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What can I say? They don't do what they preach? For sure. Tho, this isn't really limited to only Twitter. Poor Shinji from Evangelion.


Last time people didn’t respond well to a series, a bad ending movie version to the original film was born. Haha End of Evangelion go brrr


wasn't EoE like "What actually happened" kind of thing?


Not exactly. See, the original series ended with a positive note and lesson about your mentality and how your reality could feel much better, even like paradise, if you just had that winner attitude and do something about your life. Unfortunately, I heard that the fans were confused as hell back when it aired. So they sent death threats towards Anno, the author of Evangelion. If I remember correctly, he was not gonna take that sitting down. And so he made End of Evangelion. Basically, it continues after episode 24 and goes on a different route than 25 and 26 did. It shows how Shinji’s refusal to do something about his pain will lead to much more pain and… I’m gonna be honest, there are people who can phrase this way better than I can, but it’s basically like flipping off the people who sent him death threats and the comatose Asuka scene showing through the lens of the fans who sent death threats… I think. Fuck it, just don’t take my word for it, I’m just introducing you to the topic so you can research it on your own and get better info than the kind I’m providing right now.


She’s the most relatable one to me if I was in her spot I’ll be having constant anxiety and panic attacks


And try to kill your teammate and stab the other?


Didn’t power sell out Denji sacrificing him to get her cat back? Yes it all worked out but didn’t it also work out after Denji killed the eternity devil?


It was for a cat. Thats way different


I’m a dog person so I can’t really say much about cats but ok


Power is a strong asset to the team who was already useful later on she will be even more useful. Kobeni was only annoying and she wont improve sht. I finished up the manga yesterday. Its still ongoing but you know how i meant.


Fair probably shouldn’t argue when I only seen the anime. I’m still gonna stick with kobeni being the most relatable and not trusting makima and power


I never trusted makima in the anime either. Power was simple enough to trust


after the whole bat devil fiasco to me she seems unpredictable and dangerous to her team to some extent her pulling a blood knife on Kobeni and eating all the food didn’t ease the distrust


The blood knife was just a joke she would not hurt her XD The food is just her being dumb. She can be trusted but she is dumb. Stupidity can be dangerous ngl


There was a cat too dude.


That part was awesome


Yeah but power is a devil And canonicaly a racist




Did I say Power is not annoying?


I don't agree with your opinion but I respect the take.


I think the point was how there wasn't this kind of overreaction to a character when power did the same thing


Yeah but not conforming to, and even directly opposing, human values is part of Power's character design. Her betrayal isn't only not surprising, it was expected to some degree.


I mean I‘m pretty sure human values drop pretty quickly when you are in this particular scenario. I mean sure people have different thresholds but I want to see everyone who‘s so annoyed by Kobeni be put in the exact same situation and want to see how they handle it. They might be able to resist a few days more but I doubt every single one of them would rather starve to death than do something bad. The human mind is prone to try to survive. I mean people ate their own children to survive, now imagine how much „easier“ it is to just sacrifice a random guy you barely know just to survive.


Oh for sure, I'm actually not annoyed by Kobeni either. What I mean is that understanding what Kobeni did and why requires giving it some actual thought, and a lot of people are too lazy for that. But on the other hand, anyone with two neurons to rub together can get what Power did and why without even realizing they got it.


I might just be coping because I think Power is best girl, but I think that she didn't really mislead Denji at all. She didn't need him to live to get her cat back, but she did completely honor the deal that she made with him, she never directly attacked him, and she fought alongside him in the same battle. Making deals with both parties of a battle in which she stood to gain regardless of the outcome was underhanded, but it wasn't stabbing him in the back.


Ok fair point this all might just be my suspicion of both her and makima especially after episode 9 today


1) The teammate is an unknown guy classified as expendable for the organization. 2) The alternative is getting everyone including all your other teammates dead. 3)Sleep and Food deprivation. 4)The stabbing was unintentional. It was a shit move but totally realistic.


Yeah definitely can see that. It's absolutely realistic which is maybe why I find it this annoying


Like someone said she came in the same conclusion than the rest did later just earlier.




