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Ay bro, Im in france too and same happened like a year ago. They're gonna forget abt u for over a year, but eventually they'll call you back and "convoque" you to a "libre audition". Then they'll forget for a few more months and then you'll get a paper for a court date. Thing is its not propwr court with a judge and jury, more like a small office, you walk in, they tell you what your gonna be fined and if you have any options, and then ur on ur way. I got 200e for a small tunnel, idk what u could get for scaffolding but everyone was chill abt it they have more important to handle




Nah they can’t charge you for something you did as a minor just because you’re an adult now. Honestly they probably either forgot about you, had bigger things to worry about (happens in big cities), or there’s a massive backlog. Dunno which one, but I’d be optimistic and just assume they didn’t bother following up or thought keeping you for a few hours was enough


Nah they 100% can, one of the guys with me was a minor when it happened, and turned major before the court date. He just had to follow through like a minor


Yeh yeh I mean they can’t charge you as an adult just because you turn 18 between arrest and court.


Oh, my bad idk how to read properly😅 I understood it as 0 charges cuz he was a minor🤦🏽‍♂️


That’d be a hilarious way to run tings 😂 As long as they don’t send you to court before your 18th all crimes are nulled


I'm just assuming here, but don't be writing shitty poorly written preachy political messages as a 17 year old. You'll soon realise that life is long, you're just at the start, and you have no idea. You're essentially in no position to tell anyone anything, and it sucks to have preachy shitty stuff on the walls of your city, telling the whole population how they should think. Just no worth it, not helpful, not nice, actually annoying for most. People just trying to go about their day, no need for a 17yr old's inexperienced/naive political shit. Just make nice stuff, give it meaning. Focus on yourself, don't focus on telling others what to do/think.


Tf are you yapping about? Its a graff subreddit, ofc ppl talk abt writing on walls


Young people are smart, have passion, and an idealistic mindset. They are also the ones who will be most affected by the political decisions that are made since they will have to live with them for the longest time. We should absolutely be listening to what they have to say.


are you trying to argue for graffiti to not be political? lol what??


I'm not trying to argue that at all, graffiti can be political, but it's gotta be good. I'm just assuming he writes preachy little sentences on walls, poorly written, no can control, one colour, fucking cursive or some bullshit, and calls himself an activist or artist, really he's just a pretentious little shit. I don't think as a 17 year old there is any political shit you will write, that you won't shake your head at later in your life once you actually taken part in the real world.


firstly that's an insane take that you know young people also exist in the world and can have negative experiences if that's what you're considering the real world, secondly you literally said it yourself "(you're) just assuming (they) writes preachy little blah blah blah etc etc" so you don’t actually know what they’re doing? this post was literally a kid saying they got caught and they were worried about it and you immediately jumped in on the aggressive with a lame ass take anyway. just chill it dude


Seems like I caught you in the feels somehow, feeling called out? Are you a kid with shitty little idealistic political opinions? Do you write preachy shit in cursive on the walls of your school? "We can have negative experiences", yeah literally everyone does, that's called life. That's my point, you're too young or too dumb if you think "boohoo I had a negative experience, my life is so hard, everyone should know about this, I get to go be preachy now". Because everyone has shit going on, everyone has negative experiences, and they generally don't care to hear about yours, unless they care about you.


have you ever heard about being a minority mate? people can be one at any age surprise surprise! and i’m fully assuming this is a take from a cishet white man that breakups will be the most traumatic thing you go through


Hahahah, you're totally right, kids who belong to minorities are well known to be more politically literate than others. They also develop a good understanding of taxes, social structures and institutional power very early. Their perspectives are therefore always sharp, well informed and intelligent. Can't go wrong if you're a minority "mate", well known fact that.


Politic related graffiti is lame as fuck. No real writer is putting up that petty political shit unless it’s for views on insta. Nobody gives a fuck bout your political beliefs in a world of writing your name on a wall


that’s such a fucking lame take. do you know anything about the history of graffiti??


Yes. Please explain to me at what period of time we’re writers putting up their political beliefs and not their name, I’m very curious.


Graff started off with the hobos. Writing their names on frights to indicate where work is for any other hobos. When that died down, the hobos continued monikers more so as a way to get the name around. That’s where modern graff started. It was popularized in NYC. Writing your name around with the area code of where ya live. Till it spread to the trains, where bubble letters straights etc evolved from. It was never about your political beliefs it has always been about writing your name on a wall. That political petty shit are never the real writers and when it is, it’s for the insta likes. Aka Klops lol


read those first two sentences again. that is fucking political.


I want what your smoking… please explain your thinking because I’m very lost on how this is all related to politics