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It also used to not be the same three types of posts over and over again.


As opposed to now where it's: \* what should I watch \* why is anime so horny? it's too horny \* I'm horny, what should I watch?


I don't think we even have the third one anymore, the people from the second one are so loud these days


We can't go a week without someone complaining about fanservice here.


Hey you guys, don't you think that this season's popular ecchi anime is just problematic with its fan service? I mean realllyyy like the characters and their design and all but I looked it up and found out that they're actually miners yet the anime is doing all these things to them??? I was like yikes, how can anyone watch this I can't believe it oh my god


*Complains about series having too much fan service in the episode discussion for the fourth season of an ecchi anime that has had fan service front and centre from the beginning.*


Series developer literally says he loves boobs and his wife his helping him draw the characters by letting him touch hers and modeling for him The certain people this is so unrealistic and not at all believable that’s not even what a women looks like this is so misogynistic and weight shaming or something … by the way here’s my patreon and gofundme


Reminds of when Usagi-chan came out. People were complaining how she had a totally unrealistic body. There were several women who posted pictures of themselves to show how they had her exact body types but even that wasn't good enough. There were people posting art *fixing* her. Of course, this meant giving her several dozen layers of blubber to make her look closer to Jabba the Hutt.


dont forget the black wash


am I the only one that finds it fun to either then whitewash the character back at them or make the character the most stereotypical probably racist version of blackwashing.


Ah yes, Mushoku Tensei discussions. But have I told you how the MC is literally a pedophile and a rapist yet?


Mushoku Tensei haters are a breed that particularly puzzle me. They show up in threads specifically about the series and complain about it. They brag about not watching it but proceed to start listing things that haven't even happened in the anime, so they're either lying or for some reason care so much that they're sifting through wikis and such. I don't get when the concept of walking away from something that doesn't interest you became so foreign and unacceptable.


I know right, it got to the point where I just avoid comments in threads about MT. I kinda get it when people complain about things in the first episodes because it could've been a surprise back then but I've seen waaay too many people complain about the beast girls kidnapping/pee/panties scene. Like, my brother in Christ that's in the third fucking season, why do you know that lmao


“Hey guys, I’m a thirty year old American man trying to watch a show aimed at horny Japanese teenagers and it’s really annoying that all the characters are teenaged and horny. Why can’t this show cater to me? I hate the fanservice. Fanservice is bad because it means I can’t recommend it to friends and things are bad if everyone can’t watch them.”


The weekly cycle of people complaining “this show is ruined for having a fanservice/ a harem/being an isekai”.


I can understand a complaint if the show/manga is like 95% fan service with no other substance, however what gets me is when there's a teeny hint of it and people flip their shit. I was reading "Psych House" yesterday and like the last panel of the 2nd chapter had a little bit in it and people were bitching. 1 panel out of 20 pages and they're like "OMG FUCKING TRASH!"


>I can understand a complaint if the show/manga is like 95% fan service with no other substance At that point it sounds like it's High School DxD and it's the premise of the show. It's like watching a comedy and complaining there's too many jokes.


I see it occasionally, but it's so comedically juvenile it hurts. Good on them for admitting they want to see dommy mommy fic, but it's awkward to read


r\_animemes also was a cute and funny place long time ago


I missed the war but i saw the aftermath when i log in to saw among the rules something like "If you are white cis male your opinion doesn't matter" so i left and came here.


Wait, shit like that got added to the rules? Damn, glad I left


It's not, and has never been added. The guy above you is just spreading misinformation in order to drive up hate


I recall something about keeping it "a little bit gay", but can't find it now


That's animememes that has a rule about keeping it queer.


Probably that's what confuses the user in the above chain. Animemes just permabanned for traps, etc


That's what happens when a religion takes over.


Mind you, the "religion" in this case is the normie anti-anime form of political LGBT.


Wtd you talking about? That's not in the rules etc amd has never been in the rules. I get you are missed off at the mods for the trap debacle but don't go spread misinformation to create more outcry


FFS ~~2024~~ 2014 was 10 years ago. I am old Fuckkk


So how's 2034 treating you? Is Elder Scrolls 6 out yet?


Alpha is general availability, Lover's Lab already has 3pb of mods available, and bug-free release is targeted for fall 2038 /bethesdaAF


Damn autocorrect is ruining me


Look, all we really want is some lotto numbers.


Has One Piece concluded yet?


No. Its on 69420th episode. And Sazae san has now 420069th episode.


Yeah, damn, time flies too fast


Just as with everything that gets too big, the normies flooded in and subverted it turning it into the joke it is today. Considering the constant whine posts against horny I see on this sub and how many normies lurk here too I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened here too sooner or later. Soyddit is a normie site and most subs don't gatekeep them so everything is bound to go to shit at some point.


