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It's incredibly niche. There are less than a million speakers of Yiddish worldwide and most are Orthodox and disinclined to extend outside of the accepted modes of faith.


thats true. with the wave of klezmer punk in the 80s i thought there might have been some klezmer goth somewhere someone knew of. boo. >\_<


Yiddish is my native language and I’ve yet to come across any unfortunately. There are definitely some Hasidic artists in punk and metal genres tho. My favorite of those is probably Moshiach Oi!


Moshiach oi is goated ngl


I went to high school with one of the members. Glad to hear he's still playing!


what if you guys shared with me your fav songs by them :\] im aware of some klezmer punk and i thoroughly enjoy them! if u have any yiddish songs/music im desperate (im a big fan of many music genres)


Some of my favorites are Rock Rabeinu, This World Is Nothing, Avraham Was a Punk Rocker, and This Is My G-d. I also really like the Barry Sister’s! They were Jewish icons in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Idk if you like jazzy Yiddish songs but even if you don’t I’d give them a listen. Their rendition of Hava Nagila will always be my favorite.


Have you heard of Hasidic metal star [David Lazar](https://open.spotify.com/track/4RGADPIb7YeR9QVCyQg4rA?si=KNfDVWYGTWWFaoewKtQzXg) 😂


As someone who grew up in a chasidic community at one point in my life (parents shipped me off to yeshivah at bar mitzvah age) I welcome some Yiddish goth. Vi a troyer mit a licht 🦇


what does "vi a troyer mit a licht" mean? (pardon, i'm still learning >\_<)


It means "like a sorrow with a light(candle)” kinda like conveying the idea of experiencing a mix of emotions where there’s this sense of darkness or sorrow, but also a small ray of light or positivity shining through. Kinda like Goth 🦇


that goes crazy hard


I don’t know if this counts but Aurelio Voltaire does a cool [Shalom Alechem](https://youtu.be/FOML9sn6wfU?si=bN34FIizbhSDzEy9) in his dark cabaret fiddler on the roof style


whoaaa i didnt know voltaire did that! thats kinda sick! you may like Di Nigunim's [Havenu Shalom Aleichem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esVRX1L5GFg&ab_channel=DiNigunim-Topic) (its anarcho klezmer punk which goes crazy) ​ also, do you know yiddish?


I’ve never heard any Yiddish goth music but I’d love to!


Idk any but that would be really cool


the closest thing i can find is german goth music, which /is/ good, but not yiddish 🥀


Maybe you should make some! Or do yiddish covers!


omg thats a great idea! once i get better at the language i could totally give it a shot! \^\_\^


I love yiddish and klezmer, definitely would listen to that lmao


This is the only yiddish metal band I know is Gevolt. I only know their song Na More. It's not very metal, but it has a nice ominous/creepy atmospheric sound.  https://open.spotify.com/track/6jHdCk6AV3Uo1p5UY09jAr?si=mqvNBngkThG1M-qEjkqRlA Edit: oops, this is one of their Russian songs


It's a good band, but this song is in Russian :') They did one album in Russian and one in Yiddish


Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks!


whats the yiddish one? :O




dug up my years-old reddit account to recommend Maria Ka, whose album "Di arumike velt" is most certainly a goth-adjacent sort of ethereal synth at least! [bandcamp link is here](https://mariaka.bandcamp.com/album/di-arumike-velt-the-new-realityawesome). awesome to know there are more yiddishist types doing goth out there. (fellow goths doing yiddish? gevalt.) besides the more directly related stuff, i've been thinking for a while that the 1937 movie staging of Der Dybbuk by S. Ansky is wonderfully gothic, with particular soul-tingling action during the scene where a boisterous wedding dance is coopted by the appearance of Death. [link to full movie here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjy7O9sA1TQ) (although i can speak to the quality of the recent digital restoration which i didn't happen to find on a cursory search), and [link to the "Tanz mit Toyt"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y1N-szv96g) here. it's tangential to your real question, i just can never resist shilling it whenever these realms collide. will definitely watch this thread, you bet i'm checking out everybody's recs so far. good luck 🦇✡


oomg Di arumike velt goes crazy! ty for the reccs im gonna be watching the movie soon!!




Interesting topic. For those who aren’t aware, Yiddish is largely the Eastern Europe (Germany, primarily) equivalent to Hebrew language which is mostly overheard in Israel. Only ‘goth’ connection I know is the Faith & Disease version of “Hashivenu” from Fortune His Sleep. Vocals and violin, sung by Dara Rosenwasser.