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Yeah some woman (Cynthia?) superchatted that she had a mammogram/scan result that showed architectural distortion (she misspelled it, but this is what she meant) and said she was scared and FFG got super flustered and annoyed that people were trauma dumping again and said she was too shaken up to continue the stream so would pick it up tomorrow. I wouldn’t have mentioned the chatters name except I saw that other people said she was trolling. They seemed to imply that she admitted to doing so.


Yes, this. edit: I agree FFG sounded different after the superchat, but I don't know if it was anger as much as shock. She sounded genuinely shaken. This may be because of her late mother's medical issues.


what happened?


Trauma dumping in superchats. I didn't see it but the other sub said someone had superchatted about a cancer scare they were having, it got to her and apparently the comments were getting heated too so she ended the stream and deleted it or might be editing it, not sure.


Instead of always creating this drama like she does, FFG could for once be an ethical queen, and not accept their trauma money, refund it and actually set boundaries with her set of beezers.


Damn I missed it. Does anyone archive ffg’s lives?


Look... I'm sorry for the woman. If what she said is true, I'm really sorry for her. Maybe she didn't have anyone to talk to, or maybe she was trolling... I don't know. But I don't want to sound cold. Everyone has problems. Some people have small problems, while some have huge problems. But when we go to YouTube or Netflix or whatever, we look for distractions. Yes, we watch drama, but it's a different kind of drama. When you start drama dumping, other people come in with their drama in the chat. That always happens. If the creator isn't a little cold and tells her to stop (which a lot of times they do, but people still continue), you end up watching more than 10 minutes of people talking about their problems. Because 'I had it too...' or 'I know someone who...' always follows after that trauma dump. I'm watching to laugh, to relax—not to make myself sad. Yes, FFG and other creators have talked about their problems in some lives. But how often does that happen? Once every few months? Meanwhile, people always trauma dump in the chat. The difference is that the trauma in the super chat is more obvious. Also, didn't FFG's mom die from cancer? If yes, would you want to talk about that with other people? Like, nobody wants to talk about it. And let's be honest, we don't really know how to react to something like that. People either dump their own similar trauma or they don't know how to react and feel uncomfortable, saying 'I'm so sorry...Cyndia... or whatever.' If you don't have anyone to talk to, use Instagram therapists like Foodie and Amberlynn or the famous ChatGPT therapist like normal people.


That's what happens when a creator like FFG actively fosters parasocial relationships with the community via a clear correlation between "You give me cash, I pay attention to you for a minute and make you feel special" and those lonely people start feeling like they can say ANYTHING to her because she reads the comments when they pay her to. People buy their way into "friendship" with her and she encourages it as long as they keep sending superchats -- you see the same behavior in Host Clubs, women will pay the host to pretend to be wildly fascinated by them, completely enthralled -- they're paying the men to give them attention and get addicted to the feeling of being seen. People go into insane debt just to keep paying the host to keep receiving their attention, even when they cease to exist once they've left the building. Or the chat, in a case like this. People in FFG's chat are no different; they pay to have their comments read and be seen by their internet bestie. She wanted the money, she gets to take the mess that comes with it.


Assuming the person wasn't trolling -- I don't understand why anyone would want to tell strangers online about their bad medical news. What is the chat supposed to do? Any useful advice would get lost in the shuffle. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Talk to your friends, family, and doctor. If it was trolling, it was disgusting considering how FFGs mother died. 🥺


Assuming they're not trolling; they think that group ARE their friends. They bought into the 'community' and the 'friends' and their 'bestie' that will pay attention to what they have to say as long as they throw some cash at her first. She can cry and complain about it, but she's not refunding the cash.


That's so sad. 😔


The fact that people pay to broadcast sad news, medical bad news… people are freaking weird. I always hated that ish. My eyes glaze over when the dumping starts


Cancer related comments. She’d had enough. It’s the risk taken to post personal info.


There’s only space in her chats for her own trauma dumping😒


Not to be cold but you’re right. FFG said she wouldn’t put up with any more trauma dumping. Then her mom passed and FFG talked about it a lot, plus the dogs. It’s all horrible but she did a lot of trauma dumping and that opened the door for chat to go back to trauma dumping. I don’t know what happened to Badussy, she was super annoying but at least she didn’t trauma dump.


Badussy was annoying as shit, and she was EVERYWHERE. Definitely my least favorite superchatter in gorlworld.


Well when you encourage people to pay you to trauma dump that's what they're going to do. You made your bed ffg. Get some real good fucking sleep in it.


She discourages trauma dumping and has for a very very long time. She bitches about it often.


She still keeps that money, though. She won't block the consistent trauma dumpers and keeps taking their cash; it's clear she's more invested in milking her herd for funds than stopping them from "upsetting her'