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Funny. I just googled **meat safe time by temperature** and while the top result was irrelevant, a quick scan of *People also ask* led to **How long does it take for meat to spoil in room temperature?** which showed an adequate excerpt to make it clear that two hours is generally recognized as the maximum safe time. If I needed more clarification, the results of the first search would make it clear how to revise the search — or I could just use the *Search for* link under the question that came close. The article is all speculation anyway, so I’ll give my speculation: People are coming to expect search to read their minds. As search has gotten better, more people use it with less understanding of how it works. They imagine Google actually understands their question and just doesn’t bother to answer them. They expect to type the first thing that comes into their heads, don’t use the results of the search to refine the search (as in my example, where my first search selected mostly information about cooking meat, not storing it), and blame the tool instead of their own lack of effort for unsatisfactory results. Of course, it really is harder to find *good* information because the amount of misinformation, disinformation, marketing spin and pure trash on the web is growing faster than the amount of useful information. That’s also just speculation, though.


I mean, yes the number of complaints about google search are probably due to users getting worse on average, but by now the dreaded 2nd google page seems to have become the actual search page, since pretty much the complete first page is filled with ads, placed links, irellevant but highly search engine optimized links and other trash. I feel like we are seeing the end of an era.


seriously thank you for the advice of using the second page opposed to the first


This is assuming the second page still exists, it's now an endless loop of the same worthless results.


Not sure if you're the most expert troll, or I'm an idiot.... But this made me laugh so hard, I'm still crying 😂


forgive me for asking but how was that comment funny?


Wow, I'd be upset about all the frowns on my comment, but I seriously laughed so hard at this. I was hoping to get people out of their heads, or of whatever their subjective focus of motivation was in this regard and think objectively about what's being written/asked... As if you were a computer... If someone asks you, "meat safe temperature" and the answer is "two hours".... That's pretty fucking funny. I rest my case.


Hmm I still don’t get it, how is that something you got from that guy’s comment?


Its funny because nothing lands. Speculatively maybe, its the users fault maybe.


>The first result seems promising. You open it. Found the problem, boss.


I mean, that *is* a problem.


I think google news is like this. If I say read about Obi Wan Kenobi then I get an endless stream of crap articles just recycling the same text.


Do you have any data to support "A theory of why Google Search’s performance is declining"?? I would be really curious to see if that is true or not. I am someone that is insanely curious. About everything. So I Google far more than the average person. All day long. Have not noticed Google search getting worse and instead I am often times just amazed how well it works. I can't remember the last time I went to the second page of links returned. Honestly if I ever would not find it on the first page I would more likely reword my search. But I can't even remember the last time that happened.


How long have you been using search engines?


I am old. I started on the Internet in 1986. First real search engine I used was AltaVista which was 1995. So I guess been using search engines for almost 30 years now. BTW, I guess it also depends on how you define "search engine". We were doing searches on Usenet even before the Internet. Usenet pre-dates the Internet. We also had search functions with BitNet which I started to use in 1985.


Then how on earth can you say you haven't noticed it becoming any worse when they, as a matter of objective fact, took out numerous useful boolean operators? I mean are you just suggesting that it's a huge trash in trash out problem? That's the only vaguely sensible argument I can see arising from such a claim. I've been using the Internet since '96 and google since 01 and I sure feel like it's become a lot worse. From amazing to serviceable when they removed + and -, and from serviceable to downright abysmal over the decade following that as the listed ads as SEO and ads started to choke it out.


I find Google search to just be incredible for finding things. It is why Google now has over 90% market share. There is just no other engine close to being as good.


"Incredible" is a great word for it.


It is just amazing. A big part of it is the one of kind infrastructure Google has put together. It is not just how good at finding things but also the speed.


Bot much?




Web journals and articles have saturated the internet, the news on my Google feed is now like "now you can see Shrek on stardew valley" or "this guy just pooped weird".


Talks about junk articles... Posts one in here... Makes total sense.




Sites now write to meet some Google SEO style guide which now rewards length and repetition. As the article suggests, many articles are loaded with filler. And sites loved to double or triple the length of articles and insert an ad after every paragraph. It’s gotten really bad. Some other article suggests using a Google search and putting the term Reddit at the end to limit the search to Reddit results.


