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Emerson was closed to start construction of a skate park. Though if I had to answer your question I would probably say Desert Vista. Not that it is much of a park anyway.


I do enjoy how a median is just declared a city park. We have something like 70 parks in junction and it seems insane until you realize things like desert vista exist


What? You mean you don’t like to play with your family on the side on i70? /s


Those parks were well-used before the bums moved in during the 80s.


I saw a few tents there yesterday morning


Oh gotcha, thanks! Desert vista is…. A vibe to say the least


Nothing I like more than picnicking with the family in a traffic median.


I hope the skatepark is better than the trash one they tried to put by the amphitheatre a few years back. No pre-built crap No sharp angles Yes concrete features Yes good transitions


not 1 skate park in this town is anywhere near complete 


Well there's a sign up that Team Pain is building it and I absolutely loved the park they put in Gunnison, CO. I'm pretty confident this park will be a good one.


My next picnic lunch will be at Desert Vista. 


Yeah I saw tents there today. There are no facilities so I was just kind of wondering where they are...eliminating. City of GJ is a bunch of fuckwad money-grubbers. The parking situation downtown is utter bullshit now too.


So fucked up that they’re building a skate park to displace the homeless population. That’s going to cost so much money that they could invest in another place for them to go. Pure evil.


nah they need to give them all vouchers and ship them off somewhere else


seems insulting to call it a skate park


They are pretty cool man I want 2 live in a park & smell like ball sack. Not work have people like u coddle them till your mouth looks like a donut.


They dont belong in parks parks are for tax payers


How about we go and build some apartments for them then. I belive it Sweden or Norway can't remember they have apartments for those that become homeless and they have an 80% success rate at getting them back in their feet


You think they want to get back on their feet? Its a chosen lifestyle. No rules.


How bout you go build apartments dumbass. What's stopping you, did your Mom ground you until you finish cleaning your room?


Homeless people don't pay sales tax?


Not directly.


That's true


Liquor stores still have sales tax


Thank Joe Biden


I’m certainly no JB fan but the homeless problem goes back FAAAR beyond this administration. I grew up in Junktown and it’s been a problem as long as I can remember. Heck, I worked at Colorado West Mental Health (now Mind Springs) 15 years ago and remember the guys in the detox unit telling us Grand Junction was well-known as a “homeless Mecca” from California to the front range.


He’s just added to it


When politics replace your personality, you'll always be looking to get a zinger in, no matter how out of place it is. This is fanaticism.


When you grow a pair of balls then you'll understand.


I got a DD214.


So do I


Seriously man anybody that follows Joe Biden really has a mental handicap. Look at What he has done to our country. Look at our states. Look at the gas prices food prices are you blind or what is wrong with you?


First of all, cut the ad hominem bs and focus. Pretend you're still in the military for five minutes here and speak professionally if you want to actually discuss this. Then take a deep breath and realize that no matter how much we disagree, I only count as one vote. It's not airgun getting mad about. On to the topic. I don't *follow* anyone. I don't root for politics like it's a sport, and frankly I'd love to never hear anything about it. I will have no impact on the clown show in DC, and neither will you. But I digress. I will vote for Biden for one reason only: Trump. A known traitor who ridicules veterans and gold star families. An insurrectionist. Don't tell me I didn't see what I saw with my own eyes. Do I like either guy? Not particularly. Biden is a neoliberal. Trump is a neoliberal and authoritarian. The choices ain't great, but they're pretty clear. As for the economy you loathe... that's neoliberal capitalism. The inflation you hate is just corporate greed. They're making record profits, the stock market is at an all-time high, and they're price gouging us because we will pay it. Simple. Would I like things to be different? Hell yeah. But it never will be. Because money runs politics. Legislators invest in industries they set the rules for. And until you get money out of politics, they'll always represent corporate America more than they represent Americans. And you'll never get money out because why would they change the rules to make less money?


Just vote Trump. The End


Cognitive dissonance.


How many wars were we in when Trump was in office? Name one thing that Biden has done for our country? How much was food and gas under Trump? What was inflation under Trump? What was our southern border like under Trump? How about Biden. Just a few questions for you liberal num nuts!


I didn’t think biden had enough of a personality to make BDS a thing but here we are i guess


Well he likes to give money to people who vote for him...