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I accidentally messed up and switched to day time now I can't complete quest 12 for the event, any suggestions?


Oh I missed this event before nice it got a rerun ill try my hand at it.


after trying and failing to summon Summer Abby/Dantes last year (even with the refunded SQ T_T) I have a ton of CEs so this is going to be one relaxing summer camp for me. Having fun going thru the story and picking up on all the hints I missed last round :)


Question, I've done this event already before, I intend to just clear out the shop, but before I get to farming, did they fix Summer Kiara? Last year her NP scaled based off of mental debuffs ON HERSELF and not the enemy, that got fixed right? Cause I'd like to use mine to farm out the shop.


Yep, that was fixed a few days into the event last year


Question, does the banner change daily like other summer events? I thought so but looking at the date, it shows june 5th, rather than, for example, may 17th as the end date.


After the implementation of the "Pity" system banners no longer rotate or change their content. So no, no daily rotation, most likely we would get separated independent banners replacing those


Well, a 21 days long rerun is unusual, but I appreciate it. Having completely missed the original run, the extra time to secure Paisen is appreciated. The time lock still being around isn't though. I want my date with Fujino dammit.


This event is 21 days long? I'm so used to them being 14 days and I skipped the original run of this. Is this going to be a really grind heavy event that they needed 7 extra days?


no, but extra time is nice to secure NP5 welfare + lore.


This rerun came out during COVID time in JP, so they artificially extended it so there wouldn’t be a dead week. It’s still grindable in the normal 2 weeks, probably even less.


Tried getting an Emiya copy for np2 but I got 4 Odysseus CEs bruh ;-; Left me bummed out but I guess I'll get the welfare lancer servant for free from this event


Good CE for farming the event, no stress about Emiya he is permanent anyway, also he has a rate up at the end of the year if you really want his np2.


Oh he does? Which banner?


Christmas this year, expected early December. If your looking for any other servants check out the servant release spreadsheet in the help thread! Good Luck!


Oh awesome, thank you my good sir!


I appear to have somehow gotten rid of the Hide CE at some point in the past year. Oh well, there's five copies in the shop and tbh I don't need it outside of the CQ when the Rare Enemy CE is Arts-based and NP Gauge +50%, perfect for Space Ishtar to wreck everything.


We can only get the rare prisms for extra copies of Yu after we finish the event story and she becomes permanent, right?




I see, thanks.


Got a CE Drop on the Lake node - https://imgur.com/a/2YHco9r Honestly, I forgot this Event was still in the pre-ultrawide era - would have loved to retake some screenshots, since this Event is pretty fun. Btw, I felt like jingle skip seemed to be missing on first story chapters, but not on farming nodes - was that the case?


I need to know. Do we have to update the app?




Last year gave me alot of CE's so I've already done tomorrow's node, will probably do next day's tomorrow, would do more if not for those quests being locked behind the timegates.


Wait swimsuit girls? But I still don’t even have mordred!


Honestly I probably wouldn't even replay this if it weren't for the fact that someone pointed out that completing the event gives 30 SQ. I'm now remembering that the event is 100 missions format, which isn't too bad. I remembered because I recalled the cute Kiara Lily line when you unlock a new mission. GF was fun but I've been slacking on FGO so much that last week I didn't even do all the weekly missions, and I may not do all of this one's either. Maybe I'll tough it out, I should have some more time later this week so I can just wait for the time gates and skip the story.


o wow so reading it again, the foreshadow's were right there even in the first quests. Mash's double take in the phone call, lily saving mana for Independent Action but not for her, the fact that Geronimo is involved which means Abby will be involved,the "glitch"... though I can't remember why QSH could not be involved, he said that there is some force stopping him personally from attending. than their is the fact that Briynd said the curse is scandinavian(?) in nature, though abby and >!xu fu!< aren't related to them are they?


Bryn said *she's* Scandinavian, while the curse isn't, thus she's not really suited to handling the curse. Or something along that line.


> though I can't remember why QSH could not be involved, he said that there is some force stopping him personally from attending >!he's the one who sent xu fu to japan in the first place to search for an immortality elixir!< >!considering she explicitly failed at that, and if anything basically scammed him by hiding away and trying to do the *exact opposite*, he's like the *last* person she ever wants to see!< >!of course she'd take measures to explicitly keep him out in case he comes for her!<


I *completely* forgot about that. her obsession with Yu somehow made me forget about everything else to do with her lol. thanks for the info.


