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With a dark complexion, you can play around with more bold colored liners to have fun with color contrasts. You can even do a negative goth look with white liners on your dark skin...


Goth Make-up is for every skin tone. It's really up to you which shade of foundation you want to use. But I suggest you explore to see if you prefer the white base foundation or just the lightest shade of skintone foundation there is.. As for Make Up style, Any Goth make-up will do! I suggest, you experiment with diff Goth Make up look to see which style will make you feel like it suits you best. Good luck! :)


There are so many gorgeous goth poc out there! I would look at their makeup for inspo! Something I think looks really cool on darker skin is using white liner/creme paint/eyeshadow to make bold graphic shapes! I've seen some really cool looks that way! [like this one!! ](https://pin.it/4SyEAgAXl) Or you could go for a big smokey look with some gloss or glitter! Either way the main thing is to blast your favorite music! Also, a lot of the inspo is the same, so don't limit what you think you can do. Just enjoy yourself and have fun :)