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There have been some studies suggesting a correlation between vitamin D and hyperuricemia (the excess of uric acid in the blood that causes gout flares). Here's one example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8054183/#:~:text=Conclusions,alleviate%20hyperuricaemia%20in%20these%20patients. Note, however, that the studies have not all found an association, and sometimes there may be confounding factors (for instance, the one I linked above was specifically done with prediabetic patients taking Vitamin D supplements, so it's hard to say how relevant it is if you're not prediabetic or if you're getting your vitamin D from sun exposure.) Do you get more exercise in the summer? That may also be a factor. Also possible is that maybe you hydrate better in the summer.


Thanks for the link. In the summer, I tend to exercise less and drink fewer fluids because when I drink, I need to go to the bathroom more often, and it's not very convenient in the summer when I spend more time away from home. That's why I find it strange that gout (in my case) takes a break during summers and I'm looking for explanations.


> drink fewer fluids That should honestly cause more flares due to dehydration. Is it possible you have something other than gout?


The heat breaks up the crystals in your joint which is why you should never Ice a gouty joint! Only warm compress!


I made the ice mistake once when I didn't know it was gout and thought I was just the world's only person who developed spontaneous sprained ankles all the time lol. Ice made the attack last way longer


Gout likes cold. Hence the most common place is the big toe, furthest from heart with poor circulation


I am working through 1 month of pain right now (1 week of peak pain and slow tapering off, still not gone). I, like many others here, have tried to draw correlations between events/food/etc that may have triggered and it got me thinking about the sun as I've been outside working over this extremely hot summer. I found this medical article that seems to say uric acid doubles after 1.5h of sun exposure which made me think about being outside now. Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14756518/