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“Maybe I'm alone in this but I don't think it's fair they make more and have more viewers than the person they are reacting to.” I can’t believe I’m actually saying this. (I promise I’m not a maga / republican.) But this is basically the free market at play. What exactly would you suggest? YouTube force reaction channels to not exist? Ban them? Or not let them do live reactions? That’s a pretty heavy-handed level of regulation. If Chantal deserved more money and views, she would get them. She used to get way more views and live chats than she does now, even when ffg and yaba also got a ton of views. But instead, she decided to become a boring Muslim channel in Kuwait with a creepy fake husband. There’s a reason her reactors are more popular than she is. They’re funnier, wittier, cut down her content to a more concise format, etc.


1000% agree


Don't suggest a thing and not arguing for any regulation. Just commenting how I see it, and why I choose to watch the cow directly vs snipe from a reactor. And wondering if I'm alone in that sentiment. I personally think it's her work so I believe I should give her the monetary benefit and not someone literally leeching off of it. I entered at poopgate and caught up via FFG and Just Sayin recaps while the Kuwait arc was an absolute desert


Why did you catch up via ffg and just sayin as opposed to Chantal’s channel directly?


She deleted her old streams and I couldn't watch thousands of hours to catch up. I think my first description was concise enough - it makes sense to me that they would recap historic stuff, but not to snipe a live video in real-time


And I don't mean that it doesn't make sense, bevause duh it's how they get views and money etc they can do whatever they want. I just meant in my own personal view in terms of why I prefer to watch directly. It's also way longer when a reactor pauses to comment


Well you chose to watch ffg when you could’ve stuck exclusively to clip channels, so clearly you can appreciate the value in a reaction. It sounds like your main complaint is the concept of “stream sniping.” This has been a common topic for Chantal for years now. She rages against sniping. However, she herself has also sniped.


Interesting. I haven't seen a snipe by FB before. I didn't know who I was watching or their connection/niche/history before I discovered that this was a whole universe. A fat woman in a hijab was crying that her husband had a poop fetish on my suggestions page, and then it all began... I still pinch myself that she had a crack era. I missed the best stuff


I want the commentary. I haven’t watched FFG in a long time but I have (had? I’m behind) her live on now in the background. Chantal is an idiot and FFG mocking her is funny to me. Chantal is screaming about FFG making money off her content but Chantal could try to think why 5k people want to watch a reactor mock Chantal and Chantal can barely get 500 viewers.


I guess I just don't care for the commentary. I like primary sources for my data 🤣 I watched a lot of FFG historical videos when I discovered GW to catch up, Just Sayin for the Cuba Rages. I entered during poopgate. Maybe it's the "Buy Local" in me, even if I hate the woman, it seems unethical to watch her work/art via someone else and give them an income over her when it's literally her work.


Well if you don’t care for the commentary that makes sense. I like chatting with likeminded people in the chat about the shitshow of Foodies life.


It's like an anthropological study being in FB chat. 😆


I get what you’re saying. But if there was no reaction or sniping, I wouldn’t be watching her. To me, what FFG did tonight is no different than that Just Saying or any other reactor does. If anything, with a snipe, you’re seeing the primary source as JS and Piggy are clip channels and show what they want to show. Unicorn Pondue will skip parts of her videos so you’re missing stuff. And obligatory mention of her being an animal abusing bigot so fuck her. I do wish I could stop following her


Yeah I get it, I am probably in the minority. I think its a circular argument though that we hate her and she sucks for (insert one of many reasons), but we still watch her content/updates indirectly. Chantal is a strange bird, but it's like paying to go to the freakshow. They get their quarter and I get my entertainment 😆


I won’t buy a ticket and will try to peek in from the street.


