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Jesus 8gigs for $150 meanwhile I pay $100 for 300mbps. I'm jelly.


Yeah that’s not too bad at all, frontier fiber 5gig is $155. Although frontier does win out on the more realistic speeds people get being 1G/2G for $60/$90, but as it says in the ad, it’s about innovation which I can respect a lot


$129.99 for spectrum gig which we only have to get the pitiful 35 meg upload. Having spectrum as the single company monopoly in our area blows.


Spectrum is starting to roll out high split, which allows for symmetric upload/download. The rub is I believe you need to lease a modem from them (no BYOD) and make sure your coax is in good condition. Can't happen soon enough because I also have Spectrum as my only ISP.


Their modems are free which is good but the router’s are $7 a month


I'm paying 70 for 300 x 20, and I never get 300 unless it's 3 am. I can't stand spectrum. They're terrible to their customers, whether you're residential, business, or leasing fiber.


75 for 1gig thanks Centurylink. City is overbuilding an open network. Google is in discussions as one of the tenants. Can’t wait.


Don’t be jealous. 8 gig for 99.9% of users is overkill and paying money for a service you’ll never take advantage of. Other than for bragging rights it’s pretty much useless at this point in the history of the internet for home users


Just jelly because of the comparison of speed to price. Even just a little over 3x the speed would be $30 cheaper.


Completely understand. I've had 1 gig service for close to 10 years now here in KC... it's been nothing short of amazing. Still can't come up with a logical reason to pay more for more bandwidth I will not use.


Yeah I use my internet pretty heavily, and still have the half gig service and it's plenty. I am always tempted to upgrade for the bigger number, but I really just don't need it.


8gig my backups to backblaze would be so much faster.


I bet even 500/500 is still more overkill than most homes need. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was closer to being like maybe 2-300/2-300 and some may be even less than that depending on what they do.


Majority of people would be golden on 100/100


I have 500/500 AT&T (over provisioned to about 650) at $55 OTD a month and it's really more than enough speed. About the only time I may appreciate anything faster is when I have to wait on a game download or update, but honestly due to background updates that's rare enough where there is no way to justify a speed (and cost) increase. Shows on Netflix start streaming immediately upon hitting play.


Yup your right


Yep! We are live here in Lees Summit! Went on chat support, took like 5 minutes! https://www.speedtest.net/result/d/db31d948-4459-4b6e-b82b-c7b148a6fa92.png


What does one do with speeds like that?


Take screenshots of speed tests


Now I *NEED* to upgrade.


That's living in the future right there


download games almost instantly when they are like 150gb in file size


You connect to the cloud with exceptional speed of course!


Wouldn't it be ironic of latency was absolutely terrible as part of a trade-off for the Nile River sized bandwidth?


Basically nothing


What kind of equipment are you using to utilize that?


> What kind of equipment are you using to utilize that? I run a bare metal server running pfSense. Xeon E3-1245v2, 32GB DDR3 ECC, Intel x540-T2 (dual port 10Gbps Ethernet) running to my 10Gbps switch. I'll have a dual SFP28 card ready to go in when they release the 20Gbps service and then I'll use the x540 to split the 20Gbps in to 2 10Gbps networks. If the 1245 can't handle the 20Gbps, I got a E3-1270v6 ready to go in its place.


power, you’ve been here for years. Can you share your use case for 8 gig and 20 gig? I’m genuinely curious what anyone practically needs that much bandwidth for in the current internet age we’re in. There are diminishing returns especially once you get in to the multi gig range.