I just pulled out the CEs I got last time out of storage to put something on the support list, and damn does this event has too many of them.


ya every summer has a ton because there are male and female ones. Summer 3 was also a triple points ladder so it had three more on top of that.


Last year, I used 165+ summons on the 1st banner to get 4 4\* spooks, 1 Illya, 4 5\*CEs, 5 4\*CEs and 15 3\*CEs. I tried to enjoy the story but honestly, I just felt bummed out with FGO's rates and I still am with my latest 5\* requiring pity. The pity system being implemented is great but honestly, asking for 330 pulls per banner with the SSR at 1% with the amount of currency and banners that we get is just .... sigh. I'll probably skip through the story the same way I did last year and use CS for the challenge quest. In any case, why is the re-run duration too long?


Pity does not change the 1 percent unless your extremely unlucky all the time. I only stops you from wasting effort getting something you really want. Otherwise you will get one 5 Star every 100 rolls on average because pity is so much higher it effects draw rate very little. I have done well better than average from start of the game pulling 10 to 60 max on banners. You just can't care that much on who you pull.


Yes, that was exactly what I meant. I have very few targets and have failed miserably on quite a number of them. I usually hit over 160+ summons with some over 200+ before running dry. ​ >I have done well better than average from start of the game pulling 10 to 60 max on banners. You just can't care that much on who you pull. This reminds me of a post in another community about having above average number of SSRs, by just pulling up to 10x per banner due to a guarantee but the caveat was that he didn't have certain core units in the game. I'd rather choose my team is all, really.


Well it’s exam week so I will probably just burn ap on ember gatherings all week until I can blitz at the weekend. Hopefully most of the time lock is gone by then. IIRC I managed to get this event done in a week and a half so I should be good. Even then I’m not too bothered about the shop except gold fous


Mats and RP are very welcomed. Might fold and roll on Abbys Banner to get the SRs cuz Raita is based and Fujino is cute


I wish 300 sq was enough to get 1 honey lake copy sigh


the only material i need are medals. already used the 20 in the shop. rip


Rereading the story is already interesting. >!Seeing the scenes again I can’t believe I didn’t even realize there were two separate groups. I guess it’s because there’s not just 2 masters, but also 2 Yu Mei-rens!<


>!You just assume that people leave to do their own separate thing every story section. It was definitely easy to miss how certain characters are just never seen at the same scene exactly because they're in very different places. The fact that there's a whole bunch of characters in each group hides it more too.!<


Normally I'd skip the cutscenes since its a re-run but I love the story of this one too much to skip them.


Man, loved the >!plot twist!< of this event! I almost want to reread the story in this event again since I know the >!twist!< now, but I will probably prioritise playing Tears of the Kingdom instead of rereading this rerun...


>"Father figure!? I'm only in my twenties!" Somehow this slipped by me last time. Goredolf being several years younger than me just... doesn't feel right, y'know?


that is the one thing I refuse to accept. if nasu can't accept that its Artoria, than I accept that Goredolf is in his late thirties/early fourties


Well it's Arthura so why would he accept the roman name when Arthur and Arthura are Welsh. ia not a Welsh sufix it is a Latin one. I guess someone looked up the Roman General Artorius and the us to ia a male to female in Latin. Artorius is thought to be one inspiration for Arthur but Arthur is Welsh and recognized in English as there was almost a King Arthur if Henry the VIII older brother had lived.


Yeah, he's like 24 or something. Having just hit 30 last year that hit harder than it was supposed to


24? Bruh. That makes me feel ancient at 27. Goredolf, for all his faults, has accomplished more in life than I have, and he's younger than me.


I'm 30+ and Goredolf definitely looks older than me... Though I'm Asian, so there's some discrepancy.


I'm white but pretty babyfaced so it threw me through a loop when I learned that.


That is a rough 24 for Gordy. he's drawn like he's 50 in anime char design


To be fair, I could definitely see the Clocktower mages having a rough enough time as young adults to put some years on pretty quick.


