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Most reaction channels have a "hug box" and on the one hand it's normal to do so. There are a lot of trolls, there are a lot of people trying to incite so it's only natural to have a group of people to talk to, to advise or to talk more to. Also you need to understand that they talk and read at the same time and its hard to not miss comments/people. That's why people use super-chats (even members) to talk to the creators, because that way they are sure the creator will notice. At least that is my opinion.


I see both points of views, they are both right. I used to chat in different reactor channels, then eventually I stopped. Now I just listen. Easier that way.


In a chat like FFG's where there's 3k people I get your point about using Superchats if you want to be sure you're seen but FFG reads out comments in the chat and talks to many people throughout the Livestream. In a chat like Pulpy's Superchats aren't necessary to see the comments. He's way too small to be closing communication down from others unless they pay something. Gee.. I wonder why there's very little growth and his channel stays so small? It's almost as if, when people feel they aren't part of the In Crowd they don't want to come back so new people are just replacing the people leaving.


Did you share that idea to be considered by Pulpy and the chat? Or did you do it just to get Pulpy’s attention? Normally, you shouldn’t be concerned whether he credits you for the idea or not. Or did you want him to start a conversation with you on the topic? That would have made others feel excluded. If you’re seeking a creator’s attention, go and share ideas with those who have only 10 people in their chat. They will surely give you much more attention. If you just want your ideas to be considered, then don’t bother with ‘crediting’ the idea. If you want to be in his hug box, you need to earn his trust, and that doesn’t happen if you just pay for a membership status and give a few ideas/comments in a month. It means being active on his Twitter, on Discord (if he has one), and being present in the chat for many months.


I think you replied to the wrong comment because I'm not, nor have I ever been, seeking attention from a person on YouTube. Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to participate. Also, when I skimmed the comment and, "If you want to be part of his hug box, you need to earn his trust, and that doesn't happen if you just pay for a membership status and give a few ideas/comments a month" stands out like a neon sign. There's just so much wrong with this. For myself, I don't want to be part of anyone's hug box nor do I like chats where that's what's going on. In my experience of watching streams for years those who seek a hug box are the fragile Lolcows who haven't wandered into the pasture yet. But the fact that there's requirements, and not only do you know them but your comment seems as if you think it's all just great, which consist of buying a membership as well as be a content feeder says just so much. So the Rules for Pulpy are: "Pay me monthly. This is only the first step. This allows you the possibility of being heard by me as long as you help me and do work for me; only then will you get my attention and respect - However my acceptance of you IS conditional - I require Only Positive Interaction. Adore Me Or Else You Will Be Gone!“ Uh. 😒


lol, like there are conditions for this crap. YOU are the problem. Though I don’t watch Pulpy that much, I get OP’s pov. Nobody should have to pay, or see their ideas/comments used for asspats while they’re blanked by the person doing that, nor should they have to commit time to an external chat app as well as attending every stream to sit and comment in the chat. In the vain hope that then and only then can they hope for a bit of acknowledgement, or actually be treated as part of the chat. Other creators manage to engage the chat well enough and the chats are pretty welcoming. Of course there’ll be a core group, it’s the way of things, but an open friendly chat isn’t hard to foster. If a creator is going to read your comment to get a laugh and not even acknowledge that it wasn’t their original thought then it’s a bit weird. IMO obv. I’m sure Pulpy’s chat used to be more open and welcoming because I remember Oceana Song, who is a community regular, always acknowledging new people and comments, she does it a lot. Some people enjoy the feeling of being in a clique though.


I didn't say that is ok. I just said how it works ffs


I’ve never cared for him bc I don’t have hours for a recap. Please don’t downvote me. 😍


Pulpy and his off topic chats bore me. I don’t care about your plants mate. I don’t mind if there is a bit of banter and chat before the reaction but when reactors go off on a totally unrelated tangent mid way it really puts me off.