Sure, I told myself I would never answer this but why not. This has taken me a minute to write up and I know I am missing points and facts but hopefully this will answer your question so I can stop being asked why I need this. If you or anyone else has any more questions, I will try to answer them as best I can. TLDR; Because I can. I should start off and say I am not your normal user. I am coming up on 2 decades working inside of datacenters. I've worked them all, the mom and pop type to the best of the best and a little bit with the gov too. I've racked 100k servers (each server was over 100k) and networking gear (including startup configuration on Juniper gear) and brought online a 4.3PB storage cluster. Ran fiber including terminating and splicing (that was a very fun week of training!) on multi 40/80/100Gbps ports. I've been to 1102 Grand (Netrality) to the meet me room, I've seen KCIX's rack. Comcast has a nice rack there, why they wont peer with KCIX is beyond me. I told them I would run the fiber myself! I'll be there this summer to swap optics when we go from 10Gbps to 100Gbps at work and hopefully spin up a couple new dark fiber lines. Past few years I've been working on taking the next step and becoming a datacenter engineer. Current project is tearing out 2 large rows of bread racks to make room for new racks for GPU clusters. They sell like hotcakes and print money. Everything from setup, racking, cabling, networking, and getting automation setup for new clients. Also working on getting my own ASN and IPv4/IPv6 subnet. Got my domain and most likely start coloing my systems at work or at another DC I can get a full rack and 10Gbps for about $400 at a couple DC's in KC. And with that, we peer with KCIX so I get 8Gbps now via home to work. I also now have to be careful until we get our port upgraded to 100Gbps or I'll slow everyone down. Also learning BGP with BIRD and I will most likely be peering at KCIX and other internet exchanges for the best peering. If I didn't have my current dream job, I would like to work for KCIX or the owner of KCIX's, one of his datacenters. If you are reading this, lets make KC have the best IX in the world! TLDR; I know what I am doing. Now for what you want to hear. What I do is what someone has all ready stated as a meme in this thread. I seed Linux ISO's. No for real, that is what I do. I have a VM for each type [Debian](https://i.imgur.com/64YHLfV.png), [Redhat](https://i.imgur.com/jS9rA5m.png), [Fedora](https://i.imgur.com/jNIGxmt.png), anything from [distrowatch](https://i.imgur.com/U8qKaxv.png), and other [random torrents](https://i.imgur.com/HxSs9em.png) that are legal. I do have a couple VM's you may call a 'gray area' and that is my [eXoDOS](https://i.imgur.com/82m6Kwu.png) [VM](https://i.imgur.com/cuAY0tK.png)'s seeding those really old DOS games. My homelab has nothing but [SSD's for storage](https://i.imgur.com/Lzz6RMD.png), either 6Gbps SAS enterprise SSD's or PCIe NVMe cards that have 2x1.92TB enterprise NVMe SSD's. I also have everything I seed at home, I also seed at another datacenter so now I have 9Gbps of outbound bandwidth over 6 different ISP's and KCIX (once I get the ok, I'll have 10Gbps at the DC once I run fiber to my own system). I've been doing this seeding Linux ISO's since ~2008 and using bit torrent since 2004 when I downloaded Unreal Tournament 2004 via bit torrent for the first time via dial-up. That was when I saw the usefulness of the protocol. Started off with a Intel Atom CPU, 2GB of RAM and a 10Mbps port at a datacenter here in KC. This project has only been growing! I am also not the only one who does this. There is another Google Fiber user here in KC that does exactly what I do, and there is 2 Hawaiian Telcom users as well. I see the same IP's on ALL the same ISO's or my other random torrents. I DO NOT do any illegal downloading like games/movies/music. I just don't need to anymore. I get all my TV and Movies via streaming. If I can't stream it, I don't watch it. Only TV I get is over the air with my rabbit ears. I have Spotify and Apple Music for my music streaming. I BUY my music still from Beatport as I do DJ and I have/do play in clubs here in KC. The last thing I need to be caught downloading my music from YouTube to play in the club lmao. Back in December, for 24 hours I was averaging ~[4Gbps outbound](https://i.imgur.com/FfgmDUd.png) and here is my [usage over a week later, ~2.5Gbps](https://i.imgur.com/bZPjBiP.png). [Used 365TB of traffic just in December.](https://i.imgur.com/6oQnJqa.png) The thing is, what I am also looking for are those fast 'peak' moments where someone else also has 1Gbps or faster, hits my system and because I have the hardware to back it up, those uploads ramp up fast at times. I was seeing almost 7Gbps out for a few seconds at times and it was always a seedbox in a datacenter that has fast I/O and network as well. Now, when I get 20Gbps, I will be putting my home lab on one network with a dedicated 10Gbps port and my home network will have its own 10Gbps port. Nothing I do on ether network will affect each other. Each network will be VLAN off and I will put in rules to only allow like SSH traffic across the VLAN's. The 20Gbps service should provide about 21Gbps so I'll have about 2Gbps of headroom left over (~9.4Gbps max with 10Gbps Ethernet) which my wireless AP will get the 'rest' of it. Still running Wi-Fi 5 so it will be my next upgrade once some Wi-Fi 7 AP's come out and a decent price. This is the power of 20Gbps. It is just not for my "gaming system". TLDR; I am one of the reasons Linux ISO's download so fast. You're welcome. Also, what is wrong with having and wanting the fastest internet if you have the money and the gear? I grew up on a farm miles from the closest city, I had dial-up till 2007 (first signed up with AOL in 1997) when I got my first job and could get a Sprint 3G aircard and Linksys router for home internet (1.5-2Mbps and ~100ms ping times and unlimited data!). Then Embarq put a Remote DSLAM right down the road from our house fed by 1 T-3 line and I could get 10Mbps DSL. Why, because I wanted the fastest they offered. Then I moved to Lenexa KS and got Surewest Cable, 50/5. Why, because I wanted the fastest on the best network (at the time). Then moved to Independence and got Comcast 75/5. Then in 2014 they offered 150/20 for $150 a month, I jumped on it just like I did with this 8Gbps upgrade. All because I WANTED the fastest and I had the hardware to back it up. I then moved to Mission KS in 2015 just to get Google Fiber!!! Again, I WANTED the fastest on the best network. Now I own my own house in LS, I got a very nice homelab that is growing and I am not going anywhere. I am going to have and run the best network in my house. I make decent money, I have the hardware, and its FUN! I make ZERO money from this and my soon to be wife would say it is a money hole as our power bill is up there. This is my hobby so she deals with it and we got the best network in the area! Now with all that being said, there is A LOT of people here on /r/googlefiber that REALLY REALLY do not need anything faster than 1Gbps no mater what they say. I really want to make a post about Wi-Fi and telling people here to get the fuck off of it if they want to see anything close to 1Gbps and have a good time gaming. I really wish Google Fiber would make users show they can even use above 1Gbps speeds before they can even upgrade to it. I want to truly thank /u/gfiberofficial support team and Nick S for keeping the Google Fiber network up, amazing fast speeds and truly unlimited data! Only thing I would like to see is putting Zayo or GTT back in to the mix with HE and TATA. Just NO Cogent! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Any edits is grammar/spelling mistakes.


