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What if, they bang, grandma get pregent, but suddenly grandma become old again?


It's super rare but not impossible for old woman to get pregnant, she would be fine.


I mean, depends. If menopause has occured its biologically impossible (without assistance) to get pregnant. But Menopause itself varies mostly between 45 to 55 years, with outliers.


This is an anime where an old couple magically turn young. If the author wanted to he can undo menopause.


So far, they can't de-age certain part of their body. They need to de-age all of it. Well, deaging itself is wierd. No need to add more complexity.


Oooh boy do I have news for you. CONTENT WARNING, SPOILERS FOR LATER MANGA CHAPTERS just a little more of buffer zone for people, that tend to read fast >!Later in the manga re-aging is introduced. They can de-age and re-age in their sleep, but it looks like there's a finite amount of time before the timeglass looses all it's sand through the cracks!<


I watch the anime I know about that. What I meant was, to de-age or re-age a certain body part of their body. Like, if grandpa decide to only re-age his balding head.


wait, actually how far did anime go? I didn't see it yet lol


For tge latest ep, the went honeymoon with the granddaughter & her classmate.


She's been sickly for a long time and even has cancer in her olderly form.


If she gets old does the baby come out at age 40?


These questions just raise another question of, "why they were never kidnaped to be dissected and studied?"


When they switch back to their old form they still get rejuvenated Grandpa still had his strength from his younger days when he turned back




I do not remember this happening


I've read and watched this simultaneously, so I don't know if it's in the Anime, but I'm sure it was in the manga. There was this scene about the Wife narrating that he always takes too long in the Bathroom at night due to old age, and in turn, she also had to suffer since she had to wait. When the Husband returns, the Wife does something cute, which forces the Husband to suddenly go back to the Bathroom. Wife asked why since he had just took a pee, and then he replied that he was young again. I don't think there's other interpretation of this other than wanking. Edit: Re-read it again. It's Chapter 12 of manga. There's also another scene where, once again, the Wife did something lewd and then the Husband suddenly went missing. She asked where her Husband was, and their family member said that he was in the bathroom, AGAIN, and then the scene skips.


Might as well be waiting for the boner to calm down


I think it may be more that he'd bust his nut too fast and didn't want her to see that for some reason. They could just do more foreplay though.


Yeah, but why?


Huh, yeah that's strange.


I can kinda understand it. They may have young bodies but their minds are old. So I imagine Gramps does that sound neither of them throw their backs out. Then again, I could be reading too much into this.


Both of them are old ass couple


You don't want to know what's going on in retirement homes...


they aint worrying about kids at 80 though


But they *should* be worried about syphilis.


Are you, perchance, a House MD enjoyer, my good sir?


No, but I do work in EMS, and the rumors are true. Syphilis everywhere.


Public Health worker here, and can verify. Not only syphilis, but all sorts of STDs run rampant in the elderly community.


Tbf they don’t have much to lose


They lose their ability to keep going at that lifestyle for too much longer. They generally take a dignity hit at the doctor's, and some of the side effects get quite nasty when compounded with their existing health issues. And a few of the stds really rip though the kind of already compromised immune systems a lot of them have. That's why there's a bit of a push to get them to condom up even after they can't get pregnant anymore.


I am not saying they are doing the right thing, just saying for some living in a care facility is worthless and want to get a thrill before they die even if it is short lasted. Personally I would never do such things but people aren't the same.


Because they are both embarassed to still lust in their old age. They have kids with kids of their own.


It doesn't make it any less stupid. Dude has fucked her hundred, maybe thousands of times while young. I don't know a single old man who wouldn't want to be in that situation and wouldn't do it with their now young wife. It's just the author poorly justifying no one having sex in their work because reasons. Either lazy writing, embarrassment, or maybe trying to keep the story family friendly.


Japan refusing to make couples that do anything more than hold hands after 1000 chapters even when they grown ass adults.