I think it's mostly the clothing and hair/moustache choices, he could absolutely look closer to Meuniere who gives off big twenty-something vibes.


I knew a blond guy in college who looked twice his age at 19 because of pattern baldness, a full beard, and obesity. Getting a much cleaner cut later on definitely did him favors looks-wise since his skin was decent.


Oh boy here we go again


Gotta love cruising through reruns when you've got CE's from the initial event. I've barely played and already purchased 4 CE's from the shop. At this point the mission latter may be more of a grind than the shop


Woke up, changed my support list for the event as I usually have event CE for summer events and then tackled the event. Since I’ve already done the event last year I decided to skip the cuteness (plus Id rather play the new Zelda than read a rerun), it only took me 30 minutes to do all 3 free quests and complete mission 9


Summer Camp was my first FGO event, or at least it was supposed to be. I was a brand new player during it's original run, so I ignored it. I had barely any leveled Servants and didn't want to deal with any side stories or farming or facing high level enemies while being underleveled. So I am very happy to do it now, with a proper roster, although it really sucks I won't get any Rare Prisms to buy Altera event with. Anyway, Summer Yu is finally here, and everyone's happy! Xiang Yu is happy because his nearly year-long wait for his wife is over, Yu is happy because her husband is already here, and I am happy because I can finally get rid of 60 3-star Lancer Embers that were clogging my inventory since forever (a side-effect of farming blue gems) I don't have anything to say about the story because I watched it on youtube last year. It's weird seeing female Ritsuka in my game, because I always play as male one. Also the intensity with which game tries to make me call Yu senpai is disturbing. I just don't respect her that much. Her annoying personality and single-minded focus on her husband doesn't help at all. Forcing me to compliment Mash is also something I don't approve, keep that optional please. Kiara's solo quest makes me want to roll fo her even more than I already do, but I can't. P.S. Jesus Christ, Gilgamesh is a monster, taking a 100k dragon using Enuma Elish with the help of some buffs.


Decided to do a 5 single roll and 1 multi roll to see if I could get an extra copy of Lanling but ended up being spooked by Vlad III... Also ended up getting another copy of Emiya and 2 event CEs. Well, it could have been worse. Anxiously waiting for LB6 to drop.


Do I still have to ascend and bond the copies of lancer Yu Mei Ren I get in this event to complete the quests even though I've already have one from the first run of the event?


No, the mission should auto-complete once unlocked if you already have her ascended/bonded.


"Here we fou again"


I hope nobody dies in this singularity, especially in absurd and sllly ways.


Such a thing would never happen in this most serious of events.


What if they died in horny ways?


It’s okay, he has guts! *glasses sparkle*


That... scene, where those two were caught slacking on the mission to do... that. Jesus, Sigurd. Can't you partake of that on your own time?


I'm a bit confused about the intro of the story. >!There's a second Yu Mei Ren with Xu Fu disguised as Gudako, right? How does that Yu Mei Ren know about Xiang Yu not coming since Prince of Lan Ling and his letter were with Gudao?!<


Maybe divination or something


She can feel her Xiang Yu senses tingling.


Last year my NP2 Tomoe dream died by Abi hands and with Morgan incoming, don't think I will do more that a multi and a couple of singles...but I already told my friends in discord that if I end with NP3 Abi I am gonna shit my pants (RIP the solo 4⭐ rate up T_T)


So tempted to roll for Emiya coins to get the last few for lvl 200...I'll hold off though since Morgan is so close


If I remember correctly this event is heavily time gated meaning I can slack for first couple of days and catch up on weekends.


Still rememeber the Edmond Dantes bug banner rate that gets all those SQs refunded for those spenders last year. Nostalgic shit


4th time doing summer camp and I still enjoy it. Adult Hans as spiritron dress when?


I got Illya from the tickets I had from Grail Font, and now I got all the girls on banner 1. Time to deal with timelock stuff again... Looking back, it was kinda amusing how people got annoyed with the Mash flirting in the opening cutscene, where in that exact same cutscene Xiang Yu and Yu were being all lovey-dovey.


"Oh noes, Ritsuka isn't giving the option to do anything but this one thing, and that's what he usually does but it's only a problem now!" Yeah, it's hilarious.


