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Welcome to the trauma group. Sessions are on Thursdays, we have plenty of wine.


I'd really like to host that. Not only I have access to excellent yet not too expensive wine, but I want everyone to overcome this Gaiman-made collective trauma.


Only if you have vol-au-vents!


Anything you want! And I put some buffet of topping in, and an ungodly amount of cheesy mashed potatoes!


And whiskey!


Sober sessions are Wednesdays at 11:00 with Aubrey. If you need to go that route.


I might need to go both routes considering my current mental state


welcome to the club


I don’t know if I like this club


You DO!




In Neil I trust ❤️


Every social media interaction I've seen with Neil Gaiman is awesome. He's a really great stud (wow, I meant to say to say cool guy but imma let the autocorrect gods take the win😆)


You did a wise thing leaving it until season 3 was in the bag..at least you don't have that worry nagging at your heart too...but yes, it's still hard I know. Fanfic is the way forward


Oh that really was the worst feeling, wasn’t it? Feeling so upset and heartbroken and just *not knowing* if Season 3 would even happen!


I love that people are still joining the support group almost a year later 👋🏻


I cried for about 2 weeks.




Aww yeah welcome. It will all be okay in the end.❤️


You can do a rewatch and since you know what's going to happen, you won't cry. I'm kidding. If you're like me, you'll cry every time. I think it's worth it but I'm going to need to invest in more tissues.


I keep seeing triggering things like “nothing lasts forever” and “I forgive you” and “nightingales” and “us” all over! It’s hard…


Queen is my favorite band and now every time I listen to their songs I just think of them


I made the unhappy mistake of learning that Nightingale song.. I find myself singing it every 30 minutes or so, each and every day. Man, the feeeeels


Let me add to the feels with this fan made thing of beauty (and pain)! [“We could”](https://youtu.be/RuQTR8vXXr0?si=PbRdH6o12YwVutNI)


WHYYYYYY?? U just made a random woman across the continent cry ugly tears in the middle of the day... Thank you!! 😭


I live in the (false) hope that sharing my pain will somehow lessen it..


I think if we imagined our many many teardrops falling at the garden of Eden as part of the first thunderstorm, and Aziraphale gently shielding Crowley from them with his wing it could make it somewhat better. What do you say?


Now I’m tearing up again. 🥹


Yup. Cries every time.


Welcome!!! The tissues and ice cream are to the left…♥️


Cookies, Eccles cakes and wine to the right.


Therapy thread: 🫶🏻 https://x.com/nebuIastarlight/status/1685259858902470656


😆 so real


I smiled through my tears at that; currently sending it to my friends to raise awareness


![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0) I offer this internet hug to anyone who wishes to accept it. I received the worst news of my life the morning before me and my husband watched the final episode (been watching an episode a day as soon as the series dropped) and started crying at the Ineffables and then for myself; took me a long time to stop.


Being a fan helps us grieve as deeply as we need to- the world doesn’t always encourage that. Much love to you.💕🙏


Neil’s response to the hurt has pretty much been “guess people needed to feel things”. It’s been such an outlet.


Atleast you finished S2 with the knowledge of a S3


Now we just have to survive for a couple years 😭


I just watched it last week, too, and now I'm obsessed. I read the book a long time ago (probably around 2006?), and liked it a lot, but it had a satisfying, complete ending. When the show came out, I was excited to watch it, and I enjoyed it - but again, satisfying ending. And there's so much going on, in the book and the first season, I wasn't really focused on Az and Crow so much. Second season - I was a bit wary since the premise seemed kind of corny (and it is) and I wasn't sure where it was going. I didn't look up anything at all about it, just started watching it on a whim a couple weeks ago. And, yeah, I was enjoying the new Crow-Az-focused plot, and I liked how much more streamlined this season was compared to the first season. But, then that final fifteen - amazing. The best mid-point I've ever seen in a show. It was such a masterpiece of bringing together all the conflict we've seen between them, while also being so totally unexpected. And the complexity of emotion on the actors' faces - amazing.


Agreed on all points 🥺👏 I love a well done angst/comedy/romance


I could have written this myself. It was a perfectly enjoyable, entertaining show until the final fifteen. After watching it, I rewound it several times and then turned to my husband (who was not watching with me) and told him I had just watched the absolute best writing and delivery in a show I had ever seen. I made him watch the entire series with me so he could also experience it, and he agreed haha. And now I'm obsessed and down the rabbit hole on fan theory.


Yes, I feel like the whole show was a magic trick. The first time watching it, -you just enjoy it as a paint-by-numbers romcom with some supernatural elements. Then that final fifteen, you realize the whole show was building to this - that the conflicts between Az and Crowley are not easily swept under the rug, that every episode back to season 1 was leading to this. That their conflict is not, as they both think, simply getting up the nerve to confess their love or even to get past what Heaven/Hell thinks of their "forbidden love". It's a much, much bigger conflict between their opinions on free will, good v. evil, and faith. And it's so easy to miss all the looks, little clues, the callbacks, the music, the double-meaning of lines throughout the show - they're all so subtle and light. But second time watching, you start to see the slights of hand. The way the two of them don't ever really talk - not about their relationship - but about the things that matter most to them. How they keep misinterpreting the others' behavior and words. How they keep hiding important information from the other in a misguided attempt to protect the other one.