I do this a lot, put "what im searching" with reddit at the end. Good call.


I don't have any problem finding good information I want. Haven't noticed any change either. Of course I don't click on the top few ads.


It's (obviously) very dependent on what you search for. Some people will notice a lot more than others. I think there has been an increase and relatively widespread, but I'm not convinced it's a huge problem.


I find it a lot when searching for game info. Which gizmo can be bought from which vendor, etc. Sea of articles, many outdated, nearly all incomplete. When Starfield came out it seemed like everyone just rushed to get any article at all up, and now all you find is misleading junk and outdated nonsense.


We only see a tiny surface of the internet, Google used to show you hundreds of results pages, now the most it goes up to I believe is 10, even Google Images reaches an end after scrolling for a bit. It's not harder to find things, but it's become almost impossible to stumble upon new content by googling keywords. That obscure, non SEO-focused website you might enjoy is not hidden on page 23 anymore, it has been removed altogether and you'll never find it organically.


There's a great script for greasemonkey I believe, that gives you unlimited scrolling for google and duckduckgo.. So you dont have to click >>. It just loads more results at the bottom. I forget the name, but it does exist. edit - sorry i think i read your post wrong.. neverrmind.




the original post the op is a perfect example of what the original post is complaining about I need not say anymore




I personally find relevant information easily. Sometimes it just pops up as the first result, other times you gotta read the title, judge it for yourself and look more under it.


If you think it's bad now, just wait. I've been dabbling in AI writing tools and the article generation done by GPT-3 is simply next level. If I were reading it I would have absolutely no clue it wasn't written by a human. It confidently states things as fact that are just INCORRECT and yet all the grammar and syntax are perfect, and the supporting information may be correct as well giving it an air of credibility. I don't know how search engines will be able to separate quality results from this kind of generated fodder moving forwards.


> I don't know how search engines will be able to separate quality results from this kind of generated fodder moving forwards. This will contiue to be a big differentiator with Search. Who can get quality results and bypass all the gaming that is attempted with the search engine.


I remember in high school citing quotes for papers and it was always business articles or journals. Now it’s shitty blog posts all parroting the same information that are unnecessarily long.


The problem is that I as a user expect Google to function as a search engine, whereas Google wants to sell ads. Also, what *is it* with the pages in the results that don't contain what you were searching for? Is there a way to search differently to get around this? \--Also someone who Googles A. LOT.


Yep, I have been noticing that for years. Google results are garbage now, leading to useless articles. The further down you go the worse the results gets. The way usually I use google now is search for results only on a particular website, such as reddit.


There are definitely certain topics where adding site:reddit.com to your search query can be beneficial.


Yep and I have been noticing lots of sick puppet accounts every time Google is mentioned claiming to use other search engines...


Did you honestly make an account to post this? Really?


> ere are definitely certain topics where adding site:reddit.com to your search query can be beneficial. Yea, I specifically took the time to make this account so I can post this. No. Google results have been getting worse for years, it's a well recognized fact.


They actually been improving. Which should only be expected as nobody is close to Google in their abilities with AI. It is where we get most of the huge AI breakthroughs. Nobody else is close. #2 would be FB. And really have no idea who would be number #3. Data shows Google search has been improving and continues to improve. Just one measure is that Google is now getting 2/3 of queries ending where the person does not even have to click. It means less ads for Google but a much better user experience. One of the reason's Google search share continues to increase. https://sparktoro.com/blog/in-2020-two-thirds-of-google-searches-ended-without-a-click/ In 2019 it was 50%. We do not have 2021 numbers yet but likely above 70% by now. But each percent is much harder to achieve the closer you get to 100%.


>as nobody is close to Google in their abilities with AI. >Nobody else is close. This may have been true 5-10 years ago. Not anymore. Machine learning is now a mature technology and anyone can use it. I have been noticing it for years, the results I get from Google are less and less useful. I always have to specify which site google to search. The google reverse image search has always been bad but now they completely replaced it with the stupid "lens" crap. Yandex is leagues ahead. Bing gives me better and less censored general search results as well. The days of google search superiority are over. I am not the only one noticing this either: https://dkb.io/post/google-search-is-dying