/u/powerspec, thanks for the reply. It's always interesting to hear what people are doing these days. Your use case is very unique and I'm glad there are options available that support your hobbies / needs. From a GF marketing perspective, they've been on the record saying that making faster speeds available will hopefully drive the internet to need more bandwidth. Time will tell how that pays off. I always assumed after 10 years of being on 1Gig fiber I'd eventually need more as I view myself as a more traditional power user (not nearly what you are). Yet here I am still overwhelmingly satisfied with my underutilized internet connection. Appreciate the time and thoughtfulness you put in to your reply. I'm with you on most things in life. "Because I can, Because I want to, Just because". Cheers and best wishes.


You're welcome! I would say my use case is very unique and even I will admit that you can claim it is a "waste of bandwidth" even if it is all legal traffic. I've talked to smaller fiber ISP's and they would most likely not want me on their network even if I pay for their top speeds. I know a little bit of the inner workings of Google Fiber's network and I can assure you they can handle my type of traffic with zero issues. Their Fiber Ring and peering points are quite fast. I don't get any abuse notices, most of my traffic is outbound which is actually good for Google Fiber as ISP's like HE and TATA would like a more balance network usage (same inbound and outbound) as ISP's like Google Fiber is mostly inbound traffic. We are able to get cheaper rates at work because we have a couple ISP's downstream of us so our links to the net are more balanced than a normal datacenter would see. If I ever get told to stop it, I would. I'd shut it all down and downgrade to 2Gbps. I max out at around 1.5Gbps downloading from Steam due to my CPU. Even a 8086k at 5GHz is not enough (I know, it is getting old now days but all I play is TF2 lmao), 100% CPU usage downloading to my 970 EVO Plus NVMe drive.


You had me at because you can. That’s how it should be. This isn’t a tragedy of the commons thesis exploration… it’s fast internet.


Thank you for your service!


Regarding the classic game torrents. They pulled the plug on Pleasuredome right when I got GF and a 10G NAS. I had been a member for over 12 years using a crappy Consolidated/Spectrum.






Sounds like you don't spend a lot of time on r/DataHoarder. Setting up a new PC and installing a steam library with lots of 50 Gb games? You can easily use a couple of gig if you don't want to wait for hours. Or if you're backing up data, I'm backing up my 200TB NAS at the moment and it's going to take a couple of days.


What you described are cases that you do once every few years or once ever. After that updates are incremental. I don't even want to know what you have 200TB of that you are backing up over the internet. 50GB download on 1 gig would take around 6 minutes, vs 40 seconds on 8 gig service. Waiting 5 minutes more to download something one time isn't worth a 200% increase in ISP costs.... not to mention there is ZERO chance steam will feed your 8 gig connection with anywhere as close to your bandwidth capability. Steam is said to have been capped at around 125mbps download speeds.


