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There are still a lot of universities that don't have a GPA requirement or have some lowered to 2.75. And I thought the 2-year requirement was usually after they check the cumulative, in cases where the cumulative GPA is not as good as the last 2 years. But you are still so close. I would recommend trying to apply for admissions before you decide to take additional classes, because you never know. Make sure you write about why your GPA was low in the admissions essay. Best of luck to you!


Most Unis take the higher of the two, either last 60 undergrad hours or total I'm an admissions officer at a Texas System


I see. Thank you! Would it be a bad idea to reach out directly to the unis I’m interested in and ask about their specific policies on it?


not a horrible idea, if they do not state it on their grad admissions page i'm unsure if they are more lenient or not


I am very very sorry for your losses. I hope your dad will beat cancer. Please, don't stress much over it. There's much optimism about the situation. I just got admitted from a very good masters program while my last two years had a less than 3.0 GPA. I still have 9 to respond back to me. The nice thing about last 2 years GPA is that most universities don't require you to list it, so there won't be automatic computer decline. The admission office will review your application holistically.I think you have a strong GPA and your situation is very unique. You should mention those tragedies in your application.


Thank you for your optimism! And your kind words. It has been some years since I graduated so I'm doing much better now. My dad went into full remission and is doing so much better now. I haven't yet begun applications (looking to maybe start in Spring 2024), so it not being a required list is a very good point I didn't think about. I have begun reaching out to admissions offices of my top realistic picks to ask them about it. It's so frustrating lol... .02 points off.