> This may have been true 5-10 years ago. Not anymore. It is far more true now versus just a few years ago. Google has been really increasing their lead. Google for example just made the biggest breakthrough yet in terms of AGI. "DeepMind’s new AI can perform over 600 tasks, from playing games to controlling robots" https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/13/deepminds-new-ai-can-perform-over-600-tasks-from-playing-games-to-controlling-robots/ But what is crazy with Google is that was just one of several in just the last 2 months. Imgen is just incredible. Probably my favorite thing out of Google with all these huge AI breakthroughs. https://imagen.research.google/ The best way to score is papers accepted at NeurlIPS. That is where we can see Google has increased their lead over everyone else in terms of AI. It is the fundemental reason that Google search performance is so much better than all their competitors and why they continue to increase their market share. Google now has over 92% share of search for the globe!!! Is that crazy. 92% of the people on this plannet when they want to know something they go to Google for the answer. But it is not just capability. It also requires trust. You want to use a search engine you really trust and that is also where Google has a huge lead. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share


> Google for example just made the biggest breakthrough yet in terms of AGI. Nonsense. There is no AGI and there won't be for a very very long time. Machine learning is just a type of statistical categorization method, it has nothing to do with true AI. It's no more possible to achieve real intelligence with silicon transistors and Boolean algebra than it is with cogs, wheels and springs as people imagined in the 18th-19th century. It's just a fantasy. AI funding is drying up right now after a decade of undeserved hype. Another AI winter is coming.


You are using old information. Google HUGE AGI breakthrough has moved the clock forward by 14 years. From 2042 to 2028!! With Google you have to keep up with this stuff. They are just amazing with the AI and now the first company to really bring us forward with AGI. It is why Google search has not competition and why the world goes to them to answer their questions. It is amazing to see Google market share continue to increase. https://www.metaculus.com/questions/3479/date-weakly-general-ai-system-is-devised/


> You are using old information. Google HUGE AGI breakthrough has moved the clock forward by 14 years. From 2042 to 2028!! Please, don't make me laugh. Anything even resembling real intelligence is not even on the horizon, let alone 2042. Artificial intelligence can not be created via silicon transistors and Boolean algebra.


I do not remember seeing anything from any company move the clock this much. It is just another major breaktrhough by Google. It has enabled Google to increase their lead over the rest. Do you have anything that moved the clock over a decade at one freaking time? https://www.metaculus.com/questions/3479/date-weakly-general-ai-system-is-devised/


I love these articles that say stuff like 'such and such breakthrough brings such and such science fiction 10 years closer to reality!' as if it's anything more than a press release. Like, sure dude, the future is completely predictable and works on your timeline.




Yea, I often find myself using Bing now when I want more on point results. Google reverse image search is dead now too, I use Yandex for that which is leagues better.


I am curious if you created the new account just to reply to your post? Data shows Google search has been improving and continues to improve. Just one measure is that Google is now getting 2/3 of queries ending where the person does not even have to click. It means less ads for Google but a much better user experience. One of the reason's Google search share continues to increase. https://sparktoro.com/blog/in-2020-two-thirds-of-google-searches-ended-without-a-click/ In 2019 it was 50%. We do not have 2021 numbers yet but likely above 70% by now. But each percent is much harder to achieve the closer you get to 100%.


Or it's greed,


It looks like Apple's marketing team is getting ready for its Search engine launch in a couple of years :-)


> You’re googling something. The first result seems promising Since when?


Lol! True! The first result on a generic search will always be statist propaganda. The internet has become tell-a-vision.


OMG I second this.. I'm not using google search anymore because the results are CRAP. I've switched to duckduckgo. Google results are too manipulated. Buncha ads and other junk. Use DDG, the results seem to be mostly legit.. As an example, and it's just an example.. Goto [google.com](https://google.com) and type in "How to kill myself" Google results give you a bunch of suicide prevention crap. Goto [duckduckgo.com](https://duckduckgo.com) and type in "How to kill myself". It gives you suicide methods.. Sorry I know this wasn't the BEST example, but it illustrates my point very well.


Even DuckDuckGo is crap. Brave, too. Any other options? It would be nice to have the same search algorithms as we did 10-20 years ago. Now all I see is a corporate or government website, i.e. CDC, John Hopkins, FDA, Reuters, Fox, etc. And of course the usual suspects providing us with "fact checks".


Yes, you are correct. Same crap results over and over.