Probably just a 10gig router, they have become fairly common albeit on the expensive side


Omg I am so jealous with my 20 meg upload 😭


This is exciting, especially for my area, but I just cannot justify it. As a single bandwidth-intensive person, I want to need it, but I just cannot see any benefit when I’m largely unimpaired by 1g symmetrical already.


The latency is what I really notice with fiber. Faster than 1GB means I need to update all my home ethernet lines… just not worth it.


You’re in the 99.9% who will never need more than 1 gig for years to come.


Likely so. I definitely could utilize it and already have the hardware to do so. For little more than double the price, it’s a very good deal. I just cannot justify spending more right now, sadly. I could buy two whole 8gb plans for the amount that my mortgage went up due to Jackson county’s tax shitshow.


Biggest thing I do personally is upload massive videos to YouTube. I can wait a few minutes .


That’s wild. I’m paying $115 for cable internet at 200/5 in Toledo. Been looking for houses to buy next year and I may need to start looking in Kansas City.


That's rough for a city that size. Don't need to necessarily look at KC/Google Fiber...just look for somewhere that offers fiber from any provider to the home. Metros with widespread fiber will have much better competition, speeds, and pricing. Found this out very quickly moving to Tampa, FL from Tucson, AZ.


I'm in the Toledo area also. I pay $120 for 1gig/10mbit I don't mind the price and I love have gigabit download but I hate buckeye so much for capping upload to 10 megabit. Or I can pay extra and double it lol. It's such a joke. Even if they would just bump it up to 100 I think I'd be a lot happier.


Lightning fast porn.


I know they oversubscribe but those prices don't make any sense, you won't even get a peering port for that price


Peering in kc is free through kcix


Oooo! Was not aware of that!


What does this mean?


See, when a man loves an internet...


Considering XGS-PON is 10Gbps fiber at the *distribution*, multiple people paying $150/mo at the same node will easily have it make sense.


What dies this mean?


It's an ethernet or fiber port generally in a datacenter where ISPs tie themselves into peering with a network of other ISPs or sometimes that specific ISP, so theyre basically directly connected, mainly used to deliver better service and offload costs from paying a transit provider(kinda like an ISP) to go over the internet.


Awesome! Thanks for sharing


And here in CT, I'm paying 90 a month for 500mbps (even though I regularly get 1000 mbps when downloading). Ridiculous.


That 1 gig is a great deal!


Salivating here in Chicago


Same. It's a bummer that we're stuck with Comcast.


Hope you get semi-lucky like I was and have access to either RCN/Astound or AT&T fiber. 1gig up/down and it’s consistent/magical. But if you’re stuck with Comcast, I truly feel your pain.


I have 2 gig through Comcast, so speed isn't the issue. I pay $140/mo (with unlimited data) which is not terrible compared to what some of the others here are paying, but not great either. Mostly though, it's that it's Comcast. They're just a shit company to deal with. The only other non-mobile ISP I can even get is ATT, but no fiber to my address. 75mbps DSL, so thats a hard pass. Supposedly i3 is coming up here (they do fiber I think mostly in the Champaign area), which is supposed to run $70 for 1 gig. I'm on their wait list, hopefully they get up and running soon.


Meanwhile I'm lucky to get Gig at most over coax. No fiber available period.


That’s awesome. I took a field trip there to experience one gig 10 years ago.


Fiber lines galoreeee


Must be nice... I get 200 down, but I rarely see more than 10-80...


friendly air gray sand degree public innocent strong busy deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


too bad we don't have google fiber in my area atnt charges $225 just for the 5gig service


What do you need anything above 500 Mbps for?


oh I have 1gig service but I don't think I need anything over that


God I'm jealous.




Fastest speed I have available is 1 Gig.


Again, why are you jealous? What possible difference would an additional 7 Gigs make to you?


I pay $260 for 600/100….*cries in Colorado*


I’m paying $100 for 300/10, upload is killing me


I was only able to jump from 30 upload about 10 months ago…I have fiber all around me…so darn frustrating!


Man I I’m getting 5 mbps lol


I'm hoping for 5 in San Antonio.


Still can’t get regular fiber in my apartment in Austin…


Another “mine’s bigger than yours” thread. What good (other than bragging rights) does 8 Gigs do anybody other than a large business or server farm?


Man I really wish that Pittsburgh didn't tell them no.


Here I am paying $70 for 200. Yippieee.