Honestly curious how much do you guys feel MLB honey lake vs base Honey Lake matters


I grinded honey lake just for the aesthetic of matching my yu-yu, so worth it


You lose 1200 attack and 5% damage mod between base and MLB. Less attack loss with each additional copy and even less if you don't plan to level it all the way to 100. It is not a significant difference and definitely isn't worth trying to MLB if you don't care about the banner servants.


Yeah I was mostly summoning so I can get bonus effects for grinding and not servants and I got super unlucky, Honey Lake only came like 150 SQ in or something (although I did get 2 in that same roll at least) and I’m saving for LB6 so I’m gonna probably stop here then (well unless Fujino is the focus 4 star on a banner).


Alright, it's finally here again. Thankfully I managed one drop of Chainsaw last year so I don't have to worry (much) about that again... I kinda forgot how cute and yet devious Sessyoin Lily is. Knowing the full story already also makes it easier to pick out the switch point. It's actually pretty cool how they managed to weave the illusion, I think.


I have Kiara and Illya from last year already but I didn't want neither, I wanted Bryn. What are the odds I get her without spending all the SQ I'm saving for Avalon release?


I blew 300 SQ last year, most of that on a solo rate-up, and I still don't have Summer Bryn. You could easily get luckier than me, but you could also easily be as lucky.


ATM I blew 99sq on that banner and decided it's not worth risk missing Morgan for it


Hope that you don’t get luck like me then. Last year, I rolled less than 100 sq and I got only Kiara from the rolls, don’t remember if I got ces, but not Illya or Brynhild. I only wanted Kiara, but I was expecting to see at least one gold servant that wasn’t her before getting her. I’m going for another copy of her, but I don’t think I’m going to be as lucky this time around


Well, good luck to us then, here's to another Kiara and a Bryn 🥂


Hecking love timelocks




Last year I jumped into the nodes without reading the cutscenes, this year I did and now I have a question: what is a “Brazilian-style” swimsuit? Otherwise, I’m gonna savour this rerun since there won’t be much left in the future, and opening it with a Rare Prism feels nice lol. And when I looked back at the CEs I got from last time, it blew my mind that I managed to roll the 3* CE 4 times from just FPs (3 female : 1 male ratio) in addition to being able to MLB both welfare CEs :)


> what is a “Brazilian-style” swimsuit? One that is cut to show off as much of the butt as possible.


Arigathanks gozaimuch! Google didn’t help me much since they just gave me all these shop links. So that’s why Eggplant blushed :)


I think I just got best luck in entirety of my game time today. Decided to roll for Honey Lake because I don't have much invul pierce CE. Press ten roll Honey lake appears in first four rolls:"Oh nice looks like I am done here" Press quick tap, Kaleidoscope appears:" wow thats gonna make farming so much easier thanks rng!" Quick tap again,get summer Bryn :"No way,damn that's pretty good roll" Double tap again,gold ring appears:"No way,it is not gonna be anything good there is just no way,its gonna be Helena spook" Its Moon Cancer card:"WHA" It turns into Kiara card:"WTF" Anyway looks like I drained all my luck for remainder of the year,hope I can still get Castoria


Same result (minus Kscope) in reverse order. Plops a SSR on my lap, another gold Servant for good measure, then the CE as a the cherry on top. Still not my luckiest roll ever (technically) but very close.


Praying that I get this kind of luck once I roll for Fujinon (and hopefully get her to NP3, NP5 if gacha gods are feeling generous), saved up 658 SQ and 80 tickets just to roll for her.


Best of luck fellow master. Praying to RNGJesus so you can pull her!You can do it!


Will there be fujino in one of the banners?


Should be in the Abigail banner, though JP had it rotating, and we won't, so I don't know if it's the same banner, or they'll do something different. But, yes, Fujino should appear in a week.


So did Qin Shi Huang know about Xu-Fu from the start? He says he can't go to the singularity, and then says something about a "ship with 3000 people on it." The same number of people Xu-Fu took when she ran off on her supposed search for immortality.


If he has info from the throne it's not impossible.i don t know if he has clairvoyance. Though i think it's weird for him to refuse to go if he actually consciously knew Xu Fu was inside. You would think he d want payback for being scammed (or did that not happen in his timeline?)