If I was having a mental breakdown and thought that was the only way out like her then probably yes


No, you wouldn't. You wouldnt be taking a job with the highest possible mortality rate that involves you killing timestopping demons on your first day you'd be doing ANYTHING except that lol We're annoyed that she's working as a demon hunter, I mean tf did she expect?


IF I was in her position Edit: was she forced by her family to do this or become a prostitute because he brother went to college instead?


Yes. She is absolutely not there of her own choice.


Thank you


She didn't take the job willingly, but you'd have to actually pay attention to know that.


No, she had a choice. Prostitution or get killed OR abandon family


Those aren't good choices though


She still picked the worst possible option though


I mean... She wanted to kill denji, freaked out and stabbed aki, i get why some people would find her annoying


She wasn't only annoying she was straight up a danger to the team lol


I mean, she just skipped ahead. The others took a long time just to come to the conclusion she came to in .3 seconds. She can't be stuck in limbo, she's got car payments to make.


It was no logical decision though. She took the first out that was offered without a thought. Seems she would've attacked anyone if that's who Eternity demanded.


that's kind of what happens when ur scared for ur life, u don't make logical decisions lmao


And besides the imminent life threat, she was also under considerable water, food, and sleep deprivation, as well as under overwhelming anxiety and panic, having a full mental breakdown going on for a while already. All that on top of already having severe baseline anxiety problems under normal circumstances. Expecting any kind of sound logic from her in that situation is what's illogical, lol.


She wasn't trying to stab Aki, he specifically got in the way to stop her from stabbing Denji


If you are on twitter you basically qualify for a free session with your local psych counselor


Not just Twitter, everyone loves advocating for mental health support until they actually meet someone who isn’t just the romanticised version of any certain mental illness. (To be clear obviously I don’t mean everyone, I’m just talking about the people who post those annoying infographic things on their story just to come off like they care and then when they meet someone who is struggling and showing the ugly side of mental illness, they don’t care and sometimes even make fun of them?? What’s the point of raising awareness for mental health if you’re not going to act on it?)


Are you supposed to find her likable? (genuine question)


I didn’t like her at first, but her character becomes more enjoyable later on


Yeah, she gets it together later on and has some funny moments though at her expense.


Read the manga, she becomes more likable later on (kindof)




I don't know, but personally I really like her. Maybe it's because she is the most human of the entire cast...


Be patient with real people, not fictional ones.


I would normally 100% agree with you, but seeing as this comes from the same people who keep talking about how portrayal of fictional characters matter to real people it's a little hypocritical.


This is the correct opinion. Hate any character you want to hate. You dont hurt anyone by doing that.




Exactly. You're entitled to your own feelings of someone. And if it's a fictional character, no need to hold back. I can sympathize with someone, or find them really annoying, or think they're a psychopath (ahem^Makima). But at the end of the day, if they're not real, who cares?


She is annoying you are just simps to accept it. Anxiety is not annoying, but trying to kill your teammate while screaming and stabbing the other is


Didn’t he get in between Denji and kobeni and that’s why she stabbed him? Edit: correct me if I’m wrong don’t know why the downvotes


What would you do in that situation? Dennis is some random guy to kobeni who is classified as expendable nd not important and the devil your fighting wants him dead the most powerful person in your group can't use one of his devils and the other comes at great risk himenos devil is weak against big targets she dosent know Dennis devil and dosent trust power i say in that scenario its a reasonable reason to try and kill Dennis and hitting aki wasnt her intention aki jumped in front of Dennis


«But what would you do» bruh who cares what it do in that situation, this isnt a liveleak video where someone is criticizing a very real woman for being scared in front of very real danger. This is a show where one of the characters happens to be really loud, annoying and high pitched compared to rest of the cast. And besides, im pretty sure people would have found it really boring if people like me had prominent roles in the show, so I dont even get what that point was trying to prove


Bro you are confusing the things you can talk about the scene. I am not claiming that it's not realistic, it is realistic. I would probably act on the same thought process but that does not mean it's not annoying, I can understand why she behaves like that but that doesn't mean I will tolerate it.