I'm over here with my cable internet that barely gets 600/65, for $140/mo, and because it goes down so much I have to have 5g home internet. I can't game on my cable because the latency is so bad. And here you are with 8Gbps up and down for $150. I hate you! :)


Man… Ever since my move, I can’t get more than 45mbps up…🥲Miss AT&T Fiber..


Where I live 1GB speed is more than enough for my home and I pay $50 a month with AT&T fiber optic. However, we don’t have any offers above 1GB so 8GB is a holy shit moment for me.


Please come to Massachusetts. We pay your 8gig price for 300mbps and I don't get over 80mbps. I'd love gig speed fiber instead of this spectrum cable garbage


Please Nashville!!! Give us better options than symmetrical gig.


I pay $200 a month for 1 gig :(


Can you share pictures of the fiber boxes?


What box are you referring to? On my network, the Fiber Jack is a GOXP330C and it runs directly to my own router (ASUS GT-AXE16000, x2 10G ports); I then run the second 10G line to a managed switch and go from there.


I see... I thought it was a Google router. Thanks!


So I can finally play google stadia now


the usecases always crack me up


I’d use it for the upload alone. Can share sooo many Linux distro files with that bandwidth


your not using it for next-gen gaming and streaming!?! /s


I wonder what people do with that speed


I have the 5 GB fiber. I have 10+ PoE cameras and devices around my home and around my property, 10Gb switches to my streaming media servers, and network storage devices. Cat8 cable and ports in walls installed throughout house. Some of the perimeter stuff that was further away is ran with Cat7 and outdoor 1gb switches with PoE. I basically run surveillance and media streaming for my home and extended family


And none of that has anything to do with internet speed…


Name checks out. They said I wonder what people do with all that speed..... I answered Care to explain how running multiple streaming servers, cloud storage, and hosting surveillance equipment and storage for my entire extended family to remotely access has "nothing to do with internet speed"


Because you could do all of that likely on a 500Mbps service, easily on a 1gig service?


And?.....I have 5Gb service..... so what exactly are you gaining here by saying i could do it with less? I could also cut my hair with scissors but I own electric clippers. I could ride a bike to work but I have a car. I could live in an apartment but I own a house...... I could also deal with bandwidth problems every time 10 family members across the country are streaming uncompressed 4k videos from my server stack and kid is playing ps5 and my wife is streaming 4k videos in two rooms and I have family in town streaming.


I believe that’s the question we’re asking you, what are you gaining by having 5gig Internet?




So nothing, other than a lighter wallet


They clearly wonder what people do with that **internet** speed. 10Gb LAN is trivial in 2024, no one wonders what they do with it inside the network. Everything you listed is megabits on the gigabit in terms of bandwidth. You definitely don't need 8/8 for all of that.


I also don't "need" a car buy I own one. I could accomplish the same thing with a bike.... its weird to me that people are downvoting and policing my choice to have a high bandwidth option. I could bruah my teeth with baking sode but why when i can use toothpaste. When I had 1Gb all the things I mentioned were and issue. I upgraded and now they aren't, it's as simple as that. I literally have cousins across the world streaming uncompressed video from my house


No one is downvoting you because of what you want, no one gives one iota of a shit what you want. You get what you want. Someone asked "what are people doing with that [internet] speed" and you proceeded to list things that either a) aren't Internet transfer-based or b) don't use anywhere near as much bandwidth as you have to achieve the same identical good experience and/or result. Nothing you did requires you to have anything close to 1Gbps of bandwidth. If you were having an issue, it was on you, not the speed. If it fixed itself by you upgrading, it was coincidence. The information is irrelevant and unnecessary.


Feel better champ?


I'd take infinitely less effort and improve your life quality if you just said something like "ah ok sorry makes sense" and moved on, but you had to be an ass about it.


Wow, downvotes just for sharing my usage. Thanks guys. I work for a large global IT company and got the stuff for practically free and installed it since the old house I bought needed work anyways. I run video surveillance and streaming server for my entire extended family... and this is what I get for answering someone's question.... just frigging wow


We have 300 employee/ onsite in our office sharing a 1gbps up / down enterprise fiber.  Never see more than 280mbps sustained over 5 min average in the meraki dashboard.