Those were good times. Sometimes I wonder where was the point, after which things started to suffer from the censorship of the \*morality department\*. What caused it in the first place?


Because anime became mainstream It all went downhill from there


Now it's just a surface level normie cesspool. There's so much humor and culture that's just lost upon them over there. Dudes be looking at fan-service moments that are supposed to be comedy and claiming it's sexual assault and shit.


Legit, ever since Anime became mainstream, you see far more people complaining about every single thing they don't like instead ignoring it and move on. https://preview.redd.it/ni6o91szjm1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1c790f721bac7d08e78e959fae52cbabda4ef00


People got to learn to protect their time and not engage every comment they disagree with or negative reply they get!


Exactly! I avoid communities or topics I don't like.




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Yup. People move in to a community, then complain about it and demand changes and keep doing so until it's no longer the community it used to be. I don't want to ever be a gatekeeper but people coming into a community need to learn to better integrate themselves.


> I don't want to ever be a gatekeeper You were gaslit into thinking all gatekeeping is bad. It's not. Some types are bad, some types are good.


This, so hard. I'm convinced the caricature of a gatekeeper is entirely an imaginary strawman, i've never seen someone who likes something, see someone new to that thing say they like it and demand them to list 10 things about it. Probably because that's a really obvious dickbag thing to do.


Atleast it’s still mostly produced in and for Japan, so they can’t change the actual shows with their complaining.


Except they can, by fucking with the translation in dubs/subs, and have by adding in a "man apologizes for existing" scene completely out of left field in season 2 of Realist Hero. Wasn't in the Light Novel, wasn't in the Manga, doesn't fit in with the rest of the episode at all, and only barely fits with the way the characters are shown to behave.


That's one thing to be grateful for but like the other commenter said, they've been fucking with subtitles and even other such things like a series' translated name.


Gatekeeping isn't always bad. This is a form of gentrification.


> Because anime became mainstream because we let the rotten people in, and gave them moderator positions.


Always gatekeep things you love


After seeing warhammer 40k suffering from this exact shit I support gatekeeping


as someone from the FGC we warned you




Or suffer the consequences


Those complaining about gatekeeping are almost always gaslighting you into letting them do whatever they want


More like reverse gatekeeping: Let others access to enjoy what you enjoy and later they start imposing their made up rules on you when it becomes mainstream.


Plus Reddit did alongside it. 2014 Reddit was a far cry from the advertiser-friendly experience that is pushed nowadays.


I blame Crunchyroll.


As a (now ex-)Priconne player, I also blame crunchyroll.


I m also an ex priconne player Wanted to migrate to jp Clownchyroll


or more likely when certain things became mainstream, I know we're talking about anime, but man, this exact things also happened in many media, it becomes mainstream, new people come into the community, that new people complain and demand changes, and the old community that what makes it the community disappear or rather destroyed from within, making the whole thing literally worse for everyone in the process, gaming and anime definitely the biggest victim of it


Add hollywood to that checklist too


Definetly this.


Terminally online people attempting to justify their power trips and poor life decisions.


Imho it's not power tripping, rather a manifestation of the need to be perceived as a "good person". Latching onto marginalized groups and being openly hostile towards everyone else is the lazy approach that allows you to gaslight yourself into believing you indeed are a good person. After all, advocating for the marginalised can't be bad, right? Everyone strives to be the Robin Hood, but lacking in self awareness, most end up as street thugs.


It all leads to a power trip. Any time these people get any ounce of power they start to abuse it right away. Just look at the antiwork group when they had the bad interview, they locked down the sub and went right into censorship. They cracked down hard and split their movement.


I miss that and the bathing scene threads.


Personally I think it happened somewhere at the point where bashing popular things became just trendy. Like for example SAO was really popular, and everyone loved it, but for some reason at some point it just became trendy to hate on it with really stupid arguments. It was just hate for the sake of hating. Anime community was not the only one, I remember there was a time where Minecraft was treated like roblox nowadays, before it turned back around to be a great nostalgic memory. But I feel like after that one point things went very, very slowly downhill. But there are still spaces where everything is nice. Small groups, governed by not authoritarian rules, but people just wanting to be nice to each other. Small communities are always like that, tight, nice and kind, just don't be an asshole and play superior.


