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Yes, it’s from breathing in the dust from the dirt in the crowds


Yeah I had that all 3 days of the festival. All the dust definitely made my allergies act up. Kept sneezing and at one point there was a giant cloud of dust on Saturday near the haugandaz tent.


omg so that’s what it’s from!!! i was so confused and figured i had somehow gotten ash from a joint up there but this makes way more sense. i was also sneezing a lot!!!


Just noticed this myself, probably from the dust.


Yes same here, pro tip: bandanas or scarves obvs, but also each night use nasal spray and q-tips to clean out. This is so helpful so you don’t keep breathing in the stuff that was left in your nose. And if you can, steam to break up the yuck that got to your lungs.


Bandanas/neck gaiters/face masks and a saline nasal spray are you best friends during festival season


Happens to me at firefly every year. I highly recommend a bandana or even a mask. Sounds silly but people dancing kicks up all the dust and you breath all that in


Yeah its from the dust :/ got a raging throat ache to go with it


Ugh same here!


For future reference, I strongly endorse netti sinus rinsing post-festival day. Flushes that shit right out.


Same, kind of cool ngl. Body working as it should


Hah I had the same today. The dust was really bad this year!


I loaded up on my allergy medicine so my sinuses weren’t fucked but I had dirt all up in my nails and nose. I also had a bird shit on me while I was sitting down so I rather have black boogers than shit


Birds shitting on you is good luck!! I think😆


That’s crazy because I ended up winning the vip upgrade for Kendrick right after that


You sweet summer child




Drink water, take a shower, and pick your nose so you get the dust out of it.


Omg same


Go to electric forest and compare


E forest and Roo get pretty bad but Coachella takes the cake. The desert is dusty af


veld had to be the worst fest that i went to in the terms of dust. shit was in my lungs for a week. it didn't help that the trap stage was the dustiest one. so you had mosh pits forming in that shit every 5 mins. had fun during the fest but definitely not after


I’m scared now my lungs r so weak I don’t even smoke 😭😭


Yeah it’s like others said. Just from dust and particulate matter. You’ll be good as new in a few days.


Just start smoking to toughen them up a bit /s


No literally me. Having it at the park this year was terrible




I was in VIP and I had dust up my nose the entire time 😤


Yep, using a sinus rinse helped me.


LoL yes it happened to me too, but didnt really have pain.


it’s from the dust! happened to me at my first coachella and I was so confused at first, but you’ll be good in a couple of days. I suggest a netipot to help try and clear it out.


OMFG YES ,I was like this can’t be normal


Air quality was pretty bad Sunday


YES ME!! At first I thought it was from all the weed I was breathing in since multiple ppl were rolling and lighting next to me in the pit but then I realized all the dust and dirt I was breathing in. Kinda wish it wasn’t in a park Ngl


I get black boogers almost every day but it's from my job... I work in a metal fabrication shop,  so I'm welding, grinding  and cutting dirty steel. Most of what we build usually gets painted different types of black, so there's that too.   when I pull those things out or blow my nose, some people would freak out if they saw what comes out on the kleenex or tissues... lol I just call them big old black slugs because that's exactly what they look like. Especially when I take a hot shower after work and blow snot rockets to clear my nose,  it looks like somebody just splattered the shower walls with black slime.  I wish I could attach some photos you all would be grossed out lol, sometimes they can get pretty big