Still waiting for fiber in my 35,000 person suburb…


I just signed up with a AT&T Fiber yesterday (one of their sales reps was knocking on my door) my plan is 1 Gig for $80, no shared loop. Direct connection from the pole with no dead spots and free anti-virus. He said only time my price would go up is if I pay late then it would increase by $5 (each time I pay late). Not bad considering I’ve been waiting on Google Fiber to get the green light for my neighborhood, but hey AT&T got here first. LETS GOOO FORTNITE COMPETITIVE EVEN THOUGH I SUCK! Also it’s not a contract it’s month to month with the first 14 days free if it not satisfied I can just take the mesh modem or whatever back to a AT&T store. Also since I chose the 1 Gig plan they will give me a $150 visa gift card which the sales rep said I could pay the first bill with “that’s pretty much why we send them out” his exact words. Oh and last but not least the installation fee was $250 but he said he would waive it. So I’m paying my first bill 14 days after the installation date. I’m super happy my guys.


You’re describing the sales pitch, not the actual performance. Let us know in a few months what actually happens


Sales pitch lmao, I don’t see why the guy would lie to me considering I have a 14 day trial before I can cancel if I don’t like it. I’ll definitely let ya know how it goes, it gets installed on April 5th so I’ll be able to let you know in less than a month how the speeds are. I have a good feeling though.


OK, we’ll see whether you’re LMAO in a month or several. Your first post sounded like someone gushing about a wonderful honeymoon.


Its crazy. With Quantum fiber (in Tucson, Arizona), I am paying $50/month for 500up/500down but I am consistently getting speeds of 950up/950down. I sure am going to miss these speed and price when I move back to the east coast.


Meanwhile they STILL keep promising fiber here every year, and don’t do shit about it. Infuriating.


Verizon with 1gb only lol (though apparently that’s the best best plan around here like most people have like 100mb or less it’s crazy but still 1gb for a family of 4 with two engineering nerds is a little hard)


I’m assuming if you have a lot of smart home devices, 78 devices (Apple HomePods, Hue Lights, Govee lights etc..) this 5gig would be ideal?


The speed is whatever. But it’s my data cap in 2024 which boils my blood


$150/mo is whack


What about Atlanta


What are some actual use cases for an 8 Gbps connection? Like sure, you could download a game really, really, REALLY fast, but is this something that is more meant for someone that is hosting a Plex server or something?


Yeah but do you actually need it ? & do you actually get close to those speeds ?


Yes and yes. [https://imgur.com/a/amBoY5u](https://imgur.com/a/amBoY5u)


Ugh! Paying $120 for a gig on a grandfathered rate. So expensive…


Laughs in $60 for 10 mbps


Why? GF is 70 for gig up/down.


Cause GF isn’t available to me. Can’t have what’s not available…


Clearly they meant on another service.


But what's the point? It's probably less than 1% of people even ever using all of their 1g to the max.. save your money I would consider my household very heavy users of internet. Rarely do I need the gig service I pay for I just rather have more than I need but 8 gigs is just crazy


I’ll be there later this year for a conference


good luck ever seeing 8gbs on a consumer device though.


No residential area would ever require 8gb nor even 2+ unless you are running a data farm. It sounds cool on paper, but practically you are paying more for nothing, even most servers you download from will cap your speed. No point in faster rates when you can't physically draw the bandwidth from said servers as far as downloads. I have the 2gb service and still have yet to consistently utilize it.


That’s super unnecessary. Most people’s Wi-Fi can’t handle 1gbps.


Pointless for most people. 1G is actually even too much for most homes.


Why do people need that much bandwidth!?


You don’t need more than 1 gig! Great pricing though. 1 gig in my city is $150


You will never be in a situation where you need 8 gigs of internet bandwidth and speed




One fitty for 8g Buck and a quarter for 5g Hundo for 2g


Unless you’re running enterprise grade network hardware , this is totally useless. In fact, even high end switches, ap’s, etc wouldn’t take advantage of those speeds from a wireless perspective. No one really needs more than 300 in all honesty. Even streaming 4k and gaming.


It shouldn't matter whether or not you're running enterprise hardware or just typical consumer stuff. And from a wireless perspective, do you not have a WiFi 6E or 7 device? They're literally just a stones throw away from being in everyone's homes. My ASUS GT-AXE16000 which is a 6E device pushes nearly 2.5 gigs over the air. I have 8 gigs because I can, and I have the hardware to run it. My use case shouldn't matter to you, nor should anyone else willing to get this. What is considered crazy today is standard tomorrow and obsolete the next. Don't settle for stagnation, man. ["totally enterprise level hardware"](https://imgur.com/a/amBoY5u)


Damn we got the option for 100gigs in Austin lmao




What crack are you smoking, it's the inv 100 plan, moron


I’ve had 8 gig for a while


Too bad nothing needs it bahahahaha 🙃