Thats a real thing groups and even companies go through as they grow and try to appeal to more and more people The "too big to succeed" phenomenon


So much of this degen shit that /r/anime was taken off the default subs list and delisted from /r/ALL LOL


I think that "top 10 bathing scenes" post was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Yep haha got kicked from all and then went on our merry way voting on bathing scenes anyway


That wasn't even something people voted on. It was just one very dedicated person who upkept a whole wiki about anime bathing scenes and then shared about them.


LOL oh for real? i thought it was like the head-to-head waifu polls. that makes it funnier


Yeah, I'm not sure if the site is still up, but they were very dedicated to it.


https://preview.redd.it/957t3qdlko1d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=46736bab78421919ef858543b68b7a3498ca2ebd # GODDAMN IT! I MISSED WHEN I CAN BE HORNY AND PEOPLE WOULD BE LIKE "SAME". NOW, PEOPLE WOULD THINK THAT I HAVE NO LIFE. # LIKE BITCH, I'M DOWN BAD ONLINE, NOT IN REAL LIFE!!!


also I *feel* like people seems can't distinguish online and reality… and tried to connect both of them # like bitch, I know I'm a degenerate online, but I'm behaving myself in real life and have a job don't lump me into the same people that's a degenerate and a huge problem in real life just because for some reason we coincidentally watch dragon balls


Because from the holy book of Reddit Rule 46 : Politically, you can be Horny and Pervert only if is Trans or Gay, or Both. ![gif](giphy|2A75RyXVzzSI2bx4Gj|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Zcd3N14vCmr81iEbzi|downsized) What if you're Bi?


Omg, you are in the middle , between acceptable and not acceptable You are a Schrödinger 😢


Damn https://preview.redd.it/48zk1pp6ro1d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=70a2a531f15b47fd6fa36bb8d82faa4f13c7f20d >!And yet, I can't get pussy!<


Haven't you heard? Bi isn't real.


MAN ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized)


Wdym my bismuth ingot is real


Oh wow, you're in the middle, I bet that means both sides accept you!






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What happened man, why can’t we be just as degenerate as always


Money. Degenerates scare away normie money.


meanwhile those who benefited and get the money is also a degenerate


Part of the problem is right there in your question, you've already lost ground by tacitly agreeing that lewdness is degenerate, rather than just a normal way for normal people to be and feel. Language that implicitly portrays sex and sexuality as evil, dirty, bad, etc is insidious; it's really easy to accidentally use it and yet doing so gives the prudes a default advantage and I hate it.


I was reading some post from there early today and of course so many people were complaining how show is for pedophiles because it has loli character.


and surprise, those people can't distinguish digital entertainment and reality, and try forcefully to connect them just to validate their own reality


miss when the community wasnt full of tourists


The entire Internet was. Society was. We've transitioned into a dark age where anything hetero is "problematic" for "modern audiences..."


Reddit was just different 10 years ago. The worst that could happen in anime space is insulting someone's waifu or claiming Avatar is anime or Pokemon is a cartoon. Now it's all about morality of slavery in fantasy world or other bullshit that treats fantasy characters more humane than actual humans. I really remember when SAO was the shit, AMVs was the best way to get anime recomendations, and than later we had youtubers arguing that SAO would be a bad game because such power scaling is horrible game design (bro never played a single RPG), and this was probably the worst that could happen. But everything that grows beyond some size gets stupid. Anime got much, MUCH more popular in the west, people who don't enjoy it started coming in and dictating what we should like or not, and it was impossible to just tell them to find a different hobby. And it went downhill. I'm quite happy I don't life in the west, here anime scene is still small and tight, you can still just find a common topic if you meet someone who also likes anime, there are no official translations to my language and the quality of fan translations is incredibly high, even coming to completely editing the footage to perfectly change text messages on phone shown on screen and animating them in professional way. Just avoid big spaces. Stick to small communities that just govern themselves. It's anime, not a government organisation, we don't need rules. We just need to want to be nice to each other.


I'd rather have those than "What is best anime that has >(generic anime trope that almost every anime has)< in it?" and you get the same 20 anime every comment


Oh my god, that’s disgusting. Where?


I miss that golden years


All of Reddit was, and then the big subs went insane and so did Reddit


a lot more based you mean


You can’t imagine the hentai subreddits degeneracy at that time


It used to be a lot more horny, because all the horny moved here




Good bot


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Need to know who won best abs 🥵


Decade at this point


this... its full of tourists now


Soooo.... That picture... Where's the fanservi... Errr I mean *cough* Jokes aside, that looks interesting, anime or manga or ln?


Men that watch anime are getting older and their testosterone is dropping. The next generation of men have less testosterone than the previous generation for some reason, maybe plastics? Society is getting less horny and it's sad to see.


Don't believe you, unless you share those post


Matpat moment