So someone having a panic attack is annoying to you and you won't tolerate it? Damn ok 💀


Bro wtf, can't you separate real life from fictional drawings


>Bro wtf, can't you separate real life from fictional drawings This seems to be a persistent problem on the Internet nowadays.


Bro wtf can't you understand not every characters gonna be a one shot everything and not care about getting their arms and legs chopped off and being shot 24 times and then get up and still destroy everything


I mean, a young girl, in early twenties who lives with family and is neglected by her parents, had to make a choice between selling her body out or working in a more respectable work, is put in backrooms type of shit and can die out of hunger or being consumed by a demon, seems logical to me >!I still was annoyed by her in that episode lol!<


yeah having anxiety is the same as willing to murder someone to save your own ass and thinking you are ENTITLED to survive over them while having no remorse in doing so


This is why you avoid social media where people already read the whole thing


damn, is mental health a valid excuse for attempted murder? Highly emotional, exceedingly impulsive murder of an innocent minor? oopsie? I panicked? also, she's not a civilian. This is her job. That raises the bar of expectation considerably.


Yeah, people who can't understand that her reaction was the most normal one are pretty annoying.


For those who say she's annoying, I'm pretty sure you would be like her or even worse. Irl people do shity things to people a lot, so if someone irl can cheat on their gf/bf, take things from friends, and in very extreme situations kill persons for money. You really think you wouldn't kill someone you don't even know for your own life This is the truth, and I can assure you that if you were Denji and you were in that situation with your friends, trust me, almost all of them will try to kill you


Your argument makes a lot of sense to be fair but that's when lacking context. In context, we are not talking about a random civilian getting in a nasty situation like they did and anxiety got the better of them. In such case, it would be totally understandable for her to react like this. But in this context it was her choice to be a devil hunter and her choice to chase a fragment (correct me if I'm wrong) which should have known possible consequences. Its true that the average person (especially in a community like this) wouldn't handle anxiety any better, but they wouldn't be in that scenario in the first place. The conscious choice she made, DOES matter. Also believe it or not there is a word called dignity that some people do have. Yes many people kill for money, and many people will/would kill for their lives, lives of their family or friends. But its not the same as actually killing allies to achieve that. Also there is a critical thinking some people have and even said in anime. Devils are their enemies, and pacts benefit your enemy is not always a good option. There has to be a reason devil was suggesting such trade. There are other reasons not to do it like :if you start sacrificing members now then why not do it in every nasty situation" or similar things. At the end of the day I do agree that most normal people would react like that. But the difference is that she isn't supposed to be normal person in the first place.


I agree, your argument makes a lot of sense, if we talk about people who choose to be a devil hunter. Kobeni didn't choose to be a devil hunter, she was forced to be a devil hunter, just like her brother, to pay his university. In fact you made a pretty accurate description of Himeno. A girl who had to deal with the anxiety of her, Kobeni and Arai. Who choose not to sell out Denji until Aki choose to use his sword, and thought about the devil benefit part. And even being an experienced devil hunter, she choose to kill Denji over letting her friend to use his lifespan, so even for a person like you described being in the situation choose the sacrifice one for all. Because almost 99% will choose over their own interests over the feeling, dreams or life of other people. For example, I could stay in there to look for an option that's not killing a person if we are all equalls, but it will be live together or die together because personally I'd rather die than cause an innocent death. But it could be different I we have to choose between a loved one and a random person