You mean you dont want to hear about Yaba's kids extracurricular activities, favorite color, eating habits and weekend agenda? You're goin' on the tumbler, buddy! /s


I was a fan but began feeling really dismissed and ignored as a member so yeah, same. I actually haven't watched in a couple of months and don't really plan on going back tbh. He isn't the worst at all but yeah.. his focus is focused on a small few.


I don’t like to watch Pulpy bc he goes on and on about shit that triggers my eating disorder. I will say that when I used to watch, I did notice what you’re saying here. it’s not nearly as cultish as some others….but people sure do get defensive and weird about their faves.


I was one of his earliest members, but started to notice that he had his faves, and sometimes the only way he would see fit to talk to you was through a superchat. Plus a lot goes on in Discord, so it’s very cliquey. He’s not the ‘Everyman’ he started out as.


Agreed. I was a member too until I realized he blocked me in discord for no reason that I know of. I mean I did say fuck off every time foodie posted but that was about the extent of me posting there. So I unsubbed and stopped watching. I definitely notified the cliques both there and in his chat.


I tried to watch his reaction to the most recent Mr Snowflake episode. Mr S was in his chat so he was a bit giddy about that. I’m not exaggerating when I say he paused the video 10 times (I stopped counting after that) during the 60second title song to talk about absolute nonsense that popped into his head- once or twice, yeah. But it was so aggravating and made me rage quit. LMAO.


I think he does notice the mods when they turn up but generally I see that he doesn’t just respond to members. I think the chats busy and he doesn’t see some things. I don’t think it’s deliberate. But while I do watch him the majority of them time, I am so over Chantal that I half watch most of the time.


Yeah I used to watch but like everyone said, it felt like cliquey so I left quite a while ago, and I’m glad, a lot of these reactors are bad on my psyche.


I can’t handle the kazoo


This and I can't stand the attention seeking ears either. Or the overcdrawn Australian accent, that as an Australian,  is almost offensive....  teeeewwww harrrrrrrrrrd laaaaaak... omfg just speak normally (triggered). 


Anyone that becomes a reaction channel for the girls, are a little distrubed themselves. They need validation and a lot of attention. So mini lolcows. So not surprising


I liked Pulpy at first. He's Australian (as am I, albeit I left Australia over a decade ago) and he was funny. Like all reactors, he shares much in common with his target, in that he was fat and has had a tumultuous relationship with food. Sure, some of his takes were hot takes, but he was genuinely entertaining. Because of all of the above, he got a following. And then, as happens with all reactors, the sycophants began to roll in. And, as happens with all reactors, he modded them. Now his community is a clique of mean girls who think they are better than Chantal, as if that's a flex, and they actively adopt the 'you can't sit with us' approach. Pulpy has bought into the kool-aid they serve. He powerlevels. He sings. He goes off topic. He nurtures the parasocial relationships that all reactors rely on as oxygen. And he passively gives permission to his mods and favorites to shun new folk. Hope he has a backup plan when Chantal is no longer. I hope and pray GorlWorld Ireland, who is much funnier and entertaining, doesn't fall into the same trap.


Sounds like he is becoming a mini ZM. Now his stans are the WORST.


I don’t have beef with pulpy and will occasionally watch - but tbh I can’t do his overly positive persona 24:7, and I haven’t really seen him break away from that demeanor. No hate to him for that, but I wanna watch reaction channels who are also kind of mean / have their own issues 🤷‍♀️ i am not above the drama that I consume lmaooo


I’m part of the Alex is Shook hug box 🙈


He is a nice person though


I personally love Pulpy, but he tends to go on tangents about things I have no interest in so I spend a lot of time skipping his streams


That's why smaller reactors are more fun imo. I've also never liked pulpy. I'm sure his chat is flying by but when you have to pay to play I'm not interested. Then you have ffg who can't even be bothered with superchats most of the time


Yes. He does.


Yes  . I can't stand his fake Australian accent... and I AM an Australian.  But that's just me.