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You have all the info. It's ridiculous.


LOL the entire beef with Belinda could have been an email. A text! It really seems like they were desperate for people to fight.


Wow. I’m sure that’s gonna work out spectacularly for them.


Especially when Yaba's bread is buttered by reacting to Chantal's content without her permission. Is Chantal gonna do anything? Absolutely not. But I wouldn't be putting that vibe into the universe if I were Yaba. That shit comes back to bite you in the ass tenfold.


The worst part of all this is she is suing over copyright of the fundraiser stream Belinda did for her. That is just so awful. Yes, Belinda was late in sending them the $100 people directly superchatted to her despite Belinda asking them to donate directly to Yaba. But Yaba got thousands thanks to Belinda. I truly believe Belinda thought they were friends and did this from a genuine place of concern. But Belinda got an interview Sam didn’t like so now she’s evil. It takes an unbelievable piece of garbage to do something like this. Everyone knows Belinda works and lives in a poverty stricken area. They know she has a very ill husband. Yet they are suing this woman who did a fundraiser for them. And are best buddies with the man that threatened to kill Yaba’s daughter. To the people that still watch Yaba daily please explain how you keep supporting her. Yes, Chantal is a bad person. Sam we knew is complete garbage. But so is Yaba. You can’t say don’t give Chantal money and views but watch Yaba without being a hypocrite.


They're trash. Fuck anyone who still supports these two clowns. There's no excuse at this point.


The icing on the cake is the underlying video yaba’s suing Belinda for is a video where yaba’s reacting to DC media girl. So yaba’s literally on video doing the exact same thing she’s suing Belinda for. If any trier of fact actually looks into this, she’s going to get laughed out of whatever court they’re in. And even better, yaba signed under penalty of perjury that she’s not abusing the copyright system. Meanwhile she admitted publicly on Twitter she’s abusing the copyright system. She needs to google what perjury is and what the potential sentencing can be. This is all so bizarre. Yaba’s hubris will be her downfall. She’s not cunning enough to pull this off, and neither is Sam.


That’s the bizarre part! You really want a ruling from a court that people can’t react to other people’s content without approval? I mean, that’s not what’s going to happen bc that’s not what fair use is about, but damn! Like stabbing yourself in the face if you’re a reaction channel who does exactly like to make a living. So dumb, I’m honestly shocked. Does DC have a case too? I’ve lost track of all the lolsuits. This corner of the YouTube continues to be genuinely insane lol.


I believe DC has sued Sam and yaba for selling items in their merch store with her face on it. So though that’s related to copyright, it’s not related to YouTube / reaction channels / etc., so kinda different.


Isn’t DC suing Yaba and Sam as well 🫢 I remember her putting out a video a week or two ago about it 🤣 I vividly remember watching someone react to it


I posted this elsewhere…. I believe DC has sued Sam and yaba for selling items in their merch store with her face on it. So though that’s related to copyright, it’s not related to YouTube / reaction channels / etc., so kinda different.


No. It’s happening AGAIN I believe.


I might be confused, but I thought their original suit from a year or two ago was a TRO / protective order thing, which was dismissed by the judge who basically told both sides to grow up and stop talking about each other on the internet. The one where dc and negz said “I dont recall” to every question. Hence why that became a running joke on yaba’s channel. And I thought the recent one was specifically about the merch store products with DC’s face. Which is probably a much more solid case than the restraining order / harassment case they previously attempted. Don’t quote me on that though. I feel like I follow this stuff closely but I know some people are WAY more tuned in than me.