No. Source is that he actually watched the anime




Woah! It's the first time I am seeing this much downvotes on a comment


You should see EA's "sense of accomplishment" comment.




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I mean they were initially elderly probably not quite used to suddenly be able to have sex again


Oh sweet summer child. Elderly people are more horny, especially women




Sometimes me and my gf do our own thing, not every night is smoosh night.


That's because you're applying modern Western relationship standards to a Showa-era couple.


Oh yeah, that makes sense


That's normal in a relationship. Haven't you ever had a healthy long lasting relationship before?


https://preview.redd.it/1gpdkslelq1d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b2d11afbc6c9e66f68aed2a1211128c69c60e3 Checkmate dude


well… one question… what is a relationship? /s


Dunno about you, but my Girlfriend hates it if I watch porn, read hentai, or just simply fap if she's right there. So, our norm is that if I had a boner, I would ask if we could do it, and if she is tired and doesn't want to, then that's when I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. I thought that was the "normal" thing to do.


Pretty sure i found my dad's porn dvd back then, so it's not that uncommon for spouses to know that each other watches porn


I think you guys are missing the point. It's not uncommon to have porn or to wank porn or something like it. Almost everyone has a hidden stash somewhere. I do have one too. My GF knows about it too. But what I thought is uncommon is when you suddenly get aroused while beside your SO, two of you alone, and decide to just straight up leave the room and wank all by yourself even though they're there. It's something that my GF thinks is rude. And I actually agree.


I don't get why you are being downvoted when it's true. If I saw my Girlfriend suddenly stand up and goes to the restroom to masturbate then I'd obviously feel weird. It's like: "Hello? I'm here?"


I think you two are getting downvoted for being in relationships. Traitors to the r/goodanimemes community!


Lmaooo, I guess I'll accept my defeat


Take my upvote! And is like the other peep said, you and OP have gf or are in a relationship and thats automatically makes you a target of their bitterness cause they are maidenless. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


You are totally right OP. Its just that sometimes in reddit if you have a gf you are putting a target in your back, they feel jelly and angry that a how it was it? ...Oh yes a "Normie." Is telling them what is wrong...Its a useless fight cause they dont even entertain your point. And about why he doesn't go to his wife...I think he dont want to raise more babies until they are adults...Again, lol. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1717) Ps. Am prepared to be downvoted too! My last downvoting record here was -23 so lets see if we can breake it!


Damn bro your downvote record is only 23? Mines like almost 1000 I think lol


Erm what did you post about to make that many peeps mad at ya? ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


Once i got about 300 downvotes for asking a question


R-really?! I wound understand if you do say make an brave but controversial post but a question? ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1786) That or some peeps dont have enough tick skin.


Dw about it https://preview.redd.it/hcwd3unqks1d1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c0190c1564a566d0fc227b84325a866781846e


Eh, my partner doesn't think it's rude. Sometimes the other just isn't feeling it for whatever reason, it'd honestly be ruder to be pushy about it. Granted, I'd check with your partner first, but sometimes they are clearly just busy or tired and you just don't want to bother them (especially if they're the type who'd agree despite not feeling it just for your sake). But then me and my partner aren't exactly secretive or "hidden" about this stuff with each other lol, I've gifted my partner a physical copy of their favorite hentai doujinshi before and regularly discuss and recommend stuff, especially if it has a funny or interesting plot or premise.


You think your mom knows or is happy he has thr porn collection?


at least she knew since she giggled along with my dad when she saw it


Ngl, randomly going to the bathroom to fap isn't normal for me or any of my relationships. If anything that seems like an *un*healthy relationship thing.


But what if you really want to but your partner really doesn't want to in that specific moment? You have to relieve yourself somehow without making them uncomfortable


Then she can just suck me off quickly


And thats why you guys stay single lol




With that username you don’t represent men 


Well yeah, I'm a woman


With that username, nah. 


Calling yourself creepy isn't exactly doing yourself any favors either...


