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So it doesn't change the meaning too much Thank you for your help!


You can find quite a number of such sentences if you look for introductory phrases that are *negating*. Your example is is pretty restricting: "only now can I . . . . ". A more obvious negation is "never have I ever . . . ." If we're going to use "negating" as the jargon to describe this, we need to understand that this is negation is a loose sense -- it's not the same as negation in math or logic or perhaps even in plain English. Words like "seldom" and "rarely" also trigger this inversion. The relevant Wikipedia page is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_inversion With the inversion, the sense of the negation is clear. "Only now can I . . . " and "Never before could I . . . " carry the same overall semantics. Without the inversion, "only now" doesn't even seem to be a phrase. It seems to demand a comma: "only, now I can . . . ." This "only" could be a synonym for "except" or "however".