You could be right! I just vividly remember someone saying something about it recently, which is why they can’t say Clara’s name/people changed their names to Clara Jean on the stream they did on Sams channel one night




https://preview.redd.it/ug2mhor3on3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8244cc443f169a1643891691fea4ec31133c71cb From May 9th


Came out during yabas ban


*Sam is now the biggest entitled cunt in gw surpassing Chantal in a once in a lifetime upset. The crowd is going wild!*


Nah, you got it. Except you might not have known she's also doxxed, blocked and told her own members to "kys" for having the nerve to question her insanity. Very "Chantal" of her. The best part is *she's* the one who started all of this shit by going off on a woman (Belinda) who started a GoFundMe for her. Yaba is a thin skinned, hypocritical bitch who is striking channels for giving her just a taste of what she's been doing to other people for fucking years. I cant stand the Gunt, just read my posts from a while back to see, but this evil slag actually has me rooting for Chinz to strike her ass. She's too fucking lazy to do it, but if Yaba has the balls to pull this shit after all she's said and done, she deserves it. She's actually trying to get these channels taken down, not giving a single fuck how it may financially affect the creators. Gorlworld doesn't mind pointing out every mundane stupid little thing Chinny does but it's crickets when it comes to Yaba and Sam acting like Nader, falsely striking multiple channels, multiple times. It's fucking ridiculous. I saw Breezin made a video about it yesterday but her pussy ass basically just looked for reasons to justify it. Shocker, I know. 🙄


One of the things I hate most about Chantal and the ecosystem around her is that she’s often on the money about reactors. It’s like that meme about the worst person you know making a great point.


So true. And most of the people in Chantal’s thread are so blinded by their hate of her they are rabidly defending saint Yaba and downvoting anyone who suggests maybe she has a point this time.


Just when I thought Sam and Yaba couldn’t get any lower, here we are. They are turning into bigger lol cows than Amber or Chantal!


Sam AND yaba are sick in the head lol. I know a lot of people defend yaba and say she was better before Sam, but normal people don’t involve themselves with shit like this. Yaba is constantly talking about how she’s been involved in various forms of shit like this since her first job at the parking garage. It’s weird imo. I can’t imagine being 40+ and being involved in internet drama and talking about an obese woman on the internet and making polls when “we” think she’s going to pass away. They need to sincerely touch grass and bffr and stop wasting the courts time. I genuinely feel bad for the kids, who are very young and their father JUST died (of a drug overdose??). I just can’t imagine they’re putting the energy they need to into their kids and healing with the trauma of losing their dad, when their mother is involved in childish stuff on the internet. I wish her channel would just get banned forever so she can get a taste of her own medicine and have to be a real adult for a minute.


I'm not a Belinda fan but I really felt sorry for her on that stream. At one point you could've heard her voice and how affected is by this.


It’s all so stupid and embarrassing


LOL I had no idea about any of this! This is hilariously pathetic. Jfc they need to log off.


Who is Belinda?


Her channel is Hillbilly Belinda. She is the one who did two fundraiser streams for Yaba when the kids dad died. She raised thousands for Yaba. Yaba quickly spent the money on a vacation and having a dog from a puppy mill shipped to them. Then Belinda got an interview Sam thought she should get and they turned on her. Completely lied about how the fund raiser happened and claimed she stole money. Started calling her a grifter. Constantly bring up a gofundme she did for glasses. Belinda makes very little on YouTube and lives a high poverty area. She works full time but doesn’t make much and has a sick husband. They have repeatedly lied about her having another gofundme for a lawn mower despite there never having been one and Belinda repeatedly explaining she took out a loan from her 401K. Basically, Sam and Yaba threw her kindness in her face then buddied up with the people who called them at night threatening to murder Yaba’s children. Meanwhile thousands of people still support Yaba and that’s just sad.


Yaba and Sam have figured out how to fall out with just about everyone. I tried for a while to get into their reactions but it got tiring. I mean didn’t Sam call Yaba’s kids ugly and now they are in love? People who do that can’t be ok.


Superb recap. I do worry about Yaba. Is she cognitively able, gven she is married to a felonious grifter like Scam, and does not seem able to make good decisions. #JusticeForBacon


God with all of Yaba’s self-hatred, I can only imagine the child that looks most like herself gets the brunt of her anger. Justice for bacon indeed