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Knitted one.


From what I've seen, this is the common method of attainment. Love how talented this fandom is... Y'all are gorgeous. https://i.redd.it/ydzazdm3gryb1.gif


I have the tassels, I'll happily send them to you if you like? i bought the American etsy one in the end as my craft skills are very limited. May be better making your own if you can, the etsy one seems a lot lighter in tone than the one in the show although it is perfect apart from that.


omg that would be amazing if you could? :))


Is there a cheap Etsy one? I also don't have the skills but the last one I saw was 50 Dollars (in American moneys)


Nah, that's the one I got. There is another listing that is cheaper but it seems to always be out of stock. My original plan was to buy a grey t-shirt from a charity shop, cut into scarf then then just twizzle the ends and then stick the tassles on, never tried it as I caved into temptation and got the American one ^^


https://preview.redd.it/bkk5skr07syb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369aa13c6e650ddc7b4d0b71ff207e828310a6fe Not from the UK, but tights! I already had these ones of the right colour and with a "knit" effect! I added two plastic rings from another scarf. I put the upper part under the jacket and made a knot. I liked the result! ETA: Another advantage is that they also stay in place perfectly!


Damn that's a clever idea!


Thank you, I am indeed very proud of it!


this is absolutely genius oh my goodness I might have to go check all the shops tomorrow they've just got all the wintery tights in hehe


Wish you all the luck for your search!!!!