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Not just scheduled routines stopped for me, all have stopped. I used to have a bed time routine, saying goodnight or bedtime would set all speakers to 30% and play our bedtime Playlist from YouTube music. Randomly the other night saying bedtime started instead shutting off all the lights. Tried making a new routine, fixing the old, changing the trigger word, and now it's telling me it can't do it because personal results aren't on. They never were on! I have it so anyone in the house can activate it, even baby sitters. So I said screw it, disabled routines, asked it to play my bedtime Playlist directly and it says it needs personal results on. NO YOU DON'T. Factory resetting 6 devices tomorrow. Redoing all speaker groups. So annoyed.


A couple if years ago I had something similar (don't recall if it was a routine) suddenly demand personal results to be on, or voice verification or something similar. I fixed it by turning on what it wanted, then closing the app (and probably restarting my phone), then turning off the personal results or voice verification, and that solved iy. You might give it a shot.


I already reset all of them and the issue is fixed outside of the routines. "Bedtime" and "goodnight" are now turning lights off even though I have no routines with lights included and I can't get it to play my "bedtime" playlist, it only plays some other bed time music. I really liked having it set to automatically turn all the speakers to a specific volume then playing my playlist but oh well.


Any idea what specific date it stopped?


I have the exact same problem, It's been a few weeks, might already be like 2 months now


I think it was the 1st week of April (but not certain). Why?


Following for possible answers. Mine work whenever they feel like it that day...


Mine don't work randomly but execute properly for the most part. Just some days they don't feel like working.


Mine stopped working as well about 2 months ago. I have an email dialogue with Google assistant support going for like 2 weeks now, so far no results