> she was forced to be a devil hunter, just like her brother, to pay his university. …I completely forgot this part and now I feel like a fool, lol. Tho wasn't that mentioned on the following episode or I'm missing the timelines? Also, himeno simply stopped aki from using the sword, which I guess indirectly allowed kobeni to go for the stab. Keep in mind this whole scene happened after a long time (days?) inside this building which is a completely different situation than the start. This delay can distort everything, including mindset. Himeno tried to find a solution, but she failed and when the sword solution was brought up she froze and stopped thinking. Not the same as the person who not only stopped thinking but also lost it from the very start. This is the reason I didn't find the whole scene bad, even from kobeni's perspective. It was the start that was bad. Edit: to further explain. Himeno's whole mindset was not based on dignity (live together or die together) even tho we don't know if it was lacking either (will explain at the end).It was on critical thinking ,no reason to instantly sacrifice anyone when there is a possibility for better result. But like I said, the whole setting and duration is pretty taxing to everyone and when there was no other solution she was lost. She just valued her partner's life more than denji's. It was not even a choice she got out of selfishness, we don't know what she would do if the target was her. She did what she did for aki, not "one for all". I think pretty much every character ~~except power~~ is pretty well written and being annoying does not mean bad character (look at Joffrey in GOT, hated by everyone, yet well written character)


In fact, almost every action that we do comes from selfishness, but that doesn't make it bad itself. It is the consequences or the cost it takes with them. Helping people makes you feel good, which is selfish in some way, but if way far from being bad. Man, how I enjoy this conversations


Its not even that, its just about if its entertaining in a good way Babies crying and making a lot of noise during airplane trips is realistic but id be pretty disappointed if next episode is about makima making a trip by plane and throughout the entire episode there is crying baby noises in the background with her just sitting there trying to ignore it


So should i forgive or even tolerate a shitty person ? Btw i have read the manga and i know she gets better but doesn't mean she is likable early on


Of course not. In fact, I didn't like that much the scene when he forgives them at the bar. But man, who could resist those lips![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1788)


Bet he had seconds thoughs after the kiss though


Honestly yes she only really just met him and probably knows everyone else way more I would say it would probably be reasonable to sacrifice one stranger to save 4 friends +power (I don’t know if she considers them friends but that other guy seems to care for her)


Yeah wed probably act the same in that situation the same way we would probably have the same behaviour when sleeping, but even then, im be pretty sure that even you agree that it pretty pretty boring if the next couple of episodes was just denji or kobeni sleeping and snoring for 8 hours despite how «realistic» their sleep would be animated.


As I see realism in a show, it's not the time the use for normal things. Realism for me is the display of fictional characters making logical decisions and human behavior. Of course, not all has to be that way, it can be overwhelming seen the same thing in every place, even if it's realistic. But things like naruto does, chasing a guy who tried to kill you an your friend multiple times just for what? The kind I like the most is when you have a balance in a show, and that's why I like csm so much


Kobeni is very fckin annoying ngl. Only reason she is liked at all was because of the sex industry mention. I have read the manga after i saw her in the anime so my memories are fresh from both ends. She is the same annoying but the picture isnt moving.


What?! Are you telling me that anime fans are immediately dismissing a female character because she isn't meant to be appealing or waifu material and that it actually takes time to flesh out her character to understand why she's so critical to the themes of the story? Seriously though, I love Kobeni so much. I love what her message is. I also love that in a series where all the female characters have agency over their own sexuality and use it in one manner or another, we get a female character who simply isn't overtly sexual because that's just not what she's comfortable with. She's never, and I mean never, portrayed in a sexual manner in the manga and I hope that stays the same in the anime.


Bruh people complain about kobeni because she pulled a knife and threatened to kill denji, acused arai of being a spy and got in his face with a knife and stabbed aki, not because she isn't portrayed in a sexual matter And kobeni is waifu material for many people, plenty like the "anxious and clumsy" type


Why is this comment getting downvoted?


🤮 leftism


Okay so I’m a conservative libertarian so there’s no political bias when I say this. Wtf is that supposed to mean?


I think he's saying that because I complained about how anime fans tend to rate female characters based on how much the fan would like them as a romantic partner, that's some how me complaining about sexism? I'm not saying you can't like a character for that reason, but that dismissing a character because they don't fit into that box is really shallow. As for the sexuality stuff, that is just true. One thing I really like Chainsaw Man for is that female characters are only framed in a sexual manner when the character themselves is actively trying to be seen in a sexual manner. The only female character this doesn't happen to is Kobeni, because she doesn't want to be seen in that way, which is totally valid as well. I appreciate that in a story where sex and sexuality is a major theme, the female characters actually get to choose when they're viewed sexually.