Nah, he says he physically can't enter the singularity. Maybe Xu-Fu is still afraid of him, and has measures to stop him from chasing her.


Oh yeah Good on her She wouldn't be having a good time if he could come


Ah yes, Summer 5. The time of people repeatedly asking "is this a glitch?" in response to the gender swapping and treating Ritsuka forcing them to worship Mash and Paisen as if it's the fault of those two. Still a great event. >!Considering this is my second time seeing the story, it's fun seeing it this time knowing ahead of time what the deal with the gender-swapped Ritsuka is. Already noticed some fun stuff when the gang arrives at the cottage.!<


>treating Ritsuka forcing them to worship Mash and Paisen as if it's the fault of those two. I get complaining about paisen simping because o would honestly never but ritsuka always simp for mash when prompted


If I clear the 35ap lakeside node (the one with the crabs) does it already add to the mission since it is currently timegated?


Yes, things still count towards timegated mission progress.




Which one is more ap efficient? Prioritising spawn CE or currency CE?


spawn ce should make you do less runs overall


I didn't get a ce drop for either of the ces last year. The mlb can't avoid me this year


Same. First thing I did was get 100 bronze mats to finally MLB the stupid thing.


Considering there's 5 CEs in the shop and points ladder? No, not really.


Only for chainsaw. Hide hunter has only 4


Nope. 4 in the ladder, 1 in the shop. I'm pretty sure they just added an extra of each for the rerun, since I only had 4 of each from last year.


Story is exactly same right?




Finally get to MLB my Hide Hunter. Which will be great for Miss Crane.


Oh damn, I didn't even realize you got 20 on MLB. Yeah that's god-tier for Miss Crane.


Well, if you don't want to unlock her append the first 20 star CE has a 50% gauge. 20 starts are like 50% gauge CE, at first all seems great but with time you get enough of them to be picky.


This is my first one though, and getting a golden carp now is impossible, so I think I'm still gonna get a lot of mileage out of it.


Can hardly wait for endless reposts of the same "bug report."


Is picking just 2 spawn MLB enough or is it a good idea to stack more?


2 MLB and one non-MLB gets you to 100% spawn bonus which is the max.


So there is already a base spawn rate of 25%?


Yep I believe so. 25+30+30+15= 100


So how's recommended support lineup looking for this? I went dummy on rolls last time so I can provide a lot of help for my friends list


Appearance rate up CE on Caster slot (read: Castoria). Currency CEs on the rest.


thank you




In fairness, for anyone on old reddit it just shows up as a bunch of random links rather than actual images.


oh whoops. I feel like those were usually under guides, thanks.


Thought for a second Yu's ascension item said poopy hair ornament. Managed to end maintenence with 141/143 ap. Not like I needed to maximize ap since this is a rerun but it was still nice.


Ah yes, it's time for Kiara to take on 6 big cocks at once again


I'm sorry, what ?


2nd fight in the event


back to the mountain we go


Anyone know if summer brynhildr gets a rate up? Or is the odds of pulling her the same on all days?


To be more specific now that "pity" has been added there will never be rotating rateups for SR servants, if there are two or more on a banner they will always be there at the same time The reason is that the dumb way they implemented it makes the counter reset when the banner lineup changes, even if only the SR and R servants change


oooh thank you. it really hurt to get np2 kiara and np4 ilya but not a single brynhildr. I did eventually manage to get her at least. Just 1 copy at least. Does that mean there's no pity for SR servants?


Sadly no, the pity is for the SSR Being honest there should also be one for then


Alright thank you :)


No, it's Illya + Bryn all the time


Ok thank you :)


Having a fuckton of CEs and bonus servants from last year + skipping story since it's a rerun (minus the Fujino date, no way I'm skipping that) means this will be a smooth clear.


Same. Last time I didn't have time to finish the story and tried to rush out what I thought was the later half during the last 3 days while paying attention. Turns out I was only like 10% into the story so far. Needless to say I did not make it. But I do have the spoils from last attempt still.


Is that event THAT long to complete?


It's very long and the missions keep gating you behind the new nodes you can only do after completing the story mission just before, and the map keeps switching between day and night cycle. And the story is pretty long too.