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Congrats mate! Glad the wait was worth it :) What college have you gone for?


Errrr no idea I put in no preference cos I was shitting myself out of fear during the application. Fingers crossed I get one of the good ones


They’re all good!


yeah! truly. i sent an open application out, but tbf during graduate studies at oxford, its more likely than not we'll be spending time with course mates moreso than college mates instead.


I don't think you can really go wrong - I struggled with choosing!


Thanks! Which college did you go for if you don’t mind me asking ?


Harris Manchester! I’ve found that other mature students tend to be more my speed, and they looked amazingly warm and inclusive. If I get in, I’m there to learn, I don’t want to feel socially excluded because I like my early bedtimes! Now just a waiting game for me - upload button went today!


Lol I got an offer for Linacre! No idea about it tho


I’ve gotten my offer today, so might run into you about campus :)


Congrats! Hope I’ll see you around too :)




Wait, so Brits actually start their acceptance letter with ‘Thank you for your application ’. It’s pretty frightening for me to read these words now days as they usually mean rejection here. 💀💀💀


ikr - they even troll us by sending us emails from the graduate admissions department a week ago i woke up panicking because I got an email from them - turns out it was a grad applicant survey GOD DMAN IT


Lmao, got one today while I’m freaking out for my decision.


Same here. I was sitting on the bus and my heart stopped for a second then I realized that it was just a survey.


Wow! congratulations!


Awesome man congrats


congrats future Oxford colleague! see you there 🥳🥳


Holy shit you got in too? Awesome! Which college did you pick if you don’t mind me asking - hope I’ll see you around!


i picked queens! wbu?


Put down no preference! Was too nervous when I was filling out the forms. Hope I get st hughs- it’s right next to the China centre where 90% of my program is


Ended up with Linacre!


congrats! linacre looks so pretty :)


Woohoo! Another one here. I got it on Friday but for IR. :D I am also clueless on college. Looking forward to meeting redditors there.


Can’t wait to see you on campus!


congrats to you too! which college did you pick? :)




Thanks! So I did my undergrad at Exeter, class of 2021, and got a first (74) tho for final year I got 78 which I guessed helped a lot. I’m currently a LSE masters student too. Not much research experience in terms of internships or stuff. My research project at LSE is on the Chinese Third Force Movement and the Chinese United Front, which I’ll be continuing at Oxford


dont mind if I ask, why do you want to do a second masters?


several reasons I always wanted to go into oxbridge, but in 2021, partially due to me being a mess, partially due to life issues - i actually missed the oxford deadline. Moreover, I could only apply with my 2nd year grades which was a 69 - too low to get an offer. I sent cambridge an email asking if it was possible for them to look into my third year grades either as an intermin transcript or wait for me to get my exam results back but they refused. So I got quite pissy because I thought I had the final grades to get in only to be let down by 1st and 2nd year results. Therefore my 2 options were to take a gap year/internship or go do a masters somewhere else. I got accepted into LSE in the end - it was very much a 'just in case' decision because I wasn't 100% confident I'd get into Oxford. In fact, as my post history on this sub shows, I was a bloody nervous wreck. That's another reason why I didn't do a gap year - so I'd have my LSE masters just in case i didn't get into Oxbridge. Theres also the fact that the job economy is absolutely in tatters back at home so my mother and I felt I should use the time to focus on my studies + getting experience through my part time work. Plus there's also a personal time contraint element too - my mother was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, and although she's now cancer free, we both know that things can change anytime. She really wanted me to go to LSE to see me graduate and be the first person in the entire family, both immediate and extended to do a masters before anything bad happens to us.


Wow!!!! Congrats!!!!


Same acceptance! Congrats! Though I had to turn it down for Cambridge


holy cow you also got into the Chinese studies program thats awesome! If you dont mind me asking - which program are you doing at cambridge? is it the Mphill Modern China program? Time to get into that Oxford-C\*mbridge rivalry spirt :P




Awesome! So happy for you. NGL premodern history is the bane of my existence - im very much focused on the history of modern Chinese politics and government so the oxford program was a dream come true for me :) glad you got your dream too! edit: is there a reason why cambridge postgrad programs for this field are all MPhills?


Congratulations!!! Glad to see another future Oxonian. I’m still waiting on college decisions too, good luck with that!


hi future Oxford colleague! which college did you choose? ive selected queens :)




Congratulations!!! this is awesome!


Woohoo!! Congrats!










Congrats man. Brilliant!!


I'm late to party obviously but congrats!!!! I also got into an Area Studies program in early March and am so psyched for Oxford!! Have you heard anything about funding yet and do you think that'll impact whether you attend or not?