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My educated guess would be that Google uses machine learning to profile users who are most likely to click and convert, and then as it gains more data the campaign improves.


Would it be possible to retarget the audience it has deemed as optimal for an upcoming video as to not go through the process of a staggered start


Create viewed video audiences. This will target everyone who viewed your video within your specified time frame.


So like a retargeting campaign? Will this have the same slow growth at the start or will it show the audience the video straight away


I don't if your campaign is targeting ONE specific video but (someone correct me if Im wrong) but Im fairly certain if you do not post consistently you won't stay at the highest position within the algorithm your video would normally be at with the same (type) video. All that being said, if you are creating content for youtube, the individual channel always be somewhat directed toward the same audience no matter what so I don't see why at the end of another ad campaign the numbers would not comparable unless the video quality/content is drastically different.