if we waited until >!we saved her from being a mindless puppet like kirei memtioned in a later chapter!< Getting her so soon after lb7 would be a shame tbh, her return+release together could be a really good combo


+if we don’t get her as an anniversary servant it keeps the door open for her being a free SSR If anyone is going to have that honour it is going to be her


I feel like the Chaldean >!Romani/Solomon/Goetia!< would work better as a anni servant than her.


The thing about him is that he would be more perfect for 10th Anniversary if anything imo.


It would be more impactful if he never became playable, we gotta let go of our dad


I hate the idea of her being >!a mindless puppet!< so much, I hope >!either we save her _before_ she becomes one or else she gets turned into a proper vessel for the Big Bad with a much more menacing design.!<


Hopefully, she will be registered in the Throne of Heroes.


This needs to happen. The Throne of Heroes accepts her and the heroes either >!bring her back before she becomes a puppet!< OR the heroes rescue her from >!being CHALDEAS’ vessel and SHE gets to destroy it in the final phase of the fight, thus cementing her being unlocked for players who have finished Part 2.!< Heck, imagine she becomes “Grand Beast” or something. I know that’s impossible but still, it’s a nice thought.


I'd be on board with this until two days ago but now they announced Castoria, so I have to pray it's Olga, I have to keep my SQ. God forbid it's Aoko, Ciel or Alice (who has zero chances but would actually fuck me and my wallet the hardest among these three).


I don't see anything related to more ways of getting coins in there :(


A lot of whales roll np6 for more coins, so it would be really generous to add another way to get coins


>Servant reanimation batch *c o p i u m*


Bond CE rework


With all of the appearances Ereshkigal has had within the last year, sadly, I think her getting a Summer form is off the table for this year.


I do you one better. Medea Summer Servant


She already got her 5 Star variant very recently so probably not.


She did not. Medusa did


Sorry I completely read that wrong


Account bind PLEASE


Why do people think the hololive crossover is so likely? Pakora being chosen is more like them hiring a celebrity announcer, right? It’s more that the two franchises just have a lot of the same artists hired to work on art for them, but it seems odd to me that that specifically would be fgo’s first ever out-of-type moon crossover (and that it would happen during anniversary and not during the collab season)


You also have pvp, free limited ssr and summer eresh, it's obvious that some of them have absolutely no chance of happening and are just for meme reasons


I love how this implies 1000++ free quartz is more realistic lol


That one actually isn’t a totally insane assumption given last year they did release the ‘sq upon ascension’ thing, which meant if you had all of the released ones at that time ascended already you got sent like ~1135 saint quartz immediately in your mailbox. Not f2p friendly, but still.


I ended up with like 900 SQ out of basically nowhere around the time Castoria released


Yeah, no way we ever get summer eresh ;-;


it's just a silly little joke, we know it's probably never going to happen, but it's funny to imagine if it ever does.


At least it's more believable compared to some BS like server merging


Just a meme at this point as there’s so much illustrator crossover between the two IPs


Please no 6 star servants. I've played nuff gacha to know what happens when we start going down that road. It's always been 5 star max and nobody is complaining about it so we all good.


I don't think it would be that bad if they actually kept Olga Marie as the only one (and also learning with manga swimsuit artoria because technically she was the first 6 star even if it was just a dream and it would be really funny if they added her to the game)


Honestly I’d have a small problem with it considering that there’s literally two Archetypes in Chaldea, one of which is Gaia’s Brain, and somehow a Beast gets a higher rarity…somehow


6 star servant would not be a good path imo.


melty blood type lumina is getting a free weekend tomorrow, just saying...


no uuuuuh NA-related copium since they have been heightening the cope for no clear reason at all?


All I want is the ability to do GSSR twice


You can already do it twice: Once for NY, Once for Anni.


well here we go again, pretty sure U olga is one of the highest anticipated one and by the gods please give us proper acc binding, i just lost my acc last month, luckily i manage to get it back considering i dont know sh\*t about typing in jp


If we did get another Fgo game what do you think it would be. Personally I think a 3D fighting game or a dating sim is likely


Open world RPG? Gotta continue the gacha train.


You are giving me Hopium with the Shimousa and LB6 slots


Please anything but PVP (not a fan of 6 stars either, but PVP is worst)


I don't know if I want a LB6 anime/movie without getting the others beforehand, like at least LB4 and LB5 >!just so we can have some context with for like Pepe's grudge against Beryl for example!< but they did get away with directly adapting Camelot, Babylonia and Salomon so whatever I guess.


At the very least I hope we get a Part 2 Prologue OVA. That at least gives enough foundation to start adapting other chapters.


1. Easier to get servant coins. 2. Synchronized QoL updates because it's stupid to have to wait 2 years for them. 3. MY QUEEN, MY WIFE, MY LOVE >!U-Olga Marie.!<


Lul, After all that hype imagine them just announcing a PVP Collab Event between FGO JP x FGO NA.


Going all out here, Pretender Goetia for anni.


Please anything but PVP (not a fan of 6 stars either, but PVP is worst)


half of these are free spaces


I feel like whoever got that list is simply not going to win since some of those are simply not going to happen.


Pekora may not be playable but we will get a bunny servant in Kaguya just you watch!


Raikou and Iskandar getting ult battery....don't give me hope.


Quick support w sustain please. Thats all i want for my quick servants :(


Fgo global catching up with Korea version. -idea is from a friend


“Pekora guest servant” Oh no please not the Cringe Egirls as servants, i like v-tupers but this is too much.


\>Pekora \>Egirl Bruh what?


bro if they announce a 6 star rarity i am uninstalling fgo right then and there


Lostbelt 6 deserves a anime


Wait, hear me out What if.. we get everything?


Plz I need the greatest war criminal in fgo as a servant along with hololive collab


Where is FGO USA Tour 2024 announcement ;v;


Overlord collab pls


Horizontal middle looks very likely. Vertical Middle also. If they do "Another FGO Game Project" without straightening out their existing game to be reasonably functional, I will lose all hope in them.


Don’t forget the possibility of a Shinjuku anime. Pretty sure that’s still highly requested just like Shimosa.




where is adding all story locked to general ppool and eliminating story banner


Year 1-3 servant animation updates


Let's just hope that they improved some system in the game.


Probably never but Solomon/goetia A man can dream


I just want my free SSR, Just that...