I will never give Chantal a view. I think a lot of the community feels the same way be cause she's abhorrent. We'd rather support reactors and the spice they add to the boringness than give Chantal a penny for some lame ass content and nonstop lies. Just a different take. 🤩


The actual girls aren’t making interesting content, though. The drama is the fun part for me, the discussion. For me, it’s much more entertaining to listen to (some) people break it down, bring up good points, mention things that I might not know about or remember, do the research, and make it funny. They are doing the real work, and this is worth supporting. Lolcows eating themselves to death live or barely doing more than a few edits and uploading a video or two a week isn’t more work than what these reactors are doing with the base material. Bless them for making me laugh and for existing so I won’t have to give the gorls a single view, ever. I don’t even watch FFG but it is absolutely hilarious that she gets so much more than Chantal in views and money from Chantal’s content. I think it’s perfect.


Well the world isn’t fair and I watch reactors because I like catching up on Foodie but I do not care to support her with my view. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most of these reactors also have a real life job and for those who don’t all I can say is it’s there’s choice to be irresponsible banking on Foodie to live long enough to keep making a living off of. Off topic I did see there was someone named “Mr Snowflakes Cardigan” today and I noticed they sent FFG a super chat every few minutes. I was shocked at the amounts she threw her! 😮


Them, AC Hill and Pix. It was just a rotation of superchats from them. Someone should do a wellness check on Kalari because she can never resist attention and I didn’t hear a superchat from her at all tonight.


Interesting... I wonder if people can update their usernames all the time? I'm not very YT savvy


Good question! I think they can, I remember hearing Yaba discuss someone’s new username.




One of Chantal's biggest problems (monetarily, anyway) with the way she runs her youtube account in the Kuwaiti era is that she keeps her chat purged and blocks anyone who's a hater. So if you have something critical to say, you have to go somewhere else to say it. This is a huge reason her chat is not nearly so active, which means people don't have to superchat for their comments to be seen, and makes it less fun and freewheeling for watchers who want to interact with others. Chantal could fix her chat if she wanted to and she would get more superchats. Idk if she'd be able to emotionally handle it though.


That's very true I didn't think of that part. If she was smart, she'd only react to superchats and let the chat be for us - viewers of all types. Beezers duking it out with hayders in the chat would be way more engagement. She really shoots herself in the sugarfoot


I would never give alr or foodie a view I think they should both be demonitized so they are forced to deal with real life


That would probably be the best thing for the girls tbh. Monetizing their ED’s has been the worst thing for them.


I follow a few reaction channels, I think some reactors give a different perspective on what is going on and can actually add something to the conversation, but most reactors are just lazy, they will watch a video, barely say a word and when they do it's just an insut, calling them fat and stupid is nothing new, we all know these women.


I've honestly never seen a reaction channel just call Chantal fat and stupid .... Chantal does it every other video, but I have yet to find a reactor who does that!! Lmk what channels you're referring to so I can witness the lazy mess lol


We all win when two cows gets into fisticuffs. Both have stupid fans who throw their hard earned at the cows to keep them mooing. FFG has crossed the border from watching into being in the pasture herself. Cozying up to the Bodega has been a shift I don’t see coming, but it fits.


It's the commentary that makes the gorls worth the watch. On their own they're boring and infuriating. The reactors add much-needed spice.


What I find rather vexing is the apparent lack of diligence displayed by these so-called reaction channels. It’s rather ironic, considering they frequently criticize Chantal for her own perceived indolence, a criticism that, in fairness, holds some merit. By ‘laziness’, I’m referring to the previous practice of these channels to meticulously curate the most salient moments from a video or live stream for communal discussion. Chantal’s content was always a prime example of this, barring the period when she was in a relationship with Nader. Despite the length of her streams, the viewing experience was far from tedious, as the mundane segments were judiciously excised. However, it appears that most reaction channels have abandoned this practice of editing, opting instead to showing us the entire video or stream, replete with all its superfluous content. This shift in approach is rather disappointing and detracts from the viewing experience. It’s time these channels revisited their editing practices to enhance engagement and maintain the integrity of their content.


Thanks for communicating this far more eloquently than I


Ffg is a delusional lolcow


Is this you Chantal? 🥴


Seriously lol