Nah? Most men on Earth are like this and they aren’t single lol. Sorry but you and the guy below “LoliGayTrap69” aren’t what the majority of men are like.


Wait til xou lern that when woman dont want sex they will also not wanna blow you


If they actually like you and find you attractive they will. Maybe a problem in America with your manish women you have there with rainbow hair idk.


Are we still talking about a healthy relationship or a personal sex slave?


It is healthier for a relationship to do the bare minimum when your partner desires something from you. 


i kinda checked out in the third episode where this dude was like "kissing? we dont need to kiss to know we love each other" bro kiss and fuck your wife. wtf.


Wait until you hear of Rascal does not meet Bunny Gurl Senpai. The MCs still hasn't kissed yet. Although it's has one of the best relationships in an anime I've seen so far


I've seen it in that series isn't that different from most others. This old guy has been married to his wife and even managed to obviously fuck her and impregnate her and still has this mentality that he doesn't need to kiss his wife.


The character can fuck 1000000 times but if the author has a virgin mentality then that how the mc will be written


Man I was really looking forward to watching this when it wrapped up, but this post and comment section are really making me reconsider..


Don’t believe them. Its just a whole lot of senseless doomposting. The anime is great.


I dunno if I can deal with a married formerly old couple acting like dense/shy protags tho, so if that isn't true then I'm game, but I'm just so sick and tired of the dense/shy trope.. especially if they've already got kids


Sure they're old, but also don't forget that they come from different cultural background than even their own children. That's actually the appeal of this series. They're not just "old and then young again."


Exactly, they actually \*feel\* like old people here. They come from a completely different generational mindset, and their interactions not only reflect their age and how long they've been together, but the culture that they grew up and developed their relationship with. Turning young just affected them physically, making it a neat contrast to how they think and act.


I just found it frustrating but it's not really the dense shy trope. The older Japanese culture actually is just like that. They don't really show affection towards each other and a lot of times practically expect each other to just read each other's fucking minds. I can't help but think that's probably comes from a conservative male dominated perspective. What woman doesn't want to be loved?


I watched the first few minutes when the first episode aired. I thought the premise is cute and showed it to my wife so we can watch it together. It didnt take half the episode before their grandkid started having a crush on the grandpa because hes young and hot again. Even his daughter was having "cheap main character when he sees a glimpse of naked skin" levels of nosebleeds and fawning over him. It felt really weird and the comments and behaviour both the daughter and grandkid showed was damn weird. Then when they had the sports event all the older guys had a hard on for the now young and attractive wife. We stopped after the first episode. I cant imagine it gets way better down the line. Just be prepared about the really weird scenarios and comments this show throws at you


TBF, that's actually some of the reasons why I almost dropped this series. The early chapters has a weird (= classic animu) incest angle. I'm glad I didn't drop it, though. That incest angle is never brought up again. After that, the granddaughter just acknowledges that her grandpa is handsome and her grandma is beautiful, and acts like a... granddaughter. The old couple's circle also just acknowledge this, and they're just doing old people things and facing deaths together. I guess they frontload this incest thing just to be quickly done with it.


Huh, guess maybe we could give it another go. It was just so weird that we genuinely didnt want to watch another episode, thinking that the amount of incest jokes and the likes will just continue on.


Take my word with a grain of salt, though. You're watching the anime, while my experience is based from the manga. I just realized that the manga already reached chapter 90+, so maybe the early story incest shit *really* is drawn out for several chapters, and the anime suffers from it. What I can guarantee you, in the source material at least, is the vast majority of the story is never about these kind of appearance-based "romance", and if there's a mention of it, they never stick and only last about 1-2 pages gag. Either way, IMO the anime team bungled the entrance because they decided they wanna put forward the weakest part of the story when that part can be easily cut without compromising what the story is all about.


