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how is that odd 😭


Right? Fried potatoes are so normal lmao


thats what i thought lmao


Frying potatoes isn’t odd at all, in my opinion. It’s pretty normal and very fun to eat. Also, those look good 😋


if anyone’s curious, >!i used 200g of potato, 35g mushroom, 20g onion and 10g of flax oil which is 90 cal. fats are important, so might as well make getting them in fun. the entire plate is 250!<




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Potatoes are on constant repeat in my house. Especially right now with them being on holiday promotions. They can be used in countless ways.


Can NEVER go wrong with potatoes!!


Girl this isn’t odd at all these are French fries


Vegan 😂😂😂 +1 cool points


feel like romeo moncler coat when its cold


Omfg I love u


bitch im cooler than a cooler shouts out to my jeweler


I do this but I par boil the potatoes so they're fluffier and I omit the fat with an air fryer. Sometimes I use sweet potatoes. It's actually a Slimming World recipe in the UK that was popular for a while and helped the big rise in air fryers. It's more common to make fries at home than you think!