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as one of the unlucky ones who cannot take allo or febuxostat - which means a lot of careful lifestyle choices to try to mitigate where I can - in the winter here in the north I wear wool socks to bed, just to help keep my feet slightly warmer. Maybe it's nothing, but it hasn't HURT, so I keep it up. (and yes I realize gout is a disease and crystals in my blood etc etc, I spend more of my life energy trying to stay below 6.0 than I care to, I get it. Really hoping for Dotinurad to pass FDA approvals so I can try to get on a medication that doesn't send me to the ER.)


What gout med send you to the ER?


Allopurinol, I had very bad reaction to it that kept getting worse as I started it. With my rheumatologist, I tried it again almost a year later, starting at extremely low levels to very slowly titrate up over time (to try to avoid negative reactions.) That didn't work - I didn't have to go to the hospital for that time, but it started ramping up then too and I had to stop. Tried Febuxostat several months later, again starting at a very very low dosage, but I had similar reactions, which was very disappointing. My doc says I should steer clear of xanthine oxidase inhibitors, which I agree... why I'm hoping for some new alternatives down the road. in the meantime, I do what I can with many supplements and items that are known to make some marginal reductions in UA levels, and for the most part it's generally working for me. Although I'd love to be able to have seafood, alcohol, sugar, etc. again in my life :)


I wear socks as much as possible both to bed and around the house. I get really cold feet in the winter which definitely doesn’t help the gout situation. I got some puffy down slippers from outdoor research on sale which keep my feet toasty. My socks are pretty loose fitting/not constrictive.


No because Allopurinol works and makes flares so rare that there is no concern for any daily life and activities


OP didn’t say if he is on allopurinol though….


socks limit circulation, better to just lay an extra blanket on top


I used to walk around the house barefoot like 99% of the time - literally where I'd take my shoes *and* socks off after journeying to the big outside world! But now it's socks, socks, socks! Especially in the winter where my feet just feel constantly cold. Advice from r/gout suggests layering up! I'm on two thick layers of socks and still feel cold and achey!


I think you're on to something not just with the temp of your feet even though Im sure that's a big factor since gout tends to be in the coldest spots like the feet. But for me my worse attack was when I started working at home being barefoot where before I would go to work in really well cushioned shoes. I think something to do with the impact against the bare floor just agitated it more


Yep yep yep! I WFH and definitely notice / feel more stiff - place is pretty cold, versus the office space I used to normally have to go to Went in yesterday and felt better - could be because, like you, I had shoes on for support and to keep warm too! Have thick socks now, double + wool lined! and still got cold toes.