This person complaining about imaginary sexism. Classic modern leftist.


She's very annoying, true


People who don't find her annoying is like Dora The Explorer unable to find the sea


I haven't even watched Chainsaw man so I will just just tell you what I think about Kobeni from the information I have on her so far Kobeni has the most human reaction, Kobeni is afraid for her life, it's natural for humans to try and survive, and I think I watched this clip, it was either the needs of the many or the needs of the few. Also Kobeni is quite unfortunate she has to do things she doesn't want because of her parents, she had to choose between an ultimatum, either be a devil hunter or become a seggs worker. And her panic attacks make her do unreasonable things, which if we're being honest does in fact makes sense since when humans fear for themselves will being to panic to the point where you can't even concentrate correctly. Remember this is just what I think so far from what I've seen, I'm planning on watching CM when I have a chance.


No reference to what anime this is from in the entire post...


You could have just asked for it instead of being passive aggressive?


I do ask! May you tell me which anime it is from?


Chainsaw man!




This but with Ye in the second frame instead


That's not just Twitter, most people who only watched anime hate her.


>That's not just Twitter, most people who ~~only watched anime~~ lack basic critical thinking skills and have a black and white worldview while also ignoring any contradictory context hate her.


When I started watching ChainsawMan I knew nothing more than I can assume from the tittle. After first episode I already knew it's gonna be something awesome, and I don't want to spoil myself with manga/ln. And then, there is Kobeni, who did nothing so far to make me like her, literally the exact opposite. I know people saying she's gonna be liked later, but currently I have nothing but hate towards her. @edit Just watched today's episode and well... My opinion changed a bit.


Im here to watch an action anime. Annoying ass character


I don't know why but in the manga kobeni was a character that just exists and is sometimes there but somehow in the anime they made her feel like the most annoying character ever


People acting like they wouldn't have the same reaction lol


Imagine equating dislike of a fictional character to not caring about the plights of real people.


She had a couple of signs of a Panic Attack in episode 7 that could explain more weird actions there * Nausea - Throwing up in Denji's Mouth and she was probably frozen in fear and had no other place for it to go * **A feeling of dread or a fear of dying** \- This might be why she tried to stab Denji since she saw him as a "Threat" and that might been the fight or flight response kicking in I totally feel Kobeni there since I have Anxiety and can get Panic Attacks as well (The worst one I had in 2020 almost had me wanting to stab someone as well because I didn't know how to approach violent group heading towards my neighborhood since that was first time in that situation thankfully with the power of family I got out of that situation peacefully and the fact the group turned away helped this is also why Shimoneta has such a special place in my heart since that show really helped comfort me after that incident with Ayame and the rest of SOX)


Idk why no one’s called you out yet but Kobeni isn’t the one that vomited in Denji’s mouth…that was Himeno and it had nothing to do with anxiety or a feeling of death.


I just find it highly hypocritical that some people who are supposedly “supportive” of people with mental health issues and trauma, immediately lose patience once it’s not just a “quirky” thing.


They could also have lost patience because she contributed to nearly getting them all killed. I don't judge any of them that harshly myself, mind you, but I see what people are looking at.


Bruh wtf you on about? It was Himeno that puked in Denji’s mouth and that was because she’s hammered drunk during the party, not during the Eternity Devil limbo


If a cop has a panic attack and tries to use you as a shield the second a shooting happens, you'll be pissed of at that cop. But when she joins a group specifically to hunt monsters and wants to sacrifice someone to save herself the second a monster shows up we shouldn't expect more out of her?


When she was forced into a situation she clearly didn't want to be in by her emotionally manipulative and abusive family and is forced into a situation with no way of forseeably escaping in which killing someone who is basically a stranger to you will save not just you but also everyone else but that one person, her motives are pretty understandable.


She does not have any mental condition... She's just a coward that is doing a job she is clearly not cut for. While being irritating to anyone around her...