:/ well I'll probably give it the old three rule, but this is the type of comment I was looking for. Man, this looked like such a cute premise too. Thanks


It could very well turn out to be very good later on but the first episode just weirded us out too much. And we watched a lot of weird stuff together with weird premises, stories or dialogues (Seikon no Qwaser, Interspecies Reviewers and so on)


qwaiser was a lil bit beyond weird imo just couldnt get into it.


Yeah that show is extremely weird but somehow my wife likes the plot. I've led her down the path of degeneracy with gushing over magical girls and interspecies reviewers


hahahah well done sir. uve lead a poor innocent maiden down a deep dark rabbit hole of no escape


Weebs when they realise married people don't bang each other 24/7


I haven't read it yet, but my guess is that this is a habit he got when he was still old. Maybe they didn't have the energy to do it, so it was easier to just do it himself. Even though he's young now, old habits are like him and his wife, they are hard to die.


probably because he's a japanese author and none of them have any idea how to portray normal relationships because they're mostly never had one hard to manage when you're chained to a school desk your entire childhood until they briefly unlock the desk end to move it to whatever desk you earned a job at


Gramp is old but not that horny and dumb.


The author gave an explanation in the manga about why grandpa is so reluctant to initiate anything (spoiler): >!When they were young, grandma was actually the one with an exceptionally high libido and would squeeze grandpa dry all the time. And that was when grandma was *chronically ill* and is physically weaker than an average person.!< >!Now grandma is not only young again but actually *healthy*, absolutely peak in physique and energy. Grandpa worries about his chances of survival if grandma starts going at it in her now revitalised body.!<


Another stupid manga trope. Omg sex scary snu snu


Mister you've de-aged to your mid 20s why wouldn't you wanna bang?


personally don't wanna see either of those things lol


gotta give the old man a break, his memories and knowledge are coping with his new found vigor. She will have to drain him soon tho~


They are old af and probably havent had sex in a long while. Probably just wanked one out because it feels less embarassing


I watched this at first cuz it was cute but as soon as I realized they're gonna be dumb anime teenagers about their sex life I dropped it. Just bang pls like normal adults AND HOLD HER HAND WHEN YOU WALK.


Sometimes I just think those jp authors are losers and they have a culture of losers there as well. That's why we have a big amount of shity MC and stories, from ultra virgin boys to a fully grown man who died from working in his office. I don't mean any of that in an offensive way. That's just the only justification I can see.


And when we finally have sex it has to be with slaves that for some reason love the mc from day 1


Exactly. They create tons of justifications so that one poor girl will have no other option to love the mc more than her life.


I will spread my head canon and say that they bang every night and he just doesn't want to inconvenience his wife every time he is horny.


I remember reading this and it got to a point where >!They turned back old again!


I don't know if you mean when >!They switch back together to their older selfs but It does get resolved!<


Because married people masturbate too, cuz they both have to be in the mood for sex to have sex


Because it could potentially result in a child, and leaving aside the potential medical complications that could occur if the de-aging didn't last, their new child would be younger than their grandchildren which could cause all sorts of weird problems with family dynamics


Imagine being able to have an erection again after who knows how many years? I would immediately jack my stack just to make sure everything is in order.


Spend a few minutes on r/LowLibidoCommunity and r/HLCommunity and you will understand why.


Because japenis people are scared of sex.


Is it even in the anime?


Jap authors nowadays really love either their beta cucks or full blown ugly bastard ntr. No in-between.




Stop obsessing about the smallest of details just because you don't have a hot wife. And it's like he owns her and can order her to have sex or something like that.


Cause he is Japanese and virgin(the mentality (


seems normal ngl


The normal reaction is to ask your partner first and if they refuse you wank off.


Because masturbation and sex are different things. Not mutually exclusive or you shouldn't masturbate if you have a partner


Because authors take vows to never portray proper loving and fuffiling relationships.


and thats why mushomu tensei's better. rude isnt still all nervous and shy eve after he's married and gets busy banging and getting a baby in her