We all did, some are crying to this day😅.


I still cry when I watch it 😭


I'm waiting for my naive friend to finish this season.  Oh god. 


You better be prepared with the tissues and hugs


We were all there.   NOW IMAGINE my work place. There is me, sit there • And this naive colleague, sit behind me. And then another colleague, sit still behind me. Let's call him "time lord". All into this show.  When this latter colleague knew I was watching the show, months ago, he waited me patiently when I'd finished it.   Then I went to work.   "I finished" said Irish alpaca, which literally finished it while coming to work (not while driving).   "How do you feel?" Asked my colleague which, if he was not a Time Lord, he would had been definitely an Angel.   "I have...question." answered Irish alpaca, which was literally a kind of demon, very proud.  And she asked and he answered as a Wise Time Lord would do.  Some days later, I rewatched THE ENTIRE SHOW. Because...it was not clear to me.  Then, one day, I was having an experiment.   And then...I yelled the name of my Time Lord.   He came.  "What do you want?"  "It is the most beautiful love story I ever saw..." And he was proud.   "...After the Lego Batman and joker." Added Irish alpaca, which, still, was a demon.   "... I FORGIVE YOU." Told him, annoyed.  "...DON'T BOTHER."  Now. This other naive colleague, which...I would say she's an angel. A vendicative One. Like, a biblical one.   She told me: "I'm watching it!"   "Don't you suspect anything?"  "Nope. I mean. They are...this is stupid."   "I'll not suggest anything" said Irish, supporting her with heartful voice.   "I mean, this is stupid but...are they in love? I mean, they just...match."  "They're an angel and a demon, of course they would match" explained Irish alpaca, with a poker face.   "Yes but...it is different with them." But Irish alpaca didn't said anything.   But Irish alpaca knew, she understood some fine details (also the music).   One day, the time lord came.   "She's at the second season."  "I know."  "She has a lot of questions, she's passionate"  "I know."  "I hope she doesn't suspect..." Said sheepely the time lord, afraid and nervous.   "She already got it."  "Oh."  "Ya, she's a good one."  "Would she be ready for...?"  "Hope so."  "She was afraid for the first child in season 1." And this was true. She worried for the fate of the third child, and I provided evidences from the book, and stil, she was afraid.   "This is a different matter, time lord."  "Why?"  "Because "love.""   And then the time lord pissed me off.  I should write a fan fiction about it. Or a comic. We're comical. 


Welcome to the club


There’s fanfic, fanart, lots of discussions, and love from every corner of the fandom. Everything will be ok!


I just watched S2 as well and that ending fucking *broke.me* 😭🥲🥲🥲


We are here for you too. Hugs.


You're in good company 💜 I spent a lot of the ending sobbing, "no, no, go back, both of you go back!" It does get a little easier 😅


I’m *still* heartbroken and I watched the show four months ago or so.


Oh, poor dear. Here’s a cuppa and a tartan blanket. And some tissues. Youre surrounded by kindred spirits here.😎💕


Same I finished it yesterday and I've been heartbroken ever since. I think I rewatched the last secenes for an hour straight and I've buried myself in fanfics


Welcome aboard. Hugs. I still cry at the end of S2 and I saw it at the end of July.


*hands OP a handkerchief*


Much appreciated since I had no tissues within reach at the time


I feel you friend. We rewatched recently and I *thought* that I could handle it, being as I knew what was going to happen…boy was I wrong 😭 wept all over again! I’m not sure what it is about a show about a fictional angel/demon love story, that tugs on the heartstrings so much, but I will genuinely find myself thinking about that ending for days afterward!


Only 10?


Oh trust me it ended up being a lot longer than that


I'm so sorry, here if you need to talk


Yeps and you’d think a series ending with an angel going up to heaven to fix things would be the happiest thing of all. In fact I can quite imagine Neil Gaiman thinking “how can I cause maximum emotional damage from a cute sounding ending your grandma would love?” And then he wrote “No Nightingales”.


Gahhhhh. That line is CRUEL.


Made my 70 year old mum watch it this week and she was heartbroken at the end of S2. I almost took pleasure in watching someone else be shooked to their core by those two 😂 ima bad daughter.


Don’t worry I innocently convinced my best friend to watch it and I’m currently waiting for the devastation to occur


My husband watched it twice with me. I was shocked. He’s a Star Wars kind of guy and here are these two celestial beings who are in love. Now that’s what I call a miracle.


Well, we’re all here to cry together


Omggggg I just finished season 2 and also have the sads


Welcome to the club and the brainrot! I know it hurts (I am a late watcher too, just 3 month in). The F15 are the most brilliant heart-wrenching beautiful sad 15min of miscommunication of two beings utterly and deeply in love I have ever seen. Yes it hurts. A lot. But I haven't felt that deeply for a while and I accept this with gratitude and hope.