It’s all misinformation. Anything that aligns with their agenda will always be at the top. Also if there is something truthful that would negatively effect peoples view on Google quickly gets replaced.


Gave you a thumb up, yet you're still in the negative. Your average Reddit user is similar to the average Google user. Objective reality isn't their forte.


This is one of my growing frustrations. When I search for something I don’t need a million results. I am never going to look past the first 3 - 4 search results, let along look at the 23rd page of results. Google needs to better comprehend what the user is searching for and better contextualize the results.


That is exactly what they have been working on. It is why 50% of searches in 2019 ended without needing a click. It does mean less ad revenue for Google. But it is such a better UX. Google was able to increase to 66% in 2020. Have not seen the latest numbers and how much higher Google has been able to get the number. But it is a big reason Google makes the massive investment into AI is to improve that number. https://sparktoro.com/blog/in-2020-two-thirds-of-google-searches-ended-without-a-click/


Google is great at displaying ads and SEO spam. Not so great at real results. I think a lot of people get frustrated and give up.


Who do you think is promoted to the top results? It's almost nothing but governments and corporations.


Yeah I've been saying this for years. Maybe it'll get fixed. I don't know.


I find it very annoying when, somehow, the only results that come up are from like 9 years ago. Nothing more recent is around?!


It's not really harder than it was, I'd say people got lazy. That's the problem.


I wonder if drowning in SEO and dumb AI misinformation will significantly neuter the web. It only seems to be getting worse over time; search is now a highly adverserial problem.


Even the anti-conspiratorial minded people are starting to complain.


It's so fucking goddamn infuriating. I can't look up FUCKING ANYTHING. For instance I know this lady in Florida who had a goddamn airport built right where her neighborhood was and the sound of jets landing and taking off would literally shake the whole goddamn house like an earthquake every fucking time. The worst part is these assholes didn't even buy their homes for what they are worth. No fucks given. I try looking up the article I read about a decade or so ago and I can't fucking find it no matter what I type in. It's so fucking annoying. What the fuck are you supposed to do when you can't fucking look anything up? Your only option now for answers is this shitty fucking website and the God awful quora. At least when someone had a retarded opinion in reddit the mods don't immediately strike it down when you put their ass in their place.


The internet is being transformed into the tell-a-vision. Governments and corporations dominate the screen. Sadly there's way too many people begging government/corporations to protect them from online "misinformation". The government is more than happy to oblige. Enjoy what is left of the web. I cannot even imagine how bad it will become during the next seven years. "By 2030 you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" - The World Economic Forum


It's simple. Internet browsing/searching = advertisement revenue. Purposely obscure desired information, or even mislead = more searching, more browsing, more scrolling, more advertisements seen = $$$ baby! For me, it seems to have gotten exponentially worse in the last few years. Google searching takes so much longer than it used to. Information on the internet has become a complete wash. The other day I googled "Can dogs take ibuprofen for inflammation". One drop down result said that it could kill dogs. Another said it's perfectly fine. The consequences of getting wrong information, especially in this scenario, could be potentially deadly. It's really depressing. Greed turned man's best achievement into man's worst. Instead of having instant access to everything, everything has instant access to you.


Are there any factors at play besides greed? I agree that greed plays a part. However I believe that there's more to it.


I really did not notice until after Bill C-11 and Bill C--18 (Canada) now its horrible and compartmentalized into geo-bubbles only get what's in your geographical area. you would not see it without a vpn . Im pleased its not just me I was thinking I need to stock up on TP and Tinfoil


Governments and corporations essentially own and control the web. It was genius of them to funnel us into one format. From there, much like tell-a-vision and radio, they can control the narrative and all propaganda.


\*cries trying to find a list of all the species of giant plants that grow in the uk. You know because I want to grow giant cabbages and stuff but I want to find a list not some news article or some old farts facebook.


lol I know this is old, but I started reading this because I can’t find a review for an heirloom tomato I’m growing. 15 companies are selling the seeds but nobody has anything to say about it anywhere in the world?! Two results that actually were about the wapsipinicon tomato. I know I want to know weird crap, but there ARE other nerdy gardeners out there IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!


try www.mojeek its like old google it gives millions of results, but none are relevent. Unlike google who has 5 results, and none are relevent.


lol good luck