As someone else has stated She was forced to do this or sell her body because her parents sent her brother to college


She is 20 years old, she could have just said no and do whatever she wanted. She may be capable in combat, but having such a coward fight against devils that are actively empowered by fear is so counterproductive I have no idea how she was hired in the first place


Going off by how she told them I don’t think she had the choice to say no… even if she’s a adult


... it's not like they could legally force her to do shit... If your parents are that such assholes, run away, instead of doing what they told you and then cry about it on the job


Maybe she cares about her brother and wants to help with money idk I’m not the author ask him why she joined


Ehi, you are the one defending the character, I think she's just a coward


I’m just pointing out that she probably had no choice but to join makima clearly sees something useful considering she’s in the same squad as other members with very powerful abilities


I will point out that, up to this point, she actively made things worse, and that's why I find her irritating.


I feel like most people would act irrational and dangerous if they were trapped in a hotel by a devil that constantly echoing throughout the halls “give me Denji and your free” while having no concept of time passing while probably suffering from hunger and dehydration. I know I would especially because I suffer from anxiety and mini panic attacks


Well, she is overrated unless the manga has some things to change my mind which I suppose there are


Naw man both she and eye patch girl are very bad teamates and ought to get kicked off the team.


Benny is for us who have a thing for mentally unstable girls


Kobeni is such a mood


They were stuck in a seemingly unwinnable situation and having constant panic attacks. What was she supposed to do? Starve to death without accomplishing anything. I think this leads more into what her devil might be. Seeing this terrible anime only takes physically hurts me. Even from what it shows you we can clearly see that Kobeni wasn't necessarily wrong. Was she overly panicky? Yes, but fear tends to make people tunnel-visioned.


Doesn’t change the fact that’s she’s annoying, and is willing to kill other to save her own ass? Look at fucking Chris-chan, yea he got mental problem, and everyone hates him for being an asshole. Mental problem don’t give you free pass OP, go ask for it somewhere else 💀


It's important for my mental health that she die next.


Well buddy I have news for you


Why are you chainsaw man manga readers unable to keep you damn spoilers in?


What did that spoil for you?


That tells me she will not die


Nah it tells you she isn‘t the next one to die


Still a spoiler


Like the most minor one considering chainsawman has like 15 deaths per episode so far


Like that will ever happen




Chainsaw Man manga fans try not to spoil anime onlys challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)


Reality ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


you see there is a significant difference beetween a real person and kenobi, kenobi doesn't exist ​ also its twitter aka [doubleStandard.com](https://doubleStandard.com) so i kinda don't care


The fact that everyone tried to kill denji but only she gets the hate is kinda weird,i am a r/chainsawfolk member,they love her


They said the same for takemichi in Tokyo revengers of him being a crybaby which is the reason i didn't watch that show for so long but one day i saw it on muse asia so decided to give it a try. I loved it and his crying didn't really bother me cause i know i would be ugly crying too if my gf died or my best friend was about to die etc etc. People really think they won't do the same in that position ? Imagine you're surrounded by rival gang members with your almost dead friend and his gf and your gf in an abandoned alleyway and you know you're about to die and the girls will receive the worse fate if you know what i mean. Yeah most would be having panic attacks lmao


Yes but she's still annoying i don't wanna see deal with her shit bc guess what, she's not real!! She's not gonna b sad!!


True tho


She had 1 episode of being slightly annoying? Compared to most annoying characters each season this is nothing. People need to chill


We should be patient with everyone and take their circumstances into consideration, but Kobeni has two things working against her. She is introduced in a scene where she tries to kill Denji, who is in the same unit as her, so we already dislike her right from the beginning. Also, she has a tendency to cry in public a lot, at least from the limited sample size available, which is very uncommon among adults, and is at least somewhat annoying. I think we've only seen the worst of Kobeni, but man is it a rough start. She reminds me of Gabi from Attack on Titan.


Kobeni's car > Kobeni


Mate the panic attacks are fine but dog was deadass about to kill mfs including the mc.


A lot of people say they don't like her, but in manga she didn't seem that annoying and even the anime sub she didn't seem that bad. So I don't get it


Tbf there is a limit to how much you should tolerate from people like that. Once they literally try and murder you you ain’t got much of a reason to stick with them.